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<font size="+3"><b>jdt core - build notes 3.6 stream</b></font>
<tr><td align="left" width="72%" class="title2"><font size="-2">Java development tools core</font></td></tr>
<td class="title3">
<font size="-1">
Here are the build notes for the Eclipse JDT/Core plug-in project
<a href=""><b>org.eclipse.jdt.core</b></a>,
describing <a href="" target=new>bug</a> resolution and substantial changes in the <a href=""><b>HEAD</b></a> branch.
For more information on 3.6 planning, please refer to <a href="">JDT/Core release plan</a>,
the next <a href="">milestone plan</a>,
the overall <a href="">official plan</a>,
or the <a href="">build schedule</a>.
This present document covers all changes since Release 3.5 (also see a summary of <a href="">API changes</a>).
<br>Maintenance of previous releases of JDT/Core is performed in parallel branches:
<a href="">R3.5.x</a>,
<a href="">R3.4.x</a>,
<a href="">R3.3.x</a>,
<a href="">R3.2.x</a>,
<a href="">R3.1.x</a>,
<a href="">R3.0.x</a>,
<a href="">R2.1.x</a>,
<a href="">R2.0.x</a>,
<a href="">R1.0.x</a>.
<a name="v_A32a"></a>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes<br>
Java development tools core</h1>
Eclipse SDK 3.6M5 - January 21, 2010 - 3.6.0 M5
<br>Project org.eclipse.jdt.core v_A32a
(<a href="">cvs</a>).
<h2>What's new in this drop</h2>
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">300133</a>
[1.5][compiler] Local classes inside enum constants generate default constructor without implicit constructor call
<br><a href="">300440</a>
icu dependency needs to be udpated
<br><a href="">299900</a>
[null]Missing potential null warnings for variable on the right of an OR conditional expression
<br><a href="">293917</a>
Invalid 'potential null access' warning reports
<br><a href="">252379</a>
Organize imports deletes needed static import.
<a name="v_A31"></a>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes<br>
Java development tools core</h1>
Eclipse SDK 3.6M5 - January 18, 2010
<br>Project org.eclipse.jdt.core v_A31
(<a href="">cvs</a>).
<h2>What's new in this drop</h2>
<li>New API to fix bug <a href="">295894</a>. See the bug for details.
* Returns a Java search scope limited to the hierarchy of the given type and to a given project.
* The Java elements resulting from a search with this scope will be types in this hierarchy.
* Unlike the createHierarchyScope methods, this method creates strict
* scopes that only contain types that actually span the hierarchy of the focus
* type, but do not include additional enclosing or member types.
* By default, hierarchy scopes include all direct and indirect supertypes and subtypes of the
* focus type. This method, however, allows to restrict the hierarchy to true subtypes,
* not including supertypes. Also inclusion of the focus type itself is controled by a parameter.
* @param project the project to which to constrain the search, or null if
* search should consider all types in the workspace
* @param type the focus of the hierarchy scope
* @param onlySubtypes if true only subtypes of type are considered
* @param includeFocusType if true the focus type type is included in the resulting scope,
* otherwise it is excluded
* @param owner the owner of working copies that take precedence over original compilation units,
* or null if the primary working copy owner should be used
* @return a new hierarchy scope
* @exception JavaModelException if the hierarchy could not be computed on the given type
* @since 3.6
public static IJavaSearchScope createStrictHierarchyScope(IJavaProject project, IType type, boolean onlySubtypes, boolean includeFocusType, WorkingCopyOwner owner) throws JavaModelException;
<li>New API added to report a compiler warning when object allocations are unused:
* Compiler option ID: Reporting Allocation of an Unused Object.
* When enabled, the compiler will issue an error or a warning if an object is allocated but never used,
* neither by holding a reference nor by invoking one of the object's methods.
* Option id:"org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.problem.unusedObjectAllocation"
* Possible values:{ "error", "warning", "ignore" }
* Default:"ignore"
* @since 3.6
* @category CompilerOptionID
public static final String COMPILER_PB_UNUSED_OBJECT_ALLOCATION = PLUGIN_ID + ".compiler.problem.unusedObjectAllocation";
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">245007</a>
[compiler] Should not completely ignore anonymous type with missing super type
<br><a href="">295894</a>
[search] Search shows focus type implementation for nested types even though the scope is restricted to subtypes.
