blob: 3af11c17bb707c550a942d612c182b4a90ef2e10 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2013 GK Software AG.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* This is an implementation of an early-draft specification developed under the Java
* Community Process (JCP) and is made available for testing and evaluation purposes
* only. The code is not compatible with any specification of the JCP.
* Contributors:
* Stephan Herrmann - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.CharOperation;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.LambdaExpression;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.ASTNode;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.Expression;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.ExpressionContext;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.Invocation;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.Wildcard;
import org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.internal.core.compiler.lookup.ITeamAnchor;
* Main class for new type inference as per JLS8 sect 18.
* Keeps contextual state and drives the algorithm.
* <h2>Inference Basics</h2>
* <ul>
* <li>18.1.1 Inference variables: {@link InferenceVariable}</li>
* <li>18.1.2 Constraint Formulas: subclasses of {@link ConstraintFormula}</li>
* <li>18.1.3 Bounds: {@link TypeBound}<br/>
* Capture bounds are directly captured in {@link BoundSet#captures}, throws-bounds in {@link BoundSet#inThrows}.<br/>
* Also: {@link BoundSet}: main state during inference.</li>
* </ul>
* Each instance of {@link InferenceContext18} manages instances of the above and coordinates the inference process.
* <h3>Queries and utilities</h3>
* <ul>
* <li>{@link TypeBinding#isProperType(boolean)}:
* used to exclude "types" that mention inference variables (18.1.1).</li>
* <li>{@link TypeBinding#mentionsAny(TypeBinding[], int)}:
* does the receiver type binding mention any of the given types?</li>
* <li>{@link TypeBinding#substituteInferenceVariable(InferenceVariable, TypeBinding)}:
* replace occurrences of an inference variable with a proper type.</li>
* <li>{@link TypeBinding#collectInferenceVariables(Set)}:
* collect all inference variables mentioned in the receiver type into the given set.</li>
* <li>{@link TypeVariableBinding#getTypeBounds(InferenceVariable, InferenceContext18)}:
* Compute the initial type bounds for one inference variable as per JLS8 sect 18.1.3.</li>
* </ul>
* <h2>Phases of Inference</h2>
* <ul>
* <li>18.2 <b>Reduction</b>: {@link #reduce()} with most work happening in implementations of
* {@link ConstraintFormula#reduce(InferenceContext18)}:
* <ul>
* <li>18.2.1 Expression Compatibility Constraints: {@link ConstraintExpressionFormula#reduce(InferenceContext18)}.</li>
* <li>18.2.2 Type Compatibility Constraints ff. {@link ConstraintTypeFormula#reduce(InferenceContext18)}.</li>
* </ul></li>
* <li>18.3 <b>Incorporation</b>: {@link BoundSet#incorporate(InferenceContext18)}; during inference new constraints
* are accepted via {@link BoundSet#reduceOneConstraint(InferenceContext18, ConstraintFormula)} (combining 18.2 & 18.3)</li>
* <li>18.4 <b>Resolution</b>: {@link #resolve()}.
* </ul>
* Some of the above operations accumulate their results into {@link #currentBounds}, whereas
* the last phase <em>returns</em> the resulting bound set while keeping the previous state in {@link #currentBounds}.
* <h2>18.5. Uses of Inference</h2>
* These are the main entries from the compiler into the inference engine:
* <dl>
* <dt>18.5.1 Invocation Applicability Inference</dt>
* <dd>{@link #inferInvocationApplicability(MethodBinding, TypeBinding[], boolean)}. Prepare the initial state for
* inference of a generic invocation - no target type used at this point.
* Need to call {@link #solve()} afterwards to produce the intermediate result.<br/>
* Called indirectly from {@link Scope#findMethod(ReferenceBinding, char[], TypeBinding[], InvocationSite, boolean)} et al
* to select applicable methods into overload resolution.</dd>
* <dt>18.5.2 Invocation Type Inference</dt>
* <dd>{@link InferenceContext18#inferInvocationType(BoundSet, TypeBinding, InvocationSite, MethodBinding)}. After a
* most specific method has been picked, and given a target type determine the final generic instantiation.
* As long as a target type is still unavailable this phase keeps getting deferred.</br>
* Different wrappers exist for the convenience of different callers.</dd>
* <dt>18.5.3 Functional Interface Parameterization Inference</dt>
* <dd>Controlled from {@link LambdaExpression#resolveTypeBinding()}.</dd>
* <dt>18.5.4 More Specific Method Inference</dt>
* <dd><em>Not Yet Implemented</em></dd>
* </dl>
* For 18.5.1 and 18.5.2 some high-level control is implemented in
* {@link ParameterizedGenericMethodBinding#computeCompatibleMethod(MethodBinding, TypeBinding[], Scope, InvocationSite, int)}.
