blob: 63a6603705aece6e8825f1e0b7bdbdc44388b04c [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2004, 2013 John Krasnay and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* John Krasnay - initial API and implementation
* Igor Jacy Lino Campista - Java 5 warnings fixed (bug 311325)
* Florian Thienel - refactoring to full fledged DOM
package org.eclipse.vex.core.internal.dom;
import java.text.MessageFormat;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Assert;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.QualifiedName;
import org.eclipse.vex.core.dom.BaseNodeVisitorWithResult;
import org.eclipse.vex.core.dom.ContentRange;
import org.eclipse.vex.core.dom.DocumentEvent;
import org.eclipse.vex.core.dom.DocumentValidationException;
import org.eclipse.vex.core.dom.IComment;
import org.eclipse.vex.core.dom.IContent;
import org.eclipse.vex.core.dom.IDocument;
import org.eclipse.vex.core.dom.IDocumentFragment;
import org.eclipse.vex.core.dom.IDocumentListener;
import org.eclipse.vex.core.dom.IElement;
import org.eclipse.vex.core.dom.INode;
import org.eclipse.vex.core.dom.INodeVisitor;
import org.eclipse.vex.core.dom.INodeVisitorWithResult;
import org.eclipse.vex.core.dom.IParent;
import org.eclipse.vex.core.dom.IPosition;
import org.eclipse.vex.core.dom.IText;
import org.eclipse.vex.core.dom.IValidator;
import org.eclipse.vex.core.internal.core.ListenerList;
* A representation of an XML document in the DOM.
public class Document extends Parent implements IDocument {
private final Element rootElement;
private final ListenerList<IDocumentListener, DocumentEvent> listeners = new ListenerList<IDocumentListener, DocumentEvent>(IDocumentListener.class);
private String publicID;
protected String systemID;
private String documentURI;
private String encoding;
private IValidator validator;
* Create a new document with the given root element. This constructor creates a Content object and associates both
* the root element and the document with it.
* @param rootElementName
* the name of the root element of the document
public Document(final QualifiedName rootElementName) {
final GapContent content = new GapContent(100);
associate(content, content.getRange());
rootElement = new Element(rootElementName);
rootElement.associate(content, getRange().resizeBy(1, -1));
* Create a new document with the given content and root element. This constructor assumes that the content and root
* element have bee properly set up and are already associated. It associates the document with the given content.
* @param content
* Content object used to store the document's content
* @param rootElement
* root element of the document
public Document(final IContent content, final Element rootElement) {
Assert.isTrue(content == rootElement.getContent(), "The given root element must already be associated with the given content.");
associate(content, content.getRange());
this.rootElement = rootElement;
* Node
public int getStartOffset() {
return 0;
public int getEndOffset() {
return getContent().length() - 1;
public void accept(final INodeVisitor visitor) {
public <T> T accept(final INodeVisitorWithResult<T> visitor) {
return visitor.visit(this);
public String getBaseURI() {
return getDocumentURI();
public boolean isKindOf(final INode node) {
return false;
* Document
public void setDocumentURI(final String documentURI) {
this.documentURI = documentURI;
public String getDocumentURI() {
return documentURI;
public String getEncoding() {
return encoding;
public void setEncoding(final String encoding) {
this.encoding = encoding;
public String getPublicID() {
return publicID;
public void setPublicID(final String publicID) {
this.publicID = publicID;
public String getSystemID() {
return systemID;
public void setSystemID(final String systemID) {
this.systemID = systemID;
public IValidator getValidator() {
return validator;
public void setValidator(final IValidator validator) {
this.validator = validator;
public Element getRootElement() {
return rootElement;
public int getLength() {
return getContent().length();
public IPosition createPosition(final int offset) {
return getContent().createPosition(offset);
public void removePosition(final IPosition position) {
* L1 Operations
private boolean canInsertAt(final INode insertionNode, final int offset, final QualifiedName... nodeNames) {
