blob: a6994f9cc0e4fcbbcac0d2fb338b41178c218e9c [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2005, 2008 IBM Corporation and others.
# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
# are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
# Contributors:
# IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
## General use
instantiationFailed = Unexpected exception when instantiating class \"{0}\" specified by \"{1}\".
instantiationFailed1 = Unexpected exception when instantiating class \"{0}\".
nullArguments = Arguments cannot be null.
noCallbackhandlerService =An ICallbackHandlerService is not installed.
badServicelistenerSyntaxString = Syntax of ServiceListener String is invalid.
serviceAlreadyInstalled = Service is already installed.
loginadminServiceNotIntstalled = An ILoginAdminService is not installed.
elementUnexpected = Specified IConfigurationElement is not of type \"{0}\".
loginFailure = Failed to log in.
startFirst = Secure platform is not running. Make sure that secure platform is started.
stopFirst = Secure platform is already running. Make sure that secure platform is stopped first.
## Configuration provider
invalidConfigURL = Invalid URL \"{0}\" specified by \"{1}\" for Configuration provider.
unexpectedConfigElement = Unexpected element \"{0}\" specified by \"{1}\" for Configuration provider.
badProviderUrl = MalformedURLException thrown when parsing provider URL.
providerUrlUnspecified = No provider URLs specified for current provider.
## Configuration aggregator
nonExistantJaasConfig = Could not locate JAAS Configuration with name \"{0}\", verify that the configuration exists and is non-empty.
duplicateJaasConfig1 = A JAAS Configuration named \"{0}\" is already provided by Provider \"{1}\".
duplicateJaasConfig2 = Duplicate Configuration named \"{0}\" found in Provider \"{1}\".
## Configuration loaders
invalidControlFlag = LoginModuleControlFlag \"{0}\" is not valid.
configurationEntryInvalid = Configuration Entry \"{0}\" is not valid, check \"{1}\" and \"{2}\" values.
configurationEntryTypeUnknown = Type \"{0}\" is not supported by this configuration entry.
documentSystemIdInvalid = JAAS Configuration document system ID is invalid.
configurationEntryDuplicate = Duplicate Configuration Entry at index \"{0}\", ignoring.
invalidDocument = JAAS Configuration document not found or invalid format at \"{0}\".
documentExceptionIO = IOException reading Configuration document.
documentExceptionParsing = Exception parsing JAAS Configuration.
configurationDuplicate = Duplicate Configuration named \"{0}\" found in document \"{1}\".
## LoginModule loader
invalidLoginmoduleCount = Invalid number of LoginModule elements, expected one but found \"{0}\".
## LoginModule proxy
loginmoduleFactoryNotSet = LoginModule Factory is not set, LoginModule extensions cannot be located.
loginmoduleFactoryAlreadySet = LoginModule Factory has already been set.
unsetLoginmoduleFactoryError = Wrong LoginModule Factory used to unregister the factory.
## Secure storage
loginFileURL = Expecting a file URL to specify storage location ({0}).
loginNoPassword = No password provided.
loginNoDefaultLocation = Unable to determine secure storage location.
handleIncorrectFormat== Names must not contain the \"%\" character.
noDigestAlgorithm = SHA-1 Digest not available. Check the Java configuration file
noSecureStorageModule = Unable to locate secure storage module ({0}).
noSecureStorageModules = No secure storage modules found.
entryTypeIsNull = Entry type can not be null.
entryTypeInvalid = Entry type \"{0}\" contains invalid characters. Use ASCII characters 32 to 126 excluding forward slash.
qualifierInvalid = Qualifier can not be null.
qualifierIsNull = Qualifier \"{0}\" contains invalid characters. Use ASCII characters 32 to 126 excluding forward slash.
removedNode = Preference node \"{0}\" has been removed.
invalidNodePath = Node path \"{0}\" is not valid.
errorOnSave = Unable to save secure preferences.
keyringNotAvailable = Unable to open default secure storage.
noDefaultPassword = Unable to decrypt entry encoded with default password as no default password is currently specified.
invalidEntryFormat = Invalid data format.
noAlgorithms = No encryption algorithms installed. Unable to access secure storage.
noAlgorithm = Unable to find provider of the encryption algorithm \"{0}\". Unable to access secure storage.
usingAlgorithm = Unable to find default encryption algorithm \"{0}\", using \"{1}\" instead.
decryptingError = Unable to decrypt value associated with the key \"{0}\" on the node \"{1}\".
encryptingError = Unable to encrypt value associated with the key \"{0}\" on the node \"{1}\".
noDigest = Digest algorithm \"{0}\" is not available.
failedCreateRecovery = Unable to create value for the password recovery.
initCancelled = Secure Storage initialization was canceled; please try again.