blob: 820963ad5e69a90a4046fae09059240a23a7e56d [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2005, 2011 IBM Corporation.
# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
# are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
# Contributors:
# IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
#External Messages for EN locale
SERVICE_DESCRIPTION=OSGi Metatype Service - IBM Implementation
UNEXPECTED_ELEMENT=Unexpected element {0}.
UNEXPECTED_TEXT=Unexpected text {0}.
MISSING_ATTRIBUTE=Missing attribute {0} in tag {1}.
INVALID_TYPE=Invalid attribute definition type {0} in metadata XML at {1} for bundle ID {2}.
MISSING_DESIGNATE_PID_AND_FACTORYPID=A <Designate> element must specify either the 'pid' or 'factoryPid' attribute.
OCD_ID_NOT_FOUND=Object Class Definition ID not found {0}.
MISSING_ELEMENT=Missing element {0} (Reference ID = {1}.
EXCEPTION_MESSAGE=Unexpected exception {0} with message {1}.
NULL_IS_INVALID=Cannot validate a null.
VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE=Value {0} is out of range.
VALUE_OUT_OF_OPTION=Value {0} is out of Option.
CARDINALITY_VIOLATION=Cardinality violation: \"{0}\" has {1} value(s) but must have between {2} and {3} value(s).
NULL_OPTIONS=Cannot set Option labels or values as null.
INCONSISTENT_OPTIONS=Labels and Values of Option have different sizes.
INVALID_OPTIONS=Option value {0} is invalid because of {1}.
INVALID_DEFAULTS=Dafaults value {0} is invalid because of {1}.
METADATA_NOT_FOUND=Bundle(ID=\"{0}\", name=\"{1}\") has no MetaData file.
ASK_INVALID_LOCALE=OCD(ID=\"{0}\") cannot support this locale \"{1}\".
MISSING_REQUIRED_PARAMETER=Missing required parameter: {0}
TOKENIZER_GOT_INVALID_DATA=The Tokenizer got invalid data.
INVALID_PID_METATYPE_PROVIDER_IGNORED=Bundle {0} with ID {1} provided a MetaTypeProvider with an invalid property. Property {2} with value {3} was not of the expected type (String, String[], or Collection<String>) and will be ignored.
METADATA_PARSE_ERROR=Unable to parse metadata XML at {0} for bundle ID {1}.