<br><a href="">236385</a>
[compiler] Warn for potential programming problem if an object is created but not used
<a name="v_A30"></a>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes<br>
Java development tools core</h1>
Eclipse SDK 3.6M5 - January 12, 2010
<br>Project org.eclipse.jdt.core v_A30
(<a href="">cvs</a>).
<h2>What's new in this drop</h2>
<li>New API added to expose the reconcile flags used in the reconcile context:
* Returns the reconcile flag of this context. This flag is a bitwise value of the constant defined
* in ICompilationUnit.
* @return the reconcile flag of this context
* @since 3.6
* @see ICompilationUnit#IGNORE_METHOD_BODIES
public int getReconcileFlags();
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">243917</a>
[compiler] should not warn about unused field when native method present
<br><a href="">296343</a>
OOM error caused by java indexing referencing classloader from threadLocal
<br><a href="">130000</a>
[API] ReconcileContext API: Does getAST3 return AST with bindings?
<br><a href="">298238</a>
Unresolved import in superclass causes 'Cannot reduce the visibility of the inherited method' in subclass
<a name="v_A29a"></a>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes<br>
Java development tools core</h1>
Eclipse SDK 3.6M5 - January 5, 2010
<br>Project org.eclipse.jdt.core v_A29a
(<a href="">cvs</a>).
<h2>What's new in this drop</h2>
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">293861</a>
Problem with refactoring when existing jar with invalid package names
<br><a href="">264112</a>
[Formatter] Wrap when necessary too aggressive on short qualifiers
<br><a href="">298250</a>
[1.6][compiler] NegativeArraySizeException in StackMapFrame.duplicate
<br><a href="">296998</a>
Unused imports should not prevent execution
<br><a href="">298243</a>
[formatter] Removing empty lines between import groups
<br><a href="">297546</a>
[formatter] Formatter removes blank after @see if reference is wrapped
<br><a href="">235781</a>
[compiler] difference to javac in definite unassignment analysis involving an exception within a constructor
<br><a href="">235783</a>
[eval] CodeSnippetParser and some 'CodeSnippet*' ast node does not seem up to date
<a name="v_A28"></a>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes<br>
Java development tools core</h1>
Eclipse SDK 3.6M5 - December 14, 2009
<br>Project org.eclipse.jdt.core v_A28
(<a href="">cvs</a>).
<h2>What's new in this drop</h2>
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">196714</a>
[comment] InvalidInputException prevents the AbstractCommentMapper to retrieve tag element
<br><a href="">297757</a>
Cannot get bindings for IType corresponding to parameterized anonymous type
<br><a href="">255640</a>
[spec] Methods Signature.toCharArray(..) have unclear precondition
<br><a href="">262898</a>
BufferChangedEvent must not have @noinstantiate
<br><a href="">181682</a>
JavaConventions.validateJavaTypeName should list valid constants
<br><a href="">108784</a>
SourceMapper doesn't find name range of inner class constructors
<a name="v_A27"></a>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes<br>
Java development tools core</h1>
Eclipse SDK 3.6M4 - December 8, 2009 - 3.6.0 M4
<br>Project org.eclipse.jdt.core v_A27
(<a href="">cvs</a>).
<h2>What's new in this drop</h2>
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">297225</a>
[formatter] Indentation may be still wrong in certain circumstances after formatting
<br><a href="">293697</a>
JavaSearchBugTests.testBug286379c is failing randomly
<a name="v_A26"></a>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes<br>
Java development tools core</h1>
Eclipse SDK 3.6M4 - December 7, 2009
<br>Project org.eclipse.jdt.core v_A26
(<a href="">cvs</a>).
<h2>What's new in this drop</h2>
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">297045</a>
Weird tests failures in N20091204-2000 and N20091205-2000 builds
<br><a href="">293300</a>
[formatter] The formatter is still unstable in certain circumstances
<a name="v_A25"></a>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes<br>
Java development tools core</h1>
Eclipse SDK 3.6M4 - December 4, 2009
<br>Project org.eclipse.jdt.core v_A25
(<a href="">cvs</a>).
