blob: ce8deb8aadd72d834bda736cd07dd30df9f00562 [file] [log] [blame]
* This file is part of "Object Teams Dynamic Runtime Environment"
* Copyright 2009, 2014 Oliver Frank and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Please visit for updates and contact.
* Contributors:
* Oliver Frank - Initial API and implementation
* Stephan Herrmann - Initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.objectteams.otredyn.bytecode.asm;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.eclipse.objectteams.otredyn.bytecode.AbstractBoundClass;
import org.eclipse.objectteams.otredyn.bytecode.Field;
import org.eclipse.objectteams.otredyn.bytecode.IBytecodeProvider;
import org.eclipse.objectteams.otredyn.bytecode.Method;
import org.eclipse.objectteams.otredyn.bytecode.RedefineStrategyFactory;
import org.eclipse.objectteams.otredyn.bytecode.Types;
import org.eclipse.objectteams.otredyn.runtime.TeamManager;
import org.eclipse.objectteams.otredyn.transformer.names.ClassNames;
import org.eclipse.objectteams.otredyn.transformer.names.ConstantMembers;
import org.objectweb.asm.ClassReader;
import org.objectweb.asm.ClassWriter;
import org.objectweb.asm.Opcodes;
import org.objectweb.asm.Type;
* This class implements the bytecode manipulating part of {@link AbstractBoundClass}.
* It uses ASM to manipulate the bytecode.
* @author Oliver Frank
class AsmWritableBoundClass extends AsmBoundClass {
private static boolean dumping = false;
static {
dumping = true;
private ClassWriter writer;
private MultiClassAdapter multiAdapter;
private ClassReader reader;
private boolean isTransformed;
private boolean isTransformedForMemberAccess;
private boolean isTransformedStatic;
private List<AbstractTransformableClassNode> nodes;
private boolean isFirstTransformation = true;
private boolean isTransformationActive;
protected AsmWritableBoundClass(String name, String id, IBytecodeProvider bytecodeProvider, ClassLoader loader) {
super(name, id, bytecodeProvider, loader);
* Adds a field to the class
* @param field defines name and type of the field
* @param access access flags for the field
* @see AddFieldAdapter
private void addField(Field field, int access) {
assert (isTransformationActive) : "No transformation active";
String desc = field.getSignature();
multiAdapter.addVisitor(new AddFieldAdapter(writer, field.getName(), access, desc));
* Adds an empty method to the class
* @param method
* @param access
* @param signature
* @param exceptions
* @see AddEmptyMethodAdapter
private void addEmptyMethod(Method method, int access, String signature, String[] exceptions) {
assert (isTransformationActive) : "No transformation active";
String desc = method.getSignature();
Type[] args = Type.getArgumentTypes(desc);
multiAdapter.addVisitor(new AddEmptyMethodAdapter(writer, method.getName(),
access, desc, exceptions, signature, args.length + 1));
* Adds an interface to the class
* @see AddInterfaceAdapter
* @param name
private void addInterface(String name) {
assert (isTransformationActive) : "No transformation active";
multiAdapter.setToplevelVisitor(new AddInterfaceAdapter(writer, name));
* This method must be called before any transformation
* can be done. It makes it possible to collect all transformations
* and transform the bytecode only one time at the end.
protected void startTransformation() {
reader = new ClassReader(allocateAndGetBytecode());
writer = getClassWriter();
multiAdapter = new MultiClassAdapter(writer);
nodes = new ArrayList<AbstractTransformableClassNode>();
isTransformationActive = true;
LoaderAwareClassWriter getClassWriter() {
int flags = ClassWriter.COMPUTE_FRAMES;
// DEBUG: when frame computation throws an exception, enable dumping of class file without frames computed:
// if (getName().contains("JUnitLaunchConfigurationDelegate"))
// flags = 0;
return new LoaderAwareClassWriter(reader, flags, this.loader);
* Is the class manipulated right now.
public boolean isTransformationActive() {
return isTransformationActive;
* Executes all pending transformations.
