Bug 572113 - Build native library in equinox.security for arm64

Changes to build universal library for arm64 and x86_64, also cleanup
xcode project.

- clean-up unused archs and add arm64
- For jni.h: JavaVM framework is not available since XCode 12.2, so use
header from the installed Java. Pass value to xcode using
- Change <jni.h> to "jni.h" as it's not in the Framework and set
- Fix ALWAYS_SEARCH_USER_PATHS is deprecated warning
- setPassword() in C code returns void, remove String return type in
OSXProvider.setPassword() as this causes NPE.
- Skip signing during xcode build using CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY = "" and

Change-Id: Ib045f1966115ec1e27aecba44d58ae046a3bd16d
Signed-off-by: Lakshmi Shanmugam <lshanmug@in.ibm.com>
5 files changed