<h2>What's new in this drop</h2>
<li>Match result can now report the access rules through a new API added on <code>TypeNameMatch</code>:
* Returns the accessibility of the type name match
* @see IAccessRule
* @return the accessibility of the type name which may be
* {@link IAccessRule#K_ACCESSIBLE}, {@link IAccessRule#K_DISCOURAGED}
* or {@link IAccessRule#K_NON_ACCESSIBLE}.
* The default returned value is {@link IAccessRule#K_ACCESSIBLE}.
* @since 3.6
public abstract int getAccessibility();
See bug <a href="">296277</a> for more details.
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">296277</a>
[search] SearchEngine#searchAllTypeNames(.., TypeNameMatchRequestor,..) should report access rules
<br><a href="">296708</a>
[DOM/AST] clarify setters when createASTs(..) is used
<br><a href="">296629</a>
[quick fix] Cast quick fix not offered for method-local classes
<br><a href="">295948</a>
ElementImpl.hashCode throws an NPE
<br><a href="">296660</a>
[compiler] Incorrect unused method warning from compiler
<a name="v_A24"></a>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes<br>
Java development tools core</h1>
Eclipse SDK 3.6M4 - December 1, 2009
<br>Project org.eclipse.jdt.core v_A24
(<a href="">cvs</a>).
<h2>What's new in this drop</h2>
<li>New API added to ignore method bodies inside AST tree. The new APIs are tagged as 3.5.2 as this code
will be backported to 3.5.2:
* Requests an abstract syntax tree without method bodies.
* When ignore method bodies is enabled, all method bodies are discarded.
* This has no impact on the binding resolution.
* If a method contains local types, its method body will be retained.
* This settings is not used if the kind used in setKind(int) is either
* @since 3.5.2
public void setIgnoreMethodBodies(boolean enabled);
* Constant indicating that a reconcile operation could ignore to parse the method bodies.
* @see ASTParser#setIgnoreMethodBodies(boolean)
* @since 3.5.2
public static final int IGNORE_METHOD_BODIES = 0x08;
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">288174</a>
[search] NullPointerException when searching for type references
<br><a href="">277643</a>
Generics compile error
<br><a href="">288211</a>
APT uses a lot of memory
<a name="v_A23"></a>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes<br>
Java development tools core</h1>
Eclipse SDK 3.6M4 - November 24, 2009
<br>Project org.eclipse.jdt.core v_A23
(<a href="">cvs</a>).
<h2>What's new in this drop</h2>
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">295698</a>
[1.5][compiler] ClassCastException in unchecked warning report
<br><a href="">295260</a>
Wrong warnings on Java.Compiler.Errors/Warnings &quot;Redundant null check&quot;
<br><a href="">190737</a>
[compiler][null] missing 'cannot be null' warning within for loop
<a name="v_A22"></a>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes<br>
Java development tools core</h1>
Eclipse SDK 3.6M4 - November 16, 2009
<br>Project org.eclipse.jdt.core v_A22
(<a href="">cvs</a>).
<h2>What's new in this drop</h2>
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">153429</a>
JUnit4 in Eclipse Testing Framework
<br><a href="">295238</a>
[formatter] The comment formatter add an unexpected new line in block comment
<br><a href="">295175</a>
[formatter] Missing space before a string at the beginning of a line in a javadoc comment
<br><a href="">294529</a>
The Scanner sometimes ignores the given offset if larger than the EOF.
<br><a href="">294662</a>
ClassCastException while invoking quick assist
<br><a href="">294404</a>
-target jsr14 flags error on foreach over Collection that does not implement Iterable
<br><a href="">293955</a>
valid javadoc url set on user library, but still says no javadoc
<br><a href="">293443</a>
AbortCompilation when invoking content assist
<br><a href="">293711</a>
Clarify ICompilationUnit#getOwner() javadoc
<br><a href="">293615</a>
error message since v3.6.0M2: name clash by overriding generic methods
<br><a href="">294618</a>
[formatter] The formatter fails to format a compilation unit with deep nesting of html tags
<br><a href="">248312</a>
[model] IMemberValuePair#getValue() should also work for negative numerals
<br><a href="">294731</a>
<a name="v_A21"></a>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes<br>
Java development tools core</h1>
Eclipse SDK 3.6M4 - November 10, 2009
<br>Project org.eclipse.jdt.core v_A21
(<a href="">cvs</a>).
