add tags for jsdoc support
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/ b/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/
index 7ac59c6..9600d1b 100644
--- a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/
@@ -1436,6 +1436,7 @@
 			// set specific javadoc parser
 			if (useSourceJavadocParser) {
 				this.javadocParser = new SourceJavadocParser(this);
@@ -1500,6 +1501,37 @@
+	protected CompilationUnitDeclaration runJSDocParseTest(
+			String s, String testName,String expected
+			) {
+			// Non-javac part
+			try {
+				char[] source = s.toCharArray();
+				TestParser parser = 
+					new TestParser(
+					  new DefaultProblemFactory(Locale.getDefault()), 
+						new CompilerOptions(getCompilerOptions()),
+						true/*optimize string literals*/,
+						false); 
+				parser.javadocParser.checkDocComment=true;
+				ICompilationUnit sourceUnit = new CompilationUnit(source, testName, null);
+				CompilationUnitDeclaration compUnit= parser.parseCompilationUnit(sourceUnit, true);
+				if (expected!=null)
+				{
+					String result=compUnit.toString();
+					assertEquals(expected, result);
+				}
+				return compUnit;
+			// javac part
+			} catch (AssertionFailedError e) {
+				throw e;
+			} finally {
+			}
+		}
 	protected CompilationUnitDeclaration runInferTest(
 			String s, 
 			String testName,String expected,
diff --git a/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/ b/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c2ea32f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler/src/org/eclipse/wst/jsdt/core/tests/compiler/regression/
@@ -0,0 +1,797 @@
+package org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.tests.compiler.regression;
+import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.ast.CompilationUnitDeclaration;
+public class BasicJsdocTests extends AbstractRegressionTest {
+	public BasicJsdocTests(String name) {
+		super(name);
+	}
+	public void test001() {
+		CompilationUnitDeclaration declaration = this.runJSDocParseTest(
+			 "/**\n"
+				+ " * Valid class javadoc\n"
+				+ " * @param p1 param def\n"
+				+ " */\n"
+			+"function foo(p1){}" + 
+			"\n",
+			"X.js",
+			"function foo() {\n}" + 
+			"\n"
+		 );
+	}
+	public void test002() {	// missing semicolon
+		CompilationUnitDeclaration declaration = this.runJSDocParseTest(
+				"i=1\n" + 
+				"j=2;" + 
+			"\n",
+			"X.js",
+			"i = 1;\n" + 
+			"j = 2;" + 
+			"\n"
+		 );
+	}
+	public void test003() {	// var
+		CompilationUnitDeclaration declaration = this.runJSDocParseTest(
+				"var i=1,c=4;" + 
+				"\n",
+			"X.js",
+			"var i = 1;\n" + 
+			"var c = 4;" + 
+			"\n"
+		 );
+		this.runJSDocParseTest(
+				"var i=1,c;" + 
+				"\n",
+			"X.js",
+			"var i = 1;\n" + 
+			"var c;" + 
+			"\n"
+		 );
+	}
+	public void test003a() {	// var
+		CompilationUnitDeclaration declaration = this.runJSDocParseTest(
+				"var foo=null;" + 
+				"\n",
+			"X.js",
+			"var foo = null;" + 
+			"\n"
+		 );
+		this.runJSDocParseTest(
+				"var i=1,c;" + 
+				"\n",
+			"X.js",
+			"var i = 1;\n" + 
+			"var c;" + 
+			"\n"
+		 );
+	}
+	public void test004() {	// functions
+		this.runJSDocParseTest(
+				"function abc(){}" + 
+				"\n",
+			"X.js",
+			"function abc() {\n}" + 
+			"\n"
+		 );
+	}
+	public void test004a() {	// functions
+		this.runJSDocParseTest(
+				"function abc(a){}" + 
+				"\n",
+			"X.js",
+			"function abc(a) {\n}" + 
+			"\n"
+		 );
+	}
+	public void test004b() {	// functions
+		this.runJSDocParseTest(
+				"function abc(a,b){i=1;}" + 
+				"\n",
+			"X.js",
+			"function abc(a, b) {\n  i = 1;\n}" + 
