blob: 61072040ebe1d648af53cec9e5bfc662338d3b6f [file] [log] [blame]
(0) Register our WeavingHook as early as possible during start-up.
Done, but need re-thinking. TJ said on equinox-dev: use start level 1
(5) Add dependencies so that each bound base bundle can see:
- the OT runtime (package org.objectteams)
- the aspect bundle(s) into which the woven code may call
Pending: dynamically export the aspect package if not statically declared
(8) Subclasses of Thread (and ideally: implementors of Runnable, the latter
has not yet been realized) need to be woven to insert a trigger into OT's
TeamThreadManager. This mechanism may need to be redesigned entirely.
(10) Detect if more than one version of any bound base bundle is installed.
May want to re-think strategy how to handle this case, currently:
pick the highest version.
(12) Implement "forced exports", which allows access from an aspect bundle
to classes of a base bundle which are not exported from their bundle
(subject to checking of aspect permissions, see (9)).
(9) If aspect permission checking is used, we need to veto the loading
of classes of any aspect bundle violating the current policy.