| ############################################################################### |
| # Copyright (c) 2000, 2006 IBM Corporation and others. |
| # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials |
| # are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 |
| # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at |
| # http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html |
| # |
| # Contributors: |
| # IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation |
| ############################################################################### |
| newline.openingBrace.number=1 |
| newline.openingBrace.category=Newline |
| newline.openingBrace.name=I&nsert new line before opening brace |
| newline.openingBrace.possibleValues=2|Insert|Do not insert |
| newline.openingBrace.description=When Insert, a new line is inserted before an opening brace, otherwise nothing is inserted |
| |
| newline.controlStatement.number=2 |
| newline.controlStatement.category=Newline |
| newline.controlStatement.name=Insert new &line in control statement |
| newline.controlStatement.possibleValues=2|Insert|Do not insert |
| newline.controlStatement.description=When Insert, a new line is inserted between } and else, catch, finally |
| |
| newline.clearAll.number=3 |
| newline.clearAll.category=Newline |
| newline.clearAll.name=Clear all &blank lines |
| newline.clearAll.possibleValues=2|Clear|Preserve one |
| newline.clearAll.description=When Clear, all blank lines are removed. When Preserve one, only one is kept and all others removed. |
| |
| newline.elseIf.number=4 |
| newline.elseIf.category=Newline |
| newline.elseIf.name=&Keep else if on the same line |
| newline.elseIf.possibleValues=2|Yes|No |
| newline.elseIf.description=When Yes, a blank line is inserted between a else and a if when they are contiguous |
| |
| newline.emptyBlock.number=5 |
| newline.emptyBlock.category=Newline |
| newline.emptyBlock.name=In&sert a new line inside an empty block |
| newline.emptyBlock.possibleValues=2|Insert|Do not insert |
| newline.emptyBlock.description=When insert, a line break is inserted between contiguous { and }, if } is not followed by a keyword. |
| |
| line.split.number=6 |
| line.split.category=Line splitting |
| line.split.name=Ma&ximum line length |
| line.split.possibleValues=-1 |
| line.split.description=Enable splitting of long lines (exceeding the configurable length). Length of 0 will disable line splitting |
| |
| style.compactAssignment.number=7 |
| style.compactAssignment.category=Style |
| style.compactAssignment.name=&Compact assignment |
| style.compactAssignment.possibleValues=2|Compact|Normal |
| style.compactAssignment.description=Assignments can be formatted asymmetrically, e.g. 'int x= 2;', when Normal, a space is inserted before the assignment operator |
| |
| style.reuseExistingLayout.number=8 |
| style.reuseExistingLayout.category=Style |
| style.reuseExistingLayout.name=&Reuse existing layout |
| style.reuseExistingLayout.possibleValues=2|Reuse|Do not reuse |
| style.reuseExistingLayout.description=If the user has formatted his code a certain way, the formatter does not try to reformat it |
| |
| tabulation.char.number=9 |
| tabulation.char.category=Style |
| tabulation.char.name=Indentation is represented by &tab |
| tabulation.char.possibleValues=2|Tab|Spaces |
| tabulation.char.description=Either choose to indent with tab characters or spaces |
| |
| tabulation.size.number=10 |
| tabulation.size.category=Style |
| tabulation.size.name=&Amount of spaces representing a tab |
| tabulation.size.possibleValues=-1 |
| tabulation.size.description=Tabulation size in term of space characters |
| |
| space.castexpression.number=11 |
| space.castexpression.category=Style |
| space.castexpression.name=&Insert a space in cast expression |
| space.castexpression.size.possibleValues=2|Insert|Do not insert |
| space.castexpression.description=When insert, a space is added between the closing parenthesis and the expression of the cast expression |