blob: 536130e4af17fb5a7034078ccaa892503ffda24b [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2004, 2008 John Krasnay and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* John Krasnay - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.wst.xml.vex.core.internal.layout;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import org.eclipse.wst.xml.vex.core.internal.core.Caret;
import org.eclipse.wst.xml.vex.core.internal.core.Color;
import org.eclipse.wst.xml.vex.core.internal.core.ColorResource;
import org.eclipse.wst.xml.vex.core.internal.core.FontMetrics;
import org.eclipse.wst.xml.vex.core.internal.core.Graphics;
import org.eclipse.wst.xml.vex.core.internal.core.Insets;
import org.eclipse.wst.xml.vex.core.internal.core.IntRange;
import org.eclipse.wst.xml.vex.core.internal.css.CSS;
import org.eclipse.wst.xml.vex.core.internal.css.StyleSheet;
import org.eclipse.wst.xml.vex.core.internal.css.Styles;
import org.eclipse.wst.xml.vex.core.internal.dom.Document;
import org.eclipse.wst.xml.vex.core.internal.dom.Element;
import org.eclipse.wst.xml.vex.core.internal.dom.Position;
* Base class of block boxes that can contain other block boxes. This class
* implements the layout method and various navigation methods. Subclasses must
* implement the createChildren method.
* Subclasses can be anonymous or non-anonymous (i.e. generated by an element).
* Since the vast majority of instances will be non-anonymous, this class can
* manage the element and top and bottom margins without too much inefficiency.
* <p>
* Subclasses that can be anonymous must override the getStartPosition and
* getEndPosition classes to return the range covered by the box.
* </p>
public abstract class AbstractBlockBox extends AbstractBox implements BlockBox {
* Class constructor for non-anonymous boxes.
* @param context
* LayoutContext being used.
* @param parent
* Parent box.
* @param element
* Element associated with this box. anonymous box.
public AbstractBlockBox(LayoutContext context, BlockBox parent,
Element element) {
this.parent = parent;
this.element = element;
Styles styles = context.getStyleSheet().getStyles(element);
int parentWidth = parent.getWidth();
this.marginTop = styles.getMarginTop().get(parentWidth);
this.marginBottom = styles.getMarginBottom().get(parentWidth);
* Class constructor for anonymous boxes.
* @param context
* LayoutContext to use.
* @param parent
* Parent box.
* @param startOffset
* Start of the range covered by the box.
* @param endOffset
* End of the range covered by the box.
public AbstractBlockBox(LayoutContext context, BlockBox parent,
int startOffset, int endOffset) {
this.parent = parent;
this.marginTop = 0;
this.marginBottom = 0;
Document doc = context.getDocument();
this.startPosition = doc.createPosition(startOffset);
this.endPosition = doc.createPosition(endOffset);
* Walks the box tree and returns the nearest enclosing element.
protected Element findContainingElement() {
BlockBox box = this;
Element element = box.getElement();
while (element == null) {
box = box.getParent();
element = box.getElement();
return element;
* Returns this box's children as an array of BlockBoxes.
protected BlockBox[] getBlockChildren() {
return (BlockBox[]) this.getChildren();
public Caret getCaret(LayoutContext context, int offset) {
// If we haven't yet laid out this block, estimate the caret.
if (this.getLayoutState() != LAYOUT_OK) {
int relative = offset - this.getStartOffset();
int size = this.getEndOffset() - this.getStartOffset();
int y = 0;
if (size > 0) {
y = this.getHeight() * relative / size;
return new HCaret(0, y, this.getHCaretWidth());
int y;
Box[] children = this.getContentChildren();
for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
if (offset < children[i].getStartOffset()) {
if (i > 0) {
y = (children[i - 1].getY() + children[i - 1].getHeight() + children[i]
.getY()) / 2;
} else {
y = 0;
return new HCaret(0, y, this.getHCaretWidth());
if (offset >= children[i].getStartOffset()
&& offset <= children[i].getEndOffset()) {
Caret caret = children[i].getCaret(context, offset);
caret.translate(children[i].getX(), children[i].getY());
return caret;
if (this.hasChildren()) {
y = this.getHeight();
} else {
y = this.getHeight() / 2;
return new HCaret(0, y, this.getHCaretWidth());
public Box[] getChildren() {
return this.children;
* Return an array of children that contain content.
protected BlockBox[] getContentChildren() {
Box[] children = this.getChildren();
List contentChildren = new ArrayList(children.length);
for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
if (children[i].hasContent()) {
return (BlockBox[]) contentChildren
.toArray(new BlockBox[contentChildren.size()]);
public Element getElement() {
return this.element;
public int getEndOffset() {
Element element = this.getElement();
if (element != null) {
return element.getEndOffset();
} else if (this.getEndPosition() != null) {
return this.getEndPosition().getOffset();
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException();
* Returns the estimated size of the box, based on the the current font size
* and the number of characters covered by the box. This is a utility method
* that can be used in implementation of setInitialSize. It assumes the
* width of the box has already been correctly set.