<h2>What's new in this drop</h2>
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">294631</a>
[formatter] The formatter takes two passes to format a common sequence of html tags
<br><a href="">294500</a>
[formatter] MalformedTreeException when formatting an invalid sequence of &lt;code&gt; tags in a javadoc comment
<br><a href="">294488</a>
Javadoc of ISourceReference#getSourceRange() should link to SourceRange#isAvailable(..)
<br><a href="">199265</a>
[formatter] 3.3 Code Formatter mis-places commented-out import statements
<br><a href="">241549</a>
[spec] IType#getFields/Initializers/Methods() should define order from class file
<br><a href="">275805</a>
creating a non-primary working copy causes typeHierarchyChanged event
<br><a href="">292510</a>
FUP of 292364: Error messages don't identify partial types precisely.
<a name="v_A20"></a>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes<br>
Java development tools core</h1>
Eclipse SDK 3.6M4 - November 3, 2009
<br>Project org.eclipse.jdt.core v_A20
(<a href="">cvs</a>).
<h2>What's new in this drop</h2>
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">293384</a>
Eclipse erroneously reports method &quot;is ambiguous for type&quot;
<br><a href="">285002</a>
[compiler] visibility error for package private method
<a name="v_A19"></a>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes<br>
Java development tools core</h1>
Eclipse SDK 3.6M3 - October 29, 2009 - 3.6M3
<br>Project org.eclipse.jdt.core v_A19
(<a href="">cvs</a>).
<h2>What's new in this drop</h2>
This version was created to tentatively fix bug <a href="">293697</a>
but it occurs again in subsequent build. So, it has been reopened and moved to next version...
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a name="v_A18"></a>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes<br>
Java development tools core</h1>
Eclipse SDK 3.6M3 - October 28, 2009
<br>Project org.eclipse.jdt.core v_A18
(<a href="">cvs</a>).
<h2>What's new in this drop</h2>
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">293496</a>
Adding the serialVersionUID field doesn't work when tab size is 0
<a name="v_A17"></a>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes<br>
Java development tools core</h1>
Eclipse SDK 3.6M3 - October 26, 2009
<br>Project org.eclipse.jdt.core v_A17
(<a href="">cvs</a>).
<h2>What's new in this drop</h2>
<li>Reverted change for bug <a href="">263564</a>.</li>
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a name="v_A16"></a>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes<br>
Java development tools core</h1>
Eclipse SDK 3.6M3 - October 25, 2009
<br>Project org.eclipse.jdt.core v_A16
(<a href="">cvs</a>).
<h2>What's new in this drop</h2>
<li>New API added in <code>org.eclipse.jdt.core.JavaCore</code> in order to fix bug <a href="">263564</a>:
* Returns an immutable map of all known configurable options with their original default values
* as defined by JDT/Core.
* The values of these options might be different from the values returned by getDefaultOptions()
* as getDefaultOptions() returned the default options defined by an installation/product/configuration
* (i.e. modified by the usage of a plugin_customization.ini file for example).
* These options allow to configure the behaviour of the underlying components.
* If the map is being modified, an UnsupportedOperationException> exception is thrown.
* Helper constants have been defined on JavaCore for each of the option IDs
* (categorized in Code assist option ID, Compiler option ID and Core option ID)
* and some of their acceptable values (categorized in Option value). Some
* options accept open value sets beyond the documented constant values.
* Note: each release may add new options.
* @return an immutable map of all known configurable options with their original default values
* as defined by JDT/Core
* @since 3.6
public static Map getOriginalDefaultOptions();
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">293240</a>
[formatter] 'insert_space_before_opening_brace_in_array_initializer' preference may be reset in certain circumstances
<br><a href="">263564</a>
API to know when default compiler preference settings have been altered
<br><a href="">289385</a>
Investigate comment in performance tests
<br><a href="">286379</a>
[search] Problem while searching class
<a name="v_A15"></a>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes<br>
Java development tools core</h1>
Eclipse SDK 3.6M3 - October 20, 2009
<br>Project org.eclipse.jdt.core v_A15
(<a href="">cvs</a>).
<h2>What's new in this drop</h2>
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">292350</a>
[1.5][compiler] Compiler error: ambiguous method since 3.5.1 using generics and interface inheritance
<br><a href="">292364</a>
[internal] Type name in CastExpression not treated as Type name.