* <h2>Inference Lifecycle</h2>
* The separation into 18.5.1 and 18.5.2 causes some complexity:
* <ul>
* <li>Calling both parts of inference is directly interwoven with overload resolution. See
* {@link ParameterizedGenericMethodBinding#computeCompatibleMethod(MethodBinding, TypeBinding[], Scope, InvocationSite, int)
* PGMB#computeCompatibleMethod()} for the basic <b>protocol</b>.</li>
* <li>Intermediate <b>state</b> regarding inference must be stored between both phases. Inference is performed with different
* inputs for each pair of {@link Invocation} x {@link ParameterizedGenericMethodBinding},
* see {@link Invocation#registerInferenceContext(ParameterizedGenericMethodBinding, InferenceContext18) Invocation.registerInferenceContext()} and
* {@link Invocation#getInferenceContext(ParameterizedGenericMethodBinding) getInferenceContext()}.<br/>
* As part of the lifecycle state, each instance of InferenceContext18 remembers the current {@link #inferenceKind}
* and {@link #hasFinished}.</li>
* <li><b>Nested inference/resolving</b>: If an invocation argument is a poly expression itself, final resolving of the argument can only happened
* after Invocation Type Inference regarding the outer invocation. Outer inference must produce the <b>target type</b> that drives
* the inner inference / resolving. Two different protocols are applied:
* <ul>
* <li>If the inner poly expression is an invocation, inner inference is directly incorporated into
* the {@link #currentBounds}, see block inside {@link ConstraintExpressionFormula#reduce(InferenceContext18)}.<br/>
* In this case the results of the combined inference need to be applied to all contained inner invocations,
* which happens in {@link #rebindInnerPolies(BoundSet, TypeBinding[])}, which must be called whenever
* 18.5.2 finishes.</li>
* <li>If the inner poly expression is a functional expression or a conditional expression no inference variables
* exist representing the inner. In this case the final target type is pushed into the inner using
* {@link Expression#checkAgainstFinalTargetType(TypeBinding)}, which, too, is called from
* {@link #rebindInnerPolies(BoundSet, TypeBinding[])}.</li>
* <li>For recursively pushing target types into arguments of an invocation
* method {@link ASTNode#resolvePolyExpressionArguments(Invocation, MethodBinding, TypeBinding[])} exists,
* which is called in two situations: (1) for non-generic outer invocations from MessageSend#findMethodBinding() and
* Statement#findConstructorBinding(); (2) for generic outer invocations from {@link #rebindInnerPolies(BoundSet, TypeBinding[])}.</li>
* <li>In some situations invocation arguments that are poly invocations need to be resolved in the middle of overload resolution
* to answer {@link Scope#parameterCompatibilityLevel18} (where the outer invocation did not involve any inference).<br/>
* </ul>
* Pushing inference results into an inner invocation happens using {@link Invocation#updateBindings(MethodBinding)}.</li>
* <li>Decision whether or not an invocation is a <b>variable-arity</b> invocation is made by first attempting
* to solve 18.5.1 in mode {@link #CHECK_LOOSE}. Only if that fails, another attempt is made in mode {@link #CHECK_VARARG}.
* Which of these two attempts was successful is stored in {@link #inferenceKind}.
* This field must be consulted whenever arguments of an invocation should be further processed.
* See also {@link #getParameter(TypeBinding[], int, boolean)} and its clients.</li>
* </ul>
public class InferenceContext18 {
/** to conform with javac regarding */
static final boolean SIMULATE_BUG_JDK_8026527 = true;
* Detail flag to control the extent of {@link #SIMULATE_BUG_JDK_8026527}.
* A setting of 'false' implements the advice from
* i.e., raw types are not considered as compatible in constraints/bounds derived from invocation arguments,
* but only for constraints derived from type variable bounds.
static final boolean ARGUMENT_CONSTRAINTS_ARE_SOFT = false;
// --- Main State of the Inference: ---
/** the invocation being inferred (for 18.5.1 and 18.5.2) */
InvocationSite currentInvocation;
/** arguments of #currentInvocation, if any */
Expression[] invocationArguments;
/** The inference variables for which as solution is sought. */
InferenceVariable[] inferenceVariables;
/** Number of inference variables. */
int variableCount = 0;
/** Constraints that have not yet been reduced and incorporated. */
ConstraintFormula[] initialConstraints;
/** The accumulated type bounds etc. */
BoundSet currentBounds;
/** solution of applicability inference, stored for use as fallback, if invocation type inference fails. */
BoundSet storedSolution;
int inferenceKind;
/** Once an invocation inference has passed 18.5.2 inference, flip this to true to avoid repeated inference of the same task. */
public boolean hasFinished = false;
// ---
/** Inner poly invocations which have been included in this inference. */
List/*<InvocationSite>*/ innerPolies = new ArrayList();
/** Link to an outer inference context, used for bundled error reporting. */
public InferenceContext18 outerContext;
private ArrayList problemMethods;
Scope scope;
LookupEnvironment environment;
ReferenceBinding object; // java.lang.Object
public static final int CHECK_STRICT = 1;
public static final int CHECK_LOOSE = 2;
public static final int CHECK_VARARG = 3;
static class InvocationRecord {
InvocationSite site;
Expression[] invocationArguments;
InferenceVariable[] inferenceVariables;
int inferenceKind;
InvocationRecord(InvocationSite site, Expression[] invocationArguments, InferenceVariable[] inferenceVariables, int inferenceKind) { = site;
this.invocationArguments = invocationArguments;
this.inferenceVariables = inferenceVariables;
this.inferenceKind = inferenceKind;
/** Construct an inference context for an invocation (method/constructor). */
public InferenceContext18(Scope scope, Expression[] arguments, InvocationSite site) {
this.scope = scope;
this.environment = scope.environment();
this.object = scope.getJavaLangObject();
this.invocationArguments = arguments;
this.currentInvocation = site;
public InferenceContext18(Scope scope) {
this.scope = scope;
this.environment = scope.environment();
this.object = scope.getJavaLangObject();
* JLS 18.1.3: Create initial bounds from a given set of type parameters declarations.