* @param context
* LayoutContext to use.
protected int getEstimatedHeight(LayoutContext context) {
Element element = this.findContainingElement();
Styles styles = context.getStyleSheet().getStyles(element);
int charCount = this.getEndOffset() - this.getStartOffset();
float fontSize = styles.getFontSize();
float lineHeight = styles.getLineHeight();
float estHeight = lineHeight * fontSize * 0.6f * charCount
/ this.getWidth();
return Math.round(Math.max(estHeight, lineHeight));
public LineBox getFirstLine() {
if (this.hasChildren()) {
BlockBox firstChild = (BlockBox) this.getChildren()[0];
return firstChild.getFirstLine();
} else {
return null;
* Returns the width of the horizontal caret. This is overridden by TableBox
* to return a caret that is the full width of the table.
protected int getHCaretWidth() {
public Insets getInsets(LayoutContext context, int containerWidth) {
if (this.getElement() != null) {
Styles styles = context.getStyleSheet()
int top = this.marginTop + styles.getBorderTopWidth()
+ styles.getPaddingTop().get(containerWidth);
int left = styles.getMarginLeft().get(containerWidth)
+ styles.getBorderLeftWidth()
+ styles.getPaddingLeft().get(containerWidth);
int bottom = this.marginBottom + styles.getBorderBottomWidth()
+ styles.getPaddingBottom().get(containerWidth);
int right = styles.getMarginRight().get(containerWidth)
+ styles.getBorderRightWidth()
+ styles.getPaddingRight().get(containerWidth);
return new Insets(top, left, bottom, right);
} else {
return new Insets(this.marginTop, 0, this.marginBottom, 0);
public LineBox getLastLine() {
if (this.hasChildren()) {
BlockBox lastChild = (BlockBox) this.getChildren()[this
.getChildren().length - 1];
return lastChild.getLastLine();
} else {
return null;
* Returns the layout state of this box.
protected byte getLayoutState() {
return this.layoutState;
public int getLineEndOffset(int offset) {
BlockBox[] children = this.getContentChildren();
for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
if (children[i].containsOffset(offset)) {
return children[i].getLineEndOffset(offset);
return offset;
public int getLineStartOffset(int offset) {
BlockBox[] children = this.getContentChildren();
for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
if (children[i].containsOffset(offset)) {
return children[i].getLineStartOffset(offset);
return offset;
public int getMarginBottom() {
return this.marginBottom;
public int getMarginTop() {
return this.marginTop;
public int getNextLineOffset(LayoutContext context, int offset, int x) {
// This algorithm works when this block owns the offsets between
// its children.
if (offset == this.getEndOffset()) {
return -1;
BlockBox[] children = this.getContentChildren();
if (offset < this.getStartOffset() && children.length > 0
&& children[0].getStartOffset() > this.getStartOffset()) {
// If there's an offset before the first child, put the caret there.
return this.getStartOffset();
for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
BlockBox child = children[i];
if (offset <= child.getEndOffset()) {
int newOffset = child.getNextLineOffset(context, offset, x
- child.getX());
if (newOffset < 0 /* && i < children.length-1 */) {
return child.getEndOffset() + 1;
} else {
return newOffset;
return this.getEndOffset();
public BlockBox getParent() {
return this.parent;
public int getPreviousLineOffset(LayoutContext context, int offset, int x) {
if (offset == this.getStartOffset()) {
return -1;
BlockBox[] children = this.getContentChildren();
if (offset > this.getEndOffset()
&& children.length > 0
&& children[children.length - 1].getEndOffset() < this
.getEndOffset()) {
// If there's an offset after the last child, put the caret there.
