initial commit in accordance with CQ 3784
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+  <head>
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+    <title>Team and role creation wizards</title>
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+    <h1>Team and role creation wizards</h1>
+    <h2>Team wizard</h2>
+	<p>
+	  <img src="images/screenshots/teamWizard.jpg"
+	  	   alt="Wizard for creating a new team class">
+	</p>    
+    <h3>Opening the team wizard</h3>
+    The easiest way to create a new team class is to use the team wizard.
+    First select the container where you want the new team class to reside.
+    Then the wizard can be opened either by selecting <b>File > New > Team</b> from the main
+    workbench window or by selecting <b>New > Team</b> from the container's pop-up menu or
+    by choosing <b>Team</b> from the drop-down menu on the <b>New</b> button in the
+    workbench toolbar.    
+    <h3>Define settings / enter information</h3>
+    Most settings for a new team correspond exactly to those specified for a regular 
+    <a href="/help/topic/org.eclipse.jdt.doc.user/reference/ref-126.htm">Java class</a>.
+	<h4>Edit using the Binding Editor</h4>    
+	If a super-team has been selected and if the team should be constructed as a <i>connector</i>
+	the binding editor can be launched for adding class and method bindings.
+    <h3>Resulting effects</h3>
+    By clicking the <b>Finish</b> button the team is created with the chosen properties.
+    The tree view of the package explorer and the outline is updated and the new team is
+    displayed.<br><br>
+    <h2>Role wizard</h2>
+	<p>
+	  <img src="images/screenshots/roleWizard.jpg"
+	  	   alt="Wizard for creating a new role class">
+	</p>    
+    <h3>Opening the role wizard</h3>
+    The easiest way to create a new role class is to use the role wizard.
+    First select the container where you want the new role class to reside.
+    Then the wizard can be opened either by selecting <b>File > New > Role</b> from the main
+    workbench window or by selecting <b>New > Role</b> from the container's pop-up menu or
+    by choosing <b>Role</b> from the drop-down menu on the <b>New</b> button in the
+    workbench toolbar.    
+    <h3>Define settings / enter information</h3>
+	<h4>Source folder and enclosing team</h4>    
+    The fields of the source folder and the enclosing team incorporate the same semantics
+    as in the team creation wizard. Entries can be modified/changed by clicking the
+    respective <b>Browse...</b> button and choosing a folder and team class in the selection
+    dialog respectively. The fully qualified name of the enclosing team is displayed unless
+    it stands in the default package. A role is inlined by default, i.e. a role is defined
+    inside the specified enclosing team. If an external role should be created the checkbox
+    "inlined" has to be deselected.<br>
+	<h4>Role name</h4>
+    A valid name for the new role class must be entered. The type name is mandatory.<br>
+  	<h4>Modifiers</h4>
+    Possible visibility modifiers for role types are <code>public</code> and
+    <code>protected</code>. Roles can also be either <code>abstract</code> or
+    <code>final</code>.<br>
+	<h4>Implicit superclass</h4>
+    The implicit superclass field is set automatically if the entered type name matches a
+    role type which already exists in a team class which is present in the supertype
+    hierarchy of the enclosing team. The fully qualified name of the implicit superclass is
+    then shown.<br>
+	<h4>Explicit superclass</h4>
+    Initially the explicit superclass is set to	"java.lang.Object". It can be changed by
+    clicking the <b>Browse...</b> button and selecting a class from the selection dialog.
+    A role can explicitly inherit from another role class of the same team or from any other
+    regular class other than team classes.<br>
+	<h4>Bound base class</h4>
+	A bound base class can be defined by clicking the <b>Browse...</b> button and selecting
+	a class from the selection dialog. A bound base class can be any class.<br>
+	<h4>Interfaces</h4>
+	Interfaces which the role should implement can be added/removed with the <b>Add.../
+	Remove</b> buttons.
+	<h4>Method stubs</h4>	
+	Method stubs for inherited abstract methods	can be created by selecting the	according
+	checkbox. The checkbox is selected by default.
+    <h3>Resulting effects</h3>
+    By clicking the <b>Finish</b> button the role with the chosen properties is created
+    inside the enclosing team, or, in the case of an external role, in a package which has
+    the name of the enclosing team. The tree view of the package explorer and the outline
+    is updated and the new role is displayed.
+  </body>