blob: ed152d57f2af029ae8249a636a3113590732b846 [file] [log] [blame]
# To force a version qualifier update add the bug here
Bug 403352 - Update all parent versions to match our build stream
Bug 406851 - Consume new SAT4J
Bug 406845 - Update repository of ECF in parent pom
Bug 406845 - Update repository of ECF in parent pom (new update)
Bug 409051 - Consume new SAT4J (2.3.5)
Bug 409868 - pickup new build of ECF
Bug 414457 - Comparator report indicates problem with org.eclipse.equinox.p2.ui.discovery
Bug 416293 - build failed due to issue in Starter Kit or p2.core.feature
Bug 423196 - Filetransfer update for Luna M5: httpcomponents 4.2.5/4.2.6
Bug 419647 - React to ECF feature restructuring
Bug 429353 - change "includes ECF source" to "requires" in p2.sdk
Bug 432209 - needs to touch 3 equinox/p2 features, for qualifier change in org.sat4j.pb
Bug 434703 - equinox-sdk "product build" fails after ECF update
Bug 436039 - Hard to explain build failure in I20140528-0115
Bug 436758 - Installing a bundle that requires Java 7 when running 6 with -clean cannot recover
Bug 444669 - Update to new ECF, with new HTTPComponents
Bug 453675 - touch org.eclipse.equinox.server.p2 for new httpcomponents
Bug 458346 - Unusual, hard to decipher error in I-build
Bug 462096 - Latest X-build fails on "equinox-sdk" product due to dependencies missing
Bug 506597 - Build failure on I20161026-2000
Bug 528810 - Compilation failure in I20171214-2000
Bug 444188 - EclipsePreferences is not thread safe
Bug 553238 - Unanticipated comparator errors in I20191119-1800