blob: 949807175271969fbda1c09687a627cc8926b6cd [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2004, 2008 John Krasnay and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* John Krasnay - initial API and implementation
* Igor Jacy Lino Campista - Java 5 warnings fixed (bug 311325)
package org.eclipse.vex.docbook;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.IBaseLabelProvider;
import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ILabelProvider;
import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ITreeContentProvider;
import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.LabelProvider;
import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.Viewer;
import org.eclipse.vex.core.internal.dom.Document;
import org.eclipse.vex.core.internal.dom.Element;
import org.eclipse.vex.ui.internal.editor.VexEditor;
import org.eclipse.vex.ui.internal.outline.IOutlineProvider;
* Provides an outline of the sections of a DocBook document.
public class DocBookOutlineProvider implements IOutlineProvider {
public void init(final VexEditor editor) {
public ITreeContentProvider getContentProvider() {
return contentProvider;
public IBaseLabelProvider getLabelProvider() {
return labelProvider;
public Element getOutlineElement(final Element child) {
Element element = child;
while (element.getParentElement() != null && !isTitledElement(element)) {
element = element.getParentElement();
return element;
private final ITreeContentProvider contentProvider = new ITreeContentProvider() {
public void dispose() {
public void inputChanged(final Viewer viewer, final Object oldInput, final Object newInput) {
public Object[] getChildren(final Object parentElement) {
return getOutlineChildren((Element) parentElement);
public Object getParent(final Object element) {
final Element parent = ((Element) element).getParentElement();
if (parent == null) {
return element;
} else {
return getOutlineElement(parent);
public boolean hasChildren(final Object element) {
return getOutlineChildren((Element) element).length > 0;
public Object[] getElements(final Object inputElement) {
final Document document = (Document) inputElement;
return new Object[] { document.getRootElement() };
* Returns an array of the children of the given element that represent nodes in the outline. These are elements
* such as "section" that contain "title" elements that we can use as label content.
* @param element
* @return
private Element[] getOutlineChildren(final Element element) {
final List<Element> children = new ArrayList<Element>();
for (final Element child : element.getChildElements()) {
if (titledElements.contains(child.getLocalName())) {
return children.toArray(new Element[children.size()]);
private final ILabelProvider labelProvider = new LabelProvider() {
public String getText(final Object o) {
final Element e = (Element) o;
Element titleChild = findChild(e, "title");
if (titleChild != null) {
return titleChild.getText();
} else {
final Element infoChild = findChild(e, e.getLocalName() + "info");
if (infoChild != null) {
titleChild = findChild(infoChild, "title");
if (titleChild != null) {
return titleChild.getText();
return e.getLocalName();
* Returns a value from a map of tag names that contain title elements The tags all have a similar characteristic.
* Their content model includes a <title/> element as the first or second child.
* For simplicity, we assume that the document is valid w.r.t. the DTD and thus the 'title' element is optional and
* is one of the first two elements inside the given element.
* @param element
* @return
private boolean isTitledElement(final Element e) {
if (titledElements.contains(e.getLocalName()) || e.getParent() == null) {
final List<Element> children = e.getChildElements();
if (children.size() > 0 && children.get(0).getLocalName().equals("title") || children.size() > 1 && children.get(1).getLocalName().equals("title")) {
return true;
return false;
* Finds the first child of the given element with the given name. Returns null if none found. We should move this
* to XPath when we gain that facility.
private Element findChild(final Element parent, final String childName) {
for (final Element child : parent.getChildElements()) {
if (child.getLocalName().equals(childName)) {
return child;
return null;
private final static int MAPSIZE = 101; // prime greater than 65/.80
private final static HashSet<String> titledElements = new HashSet<String>(MAPSIZE);
static {
// Comment on each line indicates tags content model if different than title
// We are only interested in location of title tag within Content Model
// so any extra following content is ignored.
// In general, it is impossible to keep this sort of table accurate and
// up-to-date for more than the most basic of cases. It would be better
// to extract this information from the DTD for the document.
// For the moment, it is observed that this imperfect method works for
// vast majority of DocBook documents.
titledElements.add("abstract"); // title?
// titledElements.add("articleinfo");
// titledElements.add("authorblurb"); // title?
// titledElements.add("bibliodiv");
// titledElements.add("calloutlist");
// titledElements.add("caution"); // title?
titledElements.add("chapter"); // docinfo?, title
// titledElements.add("colophon");
// titledElements.add("constraintdef");
// titledElements.add("dedication");
// titledElements.add("equation"); // blockinfo?, title
// titledElements.add("example"); // blockinfo?, title
// titledElements.add("figure"); // blockinfo?, title
titledElements.add("glossary"); // glossaryinfo?, title
// titledElements.add("glossdiv");
// titledElements.add("glosslist"); // blockinfo?, title
// titledElements.add("important"); // title?
// titledElements.add("index"); // indexinfo, title
// titledElements.add("indexdiv");
// titledElements.add("itemizedlist"); // blockinfo?, title
// titledElements.add("legalnotice"); // blockinfo?, title
// titledElements.add("lot"); // beginpage?, title
// titledElements.add("msg"); // title?
// titledElements.add("msgexplan"); // title?
// titledElements.add("msgmain"); // title?
// titledElements.add("msgrel"); // title?
// titledElements.add("msgset");
// titledElements.add("msgsub"); // title?
// titledElements.add("note"); // title?
// titledElements.add("orderedlist"); // blockinfo?, title
titledElements.add("part"); // beginpage?, partinfo?, title
// titledElements.add("personblurb"); // title?
titledElements.add("preface"); // beginpage?, prefaceinfo?, title
// titledElements.add("procedure"); // blockinfo?, title
// titledElements.add("productionset");
// titledElements.add("qandadiv"); // blockinfo?, title
// titledElements.add("qandaset"); // blockinfo?, title
// titledElements.add("reference"); // beginpage?, referenceinfo?, title
// titledElements.add("refsect1"); // refsect1info?, title
// titledElements.add("refsect2"); // refsect2info, title
// titledElements.add("refsect3"); // refsect3info, title
// titledElements.add("refsection"); // refsectioninfo?, title
// titledElements.add("refsynopsisdiv"); // refsynopsisdivinfo?, title
titledElements.add("sect1"); // sect1info?, title
titledElements.add("sect2"); // sect2info?, title
titledElements.add("sect3"); // sect3info?, title
titledElements.add("sect4"); // sect4info?, title
titledElements.add("sect5"); // sect5info?, title
titledElements.add("section"); // sectioninfo?, title
// titledElements.add("segmentedlist");
// titledElements.add("set");
// titledElements.add("setindex"); // setindexinfo?, title
// titledElements.add("sidebar"); // sidebarinfo?, title
// titledElements.add("step"); // table?
// titledElements.add("table"); // blockinfo?, title
// titledElements.add("task"); // blockinfo?, title
// titledElements.add("taskprerequisites");// blockinfo?, title
// titledElements.add("taskrelated"); // blockinfo?, title
// titledElements.add("tasksummary"); // blockinfo?, title
// titledElements.add("tip"); // title?
titledElements.add("toc"); // beginpage?, title
// titledElements.add("variablelist"); // blockinfo?, title
// titledElements.add("warning"); // title?