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<title>OT/J Language Definition v1.3</title>
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<h4 class="subsect">&sect;6.2.(e)&nbsp;<span class="title">Role migration</span><a class="img" href="s6.2.e.html" title="PermaLink to (e)&nbsp;Role migration"><img style="vertical-align:text-top;margin-left:5px;" src="../images/permalink.png"
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<p>The following interfaces can be used to enable role migration:</p>
<dd>This interface declares a method
<div class="listing plain"><pre>
<code>&lt;B&gt; <b>void</b> migrateToBase(B otherBase)</code> </pre></div>
and instructs the compiler to generate an implementation of this method
for any bound role declaring <code>IBaseMigratable</code> as its super-interface.<br />
The effect of calling <code>migrateToBase</code> on a role instance is to re-bind this role to a new base instance.
The base instance must be compatible to the role's base class (in order to avoid problems during lifting the
compiler may require the base to be of the exact type of the role's base class).
Passing <code>null</code> to this method causes an <code>NullPointerException</code> to be thrown.
<dd>This interface declares a method
<div class="listing plain"><pre>
<code>&lt;R&gt; R&lt;@otherTeam&gt; migrateToTeam(<b>final</b> ITeam otherTeam)</code></pre></div>
and instructs the compiler to
generate an implementation of this method for any role declaring <code>ITeamMigratable</code> as its super-interface.<br />
The effect of calling <code>migrateToTeam</code> on a role instance is to re-bind this role to become a contained part of a new team instance.
The team instance must be of the exact type of the role's enclosing team.
Passing <code>null</code> to this method causes a <code>NullPointerException</code> to be thrown.<br /><div class="note">
This method intentionally breaks the rules of family polymorphism: any reference <code>R&lt;@previousTeam&gt; r</code>
which was established before migration will incorrectly imply that the role's enclosing team still is <code>previousTeam</code>,
which is no longer true after migration.
While this does not effect any method lookup (which is still safe), further assumptions based on a role's dependent type
are invalidated by team migration. The same holds for references from the migrating role to any sibling role instances.<br />
If the rules of family polymorphism should be maintained one should just refrain from declaring <code>ITeamMigratable</code>
as a role's super-interface.
<p>For both methods the signature declared in the interface is over-generalized, yet the compiler performs the necessary checks
ensure that role, base and team instances are indeed compatible and additionally the return type of <code>migrateToTeam</code>
is checked as a self-type, i.e., it reflects the exact type of the call target.
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OT/J version 1.3 &mdash; last modified: 2010-06-08