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<title>Call hierarchy extended for OT/J</title>
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<h1 align="center" id="callhierarchy">Call hierarchy extended for OT/J</h1>
The purpose of the <a href="PLUGINS_ROOT/org.eclipse.jdt.doc.user/reference/views/ref-call-hierarchy.htm">Java call hierarchy view</a>
is to statically display all potential
control flows originating from or leading to a specific program element.
Since callout and callin method bindings in OT/J introduce new kinds of control flows,
it is only appropriate to also visualize the control flows induced by such method bindings.
Whenever a given method can be invoked via a <b>callout method binding</b>,
the call hierarchy shows a <img src="../images/calloutbinding_obj.gif"> callout node.
Here all calls to the corresponding role method will be forwarded to the base method.
Whenever a <b>callin method binding</b> may intercept a given control flow,
a <img src="../images/callinbindingreplace_obj.gif"> callin node is shown.
Note, that a callin control flow is only taken at runtime,
if the enclosing team is active and no guard predicate evaluates to false.
<img src="images/screenshots/CallHierarchy.png"
alt="Call hierarchy showing Object Teams method bindings">
<p>Additionally, whenever the call hierarchy shows the <b>lifting constructor</b>
(<a href="otjld/def/s2.html#s2.3.1.b"><img src="../images/ot_paragraph.png"> 2.3.1(b &amp; c)</a>) of a role
(either as an intermediate node or when requesting the call hierarchy for
the role class) all those locations are considered as callers that involve
lifting a base object to the given role, because the lifting operation
can implicitly trigger creation of a role instance. According to
<a href="otjld/def/s2.html#s2.3.b"><img src="../images/ot_paragraph.png"> 2.3(b)</a>
lifting can occur
<li>in a callout method binding (for the return value)</li>
<li>in a callin method binding (call target and arguments)</li>
<li>in a team method with declared lifting</li>
<img src="images/screenshots/CallHierarchyLifting.png"
alt="Call hierarchy showing implicit role creation by lifting">