<br><a href="">292428</a>
Internal compiler error: NullPointerException at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.CastExpression.checkUnsafeCast(
<br><a href="">291985</a>
[compiler][jsr14] Translating Enum with jsr14 target: ECJ causes a runtime error while Sun compiler works fine
<br><a href="">292240</a>
Compiler error on implementation of raw sub interface
<a name="v_A14"></a>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes<br>
Java development tools core</h1>
Eclipse SDK 3.6M3 - October 13, 2009
<br>Project org.eclipse.jdt.core v_A14
(<a href="">cvs</a>).
<h2>What's new in this drop</h2>
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">291391</a>
update the Bundle-Version of the JDT Core Batch Compiler (ecj) from 3.3.0 to 3.6.*
<br><a href="">284280</a>
[1.5][compiler] Error on use generic interface in abstract super class
<br><a href="">286228</a>
[1.5][compiler] Generics inconsistencies possible regression
<br><a href="">286601</a>
[formatter] Code formatter formats anonymous inner classes wrongly when 'Never join lines' is on
<br><a href="">215139</a>
[search] More options for HierarchyScope
<br><a href="">291472</a>
[1.5][compiler] Access to a generic method is compiled incorrectly
<br><a href="">283539</a>
NamingConventions.suggestVariableNames doesn't work if name contains '_'
<br><a href="">280784</a>
[batch] Allow access restrictions to be reported as errors
<a name="v_A13"></a>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes<br>
Java development tools core</h1>
Eclipse SDK 3.6M3 - October 6, 2009
<br>Project org.eclipse.jdt.core v_A13
(<a href="">cvs</a>).
<h2>What's new in this drop</h2>
<li>Reverted fix for <a href="">106478</a>.</li>
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">291322</a>
Test errors when running JDT Core tests on Windows 7
<br><a href="">282770</a>
[compiler] Dead code detection should have specific @SuppressWarnings
<br><a href="">290028</a>
Use IResource#setDerived(boolean, IProgressMonitor) instead of IResource#setDerived(boolean)
<br><a href="">287607</a>
[1.5][compiler] cast of inner of generic enclosing type are not reported as unsafe
<br><a href="">288749</a>
Redundant superinterface not flagged inside one declaration
<br><a href="">290905</a>
[formatter] Certain formatter pref constellation cause endless loop ==&gt; OOME
<br><a href="">285124</a>
serialVersionUID still causes error/warning
<br><a href="">290877</a>
[DOM] If using a tag named '@enum' the ASTParser ignores this
<br><a href="">281575</a>
Eclipse hangs in SourceMapper while doing java proposals
<br><a href="">290470</a>
[JSR199][compiler] JDT compiler not jsr199 compatible.
<br><a href="">290730</a>
Rewriting SwitchStatement throws NPE
<a name="v_A12"></a>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes<br>
Java development tools core</h1>
Eclipse SDK 3.6M3 - September 29, 2009
<br>Project org.eclipse.jdt.core v_A12
(<a href="">cvs</a>).
<h2>What's new in this drop</h2>
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">287676</a>
[1.5][compiler] Useless cast warning not emited
<br><a href="">290563</a>
add specification for fine grain search flags
<br><a href="">290376</a>
Errant &quot;Comparing identical expressions&quot; warning with assignment
<br><a href="">287592</a>
[1.5][compiler] Wrong ambiguous compilation error
<br><a href="">290049</a>
Reconciling a compilation unit does not return an AST with bindings when it should (probably)
<br><a href="">290034</a>
Effects of @SuppressWarnings(&quot;unchecked&quot;) are broader in Eclipse than in javac
<br><a href="">267561</a>
[evaluation] LocalEvaluationEngine does not accept primitive types
<br><a href="">163194</a>
[1.6] compiler should warn about missing @Override annotation for interface method
<a name="v_A11"></a>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes<br>
Java development tools core</h1>
Eclipse SDK 3.6M3 - September 22, 2009
<br>Project org.eclipse.jdt.core v_A11
(<a href="">cvs</a>).
