1. 8b767d4 Bug 403970 - Update rt.bundles and rt.framework parent versions by Thomas Watson · 12 years ago
  2. 55c8997 Bug 397850 - [CBI] use the correct group IDs for all artifacts by Thomas Watson · 12 years ago I20130225-2230 I20130225-2315 I20130226-0800 I20130226-0912 I20130226-2000 I20130226-2100 I20130226-2200 I20130227-0112 v20130225-170224
  3. 0c5882c Bug 379748 - Pull request for Equinox from CBI Add poms for Tycho build by Thomas Watson · 13 years ago v20120522-1841
  4. 1ec5d59 Bug 379847 - add about.html to source bundles by Thomas Watson · 13 years ago I20120521-1900 I20120521-2100 v20120521-1359
  5. bb0e839 Update console bundles to specify Bundle-Vendor and use localization. See bug 362307. by Lazar Kirchev · 13 years ago
  6. dda93ef Make sure new files use unix LF for console bundles. by Thomas Watson · 13 years ago
  7. b76a1e9 Initial contribution of the console bundles to rt.equinox.bundles. The console bundles are org.eclipse.equinox.console, org.eclipse.equinox.console.jaas.fragment, org.eclipse.equinox.slf4j.stub, and org.eclipse.equinox.console.tests by Lazar Kirchev · 13 years ago