| ############################################################################### |
| # Copyright (c) 2005, 2008 IBM Corporation and others. |
| # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials |
| # are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 |
| # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at |
| # http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html |
| # |
| # Contributors: |
| # IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation |
| ############################################################################### |
| |
| ## General use |
| enterPasswordLabel = Enter password: |
| enterKeystorePassword = Enter the password to unlock your platform KeyStore. |
| callbackhandlerUnavailable = CallbackHandler is required but not available. |
| passwordRequired = Password is required. |
| noDigestAlgorithm = SHA-1 Digest not available. Check the Java configuration file java.security. |
| passwordLabel = Password: |
| initializing = Secure storage initializing ... |
| |
| ## Login dialog |
| messageLogin = Please enter the secure storage password |
| messageLoginChange = Password change: please enter the NEW secure storage password |
| messageEmptyPassword = Password can not be empty |
| messageNoMatch = Password and confirmation characters did not match |
| labelPassword = &Password: |
| labelConfirm = &Confirm password: |
| buttonLogin = Login |
| buttonExit = Exit |
| dialogTitle = Secure storage login |
| passwordChangeTitle = Enter new password for the secure storage |
| showPassword = &Show password |
| noDigestPassword = The message digest algorithm \"{0}\" is not available. |
| |
| ## exception handling |
| exceptionOccured = {0} See log for details. |
| exceptionTitle = Secure storage |
| exceptionDecode = Incorrect password or data is corrupted. Would you like to re-log? |
| |
| ## Properties pages |
| selectCipher = &Select encryption algorithm to use in new storages: |
| changePasswordButton = &Change |
| recoverPasswordButton = &Recover |
| deleteButton = D&elete |
| logoutButton = &Logout |
| providersTable = Providers: |
| enabledColumn = Enabled |
| priorityColumn = Priority |
| idColumn = ID |
| descriptionColumn = Description |
| defaultGroup = Default secure preferences |
| confirmDeleteMsg = This action will delete default secure storage. All data in it will be lost. Are you sure you want to delete it? |
| postDeleteTitle = Storage deleted |
| postDeleteMsg = Storage deleted. It is highly recommended to restart this session. |
| tabPassword = Password |
| tabAdvanced = Advanced |
| |
| ## Secure storage view |
| generalTitle = Secure Storage |
| rootNodeName = Root |
| keysTable = Values associated with the selected node: |
| keysColumn = ID |
| valuesColumn = Value |
| nodesContextMenu = Secure preferences nodes |
| addNodeCommand = &New |
| addNodeCommandTip = Creates a new secure preferences node |
| removeNodeCommand = &Delete |
| removeNodeCommandTip = Deletes the secure preferences node |
| refreshNodesCommand = Re&fresh |
| refreshNodesCommandTip = Refresh view |
| addValueCommand = &New Value |
| addValueCommandTmp = Creates a new value to be stored under the selected node |
| removeValueCommand = &Delete Value |
| removeValueCommandTmp = Deletes selected value |
| showValueCommand = &Show Value |
| showValueCommandTmp = Show encrypted value (the stored value remains encrypted) |
| encryptValueCommand = &Encrypt Value |
| encryptValueCommandTmp = Encrypt selected value |
| decryptValueCommand = De&crypt Value |
| decryptValueCommandTmp = Decrypt selected value |
| failedDecrypt = Unable to decrypt the specified value. See log for details. |
| failedEncrypt = Unable to encrypt the specified value. See log for details. |
| saveCommand = &Save |
| saveCommandTip = Save default preferences |
| exportCommand = &Export |
| exportCommandTip = Export secure storage in a clear text form |
| |
| ## new node dialog |
| newNodeTitle = Secure Preferences |
| newNodeLabel = &Node name: |
| newNodeMsg = Enter the name of the new node |
| newNodeOK = OK |
| newNodeCancel = Cancel |
| newNodeInvalid = Node name can not be empty or contain forward slashes |
| |
| ## add value dialog |
| addValueTitle = Add Value |
| addValueKeyLabel = &ID: |
| addValueValueLabel = &Value: |
| addValueEncryptLabel = &Encrypt |
| addValueOK = OK |
| addValueCancel = Cancel |
| addValueMsg = Enter key and its associated value |
| addValueInvalid = Key already exists or key is null or key value contains forward slash |
| |
| ## remove value dialog |
| removeValueTitle = Delete Value |
| removeValueMsg = Are you sure you want to delete value associated with the \"{0}\" key? |
| |
| ## show value dialog |
| showValueTitle = Encrypted Value |
| showValueMsg = Key \"{0}\": value \"{1}\". |
| |
| ## export dialog |
| exportDialogTitle = Decrypt and Export |
| exportDialogMsg = Warning: This action exports a clear-text DECRYPTED file |
| exportDialogInvalidMsg = Invalid file name - file name is empty or file can not be written |
| exportDialogFileLabel = &File name: |
| exportDialogBrowse = &Browse |
| exportDialogOK = OK |
| exportDialogCancel = Cancel |
| fileSelectTitle = Select file to export to |
| |
| ## re-code wizard |
| changePasswordWizardTitle = Change password |
| wizardDecodeTitle = OLD password |
| wizardDecode = OLD password: the values will be decrypted first. |
| wizardDecodeLabel = At this point if you are prompted for a password, enter the OLD password. |
| wizardEncodeTitle = NEW password |
| wizardEncode = NEW password: the values will be encrypted. |
| wizardEncodeLabel = At this point if you are prompted for a password, enter the NEW password. |
| wizardDecodeWarning = A error occurred while decrypting stored values (see log for details), those values might become inaccessible.\nDo you want to cancel password change? |
| wizardSwitchError = A error occurred while creating new password. See error log for details. |
| wizardDoneTitle = Complete |
| wizardDone = Password change complete. |
| |
| ## challenge-response dialog |
| pswdRecoveryOptionTitle = Secure Storage |
| pswdRecoveryOptionMsg = New password has been created. Would you like to enable password recovery? |
| passwordRecoveryTitle = Password Recovery |
| passwordMsg = If the new password is lost, you can recover it by entering the same answers you provide in the dialog below. |
| passwordRecoveryLabel = \nTo be able to recover the password in future, enter questions and answers below.\n\nAnswers are case-sensitive.\n |
| passwordErrMsg = Questions and answers can not be empty. |
| passwordGroup = Part {0} |
| passwordQuestion = &Question: |
| passwordAnswer = &Answer: |
| passwordButtonOK = OK |
| passwordButtonCancel = Cancel |
| |
| ## password recovery dialog |
| pswdRecoveryTitle = Password Recovery |
| pswRecoveryMsg = Please enter answers you specified for the password recovery |
| pswRecoveryWarning = Answers can not be empty |
| pswRecoveryQuestion = Question: \"{0}\" |
| pswRecoveryAnswer = Answer: |
| pswRecoveryButtonOK = OK |
| pswRecoveryButtonCancel = Cancel |
| pswRecoveredMsg = Entries corresponding to the password have been successfully unlocked. |
| pswNotRecoveredMsg = Unable to recover password. Would you like to try again? |