<h2>What's new in this drop</h2>
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">289892</a>
[compiler] NPE during binaryTypeBinding field initialization
<br><a href="">287833</a>
[formatter] Formatter removes the first character after the * in the &lt;pre&gt; tag
<br><a href="">238943</a>
SortElementsOperation doesn't use project specific settings
<br><a href="">288621</a>
[1.5][compiler] Creating type hierarchy failed when pressing F4
<br><a href="">289538</a>
[1.5][compiler] compiler fails to generate correct code for private constructor in inner class
<br><a href="">289639</a>
Problems opening perspective JavaPerspective, NPE on JavaModelManager.containersReset()
<br><a href="">289516</a>
Annotations (visible and invisible) should be preserved with target jsr14
<br><a href="">289576</a>
[1.5][compiler] Compiler changes 'private' modifier on methods with annotated parameter
<a name="v_A10"></a>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes<br>
Java development tools core</h1>
Eclipse SDK 3.6M2 - September 14, 2009 - 3.6M2
<br>Project org.eclipse.jdt.core v_A10
(<a href="">cvs</a>).
<h2>What's new in this drop</h2>
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">288148</a>
[perfs] Comments applied for performance tests may be obsolete
<br><a href="">289247</a>
[1.5][compiler]Detecting duplicate methods should not consider return type
<br><a href="">288920</a>
[compiler] NPE renaming run() method
<br><a href="">288698</a>
Cannot create type hierarchy for abstract types when they have inline descendants and *.class* in project name
<a name="v_A09"></a>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes<br>
Java development tools core</h1>
Eclipse SDK 3.6M2 - September 1, 2009
<br>Project org.eclipse.jdt.core v_A09
(<a href="">cvs</a>).
<h2>What's new in this drop</h2>
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">287009</a>
Inner Annotation Checks are Missing
<br><a href="">287701</a>
[dom] Length of Assignment should not include whitespace
<br><a href="">285230</a>
[performance] Duplicate buffers created for internal classes
<br><a href="">286391</a>
[compiler] jsr14 target behavior changed between ECJ 3.4.2 and ECJ 3.5
<a name="v_A08"></a>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes<br>
Java development tools core</h1>
Eclipse SDK 3.6M2 - August 25, 2009
<br>Project org.eclipse.jdt.core v_A08
(<a href="">cvs</a>).
<h2>What's new in this drop</h2>
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">287462</a>
[formatter] new failures in last 2 nightly builds
<br><a href="">285565</a>
[inline] Inlining constant or local variables causes exceptions with tab width 0
<br><a href="">285799</a>
HashtableOfObject rehashes and grows buffer on removeKey()
<br><a href="">286912</a>
[formatter] Never join lines preferences makes the formatter unstable in certain circumstances
<br><a href="">286668</a>
[formatter] 'Never Join Lines' joins lines that are split on method invocation
<br><a href="">248661</a>
Axis2: Missing required libraries in Axis 2 WS Client Projects
<br><a href="">286918</a>
[javadoc] Compiler should warn when @see and @link tag references in don't have fully qualified names
<br><a href="">285466</a>
[3.5 regression] fails to build IcedTea, works with 3.4.x
<br><a href="">286956</a>
NPE when asking to externalize constant
<br><a href="">281609</a>
[javadoc] &quot;Javadoc: Invalid reference&quot; warning for @link to Java package
<a name="v_A07"></a>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes<br>
Java development tools core</h1>
Eclipse SDK 3.6M2 - August 18, 2009
<br>Project org.eclipse.jdt.core v_A07
(<a href="">cvs</a>).
<h2>What's new in this drop</h2>
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">286840</a>
ClasspathJar getPath() should return a unique path
<br><a href="">254738</a>
NPE in HierarchyResolver.setFocusType
<br><a href="">276294</a>
Error does not go away after it is resolved
<br><a href="">284785</a>
[1.5][compiler] Eclipse compiler shows error on javac-valid construct: varargs plus overload
<br><a href="">286405</a>
Default value character of annotations in ClassFileEditor are badly printed
<br><a href="">286407</a>
[Model] IMemberValuePair don't return the right value for java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy annotations
<br><a href="">285701</a>
[1.5][compiler] Internal Compiler Error - ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
<a name="v_A06"></a>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes<br>
Java development tools core</h1>
Eclipse SDK 3.6M1 - August 3, 2009 - 3.6M1
<br>Project org.eclipse.jdt.core v_A06
(<a href="">cvs</a>).