+			"\n"
+		 );
+	}
+	public void test005a() {	// expressions
+		this.runJSDocParseTest(
+				"i=this.v1+4;" + 
+				"\n",
+			"X.js",
+			"i = (this.v1 + 4);" + 
+			"\n"
+		 );
+	}
+	public void test005b() {	// expressions
+		this.runJSDocParseTest(
+				"i=funccall(c,b);" + 
+				"i=cc.funccall(c,b);" + 
+				",b);" + 
+				"\n",
+			"X.js",
+			"i = funccall(c, b);\n" + 
+			"i = cc.funccall(c, b);\n" + 
+			"i =, b);" + 
+			"\n"
+		 );
+	}
+	public void test005b2() {	// expressions
+		this.runJSDocParseTest(
+				"i=funccall().methCall();" + 
+				"\n",
+			"X.js",
+			"i = funccall().methCall();" + 
+			"\n"
+		 );
+	}
+	public void test005d() {	// expressions
+		this.runJSDocParseTest(
+				"i= function (c,b) {i=2;}" + 
+				"\n",
+			"X.js",
+			"i = function (c, b) {\n  i = 2;\n};" + 
+			"\n"
+		 );
+	}
+	public void test005e() {	// expressions/
+		this.runJSDocParseTest(
+				"i= 1+(z-v);" + 
+				"i= ++z * v--;" + 
+				"\n",
+			"X.js",
+			"i = (1 + (z - v));\n" + 
+			"i = ((++ z) * (v --));" + 
+			"\n"
+		 );
+	}
+	public void test005f() {	// expressions
+		this.runJSDocParseTest(
+				"i= new abc(dd);" + 
+				"\n",
+			"X.js",
+			"i = new abc(dd);" + 
+			"\n"
+		 );
+	}
+	public void test005f1() {	// expressions
+		this.runJSDocParseTest(
+				"i= new dojo.uri.Uri(1,2);" + 
+				"\n",
+			"X.js",
+			"i = new dojo.uri.Uri(1, 2);" + 
+			"\n"
+		 );
+	}
+	public void test005f2() {	// expressions
+		this.runJSDocParseTest(
+				"dojo.string.normalizeNewlines = function (text,newlineChar) {i=1;}" + 
+				"\n",
+			"X.js",
+			"dojo.string.normalizeNewlines = function (text, newlineChar) {\n  i = 1;\n};" + 
+			"\n"
+		 );
+	}
+	public void test005f3() {	// expressions
+		this.runJSDocParseTest(
+				"	function foo() {\n" + 
+				"		var maxUnits = 0;\n" + 
+				"			var unitResult = \n" + 
+				"				new CompilationUnitResult(\n" + 
+				"					null, \n" + 
+				"					i, \n" + 
+				"					maxUnits); \n" + 
+				"}\n",
+			"X.js",
+			"function foo() {\n"+
+			"  var maxUnits = 0;\n"+
+			"  var unitResult = new   CompilationUnitResult(null, i, maxUnits);\n"+
+			"}"+
+			"\n"
+		 );
+	}
+	public void test005f4() {	// expressions
+		this.runJSDocParseTest(
+				"i= new SomeClass;" + 
+				"\n",
+			"X.js",
+			"i = new SomeClass;" + 
+			"\n"
+		 );
+	}
+	public void test005f5() {	// expressions
+		this.runJSDocParseTest(
+				"function f(){\n" + 
+				"i= new SomeClass \n}" + 
+				"\n",
+			"X.js",
+			"function f() {\n" + 
+			"  i = new SomeClass;\n" + 
+			"}" + 
+			"\n"
+		 );
+	}
+	public void test005f6() {	// expressions
+		this.runJSDocParseTest(
+				"	function X(i){}								\n" +
+				"	function foo(){								\n" +
+				"		var j = 0;							\n" +
+				"		var x = new X(j);						\n" +
+				"}	" +
+				"\n",
+			"X.js",
+			"function X(i) {\n" + 
+			"}\n" + 
+			"function foo() {\n" + 
+			"  var j = 0;\n" +
+			"  var x = new   X(j);\n" +
+			"}" + 
+			"\n"
+		 );
+	}
+	public void test005g1() {	// expressions
+		this.runJSDocParseTest(
+				"i= typeof objpath != \"string\";" + 
+				"\n",
+			"X.js",
+			"i = ((typeof objpath) != \"string\");" + 
+			"\n"
+		 );
+	}
+	public void test005g2() {	// expressions
+		this.runJSDocParseTest(
+				"i= ar instanceof Error;" + 
+				"\n",
+			"X.js",
+			"i = (ar instanceof Error);" + 
+			"\n"
+		 );
+	}		 
+	public void test005g3() {	// expressions
+		this.runJSDocParseTest(
+				"i= != null ;" + 
+				"\n",
+			"X.js",
+			"i = ( != null);" + 
+			"\n"
+		 );
+	}		 
+	public void test005g4() {	// expressions
