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| <h1>Direct Editing Activation after Object Creation</h1> |
| <p>Often it is useful to activate a <a href="direct-editing-feature.htm">direct |
| editing feature</a> directly after object creation. For example after creating a |
| class the text-editor is opened and the user can immediately change the class name. |
| </p> |
| <p>It is very simple to invoke the direct editing feature automatically, but it |
| depends on the implementation of the shape how to do this. </p> |
| <h2>Direct Editing Activation, if Shape is Implemented by Features</h2> |
| <p>Prerequisite: the shape of the EClass is implemented by features, and we already |
| implemented a <a href="direct-editing-feature.htm">direct editing feature</a>, which |
| can edit the name of the EClass.</p> |
| <p>As an example we want to activate this direct editing of the name after creating |
| a EClass.</p> |
| <p>At creation time of a new shape different features are called: |
| <a href="create-feature.htm">create feature</a>, <a href="add-feature.htm">add feature</a> |
| and <a href="update-feature.htm">update feature</a>. </p> |
| <p>For the automatic switch into the direct editing mode we need to collect some |
| information in those features and store it in the interface |
| <a href="../../../javadoc/org/eclipse/graphiti/features/IDirectEditingInfo.html"> |
| IDirectEditingInfo</a>. All features have access to this direct editing info calling |
| <a href="../../../javadoc/org/eclipse/graphiti/features/IFeatureProvider.html#getDirectEditingInfo()"> |
| getFeatureProvider().getDirectEditingInfo()</a>.</p> |
| <p>In the <a href="create-feature.htm">create feature</a> the automatic direct editing |
| for this creation process has to be activated. This has to be done at the end of |
| the |
| <a href="../../../javadoc/org/eclipse/graphiti/func/ICreate.html#create(org.eclipse.graphiti.features.context.ICreateContext)"> |
| create</a> method.</p> |
| <p>Note, that previously in this tutorial we implemented the create method in a |
| way, that at the beginning the user is asked for the class name in a popup-dialog. |
| This becomes obsolete now and has to be deleted.</p> |
| <p>You can see the new create method here:</p> |
| <p> </p> |
| <div class="literallayout"> |
| <div class="incode"> |
| <p class="code"><span class="keyword">public </span>Object[] create(ICreateContext |
| context) {<br> <span class="comment">// create new Class</span><br> |
| EClass newClass = EcoreFactory.<span class="string"><em>eINSTANCE</em></span>.createEClass();<br> <br> |
| <span class="comment">// Add model element to resource.<br> |
| // We add the model element to the resource of the diagram for<br> |
| // simplicity's sake. Normally, a customer would use its own<br> |
| // model persistence layer for storing the business model separately.</span><br> |
| getDiagram().eResource().getContents().add(newClass);<br> <br> |
| <span class="comment">// do the add</span><br> addGraphicalRepresentation(context, |
| newClass);<br> <br> <span class="comment">// activate |
| direct editing after object creation</span><br> getFeatureProvider().getDirectEditingInfo().setActive(<span class="keyword">true</span>);<br> <br> |
| <span class="comment">// return newly created business object(s)</span><br> |
| <span class="keyword">return new</span> Object[] { newClass };<br> } |
| </p> |
| </div> |
| </div> |
| <p> </p> |
| <p>In the <a href="add-feature.htm">add feature</a> the outer container shape of |
| the newly created object must be set (the main pictogram element of the EClass). |
| Additionally the shape (pictogram element) and its graphics algorithm have to be |
| specified, where the direct editing editor shall be opened.</p> |
| <p>You have to do this at the end of the |
| <a href="../../../javadoc/org/eclipse/graphiti/func/IAdd.html#add(org.eclipse.graphiti.features.context.IAddContext)"> |
| add</a> method as shown here:</p> |
| <p> </p> |
| <div class="literallayout"> |
| <div class="incode"> |
| <p class="code"><span class="keyword">public </span>PictogramElement add(IAddContext |
| context) {<br> <br> <span class="comment">// ... |
| EXISTING CODING ...<br></span><br> IPeCreateService peCreateService |
| = Graphiti.getPeCreateService();<br> IGaService gaService |
| = Graphiti.getGaService();<br> <br> <br> |
| <span class="comment">// SHAPE WITH TEXT</span><br> {<br> |
| <span class="comment">// create shape for text</span><br> |
| Shape shape = peCreateService.createShape(containerShape, |
| <span class="keyword">false</span>);<br> <br> |
| <span class="comment">// create and set text graphics algorithm</span><br> |
| Text text = gaService.createDefaultText(shape, addedClass.getName());<br> |
| text.setForeground(manageColor(<span class="string"><em>CLASS_TEXT_FOREGROUND</em></span>));<br> |
| text.setHorizontalAlignment(OrientationEnum.<span class="string"><em>ALIGNMENT_CENTER</em></span>);<br> |
| text.setVerticalAlignment(OrientationEnum.<span class="string"><em>ALIGNMENT_CENTER</em></span>);<br> |
| text.getFont().setBold(<span class="keyword">true</span>);<br> |
| gaService.setLocationAndSize(text, 0, 0, width, 20);<br> <br> |
| <span class="comment">// create link and wire it</span><br> |
| link(shape, addedClass);<br> <br> |
| <span class="comment">// provide information to support direct-editing directly |
| <br> // after object creation |
| (must be activated additionally)</span><br> |
| IDirectEditingInfo directEditingInfo =<br> |
| getFeatureProvider().getDirectEditingInfo();<br> |
| <span class="comment">// set container shape for direct editing after object |
| creation</span><br> directEditingInfo.setMainPictogramElement(containerShape);<br> |
| <span class="comment">// set shape and graphics algorithm where the editor |
| for<br> // direct editing shall |
| be opened after object creation</span><br> |
| directEditingInfo.setPictogramElement(shape);<br> |
| directEditingInfo.setGraphicsAlgorithm(text);<br> }<br> <br> |
| <span class="comment">// ... EXISTING CODING ...</span><br> <br>} |
| </p> |
| </div> |
| </div> |
| <p> </p> |
| <h2>Test: Direct Editing after Creation of a EClass</h2> |
| <p>Open a diagram and create a new EClass from the palette. The shape for the EClass |
| should immediately allow the direct editing of the class name.</p> |
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