* @return the set of inference variables created for the given typeParameters
public InferenceVariable[] createInitialBoundSet(TypeVariableBinding[] typeParameters) {
if (this.currentBounds == null) {
this.currentBounds = new BoundSet();
if (typeParameters != null) {
InferenceVariable[] newInferenceVariables = addInitialTypeVariableSubstitutions(typeParameters);
this.currentBounds.addBoundsFromTypeParameters(this, typeParameters, newInferenceVariables);
return newInferenceVariables;
* Substitute any type variables mentioned in 'type' by the corresponding inference variable, if one exists.
public TypeBinding substitute(TypeBinding type) {
InferenceSubstitution inferenceSubstitution = new InferenceSubstitution(this.environment, this.inferenceVariables);
return inferenceSubstitution.substitute(inferenceSubstitution, type);
/** JLS 18.5.1: compute bounds from formal and actual parameters. */
public void createInitialConstraintsForParameters(TypeBinding[] parameters, boolean checkVararg, TypeBinding varArgsType, MethodBinding method) {
// TODO discriminate strict vs. loose invocations
if (this.invocationArguments == null)
int len = checkVararg ? parameters.length - 1 : Math.min(parameters.length, this.invocationArguments.length);
int maxConstraints = checkVararg ? this.invocationArguments.length : len;
int numConstraints = 0;
if (this.initialConstraints == null) {
this.initialConstraints = new ConstraintFormula[maxConstraints];
} else {
numConstraints = this.initialConstraints.length;
maxConstraints += numConstraints;
System.arraycopy(this.initialConstraints, 0,
this.initialConstraints=new ConstraintFormula[maxConstraints], 0, numConstraints);
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (this.invocationArguments[i].isPertinentToApplicability(parameters[i], method)) {
TypeBinding thetaF = substitute(parameters[i]);
this.initialConstraints[numConstraints++] = new ConstraintExpressionFormula(this.invocationArguments[i], thetaF, ReductionResult.COMPATIBLE, ARGUMENT_CONSTRAINTS_ARE_SOFT);
if (checkVararg && varArgsType instanceof ArrayBinding) {
TypeBinding thetaF = substitute(((ArrayBinding) varArgsType).elementsType());
for (int i = len; i < this.invocationArguments.length; i++) {
if (this.invocationArguments[i].isPertinentToApplicability(varArgsType, method)) {
this.initialConstraints[numConstraints++] = new ConstraintExpressionFormula(this.invocationArguments[i], thetaF, ReductionResult.COMPATIBLE, ARGUMENT_CONSTRAINTS_ARE_SOFT);
if (numConstraints == 0)
this.initialConstraints = ConstraintFormula.NO_CONSTRAINTS;
else if (numConstraints < maxConstraints)
System.arraycopy(this.initialConstraints, 0, this.initialConstraints = new ConstraintFormula[numConstraints], 0, numConstraints);
public void setInitialConstraint(ConstraintFormula constraintFormula) {
this.initialConstraints = new ConstraintFormula[] { constraintFormula };
private InferenceVariable[] addInitialTypeVariableSubstitutions(TypeBinding[] typeVariables) {
int len = typeVariables.length;
if (len == 0) {
if (this.inferenceVariables == null)
this.inferenceVariables = Binding.NO_INFERENCE_VARIABLES;
InferenceVariable[] newVariables = new InferenceVariable[len];
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
newVariables[i] = new InferenceVariable(typeVariables[i], this.variableCount++, this.currentInvocation, this.environment);
if (this.inferenceVariables == null || this.inferenceVariables.length == 0) {
this.inferenceVariables = newVariables;
} else {
// merge into this.inferenceVariables:
int prev = this.inferenceVariables.length;
System.arraycopy(this.inferenceVariables, 0, this.inferenceVariables = new InferenceVariable[len+prev], 0, prev);
System.arraycopy(newVariables, 0, this.inferenceVariables, prev, len);
return newVariables;
/** Add new inference variables for the given type variables. */
public InferenceVariable[] addTypeVariableSubstitutions(TypeBinding[] typeVariables) {
int len2 = typeVariables.length;
InferenceVariable[] newVariables = new InferenceVariable[len2];
for (int i = 0; i < typeVariables.length; i++)
newVariables[i] = new InferenceVariable(typeVariables[i], this.variableCount++, this.currentInvocation, this.environment);
int start = 0;
if (this.inferenceVariables != null) {
int len1 = this.inferenceVariables.length;
System.arraycopy(this.inferenceVariables, 0, this.inferenceVariables = new InferenceVariable[len1+len2], 0, len1);
start = len1;
} else {
this.inferenceVariables = new InferenceVariable[len2];
System.arraycopy(newVariables, 0, this.inferenceVariables, start, len2);
return newVariables;
/** JLS 18.1.3 Bounds: throws α: the inference variable α appears in a throws clause */
public void addThrowsContraints(TypeBinding[] parameters, InferenceVariable[] variables, ReferenceBinding[] thrownExceptions) {
for (int i = 0; i < parameters.length; i++) {
TypeBinding parameter = parameters[i];
for (int j = 0; j < thrownExceptions.length; j++) {
if (TypeBinding.equalsEquals(parameter, thrownExceptions[j])) {
/** JLS 18.5.1 Invocation Applicability Inference. */
public void inferInvocationApplicability(MethodBinding method, TypeBinding[] arguments, boolean isDiamond) {
ConstraintExpressionFormula.inferInvocationApplicability(this, method, arguments, isDiamond, this.inferenceKind);
/** JLS 18.5.2 Invocation Type Inference
* @param b1 "the bound set produced by reduction in order to demonstrate that m is applicable in 18.5.1"
public BoundSet inferInvocationType(BoundSet b1, TypeBinding expectedType, InvocationSite invocationSite, MethodBinding method)
throws InferenceFailureException
this.currentBounds = b1;
try {
// bullets 1&2: definitions only.
