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<div class="breadcrumb"><a class="nav" href="s4.html" rel="section">&sect;4&nbsp;Callin Binding</a>&nbsp;&gt;&nbsp;<a class="nav" href="s4.9.html" rel="section">&sect;4.9&nbsp;Callin inheritance</a></div>
<div class="sect depth3" id="s4.9.3">
<h3 class="sect">&sect;4.9.3&nbsp;Covariant return types<a class="img" href="s4.9.3.html"
title="PermaLink to &sect;4.9.3&nbsp;Covariant return types"><img style="vertical-align:text-top;margin-left:5px;" src="../images/permalink.png"
alt="" /></a></h3>
Since version 5, Java supports the covariant redefinition of a method's return type
(see <a href=""
class="ext">JLS 8.4.5</a>).
This is <em>not</em> supported for <code>callin</code> methods (<a href="#s4.9.3.a" title="&sect;4.9.3.(a)&nbsp;No covariant callin methods"
If base methods with covariant redefinition of the return type are to be bound by a callin binding
the subsequent rules ensure that type safety is preserved.
Two <em>constraints</em> have to be considered:
When a callin method issues a base-call or calls its tsuper version,
this call must produce a value whose type is compatible to the
enclosing method's declared return type.
If a replace-bound role method returns a value that is not the result of a base-call,
it must be ensured that the return value actually satisfies the declared signature of
the bound base method.
<div class="subsect depth4" id="s4.9.3.a">
<h4 class="subsect">(a)&nbsp;<span class="title">No covariant callin methods</span><a class="img" href="s4.9.3.a.html"
title="PermaLink to (a)&nbsp;No covariant callin methods"><img style="vertical-align:text-top;margin-left:5px;" src="../images/permalink.png"
alt="" /></a></h4>
A method declared with the <code>callin</code> modifier that overrides an inherited method
must not redefine the return type with respect to the inherited method.
This reflects that fact that an inherited callin binding should remain type-safe
while binding to the new, overriding role method.
Binding a covariant role method to the original base method would break constraint (1) above.
<div class="subsect depth4" id="s4.9.3.b">
<h4 class="subsect">(b)&nbsp;<span class="title">Capturing covariant base methods</span><a class="img" href="s4.9.3.b.html"
title="PermaLink to (b)&nbsp;Capturing covariant base methods"><img style="vertical-align:text-top;margin-left:5px;" src="../images/permalink.png"
alt="" /></a></h4>
If a callin binding should indeed affect not only the specified base method
but also overriding versions which covariantly redefine the return type,
the binding must specify the base method's return type with a "+" appended
to the type name as in
<div class="listing plain"><pre><b>void</b> rm() <b>&lt;-</b> <b>before</b> <em>RT+</em> bm();</pre></div>
<p>Without the "+" sign the binding would only capture base methods whose
return type is exactly <code>RT</code>;
by appending "+" also sub-types of <code>RT</code>
are accepted as the declared return type.
<div class="subsect depth4" id="s4.9.3.c">
<h4 class="subsect">(c)&nbsp;<span class="title">Covariant replace binding</span><a class="img" href="s4.9.3.c.html"
title="PermaLink to (c)&nbsp;Covariant replace binding"><img style="vertical-align:text-top;margin-left:5px;" src="../images/permalink.png"
alt="" /></a></h4>
When using the syntax of <a href="#s4.9.3.b"
title="&sect;4.9.3.(b)&nbsp;Capturing covariant base methods"
class="sect">&sect;4.9.3.(b)</a> to capture base methods with
covariant return types in a callin binding with the <code>replace</code> modifier,
the role method must be specified using a free type parameter as follows:
<div class="listing plain"><pre><em>&lt;E <b>extends</b> RT&gt; E</em> rm() <b>&lt;-</b> <b>replace</b> RT+ bm();</pre></div>
<p>The role method <code>rm</code> referenced by this callin binding must use the same style
of return type using a type parameter.