protected void endTransformation() {
assert (isTransformationActive) : "No transformation active";
// //TODO (ofra): Do everything in one transformation
// Do all transformation with the Core API of ASM
reader.accept(multiAdapter, ClassReader.SKIP_FRAMES);
//Do all transformations with the Tree API of ASM
for (AbstractTransformableClassNode node : nodes) {
reader = new ClassReader(allocateAndGetBytecode());
reader.accept(node, ClassReader.SKIP_FRAMES);
if (node.transform()) {
writer = getClassWriter();
reader = null;
writer = null;
multiAdapter = null;
nodes = null;
//Check, if this is the first transformation for this class
if (!this.isFirstTransformation) {
// It is not the first transformation, so redefine the class
try {
} catch (Throwable t) {
// t.printStackTrace(System.out);
// if redefinition failed (ClassCircularity?) install a runnable for deferred redefinition:
final Runnable previousTask = TeamManager.pendingTasks.get();
TeamManager.pendingTasks.set(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
if (previousTask != null);
public String toString() {
return "Retry "+AsmWritableBoundClass.this.toString();
isTransformationActive = false;
isFirstTransformation = false;
* Creates the dispatch code in the original method.
* @see CreateDispatchCodeInOrgMethodAdapter
protected void createDispatchCodeInOrgMethod(Method boundMethod,
int joinPointId, int boundMethodId) {
assert (isTransformationActive) : "No transformation active";
nodes.add(new CreateDispatchCodeInOrgMethodAdapter(boundMethod,
joinPointId, boundMethodId));
* Creates the dispatch code in the method callAllBindings.
* @see CreateDispatchCodeInCallAllBindingsAdapter
protected void createDispatchCodeInCallAllBindings(int joinpointId,
int boundMethodId) {
assert (isTransformationActive) : "No transformation active";
nodes.add(new CreateDispatchCodeInCallAllBindingsAdapter(joinpointId,
* Moves the code of the original method to callOrig or callOrigStatic.
* @see MoveCodeToCallOrigAdapter
protected void moveCodeToCallOrig(Method boundMethod, int boundMethodId) {
if (boundMethod.getName().equals("<init>")) return; // don't move constructor code
assert (isTransformationActive) : "No transformation active";
nodes.add(new MoveCodeToCallOrigAdapter(this, boundMethod, boundMethodId));
* Creates a super call in callOrig.
* @see CreateSuperCallInCallOrigAdapter
protected void createSuperCallInCallOrig(int joinpointId) {
assert (isTransformationActive) : "No transformation active";
nodes.add(new CreateSuperCallInCallOrigAdapter(
getInternalSuperClassName(), joinpointId));
* Creates a call of callAllBindings in the original method.
* @see CreateCallAllBindingsCallInOrgMethod
protected void createCallAllBindingsCallInOrgMethod(Method boundMethod,
int boundMethodId, boolean needToAddMethod) {
assert (isTransformationActive) : "No transformation active";
if (needToAddMethod) {
String desc = boundMethod.getSignature();
Type[] args = Type.getArgumentTypes(desc);
multiAdapter.addVisitor(new AddEmptyMethodAdapter(writer, boundMethod.getName(),
boundMethod.getAccessFlags(), desc, null, boundMethod.getSignature(), args.length+1/*maxLocals*/));
nodes.add(new CreateCallAllBindingsCallInOrgMethod(boundMethod,
* Prepares a the class for a decapsulation of one of its methods
protected void weaveMethodAccess(Method method, int accessId) {
nodes.add(new CreateMethodAccessAdapter(method, accessId));
* Prepares a the class for a decapsulation of one of its fields
protected void weaveFieldAccess(Field field, int accessId) {
nodes.add(new CreateFieldAccessAdapter(field, accessId));
* Write the bytecode in the directory ./otdyn to the hard disk,
* if the system property "ot.dump" is set.
private void dump() {
if (!dumping)
FileOutputStream fos = null;
try {
String name = getName();
int index = name.indexOf('/');
if (index == -1)
index = name.indexOf('.');
File dir = new File("otdyn");
if (!dir.exists())
String filename = "otdyn/" + name.substring(index + 1) + ".class";
fos = new FileOutputStream(filename);
} catch (Exception e) {
// TODO (ofra): Log error while dumping
private int n = 0; // counts dump files for this class
public void dump(byte[] bytecode, String postfix) {
if (!dumping)
FileOutputStream fos = null;
try {
String name = getName();
int index = name.indexOf('/');
if (index == -1)
index = name.indexOf('.');
File dir = new File("otdyn");
if (!dir.exists())
String filename = "otdyn/" + name.substring(index + 1) + postfix+".#"+(n++);
fos = new FileOutputStream(filename);
} catch (Exception e) {
// TODO (ofra): Log error while dumping
* Redefines the class
private void redefine() {
try {
Class<?> clazz = this.loader.loadClass(this.getName()); // boot classes may have null classloader, can't be redefined anyway?