if (expectedType != null
&& expectedType != TypeBinding.VOID
&& invocationSite instanceof Expression
&& ((Expression)invocationSite).isPolyExpression(method))
// 3. bullet: special treatment for poly expressions
if (!ConstraintExpressionFormula.inferPolyInvocationType(this, invocationSite, expectedType, method)) {
return null;
// 4. bullet: assemble C:
TypeBinding[] fs;
Expression[] arguments = this.invocationArguments;
Set c = new HashSet();
if (arguments != null) {
int k = arguments.length;
int p = method.parameters.length;
if (k < (method.isVarargs() ? p-1 : p))
return null; // insufficient arguments for parameters!
switch (this.inferenceKind) {
fs = method.parameters;
fs = varArgTypes(method.parameters, k);
throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected checkKind "+this.inferenceKind); //$NON-NLS-1$
for (int i = 0; i < k; i++) {
TypeBinding fsi = fs[Math.min(i, p-1)];
TypeBinding substF = substitute(fsi);
// For all i (1 ≤ i ≤ k), if ei is not pertinent to applicability, the set contains ⟨ei → θ Fi⟩.
if (!arguments[i].isPertinentToApplicability(fsi, method)) {
c.add(new ConstraintExpressionFormula(arguments[i], substF, ReductionResult.COMPATIBLE, ARGUMENT_CONSTRAINTS_ARE_SOFT));
c.add(new ConstraintExceptionFormula(arguments[i], substF));
// 5. bullet: determine B3 from C
while (!c.isEmpty()) {
// *
Set bottomSet = findBottomSet(c, allOutputVariables(c));
if (bottomSet.isEmpty()) {
// *
// * The union of the input variables of all the selected constraints, α1, ..., αm, ...
Set allInputs = new HashSet();
Iterator bottomIt = bottomSet.iterator();
while (bottomIt.hasNext()) {
InferenceVariable[] variablesArray = (InferenceVariable[]) allInputs.toArray(new InferenceVariable[allInputs.size()]);
// ... is resolved
BoundSet solution = resolve();
// * ~ apply substitutions to all constraints:
bottomIt = bottomSet.iterator();
while (bottomIt.hasNext()) {
ConstraintFormula constraint = ((ConstraintFormula);
if (solution != null)
constraint.applySubstitution(solution, variablesArray);
// * reduce and incorporate
if (!this.currentBounds.reduceOneConstraint(this, constraint))
return null;
// 6. bullet: solve
BoundSet solution = solve();
if (solution == null || !isResolved(solution))
return null;
return this.currentBounds = solution; // this is final, keep the result:
} finally {
this.hasFinished = true;
* Simplified API to perform Invocation Type Inference (JLS 18.5.2)
* and perform subsequent steps: bound check, rebinding of inner poly expressions,
* and creating of a problem method binding if needed.
* Should only be called if the inference has not yet finished.
* @param invocation invocation being inferred
* @param argumentTypes arguments being passed into the invocation
* @param method current candidate method binding for this invocation
* @return a valid method binding with updated type parameters,
* or a problem method binding signaling either inference failure or a bound mismatch.
public /*@NonNull*/ MethodBinding inferInvocationType(Invocation invocation, TypeBinding[] argumentTypes, ParameterizedGenericMethodBinding method) {
// TODO optimize: if outerContext exists and is resolved, we probably don't need to infer again.
TypeBinding targetType = invocation.invocationTargetType();
ParameterizedGenericMethodBinding finalMethod = method;
ParameterizedGenericMethodBinding methodToCheck = method;
boolean haveProperTargetType = targetType != null && targetType.isProperType(true);
if (haveProperTargetType) {
finalMethod = getInvocationTypeInferenceSolution(method.originalMethod, invocation, targetType);
if (finalMethod != null)
methodToCheck = finalMethod;
//{ObjectTeams: 2nd arg added:
/* orig:
MethodBinding problemMethod = methodToCheck.boundCheck18(this.scope, argumentTypes);
:giro */
MethodBinding problemMethod = methodToCheck.boundCheck18(this.scope, invocation, argumentTypes);
// SH}
if (problemMethod != null)
return problemMethod;
if (!haveProperTargetType && invocation.getExpressionContext() != ExpressionContext.VANILLA_CONTEXT)
return method; // still not ready!
if (finalMethod != null) {
if (rebindInnerPolies(finalMethod, invocation))
return finalMethod;
return getReturnProblemMethodIfNeeded(targetType, method);
* Simplified API to perform Invocation Type Inference (JLS 18.5.2)
* and (if successful) return the solution.
* @param site invocation being inferred
* @param targetType target type for this invocation
* @return a method binding with updated type parameters, or null if no solution was found
public ParameterizedGenericMethodBinding getInvocationTypeInferenceSolution(MethodBinding method, Invocation site, TypeBinding targetType) {
// start over from a previous candidate but discard its type variable instantiations
// TODO: should we retain any instantiations of type variables not owned by the method?
