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| <title>Connection anchors</title> |
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| <h1>Connection Anchors</h1> |
| <h2>Different Types of Connection Anchors</h2> |
| <p>Currently the following different types of connection anchors are supported:</p> |
| <h3>Chop Box Anchor</h3> |
| <p>It can be created calling |
| <a href="../../../javadoc/org/eclipse/graphiti/services/IPeCreateService.html#createChopboxAnchor(org.eclipse.graphiti.mm.pictograms.AnchorContainer)"> |
| createChopboxAnchor</a>. A chop box anchor is located virtually in the center of |
| the parent. However, the connection line does not end at the center of the parent |
| but already at the intersection-point with the parent boundaries. This means especially, |
| that the intersection-point is re-calculated not only when the parents size or location |
| changes, but also when the direction of the connection changes.</p> |
| <p> </p> |
| <p> |
| <img alt="" border="0" height="104" src="visio/anchor-chopbox.gif" width="164"></p> |
| <p><strong>Figure: Chop box anchor (always pointing to the center)</strong></p> |
| <p> </p> |
| <h3>Box Relative Anchor</h3> |
| <p>It can be created calling |
| <a href="../../../javadoc/org/eclipse/graphiti/services/IPeCreateService.html#createBoxRelativeAnchor(org.eclipse.graphiti.mm.pictograms.AnchorContainer)"> |
| createBoxRelativeAnchor</a>. A box relative anchor is located relative to the size |
| and location of the parent. The x/y-coordinates are defined as percentage values |
| between 0.0 and 1.0. This allows for example to locate an anchor always at the middle-right |
| border of the parent (x=1.0, y=0.5). The location of the anchor is re-calculated |
| whenever the parents size or location changes.</p> |
| <p> </p> |
| <p><img alt="" height="95" src="visio/anchor-boxrelative.gif" width="165"></p> |
| <p><strong>Figure: Box relative anchor (on middle-right border)</strong></p> |
| <p> </p> |
| <h3>Fix Point Anchor</h3> |
| <p>It can be created calling |
| <a href="../../../javadoc/org/eclipse/graphiti/services/IPeCreateService.html#createFixPointAnchor(org.eclipse.graphiti.mm.pictograms.AnchorContainer)"> |
| createFixPointAnchor</a>. A fix point anchor is located at fix x/y-coordinates (relative |
| to the parent).</p> |
| <h2><span lang="EN-US">Connection Anchor Points Explained</span></h2> |
| <p>Every connection has two connection anchors which provide the points where the |
| connection starts/ends. Additionally the connection can have multiple bend-points |
| in between. An anchor has two points: the “reference-point” is the logical end-point |
| of the connection and the “location” is the visible end-point of the connection. |
| </p> |
| <p>The following sketch explains those points for a chop box anchor.</p> |
| <p> </p> |
| <p> |
| <img alt="" border="0" height="154" src="visio/anchor-points.gif" width="444"></p> |
| <p><strong>Figure: Points of a chop box anchor </strong></p> |
| <p> </p> |
| <p>The reference-point (R) of the chop box anchor is the middle of the figure, because |
| this is the point where the connection logically ends. The reference-point changes |
| if the figure changes, but it does not change depending on the connection.</p> |
| <p>We define the point (O) as the other point where the connection logically ends. |
| If the connection has bend-points, then (O) is the bend-point (B) next to the anchor, |
| otherwise (O) is the reference-point (R) of the other connection anchor. This means, |
| that logically the connection is a line from (R) to (O).</p> |
| <p>But a line drawn from (R) to (O) would overlap the figure. To avoid this overlap |
| the location (L) of an anchor is calculated from (R) and (O) as the visible end-point |
| of the connection. In case of the chop box anchor (L) is the intersection between |
| the line (R - O) and the border of the figure.</p> |
| <p>The same algorithm is applied for all other anchor types, although often the |
| calculation is much simpler. For example in a fix point anchor the reference-point |
| (R) is the point the anchor was initialized with and the location (L) is identical |
| to (R).</p> |
| <h2>Creating Connections with Drag & Drop from Anchors</h2> |
| <p>If the user shall be able to create connections directly via drag & drop from |
| an anchor without the connection-tool, this can be implemented by so called drag |
| & drop features. This does not work for chop box anchors, because they have no visible |
| anchor which can be dragged.</p> |
| <p>To offer drag & drop functionality from anchors we have to overwrite the |