byte[] bytecode = allocateAndGetBytecode();
dump(bytecode, "redef");
RedefineStrategyFactory.getRedefineStrategy().redefine(clazz, bytecode);
} catch (Throwable t) {
throw new RuntimeException("Error occured while dynamically redefining class " + getName()+"\n"+t.getMessage(), t);
* Do all transformations needed at load time
protected void prepareAsPossibleBaseClass() {
if (!isFirstTransformation)
int methodModifiers = Types.ACCESS_PUBLIC;
if (isInterface())
methodModifiers |= Opcodes.ACC_ABSTRACT;
if (!isInterface())
addField(ConstantMembers.roleSet, Types.ACCESS_PUBLIC);
addEmptyMethod(ConstantMembers.callOrig, methodModifiers, null, null);
addEmptyMethod(ConstantMembers.callAllBindingsClient, methodModifiers, null, null);
// the methods callOrigStatic and accessStatic have to already exist to call it in a concrete team
if (!isInterface()) {
addEmptyMethod(getCallOrigStatic(), Types.ACCESS_PUBLIC + Types.ACCESS_STATIC, null, null);
addEmptyMethod(ConstantMembers.accessStatic, Types.ACCESS_PUBLIC + Types.ACCESS_STATIC, null, null);
addEmptyMethod(ConstantMembers.access, methodModifiers, null, null);
addEmptyMethod(ConstantMembers.addOrRemoveRole, methodModifiers, null, null);
if (!isInterface())
multiAdapter.addVisitor(new AddAfterClassLoadingHook(this.writer, this));
if (AddThreadNotificationAdapter.shouldNotify(this))
multiAdapter.addVisitor(new AddThreadNotificationAdapter(this.writer, this));
/** Get the suitable variant of _OT$callOrigStatic, respecting synth args for static role methods. */
Method getCallOrigStatic() {
if (isRole())
return ConstantMembers.callOrigStaticRoleVersion(getEnclosingClassName());
return ConstantMembers.callOrigStatic;
* Prepares the class for implicit team activation by adding appropriate calls to
* _OT$implicitlyActivate(), _OT$implicitlyDeactivate() into all relevant methods.
protected void prepareTeamActivation() {
if (!isFirstTransformation || isInterface())
if (isTeam() || isRole())
multiAdapter.addVisitor(new AddImplicitActivationAdapter(this.writer, this));
AddGlobalTeamActivationAdapter.checkAddVisitor(this.multiAdapter, this.writer);
protected void prepareLiftingParticipant() {
if (isTeam() && LiftingParticipantAdapter.isLiftingParticipantConfigured(this.loader)) {
multiAdapter.addVisitor(new LiftingParticipantAdapter(this.writer));
* Prepares the methods callAllBindings and callOrig with an empty
* switch statement
protected void prepareForFirstTransformation() {
if (!isTransformed && !isInterface()) {
nodes.add(new CreateSwitchAdapter(ConstantMembers.callOrig));
nodes.add(new CreateSwitchForCallAllBindingsNode());
nodes.add(new CreateAddRemoveRoleMethod());
isTransformed = true;
* Prepares the method callOrigStatic with an empty
* switch statement
protected void prepareForFirstStaticTransformation() {
if (!isTransformedStatic && !isInterface()) {
nodes.add(new CreateSwitchAdapter(getCallOrigStatic(), isRole()));
isTransformedStatic = true;
* Prepares the methods access and accessStatic with an empty
* switch statement
protected void prepareForFirstMemberAccess() {
if (!isTransformedForMemberAccess && !isInterface()) {
nodes.add(new CreateSwitchForAccessAdapter(ConstantMembers.access,
getInternalSuperClassName(), this));
nodes.add(new CreateSwitchForAccessAdapter(ConstantMembers.accessStatic,
getInternalSuperClassName(), this));
isTransformedForMemberAccess = true;
* Was the class already transformed?
public boolean isFirstTransformation() {
return isFirstTransformation;