return canInsertAt(insertionNode, offset, Arrays.asList(nodeNames));
private boolean canInsertAt(final INode insertionNode, final int offset, final List<QualifiedName> nodeNames) {
if (insertionNode == null) {
return false;
return insertionNode.accept(new BaseNodeVisitorWithResult<Boolean>(false) {
public Boolean visit(final IElement element) {
if (validator == null) {
return true;
final List<QualifiedName> prefix = getNodeNames(element.children().before(offset));
final List<QualifiedName> insertionCandidates = nodeNames;
final List<QualifiedName> suffix = getNodeNames(element.children().after(offset));
return validator.isValidSequence(element.getQualifiedName(), prefix, insertionCandidates, suffix, true);
public Boolean visit(final IComment comment) {
return true;
public Boolean visit(final IText text) {
return true;
public boolean canInsertText(final int offset) {
return canInsertAt(getNodeForInsertionAt(offset), offset, IValidator.PCDATA);
public void insertText(final int offset, final String text) throws DocumentValidationException {
Assert.isTrue(offset > getStartOffset() && offset <= getEndOffset(), MessageFormat.format("Offset must be in [{0}, {1}]", getStartOffset() + 1, getEndOffset()));
final String adjustedText = convertControlCharactersToSpaces(text);
final INode insertionNode = getNodeForInsertionAt(offset);
insertionNode.accept(new INodeVisitor() {
public void visit(final IDocument document) {
Assert.isTrue(false, "Cannot insert text directly into Document.");
public void visit(final IDocumentFragment fragment) {
Assert.isTrue(false, "DocumentFragment is never a child of Document.");
public void visit(final IElement element) {
if (!canInsertAt(element, offset, IValidator.PCDATA)) {
throw new DocumentValidationException(MessageFormat.format("Cannot insert text ''{0}'' at offset {1}.", text, offset));
fireBeforeContentInserted(new DocumentEvent(Document.this, element, new ContentRange(offset, offset + adjustedText.length() - 1)));
getContent().insertText(offset, adjustedText);
fireContentInserted(new DocumentEvent(Document.this, element, new ContentRange(offset, offset + adjustedText.length() - 1)));
public void visit(final IText text) {
fireBeforeContentInserted(new DocumentEvent(Document.this, text.getParent(), new ContentRange(offset, offset + adjustedText.length() - 1)));
getContent().insertText(offset, adjustedText);
fireContentInserted(new DocumentEvent(Document.this, text.getParent(), new ContentRange(offset, offset + adjustedText.length() - 1)));
public void visit(final IComment comment) {
fireBeforeContentInserted(new DocumentEvent(Document.this, comment.getParent(), new ContentRange(offset, offset + adjustedText.length() - 1)));
getContent().insertText(offset, adjustedText);
fireContentInserted(new DocumentEvent(Document.this, comment.getParent(), new ContentRange(offset, offset + adjustedText.length() - 1)));
private String convertControlCharactersToSpaces(final String text) {
final char[] characters = text.toCharArray();
for (int i = 0; i < characters.length; i++) {
if (Character.isISOControl(characters[i]) && characters[i] != '\n') {
characters[i] = ' ';
return new String(characters);
public boolean canInsertComment(final int offset) {
if (!(offset > getStartOffset() && offset <= getEndOffset())) {
return false;
final INode node = getNodeForInsertionAt(offset);
if (node instanceof IComment) {
return false;
return true;
public IComment insertComment(final int offset) throws DocumentValidationException {
if (!canInsertComment(offset)) {
throw new DocumentValidationException(MessageFormat.format("Cannot insert a comment at offset {0}.", offset));
final Parent parent = getParentForInsertionAt(offset);
fireBeforeContentInserted(new DocumentEvent(this, parent, new ContentRange(offset, offset + 1)));
final Comment comment = new Comment();
comment.associate(getContent(), new ContentRange(offset, offset + 1));
parent.insertChildAt(offset, comment);
fireContentInserted(new DocumentEvent(this, parent, comment.getRange()));
return comment;
public boolean canInsertElement(final int offset, final QualifiedName elementName) {
return canInsertAt(getElementForInsertionAt(offset), offset, elementName);
public Element insertElement(final int offset, final QualifiedName elementName) throws DocumentValidationException {
