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<title>OT/J Language Definition v1.3</title>
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<td class="next"><a href="s2.1.2.b.html" rel="next">&sect;2.1.2.(b)&nbsp;No cycles&nbsp;&gt;&gt;</a></td>
<div class="breadcrumb"><a class="nav" href="s2.html" rel="section">&sect;2&nbsp;Role Binding</a>&nbsp;&gt;&nbsp;<a class="nav" href="s2.1.html" rel="section">&sect;2.1&nbsp;playedBy relation</a>&nbsp;&gt;&nbsp;<a class="nav" href="s2.1.2.html" rel="section">&sect;2.1.2&nbsp;Legal base classes</a></div>
<div class="subsect depth4" id="s2.1.2.a">
<h4 class="subsect">&sect;2.1.2.(a)&nbsp;<span class="title">No role of the same team</span><a class="img" href="s2.1.2.a.html"
title="PermaLink to (a)&nbsp;No role of the same team"><img style="vertical-align:text-top;margin-left:5px;" src="../images/permalink.png"
alt="" /></a></h4>
<p>The base class of any role class must not be a role of the same team.
<br />
It is also not allowed to declare a role class of the same name
as a base class bound to this or another role of the enclosing team,
if that base class is given with its simple name and resolved using a regular import.
Put differently, a base class mentioned after <code>playedBy</code>
may not be <em>shadowed</em> by any role class of the enclosing team.
<br /><em>Base imports</em> as defined below (<a href="s2.1.2.d.html" title="&sect;2.1.2.(d)&nbsp;Base imports" class="sect">&sect;2.1.2.(d)</a>) relax this rule by
allowing to import a class as a base class only. In that case no shadowing occurs since the scopes for
base classes and roles are disjoint.
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<div class="breadcrumb"><a class="nav" href="s2.html" rel="section">&sect;2&nbsp;Role Binding</a>&nbsp;&gt;&nbsp;<a class="nav" href="s2.1.html" rel="section">&sect;2.1&nbsp;playedBy relation</a>&nbsp;&gt;&nbsp;<a class="nav" href="s2.1.2.html" rel="section">&sect;2.1.2&nbsp;Legal base classes</a></div>
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OT/J version 1.3 &mdash; last modified: 2010-05-18