| ExtractCallin_extractCallin_commandName=Extract Callin ... |
| ExtractCallin_extractCallin_name=Extract Callin |
| ExtractCallin_extractCallin_tooltip=Extract a callin binding and method. |
| ExtractCallin_notAvailableOnSelection_error=Operation unavailable on the current selection. Select a callin-bound role method or a callin method binding |
| ExtractCallinInputPage_copyBaseMethod_checkbox=&Copy base method code |
| ExtractCallinInputPage_deleteBaseMethod_checkbox=&Delete extracted base method |
| ExtractCallinInputPage_extractMode_group=Extract Mode |
| ExtractCallinInputPage_modeAfter_label=&After |
| ExtractCallinInputPage_modeBefore_label=&Before |
| ExtractCallinInputPage_modeReplace_label=R&eplace |
| ExtractCallinInputPage_roleMethod_label=&Role method name: |
| ExtractCallinInputPage_targetRole_label=&Target role: |
| ExtractCallinRefactoring_baseMethodAbstract_error=Method ''{0}'' is abstract, cannot extract. |
| ExtractCallinRefactoring_baseMethodBinary_error=Method ''{0}'' is declared in a binary class file. |
| ExtractCallinRefactoring_baseMethodCallout_error=Method ''{0}'' is an callout method and cannot be extracted. |
| ExtractCallinRefactoring_baseMethodReadOnly_error=Method ''{0}'' is declared in a read-only class file. |
| ExtractCallinRefactoring_bindingSearchFailed_error=Could not perform the search for binding role types. |
| ExtractCallinRefactoring_callinKindInvalid_error=Invalid callin kind. |
| ExtractCallinRefactoring_callinKindUnspecified_error=Callin kind has not been specified. |
| ExtractCallinRefactoring_callToExtractNotFound_After_error=The last statement in the base method must be a method invocation to extract an after callin. |
| ExtractCallinRefactoring_callToExtractNotFound_Before_error=The first statement in the base method must be a method invocation to extract a before callin. |
| ExtractCallinRefactoring_compileErrors_error=Compilation unit ''{0}'' contains compile errors. |
| ExtractCallinRefactoring_inexistentMethod_error=Method ''{0}'' does not exist. |
| ExtractCallinRefactoring_methodNameClash=A method with the same name already exists. |
| ExtractCallinRefactoring_preconditions_progress=Checking preconditions... |
| ExtractCallinRefactoring_roleBinary_error=Type ''{0}'' is declared in a binary class file. |
| ExtractCallinRefactoring_roleInexistent_error=Type ''{0}'' does not exist. |
| ExtractCallinRefactoring_roleMethodNameEmpty_error=New role method name cannot be empty. |
| ExtractCallinRefactoring_roleMethodUnspecified_error=No new role method name specified. |
| ExtractCallinRefactoring_roleReadOnly_error=Type ''{0}'' is declared in a read-only file. |
| ExtractCallinRefactoring_roleUnspecified_error=No target role selected. |
| ExtractCallinRefactoring_unboundRole_error=The declaring type ''{0}'' is not bound by a role. |
| ExtractCallinRefactoring_unparseableType_error=Could not parse the declaring type. |
| ExtractCallinRefactoring_unspecifiedMethod_error=Method has not been specified. |
| ExtractCallinWizard_extractCallinInput_pageName=ExtractCallinInputPage |
| InlineCallin_inlineCallin_commandName=Inline Callin ... |
| InlineCallin_inlineCallin_name=Inline Callin |
| InlineCallin_inlineCallin_tooltip=Inline a callin-bound role meth. |
| InlineCallin_notAvailableOnSelection_error=Operation unavailable on the current selection. Select a callin-bound role method or a callin method binding |
| InlineCallinInputPage_basemethod_columnLabel=Base Method |
| InlineCallinInputPage_baseMethod_label=&Select the bound base methods: |
| InlineCallinInputPage_callinKind_columnLabel=Callin Kind |
| InlineCallinInputPage_deleteMethod_button=&Delete role method |
| InlineCallinInputPage_kindAfter_label=After |
| InlineCallinInputPage_kindBefore_label=Before |
| InlineCallinInputPage_kindReplace_label=Replace |
| InlineCallinInputPage_methodName_lable=&Inlined method name: |
| InlineCallinRefactoring_binaryBase_error=Base class ''{0}'' is a binary type, cannot modify. |
| InlineCallinRefactoring_binaryMethod_error=Method ''{0}'' is declared in a binary class file. |
| InlineCallinRefactoring_compileErrors_error=Compilation unit ''{0}'' contains compile errors. |
| InlineCallinRefactoring_creatingChange_progress=Creating Change |
| InlineCallinRefactoring_emptyMethodName_error=New role method name cannot be empty. |
| InlineCallinRefactoring_inexistentMethod_error=Method ''{0}'' does not exist. |
| InlineCallinRefactoring_methodBoundByOtherCallin_error=The Role Method ''{0}'' is bound in a callin binding and cannot be inlined. |
| InlineCallinRefactoring_methodIsCallout_error=The Role Method ''{0}'' is bound in a callout binding and cannot be inlined. |
| InlineCallinRefactoring_methodIsUsed_error=The Role Method ''{0}'' is referenced and cannot be deleted. |
| InlineCallinRefactoring_methodIsUsedBy_error=The Role Method ''{0}'' is referenced by ''{1}'' and cannot be deleted. |
| InlineCallinRefactoring_methodNameClash_error=A method with the same name already exists. |
| InlineCallinRefactoring_methodUsesRoleField_error=The method to inline ''{0}'' references the role field ''{1}''. |
| InlineCallinRefactoring_methodUsesRoleMethod_error=The method to inline ''{0}'' references the role method ''{1}''. |
| InlineCallinRefactoring_missingBaseMethod_error=No base method selected. |
| InlineCallinRefactoring_missingNewMethodName_error=No new role method name specified. |
| InlineCallinRefactoring_noMethod_error=Method has not been specified. |
| InlineCallinRefactoring_notInsideRole_error=The selected method ''{0}'' is not declared in a role. |
| OTRefactoring_organizeImports_editName=Organize Imports |
| InlineCallinRefactoring_preconditions_progress=Checking preconditions... |
| InlineCallinRefactoring_readOnlyBase_error=Base class ''{0}'' is read-only, cannot modify. |
| InlineCallinRefactoring_readOnlyMethod_error=Method ''{0}'' is declared in a read-only class file. |
| InlineCallinRefactoring_unboundMethod_error=The selected method ''{0}'' is not bound on the left hand side of a callin method binding. |
| InlineCallinRefactoring_unboundRole_error=The declaring role class is not bound to a base class. |
| InlineCallinRefactoring_unparseableMethodMapping_error=Could not parse the method mappings. |
| InlineCallinRefactoring_unparseableType_error=Could not parse the declaring type. |
| InlineCallinWizard_inlineCallinInput_pageName=InlineCallinInputPage |
| RefactoringUtil_notFullyOTAware_info=The ''{0}'' Refactoring is not yet fully OT-aware\! |