+		this.runJSDocParseTest(
+				"i= != undefined ;" + 
+				"\n",
+			"X.js",
+			"i = ( != undefined);" + 
+			"\n"
+		 );
+	}		 
+	public void test005h1() {	// expressions
+		this.runJSDocParseTest(
+				"i= { a: 2 , b: 3+4};" + 
+				"\n",
+			"X.js",
+			"i = {\n  a : 2,\n  b : (3 + 4)\n};" + 
+			"\n"
+		 );
+	public void test005h2() {	// expressions
+		this.runJSDocParseTest(
+				"i= { a: function(){ var ar={c:3,d:4,e:4}; } , b: function(cc){ var c=1;} , d:function(){}};" + 
+				"\n",
+			"X.js",
+			"i = {\n  a : function () {\n  var ar = {\n    c : 3,\n    d : 4,\n    e : 4\n  };\n},\n  b : function (cc) {\n  var c = 1;\n},\n  d : function () {\n}\n};" + 
+			"\n"
+		 );
+	public void test005i() {	// expressions
+		this.runJSDocParseTest(
+				"i= arr[4];" + 
+				"\n",
+			"X.js",
+			"i = arr[4];" + 
+			"\n"
+		 );
+	}
+	public void test005i1() {	// expressions
+		this.runJSDocParseTest(
+				"arr[4]=1;" + 
+				"\n",
+			"X.js",
+			"arr[4] = 1;" + 
+			"\n"
+		 );
+	}
+	public void test005i2() {	// expressions
+		this.runJSDocParseTest(
+				"var arr=null;" + 
+				"arr[4]=1;" + 
+				"\n",
+			"X.js",
+			"var arr = null;\n" + 
+			"arr[4] = 1;" + 
+			"\n"
+		 );
+	}
+	public void test005j() {	// expressions
+		this.runJSDocParseTest(
+				"i= [a,b];" + 
+				"\n",
+			"X.js",
+			"i = [a, b];" + 
+			"\n"
+		 );
+	}
+	public void test005j2() {	// expressions
+		this.runJSDocParseTest(
+				"i= [,a];" + 
+				"\n",
+			"X.js",
+			"i = [, a];" + 
+			"\n"
+		 );
+	}
+	public void test005j3() {	// expressions
+		this.runJSDocParseTest(
+				"i= [a,];" + 
+				"\n",
+			"X.js",
+			"i = [a, ];" + 
+			"\n"
+		 );
+	}
+	public void test005j4() {	// expressions
+		this.runJSDocParseTest(
+				"i= [,];" + 
+				"\n",
+			"X.js",
+			"i = [, ];" + 
+			"\n"
+		 );
+	}
+	public void test005j5() {	// expressions
+		this.runJSDocParseTest(
+				"i= [];" + 
+				"\n",
+			"X.js",
+			"i = [];" + 
+			"\n"
+		 );
+	}
+	public void test005j6() {	// expressions
+		this.runJSDocParseTest(
+				"i= [a,,b];" + 
+				"\n",
+			"X.js",
+			"i = [a, , b];" + 
+			"\n"
+		 );
+	}
+	public void test007() {	// if
+		this.runJSDocParseTest(
+				"if (a>1) this.c=f+5;" + 
+				"\n",
+			"X.js",
+			"if ((a > 1))\n    this.c = (f + 5);" + 
+			"\n"
+		 );
+	}
+	public void test008() {	// try catch
+		this.runJSDocParseTest(
+				"try { a=2;} catch (ex) {a=3;}" + 
+				"\n",
+			"X.js",
+			"try \n  {\n    a = 2;\n  }\ncatch (ex)   {\n    a = 3;\n  }" + 
+			"\n"
+		 );
+	}
+	public void test009() {	// for
+		this.runJSDocParseTest(
+				"for (i=1;i<3;i++)\n" +
+				"  f++;" +
+				"\n",
+			"X.js",
+			"for (i = 1; (i < 3); i ++) \n  f ++;"+	
+			"\n"
+		 );
+	}
+	public void test009a() {	// for
+		this.runJSDocParseTest(
+				"for (;i<3;i++)\n" +
+				"  f++;" +
+				"\n",
+			"X.js",
+			"for (; (i < 3); i ++) \n  f ++;"+	
+			"\n"
+		 );
+	}
+	public void test0010() {	// for in
+		this.runJSDocParseTest(
+				"for (var a in this.vars)\n" +
+				"  f++;" +
+				"\n",
+			"X.js",
+			"for (var a in this.vars) \n  f ++;"+	
+			"\n"
+		 );
+	}
+	public void test0010a() {	// for in
+		this.runJSDocParseTest(
+				"for (a in this.vars)\n" +
+				"  f++;" +
+				"\n",
+			"X.js",
+			"for (a in this.vars) \n  f ++;"+	
+			"\n"
+		 );
+	}
+	public void test0011() {	// missing semicolon
+		this.runJSDocParseTest(
+				"  function bar() \n{\n" +
+				"    System.out.println()\n" +
+				"  }\n" ,
+			"X.js",
+			"function bar() {\n"+	
+			"  System.out.println();\n" +
+			"}\n" 
+		 );
+	}
+	public void test0011a() {	// missing semicolon
