blob: 38f8b9764d2f793e102603c84b700f0f8ac875b0 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
Copyright (c) 2005, 2010 SAP AG.
All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
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Cloudsmith Inc - build.xml for Buckminster project
Martin Taal - changes for Teneo
Michael Wenz - changes for Graphiti
The Teneo teneo_build.xml was used as a template for creating this file:
Some important parts have been copied from Buckminster's own build setup:
<project default="run" name="Graphiti Tests">
<!-- load properties and set timestamp for the build -->
<property environment="env"/>
Inherited properties:
buildRoot: the root of this build
toolsPath: path containing buckminster
buildSitePath: the path to which the p2 site should be copied
buildZipsPath: the path to the directory with zip files
<property name="targetPlatformPath" location="${testRoot}/tp"/>
<property name="workspacePath" location="${testRoot}/workspace"/>
<import file="../ant_common.xml" />
<target name="run" depends="init,">
<echo message="Using workspace ${workspacePath}" />
<echo message="Setting jre to ${env.JAVA_HOME}"/>
<buckminster command="installJRE" workspace="${workspacePath}">
<arg value="--location" />
<arg value="${env.JAVA_HOME}" />
<echo message="Setting targetPlatformPath to ${targetPlatformPath}" />
<buckminster command="setpref" workspace="${workspacePath}">
<arg value="targetPlatformPath=${targetPlatformPath}" />
<echo message="Importing projects into workspace ${workspacePath} and"/>
<echo message="importing binaries into target platform ${targetPlatformPath}" />
<buckminster command="import" workspace="${workspacePath}">
<arg value="${basedir}/graphiti.mspec" />
<echo message="Building tests" />
<buckminster command="build" workspace="${workspacePath}">
<arg value="--thorough" />
<echo message="Running JUnit tests for Graphiti" />
<buckminster command="emma" workspace="${workspacePath}">
<arg value="-l" />
<arg value="org.eclipse.graphiti.tests/AllJunitTests.launch" />
<arg value="-o" />
<arg value="${testResultsPath}/output/JUnit-graphiti-results.xml" />
<arg value="--stdout" />
<arg value="${testResultsPath}/output/JUnit-graphiti-stdout.txt" />
<arg value="--stderr" />
<arg value="${testResultsPath}/output/JUnit-graphiti-stderr.txt" />
<arg value="--xml" />
<arg value="${testResultsPath}/output/JUnit-graphiti-coverageReport.xml" />
<arg value="--flatXML"/>
<echo message="Running JUnit tests for Graphiti UI" />
<buckminster command="emma" workspace="${workspacePath}">
<arg value="-l" />
<arg value="org.eclipse.graphiti.ui.tests/AllJunitUiTests.launch" />
<arg value="-o" />
<arg value="${testResultsPath}/output/JUnit-graphitiUI-results.xml" />
<arg value="--stdout" />
<arg value="${testResultsPath}/output/JUnit-graphitiUI-stdout.txt" />
<arg value="--stderr" />
<arg value="${testResultsPath}/output/JUnit-graphitiUI-stderr.txt" />
<arg value="--xml" />
<arg value="${testResultsPath}/output/JUnit-graphitiUI-coverageReport.xml" />
<arg value="--flatXML"/>
<!-- convert the xml to a format which can be read by junit report>
NOTE: not used anymore, the flatXML argument now takes care of this
<xslt in="${testResultsPath}/output/test-results-graphiti.xml" out="${testResultsPath}/xml/TESTS-graphiti.xml" style="convert-test-results.xsl">
<param name="timeStamp" expression="${buildTimeStamp}" />
<param name="testName" expression="Graphiti Tests" />
<param name="testPackage" expression="org.eclipse.graphiti.tests" />
<target name="init">
<mkdir dir="${targetPlatformPath}"/>
<mkdir dir="${workspacePath}"/>
<target name="">
<!-- Echo relevant properties to a temporary file so that Buckminster can read them
<tempfile destdir="${}" prefix="build-" suffix=".properties" deleteonexit="true" property="properties.tmp" />
<echoproperties destfile="${properties.tmp}">
<!-- We don't want these. basedir in particular will cause problems if passed explicitly -->
<propertyset negate="true">
<propertyref name="basedir" />
<propertyref name="eclipse.home" />
<propertyref name="properties.tmp" />
<propertyref name="line.separator" />
<propertyref name="path.separator" />
<propertyref prefix="ant." />
<propertyref prefix="file." />
<propertyref prefix="java." />
<propertyref prefix="sun." />
<propertyref prefix="user." />