return this.getEndOffset();
for (int i = children.length; i > 0; i--) {
BlockBox child = children[i - 1];
if (offset >= child.getStartOffset()) {
int newOffset = child.getPreviousLineOffset(context, offset, x
- child.getX());
if (newOffset < 0 && i > 0) {
return child.getStartOffset() - 1;
} else {
return newOffset;
return this.getStartOffset();
public int getStartOffset() {
Element element = this.getElement();
if (element != null) {
return element.getStartOffset() + 1;
} else if (this.getStartPosition() != null) {
return this.getStartPosition().getOffset();
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException();
public boolean hasContent() {
return true;
public void invalidate(boolean direct) {
if (direct) {
this.layoutState = LAYOUT_REDO;
} else {
this.layoutState = LAYOUT_PROPAGATE;
if (this.getParent() instanceof AbstractBlockBox) {
((AbstractBlockBox) this.getParent()).invalidate(false);
public boolean isAnonymous() {
return this.getElement() == null;
* Call the given callback for each child matching one of the given display
* styles. Any nodes that do not match one of the given display types cause
* the onRange callback to be called, with a range covering all such
* contiguous nodes.
* @param styleSheet
* StyleSheet from which to determine display styles.
* @param displayStyles
* Display types to be explicitly recognized.
* @param callback
* DisplayStyleCallback through which the caller is notified of
* matching elements and non-matching ranges.
protected void iterateChildrenByDisplayStyle(StyleSheet styleSheet,
Set displayStyles, ElementOrRangeCallback callback) {
LayoutUtils.iterateChildrenByDisplayStyle(styleSheet, displayStyles,
this.findContainingElement(), this.getStartOffset(), this
.getEndOffset(), callback);
public void paint(LayoutContext context, int x, int y) {
if (this.skipPaint(context, x, y)) {
boolean drawBorders = !context.isElementSelected(this.getElement());
this.drawBox(context, x, y, this.getParent().getWidth(), drawBorders);
this.paintChildren(context, x, y);
this.paintSelectionFrame(context, x, y, true);
* Default implementation. Width is calculated as the parent's width minus
* this box's insets. Height is calculated by getEstimatedHeight.
public void setInitialSize(LayoutContext context) {
int parentWidth = this.getParent().getWidth();
Insets insets = this.getInsets(context, parentWidth);
this.setWidth(Math.max(0, parentWidth - insets.getLeft()
- insets.getRight()));
public int viewToModel(LayoutContext context, int x, int y) {
Box[] children = this.getChildren();
if (children == null) {
int charCount = this.getEndOffset() - this.getStartOffset() - 1;
if (charCount == 0 || this.getHeight() == 0) {
return this.getEndOffset();
} else {
return this.getStartOffset() + charCount * y / this.getHeight();
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
Box child = children[i];
if (!child.hasContent()) {
if (y < child.getY()) {
return child.getStartOffset() - 1;
} else if (y < child.getY() + child.getHeight()) {
return child.viewToModel(context, x - child.getX(), y
- child.getY());
return this.getEndOffset();
// ===================================================== PRIVATE
private BlockBox parent;
private Box[] children;
* Paint a frame that indicates a block element box has been selected.
* @param context
* LayoutContext to use.
* @param x
* x-coordinate at which to draw
* @param y
* y-coordinate at which to draw.