BoundSet result = null;
try {
result = inferInvocationType(this.currentBounds, targetType, site, method);
} catch (InferenceFailureException e) {
return null;
if (result != null) {
TypeBinding[] solutions = getSolutions(method.typeVariables(), site, result);
if (solutions != null) {
ParameterizedGenericMethodBinding substituteMethod = this.environment.createParameterizedGenericMethod(method, solutions);
site.registerInferenceContext(substituteMethod, this);
return substituteMethod;
return null;
// ========== Below this point: implementation of the generic algorithm: ==========
* Try to solve the inference problem defined by constraints and bounds previously registered.
* @return a bound set representing the solution, or null if inference failed
* @throws InferenceFailureException a compile error has been detected during inference
public /*@Nullable*/ BoundSet solve() throws InferenceFailureException {
if (!reduce())
return null;
if (!this.currentBounds.incorporate(this))
return null;
return resolve();
* JLS 18.2. reduce all initial constraints
* @throws InferenceFailureException
private boolean reduce() throws InferenceFailureException {
if (this.initialConstraints != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < this.initialConstraints.length; i++) {
if (!this.currentBounds.reduceOneConstraint(this, this.initialConstraints[i]))
return false;
this.initialConstraints = null;
return true;
* Have all inference variables been instantiated successfully?
public boolean isResolved(BoundSet boundSet) {
if (this.inferenceVariables != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < this.inferenceVariables.length; i++) {
if (!boundSet.isInstantiated(this.inferenceVariables[i]))
return false;
return true;
* Retrieve the resolved solutions for all given type variables.
* @param typeParameters
* @param boundSet where instantiations are to be found
* @return array containing the substituted types or <code>null</code> elements for any type variable that could not be substituted.
public TypeBinding /*@Nullable*/[] getSolutions(TypeVariableBinding[] typeParameters, InvocationSite site, BoundSet boundSet) {
int len = typeParameters.length;
TypeBinding[] substitutions = new TypeBinding[len];
for (int i = 0; i < typeParameters.length; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < this.inferenceVariables.length; j++) {
InferenceVariable variable = this.inferenceVariables[j];
if ( == site && TypeBinding.equalsEquals(variable.typeParameter, typeParameters[i])) {
substitutions[i] = boundSet.getInstantiation(variable);
if (substitutions[i] == null)
return null;
return substitutions;
/** When inference produces a new constraint, reduce it to a suitable type bound and add the latter to the bound set. */
public boolean reduceAndIncorporate(ConstraintFormula constraint) throws InferenceFailureException {
return this.currentBounds.reduceOneConstraint(this, constraint); // TODO(SH): should we immediately call a diat incorporate, or can we simply wait for the next round?
* <b>JLS 18.4</b> Resolution
* @return answer null if some constraint resolved to FALSE, otherwise the boundset representing the solution
* @throws InferenceFailureException
private /*@Nullable*/ BoundSet resolve() throws InferenceFailureException {
// NOTE: 18.5.2 ...
// "(While it was necessary to demonstrate that the inference variables in B1 could be resolved
// in order to establish applicability, the resulting instantiations are not considered part of B1.)
// For this reason, resolve works on a temporary bound set, copied before any modification.
BoundSet tmpBoundSet = this.currentBounds;
if (this.inferenceVariables != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < this.inferenceVariables.length; i++) {
InferenceVariable currentVariable = this.inferenceVariables[i];
if (this.currentBounds.isInstantiated(currentVariable)) continue;
// find a minimal set of dependent variables:
Set variableSet = new HashSet();
int numUninstantiated = addDependencies(tmpBoundSet, variableSet, i);
final int numVars = variableSet.size();
if (numUninstantiated > 0 && numVars > 0) {
final InferenceVariable[] variables = (InferenceVariable[]) variableSet.toArray(new InferenceVariable[numVars]);
if (!tmpBoundSet.hasCaptureBound(variableSet)) {
// try to instantiate this set of variables in a fresh copy of the bound set:
BoundSet prevBoundSet = tmpBoundSet;
tmpBoundSet = tmpBoundSet.copy();
for (int j = 0; j < variables.length; j++) {
InferenceVariable variable = variables[j];
// try lower bounds:
TypeBinding[] lowerBounds = tmpBoundSet.lowerBounds(variable, true/*onlyProper*/);
if (lowerBounds != Binding.NO_TYPES) {
TypeBinding lub = this.scope.lowerUpperBound(lowerBounds);
if (lub == TypeBinding.VOID || lub == null)
return null;
tmpBoundSet.addBound(new TypeBound(variable, lub, ReductionResult.SAME));
} else {
TypeBinding[] upperBounds = tmpBoundSet.upperBounds(variable, true/*onlyProper*/);
// check exception bounds:
if (tmpBoundSet.inThrows.contains(variable) && tmpBoundSet.hasOnlyTrivialExceptionBounds(variable, upperBounds)) {
TypeBinding runtimeException = this.scope.getType(TypeConstants.JAVA_LANG_RUNTIMEEXCEPTION, 3);
tmpBoundSet.addBound(new TypeBound(variable, runtimeException, ReductionResult.SAME));
} else {
// try upper bounds:
if (upperBounds != Binding.NO_TYPES) {
TypeBinding glb;
if (upperBounds.length == 1) {
glb = upperBounds[0];
} else {
ReferenceBinding[] glbs = Scope.greaterLowerBound((ReferenceBinding[])upperBounds);
if (glbs == null)
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("no glb for "+Arrays.asList(upperBounds)); //$NON-NLS-1$
else if (glbs.length == 1)
glb = glbs[0];
glb = new IntersectionCastTypeBinding(glbs, this.environment);
tmpBoundSet.addBound(new TypeBound(variable, glb, ReductionResult.SAME));
if (tmpBoundSet.incorporate(this))
tmpBoundSet = prevBoundSet;// clean-up for second attempt
// Otherwise, a second attempt is made...
