Graphiti framework should work on DiagramSupport

*DiagramSupport should be the object all Graphiti framework
functionality works upon
**All behavior objects use DiagramSupport now
*DiagramEditor should only be used for embedding a DiagramSupport into
a GEF editor
*Renamed IDiagramEditor to IDiagramContainer to better reflect the new
structure (used deprecation instead of direct rename)
*Renamed IDiagramEditorUI to IDiagramContainerUI to better reflect the
new structure

Change-Id: I55f066cc003a2f008e40154a6aaffd14a552e62d
85 files changed
tree: ce2adaedd2711c9897e08e7b4ebce4fe777519bd
  1. examples/
  2. features/
  3. plugins/
  4. releng/
  5. tests/