* @param selected
protected void paintSelectionFrame(LayoutContext context, int x, int y,
boolean selected) {
Element element = this.getElement();
Element parent = element == null ? null : element.getParent();
boolean paintFrame = context.isElementSelected(element)
&& !context.isElementSelected(parent);
if (!paintFrame) {
Graphics g = context.getGraphics();
ColorResource foreground;
ColorResource background;
if (selected) {
foreground = g.getSystemColor(ColorResource.SELECTION_FOREGROUND);
background = g.getSystemColor(ColorResource.SELECTION_BACKGROUND);
} else {
foreground = g.createColor(new Color(0, 0, 0));
background = g.createColor(new Color(0xcc, 0xcc, 0xcc));
FontMetrics fm = g.getFontMetrics();
ColorResource oldColor = g.setColor(background);
int tabWidth = g.stringWidth(this.getElement().getName())
+ fm.getLeading();
int tabHeight = fm.getHeight();
int tabX = x + this.getWidth() - tabWidth;
int tabY = y + this.getHeight() - tabHeight;
g.drawRect(x, y, this.getWidth(), this.getHeight());
g.fillRect(tabX, tabY, tabWidth, tabHeight);
g.drawString(this.getElement().getName(), tabX + fm.getLeading() / 2,
if (!selected) {
/** Layout is OK */
public static final byte LAYOUT_OK = 0;
/** My layout is OK, but one of my children needs to be laid out */
public static final byte LAYOUT_PROPAGATE = 1;
/** I need to be laid out */
public static final byte LAYOUT_REDO = 2;
private byte layoutState = LAYOUT_REDO;
public IntRange layout(LayoutContext context, int top, int bottom) {
int repaintStart = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
int repaintEnd = 0;
boolean repaintToBottom = false;
int originalHeight = this.getHeight();
if (this.layoutState == LAYOUT_REDO) {
// System.out.println("Redo layout of " +
// this.getElement().getName());
List childList = this.createChildren(context);
this.children = (BlockBox[]) childList
.toArray(new BlockBox[childList.size()]);
// Even though we position children after layout, we have to
// do a preliminary positioning here so we now which ones
// overlap our layout band
for (int i = 0; i < this.children.length; i++) {
BlockBox child = (BlockBox) this.children[i];
// repaint everything
repaintToBottom = true;
repaintStart = 0;
Box[] children = this.getChildren();
for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
if (children[i] instanceof BlockBox) {
BlockBox child = (BlockBox) children[i];
if (top <= child.getY() + child.getHeight()
&& bottom >= child.getY()) {
IntRange repaintRange = child.layout(context, top
- child.getY(), bottom - child.getY());
if (repaintRange != null) {
repaintStart = Math.min(repaintStart, repaintRange
+ child.getY());
repaintEnd = Math.max(repaintEnd, repaintRange.getEnd()
+ child.getY());
int childRepaintStart = this.positionChildren(context);
if (childRepaintStart != -1) {
repaintToBottom = true;
repaintStart = Math.min(repaintStart, childRepaintStart);
this.layoutState = LAYOUT_OK;
if (repaintToBottom) {
repaintEnd = Math.max(originalHeight, this.getHeight());
if (repaintStart < repaintEnd) {
return new IntRange(repaintStart, repaintEnd);
} else {
return null;
protected abstract List createChildren(LayoutContext context);
* Creates a list of block boxes for a given document range. beforeInlines
* and afterInlines are prepended/appended to the first/last block child,
* and each may be null.
protected List createBlockBoxes(LayoutContext context, int startOffset,
int endOffset, int width, List beforeInlines, List afterInlines) {
List blockBoxes = new ArrayList();
List pendingInlines = new ArrayList();
if (beforeInlines != null) {
Document document = context.getDocument();
Element element = document.findCommonElement(startOffset,
if (startOffset == endOffset) {
int relOffset = startOffset - element.getStartOffset();
pendingInlines.add(new PlaceholderBox(context, element, relOffset));
} else {
BlockInlineIterator iter = new BlockInlineIterator(context,
element, startOffset, endOffset);
while (true) {
Object next =;
if (next == null) {
if (next instanceof IntRange) {
IntRange range = (IntRange) next;
InlineElementBox.InlineBoxes inlineBoxes = InlineElementBox
.createInlineBoxes(context, element, range
.getStart(), range.getEnd());
pendingInlines.add(new PlaceholderBox(context, element,
range.getEnd() - element.getStartOffset()));
} else {
if (pendingInlines.size() > 0) {
blockBoxes.add(ParagraphBox.create(context, element,
pendingInlines, width));
if (isTableChild(context, next)) {
// Consume continguous table children and create an
// anonymous table.
int tableStartOffset = ((Element) next)
int tableEndOffset = -1; // dummy to hide warning
while (isTableChild(context, next)) {
tableEndOffset = ((Element) next).getEndOffset() + 1;
next =;
// add anonymous table
blockBoxes.add(new TableBox(context, this,
tableStartOffset, tableEndOffset));
if (next == null) {
} else {
} else { // next is a block box element
Element blockElement = (Element) next;
context, blockElement, this, width));
if (afterInlines != null) {
if (pendingInlines.size() > 0) {
blockBoxes.add(ParagraphBox.create(context, element,
pendingInlines, width));
return blockBoxes;
private class BlockInlineIterator {
public BlockInlineIterator(LayoutContext context, Element element,
int startOffset, int endOffset) {
this.context = context;
this.element = element;
this.startOffset = startOffset;
this.endOffset = endOffset;
* Returns the next block element or inline range, or null if we're at
* the end.
