blob: e3a5304c60880eb87712863666b08045d12b2399 [file] [log] [blame]
package com.test;
import java.util.*;
public class TestBean1
// simple bean properties
public String getStringProp1()
return "";
public void setStringProp1(String prop)
// simple boolean with is getter
public boolean isBooleanIsProp1()
return true;
public void setBooleanIsProp1(boolean property)
// boolean "is" takes precedence over get
public boolean isBooleanIsProp2()
return true;
public boolean getBooleanIsProp2()
return false;
public void setBooleanIsProp2(boolean property)
// don't use is getter when type is not boolean
public String isNotBooleanIsProp1()
return "";
public boolean getNotBooleanIsProp1()
return true;
public void setNotBooleanIsProp1(boolean property)
// don't use setter if parameter is not matching the getter
public String getStringProperty2()
return "";
// incorrect parameter -- should be String
public void setStringProperty2(int wrongParam)
// readonly property -- no setter
public String getReadonlyStringProperty()
return "readonly";
// readonly is property -- no setter
public boolean isReadonlyBooleanProperty()
return true;
// write only property -- no getter
public void setWriteonlyStringProperty(String val)
return "blah";
// bogus getter -- "" is not a bean name
public String get()
return "";
// String array getter
public String[] getStringArrayProperty()
public void setStringArrayProperty(String[] arrayProp)
// Collection property
public Collection getCollectionProperty()
return new ArrayList();
public void setCollectionProperty(Collection prop)
// Map property
public Map getMapProperty()
return new HashMap();
public void setMapProperty(Map prop)
// Another bean property
public AnotherBean getAnotherBean()
return null;
public void setAnotherBean(AnotherBean anotherBean)
// Int array property
public int[] getIntArrayProperty()
return new int[] {0,1,2};
// array of array of string
public String[][] getArrayOfArrayOfStringProperty()
return new String[3][];