final CaptureBinding18[] zs = new CaptureBinding18[numVars];
for (int j = 0; j < numVars; j++)
zs[j] = freshCapture(variables[j]);
Substitution theta = new Substitution() {
public LookupEnvironment environment() {
return InferenceContext18.this.environment;
public boolean isRawSubstitution() {
return false;
public TypeBinding substitute(TypeVariableBinding typeVariable) {
for (int j = 0; j < numVars; j++)
if (variables[j] == typeVariable) //$IDENTITY-COMPARISON$ InferenceVariable does not participate in type annotation encoding
return zs[j];
return typeVariable;
public ITeamAnchor substituteAnchor(ITeamAnchor anchor, int rank) {
return null;
// SH}
for (int j = 0; j < numVars; j++) {
InferenceVariable variable = variables[j];
CaptureBinding18 zsj = zs[j];
// add lower bounds:
TypeBinding[] lowerBounds = tmpBoundSet.lowerBounds(variable, false/*onlyProper*/);
if (lowerBounds != Binding.NO_TYPES) {
lowerBounds = Scope.substitute(theta, lowerBounds);
TypeBinding lub = this.scope.lowerUpperBound(lowerBounds);
if (lub != TypeBinding.VOID && lub != null)
zsj.lowerBound = lub;
// add upper bounds:
TypeBinding[] upperBounds = tmpBoundSet.upperBounds(variable, false/*onlyProper*/);
if (upperBounds != Binding.NO_TYPES) {
for (int k = 0; k < upperBounds.length; k++)
upperBounds[k] = Scope.substitute(theta, upperBounds[k]);
if (!setUpperBounds(zsj, upperBounds))
continue; // at violation of well-formedness skip this candidate and proceed
if (tmpBoundSet == this.currentBounds)
tmpBoundSet = tmpBoundSet.copy();
// FIXME: remove capture bounds
tmpBoundSet.addBound(new TypeBound(variable, zsj, ReductionResult.SAME));
if (tmpBoundSet.incorporate(this))
return null;
return tmpBoundSet;
// === FIXME(stephan): this capture business is a bit drafty: ===
int captureId = 0;
/** For 18.4: "Let Z1, ..., Zn be fresh type variables" use capture bindings. */
private CaptureBinding18 freshCapture(InferenceVariable variable) {
char[] sourceName = CharOperation.concat("Z-".toCharArray(), variable.sourceName); //$NON-NLS-1$
return new CaptureBinding18(this.scope.enclosingSourceType(), sourceName, variable.typeParameter.shortReadableName(), this.captureId++, this.environment);
// === ===
private boolean setUpperBounds(CaptureBinding18 typeVariable, TypeBinding[] substitutedUpperBounds) {
// 18.4: ... define the upper bound of Zi as glb(L1θ, ..., Lkθ)
if (substitutedUpperBounds.length == 1) {
typeVariable.setUpperBounds(substitutedUpperBounds, this.object); // shortcut
} else {
TypeBinding[] glbs = Scope.greaterLowerBound(substitutedUpperBounds, this.scope, this.environment);
if (glbs == null)
return false;
// for deterministic results sort this array by id:
if (!typeVariable.setUpperBounds(glbs, this.object))
return false;
return true;
static void sortTypes(TypeBinding[] types) {
Arrays.sort(types, new Comparator() {
public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) {
int i1 = ((TypeBinding)o1).id, i2 = ((TypeBinding)o2).id;
return (i1<i2 ? -1 : (i1==i2 ? 0 : 1));
* starting with our i'th inference variable collect all variables
* reachable via dependencies (regardless of relation kind).
* @param variableSet collect all variables found into this set
* @param i seed index into {@link #inferenceVariables}.
* @return count of uninstantiated variables added to the set.
private int addDependencies(BoundSet boundSet, Set variableSet, int i) {
InferenceVariable currentVariable = this.inferenceVariables[i];
if (boundSet.isInstantiated(currentVariable)) return 0;
if (!variableSet.add(currentVariable)) return 1;
int numUninstantiated = 1;
for (int j = 0; j < this.inferenceVariables.length; j++) {
if (i == j) continue;
if (boundSet.dependsOnResolutionOf(currentVariable, this.inferenceVariables[j]))
numUninstantiated += addDependencies(boundSet, variableSet, j);
return numUninstantiated;
private Object pickFromCycle(Set c) {
missingImplementation("Breaking a dependency cycle NYI"); //$NON-NLS-1$
return null; // never
private Set findBottomSet(Set constraints, Set allOutputVariables) {
// 18.5.2 bullet 5.1
// A subset of constraints is selected, satisfying the property
// that, for each constraint, no input variable depends on an
// output variable of another constraint in C ...
