blob: fae5abc05a0a5eba8875d81b21da3b994c3948b2 [file] [log] [blame]
# To force a version qualifier update add the bug here
Bug 403352 - Update all parent versions to match our build stream
-- Force update for luna
Bug 436039 - Hard to explain build failure in I20140528-0115
Bug 436758 - Installing a bundle that requires Java 7 when running 6 with -clean cannot recover
Bug 458346 - Unusual, hard to decipher error in I-build
Bug 483585 - I20151203-0800 build failed due to resolution problems
Bug 506597 - Build failure on I20161026-2000
Bug 528810 - Compilation failure in I20171214-2000
Bug 533464 - Build failure in I20180411-0530
Bug 444188 - EclipsePreferences is not thread safe