public Object next() {
if (this.pushStack.size() > 0) {
return this.pushStack.removeLast();
} else if (startOffset == endOffset) {
return null;
} else {
Element blockElement = findNextBlockElement(this.context,
this.element, startOffset, endOffset);
if (blockElement == null) {
if (startOffset < endOffset) {
IntRange result = new IntRange(startOffset, endOffset);
startOffset = endOffset;
return result;
} else {
return null;
} else if (blockElement.getStartOffset() > startOffset) {
IntRange result = new IntRange(startOffset, blockElement
startOffset = blockElement.getEndOffset() + 1;
return result;
} else {
startOffset = blockElement.getEndOffset() + 1;
return blockElement;
public Object peek() {
if (this.pushStack.size() == 0) {
Object next = next();
if (next == null) {
return null;
} else {
return pushStack.getLast();
public void push(Object pushed) {
private LayoutContext context;
private Element element;
private int startOffset;
private int endOffset;
private LinkedList pushStack = new LinkedList();
protected boolean hasChildren() {
return this.getChildren() != null && this.getChildren().length > 0;
* Positions the children of this box. Vertical margins are collapsed here.
* Returns the vertical offset of the top of the first child to move, or -1
* if not children were actually moved.
protected int positionChildren(LayoutContext context) {
int childY = 0;
int prevMargin = 0;
BlockBox[] children = this.getBlockChildren();
int repaintStart = -1;
Styles styles = null;
if (!this.isAnonymous()) {
styles = context.getStyleSheet().getStyles(this.getElement());
if (styles != null && children.length > 0) {
if (styles.getBorderTopWidth()
+ styles.getPaddingTop().get(this.getWidth()) == 0) {
// first child's top margin collapses into ours
this.marginTop = Math.max(this.marginTop, children[0]
childY -= children[0].getMarginTop();
for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
Insets insets = children[i].getInsets(context, this.getWidth());
childY += insets.getTop();
if (i > 0) {
childY -= Math.min(prevMargin, children[i].getMarginTop());
if (repaintStart == -1 && children[i].getY() != childY) {
repaintStart = Math.min(children[i].getY(), childY);
childY += children[i].getHeight() + insets.getBottom();
prevMargin = children[i].getMarginBottom();
if (styles != null && children.length > 0) {
if (styles.getBorderBottomWidth()
+ styles.getPaddingBottom().get(this.getWidth()) == 0) {
// last child's bottom margin collapses into ours
this.marginBottom = Math.max(this.marginBottom, prevMargin);
childY -= prevMargin;
return repaintStart;
* Sets the layout state of the box.
* @param layoutState
* One of the LAYOUT_* constants
protected void setLayoutState(byte layoutState) {
this.layoutState = layoutState;
// ========================================================= PRIVATE
/** The length, in pixels, of the horizontal caret between block boxes */
private static final int H_CARET_LENGTH = 20;
* Element with which we are associated. For anonymous boxes, this is null.
private Element element;
* We cache the top and bottom margins, since they may be affected by our
* children.
private int marginTop;
private int marginBottom;
* Start position of an anonymous box. For non-anonymous boxes, this is
* null.
private Position startPosition;
* End position of an anonymous box. For non-anonymous boxes, this is null.
private Position endPosition;
* Searches for the next block-formatted child.
* @param context
* LayoutContext to use.
* @param element
* Element within which to search.
* @param startOffset
* The offset at which to start the search.
* @param endOffset
* The offset at which to end the search.
private static Element findNextBlockElement(LayoutContext context,
Element element, int startOffset, int endOffset) {
Element[] children = element.getChildElements();
for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
Element child = children[i];
if (child.getEndOffset() < startOffset) {
} else if (child.getStartOffset() >= endOffset) {
} else {
Styles styles = context.getStyleSheet().getStyles(child);
if (!styles.getDisplay().equals(CSS.INLINE)) { // TODO do proper
// block display
// determination
return child;
} else {
Element fromChild = findNextBlockElement(context, child,
startOffset, endOffset);
if (fromChild != null) {
return fromChild;
return null;
* Return the end position of an anonymous box. The default implementation
* returns null.
private Position getEndPosition() {
return this.endPosition;
* Return the start position of an anonymous box. The default implementation
* returns null.
private Position getStartPosition() {
return this.startPosition;
private boolean isTableChild(LayoutContext context, Object rangeOrElement) {
if (rangeOrElement != null && rangeOrElement instanceof Element) {
return LayoutUtils.isTableChild(context.getStyleSheet(),
(Element) rangeOrElement);
} else {
return false;