Set result = new HashSet();
Iterator it = constraints.iterator();
constraintLoop: while (it.hasNext()) {
ConstraintFormula constraint = (ConstraintFormula);
Iterator inputIt = constraint.inputVariables(this).iterator();
Iterator outputIt = allOutputVariables.iterator();
while (inputIt.hasNext()) {
InferenceVariable in = (InferenceVariable);
while (outputIt.hasNext()) {
if (this.currentBounds.dependsOnResolutionOf(in, (InferenceVariable)
continue constraintLoop;
return result;
Set allOutputVariables(Set constraints) {
Set result = new HashSet();
Iterator it = constraints.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
return result;
private TypeBinding[] varArgTypes(TypeBinding[] parameters, int k) {
TypeBinding[] types = new TypeBinding[k];
int declaredLength = parameters.length-1;
System.arraycopy(parameters, 0, types, 0, declaredLength);
TypeBinding last = ((ArrayBinding)parameters[declaredLength]).elementsType();
for (int i = declaredLength; i < k; i++)
types[i] = last;
return types;
public InvocationRecord enterPolyInvocation(InvocationSite invocation, Expression[] innerArguments) {
InvocationRecord record = new InvocationRecord(this.currentInvocation, this.invocationArguments, this.inferenceVariables, this.inferenceKind);
this.inferenceVariables = null;
this.invocationArguments = innerArguments;
this.currentInvocation = invocation;
// schedule for re-binding the inner after inference success:
return record;
public void leavePolyInvocation(InvocationRecord record) {
// merge inference variables:
int l1 = this.inferenceVariables.length;
int l2 = record.inferenceVariables.length;
// move to back, add previous to front:
System.arraycopy(this.inferenceVariables, 0, this.inferenceVariables=new InferenceVariable[l1+l2], l2, l1);
System.arraycopy(record.inferenceVariables, 0, this.inferenceVariables, 0, l2);
// replace invocation site & arguments:
this.currentInvocation =;
this.invocationArguments = record.invocationArguments;
this.inferenceKind = record.inferenceKind;
public boolean rebindInnerPolies(MethodBinding method, InvocationSite site) {
BoundSet bounds = this.currentBounds;
TypeBinding targetType = site.invocationTargetType();
if ((targetType == null || !targetType.isProperType(true)) && site.getExpressionContext() == ExpressionContext.VANILLA_CONTEXT) {
// in this case we don't yet have the solution, compute it now:
try {
bounds = inferInvocationType(this.currentBounds, null, site, method);
} catch (InferenceFailureException e) {
return false;
if (bounds == null)
return false;
rebindInnerPolies(bounds, method.parameters);
return true;
* After inference has finished, iterate all inner poly expressions (Invocations), that
* have been included in the inference. For each of these update some type information
* from the inference result and perhaps trigger follow-up resolving as needed.
* Similar for poly expressions that did not directly participate in the inference
* but are direct arguments of the current invocation (FunctionalExpression, ConditionalExpression).
public void rebindInnerPolies(BoundSet bounds, TypeBinding[] parameterTypes) {
// This updates all remaining poly expressions that are direct arguments of the current invocation:
// (handles FunctionalExpression & ConditionalExpression)
acceptPendingPolyArguments(bounds, parameterTypes, this.inferenceKind == CHECK_VARARG);
// This loops over all poly expressions for which a sub-inference was triggered:
// (handles generic invocations)
int len = this.innerPolies.size();
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
Expression inner = (Expression) this.innerPolies.get(i);
if (inner instanceof Invocation) {
Invocation innerMessage = (Invocation) inner;
MethodBinding original = innerMessage.binding().original();
// apply inference results onto the allocation type of inner diamonds:
if (original.isConstructor() && inner.isPolyExpression()) {
ReferenceBinding declaringClass = original.declaringClass;
TypeBinding[] arguments = getSolutions(declaringClass.typeVariables(), innerMessage, bounds);
declaringClass = this.environment.createParameterizedType(declaringClass, arguments, declaringClass.enclosingType());
original = ((ParameterizedTypeBinding)declaringClass).createParameterizedMethod(original);
// apply results of the combined inference onto the binding of the inner invocation:
TypeBinding[] solutions = getSolutions(original.typeVariables(), innerMessage, bounds);
if (solutions == null)
continue; // play safe, but shouldn't happen in a resolved context
ParameterizedGenericMethodBinding innerBinding = this.environment.createParameterizedGenericMethod(original, solutions);
if (innerMessage.updateBindings(innerBinding)) { // only if we are actually improving anything
TypeBinding[] innerArgumentTypes = null;
Expression[] innerArguments = innerMessage.arguments();
if (innerArguments != null) {
innerArgumentTypes = new TypeBinding[innerArguments.length];
for (int j = 0; j < innerArguments.length; j++)
innerArgumentTypes[i] = innerArguments[i].resolvedType;
ASTNode.resolvePolyExpressionArguments(innerMessage, innerBinding, innerArgumentTypes);
private void acceptPendingPolyArguments(final BoundSet acceptedResult, TypeBinding[] parameterTypes, boolean isVarArgs) {
if (acceptedResult == null || this.invocationArguments == null) return;
Substitution substitution = new Substitution() {
public LookupEnvironment environment() {
return InferenceContext18.this.environment;
public boolean isRawSubstitution() {
return false;
public TypeBinding substitute(TypeVariableBinding typeVariable) {
if (typeVariable instanceof InferenceVariable) {
return acceptedResult.getInstantiation((InferenceVariable) typeVariable);
return typeVariable;
public ITeamAnchor substituteAnchor(ITeamAnchor anchor, int rank) {
return null;
// SH}
for (int i = 0; i < this.invocationArguments.length; i++) {
TypeBinding targetType = getParameter(parameterTypes, i, isVarArgs);
if (!targetType.isProperType(true))
targetType = Scope.substitute(substitution, targetType);
public boolean isVarArgs() {
return this.inferenceKind == CHECK_VARARG;
* Retrieve the rank'th parameter, possibly respecting varargs invocation, see
* Returns null if out of bounds and CHECK_VARARG was not requested.