<h2>What's new in this drop</h2>
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">284948</a>
[1.6][compiler] Java annotations are broken in editor when used on interface methods
<a name="v_A05"></a>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes<br>
Java development tools core</h1>
Eclipse SDK 3.6M1 - July 30, 2009
<br>Project org.eclipse.jdt.core v_A05
(<a href="">cvs</a>).
<h2>What's new in this drop</h2>
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">276526</a>
[content assist] Error - Type Duplicate interface Iterable for the type TestClass
<br><a href="">191176</a>
JavaProject#getOption optimizations
<a name="v_A04"></a>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes<br>
Java development tools core</h1>
Eclipse SDK 3.6M1 - July 28, 2009
<br>Project org.eclipse.jdt.core v_A04
(<a href="">cvs</a>).
<h2>What's new in this drop</h2>
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">261909</a>
ClassFileReader.getModifiers() answers funny bits
<br><a href="">283225</a>
[1.6][compiler] classfile versus source conformance check too strict
<br><a href="">284679</a>
[formatter] empty single semi statement prevent enum elements format
<br><a href="">284482</a>
[compiler] Collision cases not detected
<br><a href="">284431</a>
Different inherited thrown exception clauses are not properly handled
<br><a href="">133911</a>
type.move() returns unclear exception &quot;invalid destination&quot;
<br><a href="">270436</a>
[assist] Interface type proposed where only class is legal
<br><a href="">210385</a>
[compiler] ProblemReporter#getProblemCategory misbehaves when passed ProblemSeverities.Ignore as severity parameter
<br><a href="">282891</a>
[compiler] "Comparing identical expressions" warning sometimes invalid
<br><a href="">282869</a>
[compiler] Unnecessary cast warning for cast from char to int
<br><a href="">270437</a>
[assist] Completion proposal leads to cycle detected error
<br><a href="">217443</a>
Documentation for JavaCore#CORE_ENCODING does not match the observed behavior
<a name="v_A03"></a>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes<br>
Java development tools core</h1>
Eclipse SDK 3.6M1 - July 21, 2009
<br>Project org.eclipse.jdt.core v_A03
(<a href="">cvs</a>).
<h2>What's new in this drop</h2>
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">283467</a>
[formatter] wrong indentation with 'Never join lines' selected
<br><a href="">281776</a>
Should not warn for comparison of identical expression with float type
<br><a href="">282768</a>
[compiler] Dead code detection should ignore trivial case for ternary if operator
<br><a href="">283133</a>
[formatter] IAE when pasting a snippet
<br><a href="">283299</a>
Complete SourceRange API
<a name="v_A02"></a>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes<br>
Java Development Tooling Core</h1>
Eclipse SDK 3.6M1 - July 13, 2009
<br>Project org.eclipse.jdt.core v_A02
(<a href="">cvs</a>).
<h2>What's new in this drop</h2>
<li>Added new API type org.eclipse.jdt.core.SourceRange</li>
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">271296</a>
[assist] void typed proposal may not be appropriate in many contexts
<br><a href="">281871</a>
[content assist] The extension took too long to return from the 'computeCompletionProposals()' operation
<br><a href="">281598</a>
[assist] Problems during content assist - if project has empty zip file in classpath
<br><a href="">235294</a>
[formatter] javadoc for DefaultCodeFormatterConstants#FORMATTER_ALIGNMENT_FOR_ASSIGNMENT cites a non-API constant
<br><a href="">280497</a>
Incorrect null result for IJavaProject.getClasspathEntryFor(IPath)
<br><a href="">204777</a>
Clarify documentation for ITypeHierarchy created on interface types
<br><a href="">88265</a>
Make SourceRange API
<a name="v_A01"></a>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes<br>
Java development tools core</h1>
Eclipse SDK 3.6M1 - July 7, 2009
<br>Project org.eclipse.jdt.core v_A01
(<a href="">cvs</a>).
<h2>What's new in this drop</h2>
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">260968</a>
Deadlock in UserLibraryManager
<a name="v_A00"></a>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes<br>
Java development tools core</h1>
Eclipse SDK 3.6M1 - June 30, 2009
<br>Project org.eclipse.jdt.core v_A00
(<a href="">cvs</a>).