| <a href="../../../javadoc/org/eclipse/graphiti/features/IFeatureProvider.html#getDragAndDropFeatures(org.eclipse.graphiti.features.context.IPictogramElementContext)"> |
| getDragAndDropFeatures</a>.</p> |
| <p>If this method returns exactly one feature it will be executed directly on drop |
| (if applicable). If you provide more than one feature the user will be presented |
| a popup menu on drop showing all applicable features (applicable means |
| <a href="../../../javadoc/org/eclipse/graphiti/features/IFeature.html#canExecute(org.eclipse.graphiti.features.context.IContext)"> |
| canExecute</a> returns true). The user can select the desired feature which will |
| be executed then.</p> |
| <p>In this example we first add a box relative anchor on the middle-right border |
| of a EClass. Then we support drag & drop from that anchor to another EClass, which |
| will create a new connection.</p> |
| <p>First the box relative anchors have to be created at end of the add method of |
| the TutorialAddEClassFeature, as explained in the following code snippet. Note, |
| that the previously created chop box anchor (see |
| <a href="create-connection-feature.htm">create connection feature</a>) remains, |
| so that the EClass has then two anchors:</p> |
| <p> </p> |
| <div class="literallayout"> |
| <div class="incode"> |
| <p class="code"><span class="keyword">public </span>PictogramElement add(IAddContext |
| context) {<br> <br> |
| <span class="comment">// ... EXISTING CODING ...</span><br> <br> |
| <span class="comment">// add a chopbox anchor to the shape</span><br> |
| peCreateService.createChopboxAnchor(containerShape);<br> <br> |
| <span class="comment">// create an additional box relative anchor at middle-right</span><br> |
| <span class="keyword">final </span>BoxRelativeAnchor boxAnchor = <br> |
| peCreateService.createBoxRelativeAnchor(containerShape);<br> |
| <br> boxAnchor.setRelativeWidth(1.0);<br> |
| boxAnchor.setRelativeHeight(0.5);<br> <br> |
| <span class="comment">// anchor references visible rectangle instead of |
| invisible rectangle</span><br> boxAnchor.setReferencedGraphicsAlgorithm(roundedRectangle);<br> <br> |
| <span class="comment">// assign a graphics algorithm for the box relative |
| anchor</span><br> Rectangle rectangle = gaService.createRectangle(boxAnchor);<br> |
| rectangle.setFilled(<span class="keyword">true</span>);<br> <br> |
| <span class="comment">// anchor is located on the right border of the visible |
| rectangle<br> // and touches the border of |
| the invisible rectangle</span><br> <br> |
| <span class="keyword">int </span>w = 6;<br> |
| gaService.setLocationAndSize(rectangle, -2 * w, -w, 2 * w, 2 * w);<br> |
| rectangle.setForeground(manageColor(<span class="string"><em>CLASS_FOREGROUND</em></span>));<br> |
| rectangle.setBackground(manageColor(<span class="string"><em>CLASS_BACKGROUND</em></span>));<br> <br> |
| <span class="comment">// call the layout feature</span><br> |
| layoutPictogramElement(containerShape);<br> <br> |
| <span class="keyword">return </span>containerShape;<br>} |
| </p> |
| </div> |
| </div> |
| <p> </p> |
| <p>Additionally the feature provider has to deliver the drag & drop features (overwrite |
| the method |
| <a href="../../../javadoc/org/eclipse/graphiti/features/IFeatureProvider.html#getDragAndDropFeatures(org.eclipse.graphiti.features.context.IPictogramElementContext)"> |
| getDragAndDropFeatures</a>).</p> |
| <p>In this very simple implementation all create connection features are returned |
| independent of the given context:</p> |
| <p> </p> |
| <div class="literallayout"> |
| <div class="incode"> |
| <p class="code">@Override<br><span class="keyword">public </span>IFeature[] |
| getDragAndDropFeatures(IPictogramElementContext context) {<br> |
| <span class="comment">// simply return all create connection features</span><br> |
| <span class="keyword">return </span>getCreateConnectionFeatures();<br>} |
| </p> |
| </div> |
| </div> |
| <p> </p> |
| <p><strong>Note:</strong> A more sophisticated solution with an anchor on a EClass |
| with an <em>extended rendering area</em> is shown in chapter |
| <a href="selection-behavior.htm">selection behavior</a>.</p> |
| <h2><span lang="EN-GB">Test: Create a Connection with Drag & Drop from Anchor</span></h2> |
| <p>Start the editor again and create two new EClasses (existing EClasses don’t work, |
| because they have no anchor at the middle-right border). Then drag the anchor at |
| the middle-right border of the first EClass and drop it onto the second EClass. |
| This will create a new connection between those two EClasses.</p> |
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