public static TypeBinding getParameter(TypeBinding[] parameters, int rank, boolean isVarArgs) {
if (isVarArgs) {
if (rank >= parameters.length-1)
return ((ArrayBinding)parameters[parameters.length-1]).elementsType();
} else if (rank >= parameters.length) {
return null;
return parameters[rank];
* Create a problem method signaling failure of invocation type inference,
* unless the given candidate is tolerable to be compatible with buggy javac.
public MethodBinding getReturnProblemMethodIfNeeded(TypeBinding expectedType, MethodBinding method) {
if (InferenceContext18.SIMULATE_BUG_JDK_8026527 && expectedType != null && method.returnType instanceof ReferenceBinding) {
if (method.returnType.erasure().isCompatibleWith(expectedType))
return method; // don't count as problem.
if (expectedType == null)
return method; // assume inference failure concerned another expression
ProblemMethodBinding problemMethod = new ProblemMethodBinding(method, method.selector, method.parameters, ProblemReasons.ParameterizedMethodExpectedTypeProblem);
problemMethod.returnType = expectedType;
problemMethod.inferenceContext = this;
return problemMethod;
// debugging:
public String toString() {
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer("Inference Context"); //$NON-NLS-1$
if (isResolved(this.currentBounds))
buf.append(" (resolved)"); //$NON-NLS-1$
if (this.inferenceVariables != null) {
buf.append("Inference Variables:\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
for (int i = 0; i < this.inferenceVariables.length; i++) {
buf.append('\t').append(this.inferenceVariables[i].sourceName).append("\t:\t"); //$NON-NLS-1$
if (this.currentBounds.isInstantiated(this.inferenceVariables[i]))
buf.append("NOT INSTANTIATED"); //$NON-NLS-1$
if (this.initialConstraints != null) {
buf.append("Initial Constraints:\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
for (int i = 0; i < this.initialConstraints.length; i++)
if (this.initialConstraints[i] != null)
if (this.currentBounds != null)
return buf.toString();
public void addProblemMethod(ProblemMethodBinding problemMethod) {
if (this.problemMethods == null)
this.problemMethods = new ArrayList();
public static ParameterizedTypeBinding parameterizedWithWildcard(TypeBinding returnType) {
if (returnType == null || returnType.kind() != Binding.PARAMETERIZED_TYPE)
return null;
ParameterizedTypeBinding parameterizedType = (ParameterizedTypeBinding) returnType;
TypeBinding[] arguments = parameterizedType.arguments;
for (int i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
if (arguments[i].isWildcard())
return parameterizedType;
return null;
* Create initial bound set for 18.5.3 Functional Interface Parameterization Inference
* @param functionalInterface the functional interface F<A1,..Am>
* @return the parameter types Q1..Qk of the function type of the type F<α1, ..., αm>
public TypeBinding[] createBoundsForFunctionalInterfaceParameterizationInference(ParameterizedTypeBinding functionalInterface) {
this.currentBounds = new BoundSet();
TypeBinding[] a = functionalInterface.arguments;
InferenceVariable[] alpha = addInitialTypeVariableSubstitutions(a);
for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
TypeBound bound;
if (a[i].kind() == Binding.WILDCARD_TYPE) {
WildcardBinding wildcard = (WildcardBinding) a[i];
switch(wildcard.boundKind) {
case Wildcard.EXTENDS :
bound = new TypeBound(alpha[i], wildcard.allBounds(), ReductionResult.SUBTYPE);
case Wildcard.SUPER :
bound = new TypeBound(alpha[i], wildcard.bound, ReductionResult.SUPERTYPE);
case Wildcard.UNBOUND :
bound = new TypeBound(alpha[i], this.object, ReductionResult.SUBTYPE);
continue; // cannot
} else {
bound = new TypeBound(alpha[i], a[i], ReductionResult.SAME);
TypeBinding falpha = substitute(functionalInterface);
return falpha.getSingleAbstractMethod(this.scope, true).parameters;
public boolean reduceWithEqualityConstraints(TypeBinding[] p, TypeBinding[] q) {
for (int i = 0; i < p.length; i++) {
try {
if (!this.reduceAndIncorporate(new ConstraintTypeFormula(p[i], q[i], ReductionResult.SAME)))
return false;
} catch (InferenceFailureException e) {
return false;
return true;
public TypeBinding[] getFunctionInterfaceArgumentSolutions(TypeBinding[] a) {
int m = a.length;
TypeBinding[] aprime = new TypeBinding[m];
for (int i = 0; i < this.inferenceVariables.length; i++) {
InferenceVariable alphai = this.inferenceVariables[i];
TypeBinding t = this.currentBounds.getInstantiation(alphai);
if (t != null)
aprime[i] = t;
aprime[i] = a[i];
return aprime;
// INTERIM: infrastructure for detecting failures caused by specific known incompleteness:
public static void missingImplementation(String msg) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(msg);