<h2>What's new in this drop</h2>
<li>New API added to handle the new <code>invokedynamic</code> bytecode:
public void _invokedynamic(
int pc,
int index,
IConstantPoolEntry nameEntry,
IConstantPoolEntry descriptorEntry) {
// default behavior is to do nothing
<pre>org.eclipse.jdt.core.util.IBytecodeVisitor#_invokedynamic(int, int, IConstantPoolEntry, IConstantPoolEntry)</pre>
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">277450</a>
[1.5][compiler] Problems with += and Autoboxing/Unboxing
<br><a href="">206498</a>
[1.7][compiler] Remove fix for bug 206483 once 1.7 VMS can handle .class files with version 51.0
<br><a href="">191176</a>
JavaProject#getOption optimizations
<br><a href="">201762</a>
Content Assist has no proposals with certain CU structure
<br><a href="">281681</a>
Stale code in CompilerOptions
<br><a href="">231796</a>
[formatter] @throws tag description is not indented using @param preference when there's a syntax error
<br><a href="">255142</a>
[select] Codeselect should not omit cast
<br><a href="">235295</a>
[formatter] javadoc of CodeFormatter#F_INCLUDE_COMMENTS needs improvement
<br><a href="">280134</a>
[1.5][compiler] Requesting Java AST from selection has encountered a problem
<br><a href="">281317</a>
[search] An internal error occurred during: "Java Search".
<br><a href="">276373</a>
Incorrect resource comparison with IJavaProject.isOnClasspath(IResource)
<br><a href="">275518</a>
[assist] Content assist does not provide proposals if invoked right after a method's opening brace
<br><a href="">280888</a>
change a java file in one plug-in will compile all related plugin projects
<br><a href="">274466</a>
[assist] Assert expressions should be proposed with high relevance
<br><a href="">277382</a>
NPE and other failures in Parser
<br><a href="">275330</a>
NPE from org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.ClasspathChange.requestIndexing
<br><a href="">273385</a>
[model] NPE while closing project
<br><a href="">280079</a>
<br><a href="">280063</a>
org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.parser.Parser.parseClassBodyDeclarations(char[], int, int, CompilationUnitDeclaration) should return consistent results
<br><a href="">267046</a>
SourceMapper infinite loop on primitive type in generic
<br><a href="">240934</a>
Add support for the invokedynamic bytecode into the disassembler
<br><a href="">267551</a>
[formatter] Wrong spacing in default array parameter for annotation type
<br><a href="">277965</a>
[compiler] NPE in canBeSeenBy due to illegal protected toplevel class
<br><a href="">273990</a>
[compiler] FUP of 269388: Eclipse accepts code rejected by javac
<br><a href="">279183</a>
[1.6][compiler] Inconsistent stackmap frames generated by JDT cause VerifyError
<br><a href="">209778</a>
[search] TypeReferenceMatch#getOtherElements() fails for match in annotation
<br><a href="">221065</a>
[search] Search still finds overridden method
<br><a href="">279836</a>
[1.5][compiler] Eclipse compiler shows error on javac-valid construct: raw types on overridden methods
<br><a href="">280616</a>
[formatter] Valid 1.5 code is not formatted inside &lt;pre&gt; tag
<br><a href="">280255</a>
[formatter] Format edited lines adds two new lines on each save
<br><a href="">280061</a>
[formatter] AIOOBE while formatting javadoc comment
<br><a href="">276938</a>
Remove unreachable removes reachable logic in case statement.
<br><a href="">274898</a>
[recovery] IllegalArgumentException in ASTNode#setSourceRange()
<br><a href="">277204</a>
IAE in SharedASTProvider for generic local class.
<br><a href="">276741</a>
comparing identical value detection does not work for this
<br><a href="">276740</a>
comparing identical value detection does not work for primitive types
<br><a href="">278745</a>
Methods overloaded with unavailable types worked in 3.4 but give "indirectly referenced.." error in 3.5
<br><a href="">278305</a>
[1.5][compiler] JDT accepts supertype parameterized with wildcard
<br><a href="">196308</a>
[formatter] Don't escape entity when formatting in &lt;pre&gt; tags within javadoc comments
<br><a href="">279359</a>
[formatter] Formatter with 'never join lines' produces extra level of indent
<br><a href="">273619</a>
[formatter] Formatting repeats *} in javadoc
<p>For earlier build notes, also see <a href="">build notes up to Release 3.5</a>.</p>
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