Bug 383768 - Make the method getConfigurationProvider accessible from
subclasses of Graphiti editors

*Split IConfigurationProvider interface into an API and a non-API part
**non-API: o.e.g.ui.internal.config.IConfigurationProviderInternal
**API: o.e.g.ui.platform.IConfigurationProvider
*API part holds all methods with an API-only signature
*Replaced all usages of the internal interface with the API-interface
*Made the DiagramEditor method getConfigurationProvider protected to
allow use from editor subclasses

Change-Id: I4fa2a0af5d28394fca50541f7b16273997bd1b69
72 files changed
tree: 673113883aad959e896269116966e60ea36af4ed
  1. examples/
  2. features/
  3. plugins/
  4. releng/
  5. tests/