+		this.runJSDocParseTest(
+			"function bar() {\n"+	
+			"  System.out\n" +
+			"}\n", 
+			"X.js",
+			"function bar() {\n"+	
+			"  System.out;\n" +
+			"}\n" 
+		 );
+	}
+	public void test0020() {	// missing semicolon
+		this.runJSDocParseTest(
+			      "function Bob(firstname, lastname) {\n" +
+			      "   var Firstname = firstname;\n" +
+			      "   var Lastname = lastname;\n" +
+			      "}\n" +
+			      " = function () {return this.Fistname + this.Lastname;};\n",
+			"X.js",
+		      "function Bob(firstname, lastname) {\n" +
+		      "  var Firstname = firstname;\n" +
+		      "  var Lastname = lastname;\n" +
+		      "}\n" +
+		      " = function () {\n  return (this.Fistname + this.Lastname);\n};\n"
+		 );
+	}
+	public void test0022() {
+		this.runJSDocParseTest(
+				"var SingleQuote = {\n" +
+				"   Version: '1.1-beta2' \n" +
+				"}\n",
+			"X.js",
+				"var SingleQuote = {\n" +
+				"  Version : '1.1-beta2'\n" +
+				"};\n"
+		);
+	}
+	public void test0023() {
+		this.runJSDocParseTest(
+				"var Try = { \n" +
+				"	these: function() { \n" +
+				"		var returnValue; \n" +
+				"	} \n"+
+				"	} \n",
+			"X.js",
+			"var Try = {\n" +
+			"  these : function () {\n" +
+			"  var returnValue;\n" +
+			"}\n"+
+			"};\n"
+		);
+	}
+	public void test0024() {
+		this.runJSDocParseTest(
+				"var Try = { \n" +
+				"	these: function() { \n" +
+				"		var returnValue; \n" +
+				"	} \n" +
+				"};",
+			"X.js",
+				"var Try = {\n" +
+				"  these : function () {\n" +
+				"  var returnValue;\n" +
+				"}\n" +
+				"};\n"
+		);
+	}
+	public void test0026() {
+		this.runJSDocParseTest(
+				"String.replace(/&/g, '&amp;');",
+			"X.js",
+				"String.replace(/&/g, '&amp;');\n"
+		);
+	}
+	public void test0027() {
+		this.runJSDocParseTest(
+				"  (!options) ? options = {} : '';",
+			"X.js",
+				"((! options) ? (options = {}) : '');\n"			
+		);
+	}
+	public void test0028() {
+		this.runJSDocParseTest(
+				" if(typeof dojo==\"undefined\"){ \n" +
+				"	function dj_undef(){ \n" +
+				"	} \n" +
+				"}",
+			"X.js",
+				" if(typeof dojo==\"undefined\"){ \n" +
+				"	function dj_undef(){ \n" +
+				"	} \n" +
+				"}"			
+		);
+	}
+	public void test0029() {
+		this.runJSDocParseTest(
+				"  abc();",
+			"X.js",
+				"abc();\n"			
+		);
+	}
+	public void test0030() {
+		this.runJSDocParseTest(
+				"  \"cc\".abc();",
+			"X.js",
+				"\"cc\".abc();\n"			
+		);
+	}
+	public void test0031() {
+		this.runJSDocParseTest(
+			"var a = 1;\n" +
+			"// test unicode \\u000a var a =1; \n" +
+			"var b = 2; \n",
+			"X.js",
+			"var a = 1;\n" +
+			"var b = 2;\n"			
+		);
+	}
+	public void test0032() {
+		this.runJSDocParseTest(
+			"var a = 1;\n" +
+			"/* \n" +
+			"* test unicode \\u000a var a =1; \n " +
+			"*/" +
+			"var b = 2; \n",
+			"X.js",
+			"var a = 1;\n" +
+			"var b = 2;\n"			
+		);
+	}
+	public void test0033() {
+		this.runJSDocParseTest(
+				"var a = \"a\\>\";\n",
+			"X.js",
+				"var a = \"a>\";\n"			
+		);
+	}
+	public void test0034() {
+				this.runJSDocParseTest(
+						"label: for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {\n" +
+						"	     continue label;\n" +
+						"}", 
+						"X.js",
+						"label: for (var i = 0;; (i < 10); i ++) \n" +
+						"  {\n"+			
+						"    continue label;\n"+			
+						"  }\n"
+					);
+	}
+	public void test0035() {
+		// check a unicode " in string. The expected " is escaped 
+		// because of the way the test framework works. It converts 
+		// special characters to a character representation before
+		// doing the compare. 
