blob: 5aa4dc8881115107e472f78a76b9f2f4766fc7d8 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.eclipse.jst.jsf.test.util.mock;
import static junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals;
import static junit.framework.Assert.assertTrue;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResourceChangeEvent;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.NullProgressMonitor;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Path;
* A test context that can be used to construct a number of MockResources that
* are associated with a mocked workspace/project hierarchy
* @author cbateman
public class MockWorkspaceContext
private final MockWorkspace _ws;
private final Map<IPath, MockResource> _ownedResources;
public MockWorkspaceContext(final MockWorkspace ws)
_ws = ws;
_ownedResources = new HashMap<IPath, MockResource>();
public MockWorkspaceContext()
this(new MockWorkspace(new MockWorkspaceRoot()));
public void fireWorkspaceEvent(final IResourceChangeEvent event)
public void dispose() throws Exception
for (final Map.Entry<IPath, MockResource> entry : _ownedResources
public MockWorkspace getWorkspace()
return _ws;
public MockResource getResource(final IPath path)
return _ownedResources.get(path);
public MockFile getFile(final IPath path)
return (MockFile) getResource(path);
public MockProject getProject(final IPath path)
return (MockProject) _ownedResources.get(path);
public MockProject createProject(final IPath path, final boolean replace)
final MockProject project = new MockProject(path,
new MyMockResourceFactory());
attachProject(project, replace);
return project;
* @return a mock project with a generated name that is guaranteed not to
* conflict with any that already exist in this context.
public MockProject createProject(final String baseId)
int i = 0;
while (_ownedResources.get(generateName(baseId, i)) != null)
// keep looping until we get TestProject_i that doesn't exist
return createProject(generateName(baseId, i), false);
private Path generateName(final String baseId, final int i)
return new Path(baseId + "_TestProject_" + i);
public MockProject createProject(final IPath path)
return createProject(path, false);
public void attachProject(final MockProject project, final boolean replace)
checkExists(project.getFullPath(), replace);
_ownedResources.put(project.getFullPath(), project);
public MockProject loadProject(final IPath path, final ZipFile zip)
throws Exception
return loadProject(path, zip, "");
public MockProject loadProject(final IPath path, final ZipFile zip,
final String pathIntoZip) throws Exception
checkExists(path, false);
final MockProject project = new MockProject(path,
new MyMockResourceFactory(zip, pathIntoZip));
attachProject(project, false);
return project;
public MockFile attachFile(MockProject project, IPath projectRelativePath,
File file)
assertEquals(checkExists(project.getFullPath(), true), project);
// throw an exception if projectRelativePath already exists
checkExists(project.getFullPath().append(projectRelativePath), false);
MockFile iFile = (MockFile) project.getFile(projectRelativePath);
InputStream inStream = null;
inStream = new FileInputStream(file);
iFile.setContents(inStream, 0, null);
return iFile;
} catch (IOException e)
throw new RuntimeException(e);
} catch (CoreException e)
throw new RuntimeException(e);
if (inStream != null)
} catch (IOException e)
throw new RuntimeException(e);
private MockResource checkExists(final IPath path, final boolean replace)
final MockResource resource = _ownedResources.get(path);
if (resource != null && !replace)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(path.toString()
+ " already exists");
return resource;
private class MyMockResourceFactory implements IMockResourceFactory
private ZipFile _zip;
private final String _pathIntoZip;
public MyMockResourceFactory()
// do nothing.
_pathIntoZip = "";
public MyMockResourceFactory(final ZipFile zip, final String pathIntoZip)
throws Exception
_zip = zip;
_pathIntoZip = pathIntoZip;
public MockFile createFile(final MockContainer container,
final IPath path) throws CoreException, IOException
final IPath newFileFullPath = container.getFullPath().append(path);
MockResource resource = checkExists(newFileFullPath, true);
if (resource == null)
resource = new MockFile(newFileFullPath);
((MockResource) resource).setWorkspace(_ws);
((MockResource) resource).setProject(container.getProject());
if (_zip != null)
final ZipEntry entry = _zip.getEntry(_pathIntoZip
+ path.toString());
if (entry != null)
final InputStream inputStream = _zip
if (inputStream != null)
((MockFile) resource).setContents(inputStream,
false, true, new NullProgressMonitor());
ensurePathToNewResource(container, path);
_ownedResources.put(newFileFullPath, resource);
return (MockFile) resource;
public MockFolder createFolder(final MockContainer container,
final IPath path)
final IPath newFileFullPath = container.getFullPath().append(path);
MockResource resource = checkExists(newFileFullPath, true);
if (resource == null)
resource = new MockFolder(newFileFullPath, this);
((MockResource) resource).setWorkspace(_ws);
((MockResource) resource).setProject(container.getProject());
ensurePathToNewResource(container, path);
_ownedResources.put(newFileFullPath, resource);
return (MockFolder) resource;
protected void ensurePathToNewResource(final MockContainer container,
final IPath path)
// add any intervening MockContainers for the folders
// under container where the file lives
IPath leadingPath = path.removeLastSegments(1);
IPath curPath = container.getFullPath();
while (leadingPath.segmentCount() > 0)
final String nextSegment = leadingPath.segments()[0];
curPath = curPath.append(nextSegment);
leadingPath = leadingPath.removeFirstSegments(1);
MockResource newContainer = checkExists(curPath, true);
if (newContainer == null)
newFolder(container, curPath);
protected void newFolder(MockContainer container, IPath curPath)
MockResource newContainer;
newContainer = new MockFolder(curPath, this);
_ownedResources.put(curPath, newContainer);
public void dispose() throws Exception
if (_zip != null)
public List<MockResource> getCurrentMembers(
final MockContainer container)
final List<MockResource> members = new ArrayList<MockResource>();
final IPath containerPath = container.getFullPath();
for (final IPath path : _ownedResources.keySet())
// path is a member of container if container's path is
// a prefix of path and path has only one extra segment
if (containerPath.isPrefixOf(path)
&& path.segmentCount() == containerPath.segmentCount() + 1)
return members;
public void forceLoad(final MockProject project) throws Exception
final Enumeration<? extends ZipEntry> entries = _zip.entries();
while (entries.hasMoreElements())
final ZipEntry entry = entries.nextElement();
String name = entry.getName();
final int removeIdx = name.indexOf(_pathIntoZip);
if (removeIdx > -1)
name = name.substring(_pathIntoZip.length());
if (entry.isDirectory())
newFolder(project, new Path(name));
} else
createFile(project, new Path(name));