| #!/bin/sh |
| |
| BASE=/shared/tools/objectteams |
| STAGINGBASE=/opt/public/download-staging.priv/tools/objectteams |
| |
| # Find the master repository to build upon: |
| if [ "$1" == "none" ] |
| then |
| MASTER="none" |
| echo "Generating fresh new repository" |
| else |
| MASTER=${HOME}/downloads/objectteams/updates/$1 |
| if [ -r ${MASTER}/features ] |
| then |
| echo "Generating Repository based on ${MASTER}" |
| else |
| echo "No such repository ${MASTER}" |
| echo "Usage: $0 updateMasterRelativePath [ -nosign ] [ statsRepoId statsVersionId ]" |
| exit 1 |
| fi |
| fi |
| |
| # Analyze the version number of the JDT feature as needed for patching content.xml later: |
| JDTFEATURE=`ls -d ${BASE}/testrun/build-root/eclipse/features/org.eclipse.jdt_*` |
| if echo $JDTFEATURE | grep "\.r" |
| then |
| JDTVERSION="`echo ${JDTFEATURE} | cut -d '_' -f 2`_`echo ${JDTFEATURE} | cut -d '_' -f 3`" |
| else |
| JDTVERSION=`echo ${JDTFEATURE} | cut -d '_' -f 2` |
| fi |
| JDTVERSIONA=`echo ${JDTVERSION} | cut -d '-' -f 1` |
| JDTVERSIONB=`echo ${JDTVERSION} | cut -d '-' -f 2` |
| JDTVERSIONB2=`printf "%04d" ${JDTVERSIONB2}` |
| #JDTVERSIONNEXT=3.7.0.v20110122 |
| echo "JDT feature is ${JDTVERSION}" |
| if [ ! -r ${BASE}/testrun/build-root/eclipse/features/org.eclipse.jdt_${JDTVERSION}-* ] |
| then |
| echo "JDT feature not correctly found in ${BASE}/testrun/build-root/eclipse/features" |
| exit 2 |
| fi |
| OTDTVERSION=`cat ${BASE}/testrun/build-root/src/finalFeaturesVersions.properties|grep "objectteams.otdt="|cut -d '=' -f 2` |
| |
| # Configure for calling various p2 applications: |
| LAUNCHER=`grep equinox.launcher_jar= ${BASE}/build/run.properties | cut -d '=' -f 2` |
| LAUNCHER_PATH=${BASE}/testrun/build-root/eclipse/plugins/${LAUNCHER} |
| FABPUB=org.eclipse.equinox.p2.publisher.FeaturesAndBundlesPublisher |
| CATPUB=org.eclipse.equinox.p2.publisher.CategoryPublisher |
| JARPROCESSOR=`ls ${BASE}/testrun/build-root/eclipse/plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.p2.jarprocessor_*.jar` |
| NAME="Object Teams" |
| |
| echo "NAME = ${NAME}" |
| |
| echo "====Step 1: zip and request signing====" |
| cd ${BASE}/testrun/updateSite |
| JARS=`find . -name \*.jar -type f` |
| /bin/rm ${STAGINGBASE}/in/otdt.zip |
| zip ${STAGINGBASE}/in/otdt.zip ${JARS} |
| if [ "$2" == "-nosign" ] |
| then |
| /bin/mv ${STAGINGBASE}/in/otdt.zip ${STAGINGBASE}/out/otdt.zip |
| shift |
| else |
| /bin/rm ${STAGINGBASE}/out/otdt.zip |
| sign ${STAGINGBASE}/in/otdt.zip nomail ${STAGINGBASE}/out |
| fi |
| until [ -r ${STAGINGBASE}/out/otdt.zip ] |
| do |
| sleep 10 |
| echo -n "." |
| done |
| echo "Signing completed" |
| |
| |
| echo "====Step 2: fill new repository====" |
| if [ -r ${BASE}/stagingRepo ] |
| then |
| /bin/rm -rf ${BASE}/stagingRepo |
| fi |
| mkdir ${BASE}/stagingRepo |
| cd ${BASE}/stagingRepo |
| if [ "$MASTER" != "none" ] |
| then |
| mkdir features |
| (cd features; ln -s ${MASTER}/features/* .) |
| mkdir plugins |
| (cd plugins; ln -s ${MASTER}/plugins/* .) |
| else |
| mkdir plugins |
| cp ${BASE}/testrun/updateSite/plugins/org.apache.bcel* plugins/ |
| fi |
| unzip -n ${STAGINGBASE}/out/otdt.zip |
| |
| LOCATION=${BASE}/stagingRepo |
| echo "LOCATION = ${LOCATION}" |
| cd ${LOCATION} |
| |
| echo "====Step 3: pack jars ====" |
| for dir in ${LOCATION}/features ${LOCATION}/plugins |
| do |
| find ${dir} -type f -name \*.jar -exec \ |
| ${JAVA5}/bin/java -jar ${JARPROCESSOR} -verbose -pack -outputDir ${dir} {} \; |
| done |
| |
| |
| echo "====Step 4: generate metadata====" |
| java -jar ${LAUNCHER_PATH} -consoleLog -application ${FABPUB} \ |
| -source ${LOCATION} \ |
| -metadataRepository file:${LOCATION} \ |
| -artifactRepository file:${LOCATION} \ |
| -metadataRepositoryName "${NAME} Updates" \ |
| -artifactRepositoryName "${NAME} Artifacts" \ |
| -reusePack200Files -publishArtifacts |
| ls -ltr *\.* |
| |
| |
| echo "====Step 5: patch content for feature inclusion version range====" |
| mv content.xml content.xml-orig |
| xsltproc -o content.xml --stringparam version ${JDTVERSION} \ |
| --stringparam versionnext ${JDTVERSIONNEXT} \ |
| ../build/patch-content-xml.xsl content.xml-orig |
| ls -ltr *\.* |
| |
| echo "====Step 6: archive raw meta data====" |
| mkdir ../metadata/$OTDTVERSION |
| cp *.xml ../metadata/$OTDTVERSION |
| ls -ltr ../metadata/$OTDTVERSION/*.xml |
| |
| echo "====Step 7: generate category====" |
| CATEGORYARGS="-categoryDefinition file:${BASE}/testrun/build-root/src/features/org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt/category.xml" |
| java -jar ${LAUNCHER_PATH} -consoleLog -application ${CATPUB} \ |
| -source ${LOCATION} \ |
| -metadataRepository file:${LOCATION} \ |
| ls -ltr *\.* |
| |
| |
| echo "====Step 8: add download stats capability====" |
| XSLT_FILE=${BASE}/bin/addDownloadStats.xsl |
| |
| if [ $# == 3 ]; then |
| mv artifacts.xml artifacts.xml.original |
| if grep p2.statsURI artifacts.xml.original ; then echo "p2.statsURI already defined: exiting"; exit 1; fi |
| xsltproc -o artifacts.xml --stringparam repo "http://download.eclipse.org/stats/objectteams/${2}" --stringparam version $3 $XSLT_FILE artifacts.xml.original |
| fi |
| |
| echo "====Step 9: jar-up metadata====" |
| jar cf content.jar content.xml |
| jar cf artifacts.jar artifacts.xml |
| /bin/rm *.xml* |
| ls -ltr *\.* |
| |
| echo "====Step 10: cleanup: remove symbolic links====" |
| find . -type l -exec /bin/rm {} \; |
| |
| echo "====DONE====" |