+		this.runJSDocParseTest(
+				"\"abc\\u0022def\";\n",
+			"X.js",
+				"\"abc\\\"def\";\n"			
+		);
+	}
+	public void test0036() {
+		this.runJSDocParseTest(
+				"'abc\\u0027def';\n",
+			"X.js",
+				"'abc'def';\n"			
+		);
+	}
+	public void test0037() {
+		// check a unicode " in string. The expected " is escaped 
+		// because of the way the test framework works. It converts 
+		// special characters to a character representation before
+		// doing the compare. 
+		this.runJSDocParseTest(
+				"\"\\u0022def\";\n",
+			"X.js",
+				"\"\\\"def\";\n"			
+		);
+	}
+	public void test0038() {
+		// check a unicode " in string. The expected " is escaped 
+		// because of the way the test framework works. It converts 
+		// special characters to a character representation before
+		// doing the compare. 
+		this.runJSDocParseTest(
+				"\"abc\\x22def\";\n",
+			"X.js",
+				"\"abc\\\"def\";\n"			
+		);
+	}
+	public void test0039() {
+		// check a unicode " in string. The expected " is escaped 
+		// because of the way the test framework works. It converts 
+		// special characters to a character representation before
+		// doing the compare. 
+		this.runJSDocParseTest(
+				"\"\\x22def\";\n",
+			"X.js",
+				"\"\\\"def\";\n"			
+		);
+	}
+	public void test0040() {
+		this.runJSDocParseTest(
+				"var onStart = function() { \n" +
+				";\n" + 
+				"	this.runtimeAttributes = {};\n" +
+				"	for (var attr in this.attributes) {\n" +
+				";\n" +
+				"	}\n" +
+				"};",
+			"X.js",
+				"var onStart = function () {\n" +
+				";\n" + 
+				"  this.runtimeAttributes = {};\n" +
+				"  for (var attr in this.attributes) \n" +
+				"    {\n" +
+				";\n" +
+				"    }\n" +
+				"};\n"		
+		);
+	}
+	public void test0041() {
+		// check a unicode " in string. The expected " is escaped 
+		// because of the way the test framework works. It converts 
+		// special characters to a character representation before
+		// doing the compare. 
+		this.runJSDocParseTest(
+				"(function (){});\n",
+			"X.js",
+				"(function (){});\n"			
+		);
+	}
+	public void test0042() {
+		// check a unicode " in string. The expected " is escaped 
+		// because of the way the test framework works. It converts 
+		// special characters to a character representation before
+		// doing the compare. 
+		this.runJSDocParseTest(
+				"function trim(oldString)\n" +
+				"{\n" + 
+				"var newString = oldString;\n" +
+				"var safety = 0;\n" +
+				"var safetyLimit = 10000;\n" +
+				"while(newString.charAt(0) == \" \" && safety < safetyLimit){\n" +
+				"	newString = newString.substring(1);\n" +
+				"	safety++;\n" +
+				"}\n" +
+				"while(newString.charAt(newString.length-1) == \" \" && safety < safetyLimit){\n" +
+				"newString = newString.substring(0, newString.length-1);\n" +
+				"	safety++\n" +
+				"	}\n" +
+				"return newString;\n" +
+ 				"};",
+			"X.js",
+			"function trim(oldString) {\n" +
+			"  var newString = oldString;\n" +
+			"  var safety = 0;\n" +
+			"  var safetyLimit = 10000;\n" +
+			"  while (((newString.charAt(0) == \" \") && (safety < safetyLimit)))    {\n" +
+			"      newString = newString.substring(1);\n" +
+			"      safety ++;\n" +
+			"    }\n" +
+			"  while (((newString.charAt((newString.length - 1)) == \" \") && (safety < safetyLimit)))    {\n" +
+			"      newString = newString.substring(0, (newString.length - 1));\n" +
+			"      safety ++;\n" +
+			"    }\n" +
+			"  return newString;\n" +
+			"}\n" +
+				";\n"		
+		);
+	}