Assert.isTrue(offset > rootElement.getStartOffset() && offset <= rootElement.getEndOffset(),
MessageFormat.format("Offset must be in [{0}, {1}]", rootElement.getStartOffset() + 1, rootElement.getEndOffset()));
final Element parent = getElementForInsertionAt(offset);
if (!canInsertAt(parent, offset, elementName)) {
throw new DocumentValidationException(MessageFormat.format("Cannot insert element {0} at offset {1}.", elementName, offset));
fireBeforeContentInserted(new DocumentEvent(this, parent, new ContentRange(offset, offset + 1)));
final Element element = new Element(elementName);
element.associate(getContent(), new ContentRange(offset, offset + 1));
parent.insertChildAt(offset, element);
fireContentInserted(new DocumentEvent(this, parent, element.getRange()));
return element;
public boolean canInsertFragment(final int offset, final IDocumentFragment fragment) {
return canInsertAt(getElementForInsertionAt(offset), offset, fragment.getNodeNames());
public void insertFragment(final int offset, final IDocumentFragment fragment) throws DocumentValidationException {
Assert.isTrue(isInsertionPointIn(this, offset), "Cannot insert fragment outside of the document range.");
final Element parent = getElementForInsertionAt(offset);
if (!canInsertAt(parent, offset, fragment.getNodeNames())) {
throw new DocumentValidationException(MessageFormat.format("Cannot insert document fragment at offset {0}.", offset));
fireBeforeContentInserted(new DocumentEvent(this, parent, new ContentRange(offset, offset + 1)));
getContent().insertContent(offset, fragment.getContent());
final DeepCopy deepCopy = new DeepCopy(fragment);
final List<Node> newNodes = deepCopy.getNodes();
int nextOffset = offset;
for (final Node newNode : newNodes) {
parent.insertChildAt(nextOffset, newNode);
associateDeeply(newNode, offset);
nextOffset = newNode.getEndOffset() + 1;
fireContentInserted(new DocumentEvent(this, parent, new ContentRange(offset, offset + fragment.getContent().length() - 1)));
private void associateDeeply(final Node node, final int offset) {
if (node instanceof Parent) {
final Parent parent = (Parent) node;
for (final INode child : parent.children()) {
associateDeeply((Node) child, offset);
node.associate(getContent(), node.getRange().moveBy(offset));
public void delete(final ContentRange range) throws DocumentValidationException {
final IParent surroundingParent = getParentAt(range.getStartOffset());
final IParent parentAtEndOffset = getParentAt(range.getEndOffset());
Assert.isTrue(surroundingParent == parentAtEndOffset, MessageFormat.format("Range {0} for deletion is unbalanced: {1} -> {2}", range, surroundingParent, parentAtEndOffset));
final Parent parentForDeletion;
if (range.equals(surroundingParent.getRange())) {
parentForDeletion = (Parent) surroundingParent.getParent();
} else {
parentForDeletion = (Parent) surroundingParent;
final boolean deletionIsValid = parentForDeletion.accept(new BaseNodeVisitorWithResult<Boolean>(true) {
public Boolean visit(final IDocument document) {
if (range.intersects(document.getRootElement().getRange())) {
return false;
return true;
public Boolean visit(final IElement element) {
final IValidator validator = getValidator();
if (validator == null) {
return true;
final List<QualifiedName> prefix = getNodeNames(element.children().before(range.getStartOffset()));
final List<QualifiedName> suffix = getNodeNames(element.children().after(range.getEndOffset()));
return validator.isValidSequence(element.getQualifiedName(), prefix, suffix, null, true);
if (!deletionIsValid) {
throw new DocumentValidationException(MessageFormat.format("Cannot delete {0}", range));
fireBeforeContentDeleted(new DocumentEvent(this, parentForDeletion, range));
for (final INode child : parentForDeletion.children().in(range)) {
parentForDeletion.removeChild((Node) child);
((Node) child).dissociate();
fireContentDeleted(new DocumentEvent(this, parentForDeletion, range));
* Miscellaneous
public char getCharacterAt(final int offset) {
final String text = getContent().getText(new ContentRange(offset, offset));
if (text.length() == 0) {
* XXX This is used in VexWidgetImpl.deleteNextChar/deletePreviousChar to find out if there is an element
* marker at the given offset. VexWidgetImpl has no access to Content, so there should be a method in
* Document to find out if there is an element at a given offset.