The only possible non-null value of type <code>E</code>
to be returned from such method is the value provided by a base-call or a tsuper-call.<br />
This rule enforces the constraint (2) above.<br />
Note that this rule is further generalized in <a href="s4.10.html" title="&sect;4.10&nbsp;Generic callin bindings"
<h5 class="listing">Binding a parametric role method</h5>
<div class="listing example frame">
<table class="listing">
<tr class="line odd">
<td class="ln">1</td>
<td><pre><b>public</b> <b>class</b> SuperBase {</pre></td>
<tr class="line even">
<td class="ln">2</td>
<td><pre> SuperBase foo() { <b>return</b> this; }</pre></td>
<tr class="line odd">
<td class="ln">3</td>
<td><pre> <b>void</b> check() { System.out.print("OK"); }</pre></td>
<tr class="line even">
<td class="ln">4</td>
<tr class="line odd">
<td class="ln">5</td>
<td><pre><b>public</b> <b>class</b> SubBase <b>extends</b> SuperBase {</pre></td>
<tr class="line even">
<td class="ln">6</td>
<td><pre> @Override</pre></td>
<tr class="line odd">
<td class="ln">7</td>
<td><pre> SubBase foo() { <b>return</b> this; }</pre></td>
<tr class="line even">
<td class="ln">8</td>
<td><pre> <b>void</b> print() { System.out.print("SubBase"); }</pre></td>
<tr class="line odd">
<td class="ln">9</td>
<td><pre> String test() { </pre></td>
<tr class="line even">
<td class="ln">10</td>
<td><pre>; <span class="comment">// print() requires a SubBase</span></pre></td>
<tr class="line odd">
<td class="ln">11</td>
<td><pre> }</pre></td>
<tr class="line even">
<td class="ln">12</td>
<tr class="line odd">
<td class="ln">13</td>
<tr class="line even">
<td class="ln">14</td>
<td><pre><b>public</b> <b>team</b> <b>class</b> MyTeam {</pre></td>
<tr class="line odd">
<td class="ln">15</td>
<td><pre> <b>protected</b> <b>class</b> R <b>playedBy</b> SuperBase {</pre></td>
<tr class="line even">
<td class="ln">16</td>
<td><pre> <b>callin</b> &lt;E <b>extends</b> SuperBase&gt; E ci() {</pre></td>
<tr class="line odd">
<td class="ln">17</td>
<td><pre> E result=;</pre></td>
<tr class="line even">
<td class="ln">18</td>
<td><pre> result.check(); <span class="comment">// check() is available on E via type bound SuperBase</span></pre></td>
<tr class="line odd">
<td class="ln">19</td>
<td><pre> <b>return</b> result;</pre></td>
<tr class="line even">
<td class="ln">20</td>
<td><pre> }</pre></td>
<tr class="line odd">
<td class="ln">21</td>
<td><pre> &lt;E <b>extends</b> SuperBase&gt; E ci() <b>&lt;-</b> <b>replace</b> SuperBase+ foo();</pre></td>
<tr class="line even">
<td class="ln">22</td>
<td><pre> }</pre></td>
<tr class="line odd">
<td class="ln">23</td>
<div class="codecomment">
Method <code></code> in line 7 redefines the return type
from <code>SuperBase</code> (inherited version) to <code>SubBase</code>,
thus clients like the method call in line 10 must be safe to assume
that the return value will always conform to <code>SubBase</code>.
The callin binding in line 21 explicitly captures both versions of <code>foo</code>
by specifying <code>SuperBase+</code> as the expected return type.
Thus, if an instance of <code>MyTeam</code> is active at the method call
in line 10, this call to <code>foo</code> will indeed be intercepted
even though this call is statically known to return a value of type <code>SubBase</code>.
The callin method in lines 16-20 has a return type which is not known statically,
but the return type is represented by the type variable <code>E</code>.
Since the base call is known to have the exact same signature as its enclosing
method, the value provided by the base call is of the same type <code>E</code>
and thus can be safely returned from <code>ci</code>.
<em>Note,</em> that no other non-null value is known to have the type <code>E</code>.
By specifying <code>SuperBase</code> as an upper bound for the type <code>E</code>
the callin method <code>ci</code> may invoke
any method declared in type <code>SuperBase</code>
on any value of type <code>E</code>. For an example see the call to <code>check</code>
in line 18.
As an aside note that the above example uses type <code>SuperBase</code>
in an undisciplined way: within role <code>R</code> this type is bound
using <code>playedBy</code><strong> and</strong> the same type is also
used directly (as the upper bound for <code>E</code>).
This is considered bad style and it is prohibited if <code>SuperBase</code>
is imported using an base import (<a href="s2.1.2.d.html" title="&sect;2.1.2.(d)&nbsp;Base imports" class="sect">&sect;2.1.2.(d)</a>).
Here this rule is neglegted just for the purpose of keeping the example small.
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OT/J version 1.3 &mdash; last modified: 2010-06-08