| ############################################################################### |
| # Copyright (c) 2005 IBM Corporation. |
| # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials |
| # are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 |
| # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at |
| # http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html |
| # |
| # Contributors: |
| # IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation |
| ############################################################################### |
| |
| HTTP_ALIAS_ALREADY_REGISTERED_EXCEPTION=Alias {0} is already registered |
| HTTP_SERVLET_ALREADY_REGISTERED_EXCEPTION=This servlet object has already been registered under a different alias |
| HTTP_SERVLET_NULL_EXCEPTION=This servlet object is null. |
| HTTP_SERVLET_EXCEPTION=Servlet Exception |
| HTTP_ALIAS_UNREGISTER_EXCEPTION=Alias could not be unregistered |
| HTTP_ALIAS_INVALID_EXCEPTION=Invalid alias {0} alias must start with a "/" but not end with a "/" |
| HTTP_RESOURCE_NAME_INVALID_EXCEPTION=Invalid resource name {0} name must not end with a "/" |
| HTTP_SERVET_INIT_EXCEPTION=Servlet init exception |
| HTTP_DEFAULT_MIME_TABLE_ERROR=An error occured processing the default MIME table |
| HTTP_STATUS_CODES_TABLE_ERROR=An error occured processing the status codes table |
| HTTP_ACCEPT_SOCKET_EXCEPTION=Error while waiting on port {0} |
| HTTP_PORT_IN_USE_EXCEPTION=Port {0} is use |
| HTTP_INVALID_VALUE_RANGE_EXCEPTION=Value must be between {0} and {1} |
| HTTP_CONNECTION_EXCEPTION=Error handling connection |
| HTTP_INVALID_SCHEME_EXCEPTION=The scheme {0} is not supported |
| HTTP_NO_HEADER_LINE_READ_EXCEPTION=No header line was read |
| HTTP_QUERYDATA_PARSE_EXCEPTION=Exception parsing query data |
| HTTP_INVALID_HEADER_LINE_EXCEPTION=Invalid header line: {0} |
| HTTP_HEADER_LINE_TOO_LONG_EXCEPTION=Header line was larger than buffer size: {0} |
| HTTP_UNEXPECTED_IOEXCEPTION=An unexpected IOException occurred |
| HTTP_UNEXPECTED_RUNTIMEEXCEPTION=An unexpected RuntimeException occurred |
| HTTP_ONLY_SUPPORTS_2_1=HttpService only supports servlet 2.1 specification. |
| HTTP_HOST_UNKNOWN=The host address "{0}" is unknown. Defaulting to all IP addresses. |
| OSGi_Http_Service_IBM_Implementation_16=OSGi Http Service - IBM Implementation |
| IBM_Http_Service_37=IBM Http Service |
| Jan_1=Jan |
| Feb_2=Feb |
| Mar_3=Mar |
| Apr_4=Apr |
| May_5=May |
| Jun_6=Jun |
| Jul_7=Jul |
| Aug_8=Aug |
| Sep_9=Sep |
| Oct_10=Oct |
| Nov_11=Nov |
| Dec_12=Dec |
| Sun_13=Sun |
| Mon_14=Mon |
| Tue_15=Tue |
| Wed_16=Wed |
| Thu_17=Thu |
| Fri_18=Fri |
| Sat_19=Sat |
| HTTP_DEFAULT_PORT_FORMAT_EXCEPTION={0} value is not an integer |
| HTTP_THREAD_POOL_CREATE_NUMBER_ERROR=Failed to create thread number {0} |