unify diagnostics for different nodes, using the same "type mismatch" messages throughout
revert to previous strategy to call bindArguments from resolveTypesFor:
+ now that annotations are no longer inherited, defaults must be applied first
and we must have annotations of super methods evaluated from defaults
before doing the inheritance check.
+ include fillInDefaultNullness in bindArguments
+ also force-trigger type.getAnnotationTagBits() before bindArguments
because only then we know if the type has a default annotation
Synthetic Annotations also need declarationSourceEnd (otherwise ASTConverter fails)
Started to update the quickfixes to the current implementation (Work in progress)
+ after unifying IProblems we will have to do more analysis on the AST
to find out what correction to apply
Reorganized tests (extract better suitable runTestXYZ methods)
and update expected compiler messages
9 files changed