blob: 48939c5e36f86d893896bc4ed741f023eba36a5d [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2000, 2011 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
* Technical University Berlin - extended API and implementation
package org.eclipse.objectteams.internal.jdt.nullity;
* IMPORTANT NOTE: These constants are dedicated to the internal Scanner implementation.
* It is mirrored in org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler public package where it is API.
* The mirror implementation is using the backward compatible ITerminalSymbols constant
* definitions (stable with 2.0), whereas the internal implementation uses TerminalTokens
* which constant values reflect the latest parser generation state.
* Maps each terminal symbol in the java-grammar into a unique integer.
* This integer is used to represent the terminal when computing a parsing action.
* Disclaimer : These constant values are generated automatically using a Java
* grammar, therefore their actual values are subject to change if new keywords
* were added to the language (for instance, 'assert' is a keyword in 1.4).
public interface TerminalTokens_OT21M1 {
// special tokens not part of grammar - not autogenerated
TokenNameWHITESPACE = 1000,
TokenNameCOMMENT_LINE = 1001,
TokenNameCOMMENT_BLOCK = 1002,
TokenNameCOMMENT_JAVADOC = 1003;
TokenNameIdentifier = 22,
TokenNameabstract = 60,
TokenNameassert = 94,
TokenNameboolean = 33,
TokenNamebreak = 95,
TokenNamebyte = 34,
TokenNamecase = 114,
TokenNamecatch = 111,
TokenNamechar = 35,
TokenNameclass = 78,
TokenNamecontinue = 96,
TokenNameconst = 127,
TokenNamedefault = 108,
TokenNamedo = 97,
TokenNamedouble = 36,
TokenNameelse = 117,
TokenNameenum = 105,
TokenNameextends = 107,
TokenNamefalse = 47,
TokenNamefinal = 61,
TokenNamefinally = 115,
TokenNamefloat = 37,
TokenNamefor = 98,
TokenNamegoto = 128,
TokenNameif = 99,
TokenNameimplements = 125,
TokenNameimport = 112,
TokenNameinstanceof = 14,
TokenNameint = 38,
TokenNameinterface = 80,
TokenNamelong = 39,
TokenNamenative = 62,
TokenNamenew = 44,
TokenNamenull = 48,
TokenNamepackage = 113,
TokenNameprivate = 63,
TokenNameprotected = 64,
TokenNamepublic = 65,
TokenNamereturn = 100,
TokenNameshort = 40,
TokenNamestatic = 57,
TokenNamestrictfp = 66,
TokenNamesuper = 42,
TokenNameswitch = 101,
TokenNamesynchronized = 58,
TokenNamethis = 43,
TokenNamethrow = 102,
TokenNamethrows = 118,
TokenNametransient = 67,
TokenNametrue = 49,
TokenNametry = 103,
TokenNamevoid = 41,
TokenNamevolatile = 68,
TokenNamewhile = 81,
TokenNameas = 82,
TokenNamebase = 31,
TokenNamecallin = 69,
TokenNameplayedBy = 126,
TokenNameprecedence = 116,
TokenNamereadonly = 70,
TokenNameteam = 59,
TokenNametsuper = 46,
TokenNamewhen = 109,
TokenNamewith = 110,
TokenNamewithin = 104,
TokenNamereplace = 120,
TokenNameafter = 119,
TokenNamebefore = 121,
TokenNameget = 122,
TokenNameset = 123,
TokenNameIntegerLiteral = 50,
TokenNameLongLiteral = 51,
TokenNameFloatingPointLiteral = 52,
TokenNameDoubleLiteral = 53,
TokenNameCharacterLiteral = 54,
TokenNameStringLiteral = 55,
TokenNamePLUS_PLUS = 9,
TokenNameMINUS_MINUS = 10,
TokenNameEQUAL_EQUAL = 18,
TokenNameLESS_EQUAL = 15,
TokenNameGREATER_EQUAL = 16,
TokenNameNOT_EQUAL = 19,
TokenNameLEFT_SHIFT = 17,
TokenNameRIGHT_SHIFT = 12,
TokenNamePLUS_EQUAL = 83,
TokenNameMINUS_EQUAL = 84,
TokenNameDIVIDE_EQUAL = 86,
TokenNameAND_EQUAL = 87,
TokenNameOR_EQUAL = 88,
TokenNameXOR_EQUAL = 89,
TokenNameOR_OR = 27,
TokenNameAND_AND = 25,
TokenNamePLUS = 2,
TokenNameMINUS = 3,
TokenNameNOT = 71,
TokenNameREMAINDER = 6,
TokenNameXOR = 21,
TokenNameAND = 20,
TokenNameMULTIPLY = 5,
TokenNameOR = 23,
TokenNameTWIDDLE = 72,
TokenNameDIVIDE = 7,
TokenNameGREATER = 11,
TokenNameLESS = 4,
TokenNameLPAREN = 26,
TokenNameRPAREN = 28,
TokenNameLBRACE = 74,
TokenNameRBRACE = 32,
TokenNameLBRACKET = 8,
TokenNameRBRACKET = 76,
TokenNameSEMICOLON = 29,
TokenNameQUESTION = 24,
TokenNameCOLON = 56,
TokenNameCOMMA = 30,
TokenNameDOT = 1,
TokenNameEQUAL = 77,
TokenNameAT = 45,
TokenNameELLIPSIS = 124,
TokenNameBINDIN = 79,
TokenNameBINDOUT = 75,
TokenNameEOF = 73,
TokenNameERROR = 129;