return '\0';
return text.charAt(0);
public INode findCommonNode(final int offset1, final int offset2) {
Assert.isTrue(containsOffset(offset1) && containsOffset(offset2));
return findCommonNodeIn(this, offset1, offset2);
private static INode findCommonNodeIn(final IParent parent, final int offset1, final int offset2) {
for (final INode child : parent.children().withoutText()) {
if (isCommonNodeFor(child, offset1, offset2)) {
if (child instanceof IParent) {
return findCommonNodeIn((IParent) child, offset1, offset2);
return child;
return parent;
private static boolean isCommonNodeFor(final INode node, final int offset1, final int offset2) {
return isInsertionPointIn(node, offset1) && isInsertionPointIn(node, offset2);
public static boolean isInsertionPointIn(final INode node, final int offset) {
return node.getRange().resizeBy(1, 0).contains(offset);
public INode getNodeForInsertionAt(final int offset) {
final INode node = getChildAt(offset);
if (node instanceof IText) {
return node.getParent();
if (offset == node.getStartOffset()) {
return node.getParent();
return node;
private Parent getParentForInsertionAt(final int offset) {
final INode node = getChildAt(offset);
if (!(node instanceof Parent)) {
return (Parent) node.getParent();
if (offset == node.getStartOffset()) {
return (Parent) node.getParent();
// this cast is save because if we got here node is a Parent
return (Parent) node;
public Element getElementForInsertionAt(final int offset) {
final Element parent = getParentElement(getChildAt(offset));
if (parent == null) {
return null;
if (offset == parent.getStartOffset()) {
return parent.getParentElement();
return parent;
private static Element getParentElement(final INode node) {
if (node == null) {
return null;
if (node instanceof Element) {
return (Element) node;
return getParentElement(node.getParent());
private IParent getParentAt(final int offset) {
final INode child = getChildAt(offset);
if (child instanceof IParent) {
return (IParent) child;
return child.getParent();
public boolean isTagAt(final int offset) {
return getContent().isTagMarker(offset);
public DocumentFragment getFragment(final ContentRange range) {
final IParent parent = getParentOfRange(range);
final DeepCopy deepCopy = new DeepCopy(parent, range);
return new DocumentFragment(deepCopy.getContent(), deepCopy.getNodes());
private IParent getParentOfRange(final ContentRange range) {
final INode startNode = getChildAt(range.getStartOffset());
final INode endNode = getChildAt(range.getEndOffset());
final IParent parent = startNode.getParent();
Assert.isTrue(parent == endNode.getParent(), MessageFormat.format("The fragment in {0} is unbalanced.", range));
Assert.isNotNull(parent, MessageFormat.format("No balanced parent found for {0}", range));
return parent;
public List<? extends INode> getNodes(final ContentRange range) {
return getParentOfRange(range).children().in(range).asList();
* Events
public void addDocumentListener(final IDocumentListener listener) {
public void removeDocumentListener(final IDocumentListener listener) {
public void fireAttributeChanged(final DocumentEvent e) {
listeners.fireEvent("attributeChanged", e);
public void fireNamespaceChanged(final DocumentEvent e) {
listeners.fireEvent("namespaceChanged", e);
private void fireBeforeContentDeleted(final DocumentEvent e) {
listeners.fireEvent("beforeContentDeleted", e);
private void fireBeforeContentInserted(final DocumentEvent e) {
listeners.fireEvent("beforeContentInserted", e);
private void fireContentDeleted(final DocumentEvent e) {
listeners.fireEvent("contentDeleted", e);
private void fireContentInserted(final DocumentEvent e) {
listeners.fireEvent("contentInserted", e);