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<title>Object Teams Introduction</title>
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<p class="center">&raquo;<i>Programming with roles and beyond.</i>&laquo;</p>
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<h1>Why Object Teams?</h1>
<div class="intro">
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<div class="term">Team spirit for objects</div>
<div class="termdesc">
Building complex systems from isolated objects often yields poor
structure which readily decays during system evolution.
Objects should <b>team-up</b> in order to co-operate and jointly
deliver complex behaviors.
Objects play specific <b>roles</b> within a given Team.
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<div class="term">Context based dispatch</div>
<div class="termdesc">
Object behavior is controled by the currently active
<b>context</b> of execution. Contexts are reified into
<b>Team instances</b>, which may be used to mediate
between roles and maintain state of the collaboration.
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<div class="term">Modules larger than classes</div>
<div class="termdesc">
On the road to re-use of modules larger than classes two
approaches compete: <b>frameworks</b> and <b>components</b>.
For many applications white box frameworks are too fragile and
black box components to rigid.
Object Teams provide a middle road which balances
<b>encapsulation</b> and <b>adaptability</b>.
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<h1>Key Features of Object Teams</h1>
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Weaving of aspect code into existing classes (no source code needed).
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Teams are modules that encapsulate the interaction of
a set of role objects.
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Teams can be type-checked in a modular way.
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Roles are automatically managed by their enclosing
Team instance.
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Teams can be refined using inheritance.
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Collective refinement of role classes.
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Team refinement realizes type-safe covariance of
role signatures.
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Teams are instantiable first class entities.
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Teams are aspects that can be
activated/deactivated at run-time.
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Roles may refer to their enclosing Team.
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Explicit connectors bind an abstract Team definition
to a base package.
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Binding happens a-posteriori, i.e., no modification
in the base package is required.
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Team binding is specified in a declarative style.
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Bindings may specify different kinds of adaptations.
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Object Teams require a minimal number of new
language constructs to be learned for a maximum of modularity and