blob: a4bd5f04cba7ce549218e7a177caec4e80080cec [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2011 GK Software AG and others.
# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
# are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
# Contributors:
# Stephan Herrmann - initial API and implementation
### addition for /org.eclipse.jdt.core/compiler/org/eclipse/jdt/internal/compiler/problem/
880 = Null contract violation: returning null from a method declared as @{0}
881 = Null contract violation: return value can be null but method is declared as @{0}
882 = Potential null contract violation: insufficient nullness information regarding return value while the method is declared as @{0}
883 = Null contract violation: passing null to a parameter declared as @{0}
884 = Null contract violation: potentially passing null to a parameter declared as @{0}
885 = Potential null contract violation: insufficient nullness information regarding a value that is passed to a parameter declared as @{0}
886 = Null contract violation: assigning null to local variable {0}, which is declared as @{1}
887 = Null contract violation: potentially assigning null to local variable {0}, which is declared as @{1}
888 = Potential null contract violation: insufficient nullness information regarding a value that is assigned to local variable {0}, which is declared as @{1}
889 = Buildpath problem: emulation of type {0} is requested (for null annotations) but a type of this name exists on the build path
890 = Buildpath problem: the type {0} which is configured as a null annotation type cannot be resolved
891 = Cannot relax null contract for method return, inherited method from {0} is declared as @{1}
892 = Cannot tighten null contract for parameter {0}, inherited method from {1} declares this parameter as @{2}
893 = Cannot tighten null contract for parameter {0}, inherited method from {1} does not constrain this parameter
894 = Potential null pointer access: The method {0} may return null
895 = Redundant null check: The method {0} cannot return null