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<!DOCTYPE article PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.3//EN" "">
<title>Vex Editor Design</title>
<para>This document describes the internal design of the Vex XML
Editor. The components described here describe the higher-level UI
implemented on top of the Eclipse Platform. Internals of the
VexWidget are described in the design document for the <literal>
vex-toolkit</literal> module.</para>
<title>Configuration Items</title>
<para>Vex is an extensible platform for editing XML-based content.
Because Vex is based on the Eclipse Platform, it leverages the
powerful Eclipse extension point mechanism, and extensions to Vex
are indeed implemented as Eclipse extensions. See
<xref linkend="extensionpoints"/> for a list of the supported
extension points. Typically, Vex plugins consist of declarative
information such as DTD files, CSS files, and data in the <filename>
plugin.xml</filename> file, and can usually be implemented with
little or no Java code. Extensions implementing Vex features such
as new document types and styles are hereafter referred to as
"configuration items".</para>
<para>One problem with Eclipse extensions, however, is that that
they must be installed prior to running the executable. Within the
Eclipse Plug-in Development Environment, plugins are tested by
running another instance of the workbench, the Runtime Workbench.
While this makes sense for Java-based plugins, it is awkward
overkill for the declarative-style plugins used to extend
<para>To solve this problem, we have implemented (as of v1.2) the
concept of Vex Plugin Projects. A Vex Plugin Project is simply a
project with the nature <literal>
net.sf.vex.editor.pluginNature</literal> and configured with the
Vex Plugin Project Builder. When asked to build a Vex Plugin
Project, the builder scans the file <filename>
vex-plugin.xml</filename> looking for extensions implementing Vex
configuration items. Any related resources, such as a document
type's DTD, are parsed. If all is well, each configuration item is
registered with the VexPlugin and is available for immediate use.
Most Vex configuration items (those that do not involve Java code)
can therefore be created, tested, and modified from within Vex
itself, without deferring to a runtime workbench.</para>
<title>Why vex-plugin.xml?</title>
<para>In the Eclipse SDK, the resource name
<filename>plugin.xml</filename> is mapped to the Eclipse Plug-in
Manifest Editor. In the future, we would like to provide a
special editor for Vex configuration items. By using a different
filename, we can establish this binding without disturbing the
default binding for <filename>plugin.xml</filename>.</para>
<title>Data Model</title>
<para>Each Eclipse plug-in that defines Vex configuration items,
and each Vex plugin project, is associated with an instance of
which contains all configuration items defined by that plugin or
project. Each Vex configuration has a unique identifier, which
for Eclipse plugins is the plugin identifier. The Vex plugin
class, <classname>net.sf.vex.editor.VexPlugin</classname>,
maintains a registry of <classname>VexConfiguration</classname>
<para>Configuration items are defined as subclasses of
<classname>net.sf.vex.editor.ConfigItem</classname>, and are
essentially data objects with properties defining the item, for
example, the name and public ID of a document type. Configuration
items are usually associated with a resource; the
<classname>ConfigItem</classname> class tracks the path of this
resource, relative to the defining project/plugin, in the
<literal>resourceUri</literal> property.</para>
<title>Configuration Item Factories</title>
<para>Each type of configuration item is associated with a
configuration item factory, a class that implements
The factory has the following responsibilities.</para>
<para>To instantiate and initialize a new configuration item
given an array of
objects. These objects represent the contents of an extension
in <filename>plugin.xml</filename> or
<para>To parse the resources associated with the
configuration item.</para>
<para>To list the file extensions associated with resources
associated with that kind of configuration item.</para>
<para>For example, the <classname>DoctypeFactory</classname>
produces instances of the <classname>DocumentType</classname>
class, parses DTD files, and specifies that it handles re</para>
<para />
<title id="extensionpoints">Extension Points</title>