blob: 71aa80cff96efe629d23c40212439c985904ff3d [file] [log] [blame]
--- RCPTT testcase ---
Format-Version: 1.0
Contexts: _ZOi4wZ77EeOm87IlbkWrfQ,_Iu0EsS36EeSYRYqCbC6LMQ,_KNHBoKPJEemYVp7Ch3g4pw
Element-Name: EMFFormsGettingStarted
Element-Type: testcase
Element-Version: 3.0
Id: _wUBCcKQlEem4x7OCJoKa3w
Save-Time: 7/15/19 12:17 PM
Testcase-Type: ecl
Content-Type: text/ecl
Entry-Name: .content
get-view "Project Explorer" | get-tree | select "org.eclipse.emf.ecp.makeithappen.model/model/task.ecore" | get-menu
-path "EMF Forms/Create View Model Project" | click
with [get-window "New View Model Project"] {
get-button "Next >" | click
get-tree | select User
get-button Finish | click
with [get-editor "User.view" | get-tree] {
select "User/Control tasks" "User/Control email" "User/Control dateOfBirth" "User/Control nationality" "User/Control heigth" "User/Control weight" "User/Control timeOfRegistration" "User/Control active" "User/Control gender" "User/Control lastName" "User/Control firstName"
get-menu -path Delete | click
select User | get-menu -path "Generate Controls" | click
with [get-window -class WizardDialog] {
get-button "Select All" | click
get-button Finish | click
with [get-editor "User.view"] {
with [get-tree] {
select User | get-menu -path HorizontalLayout | click
select "User/HorizontalLayout" | get-menu -path Group | click
select "User/HorizontalLayout" | get-menu -path Group | click
select "User/HorizontalLayout/Group"
get-editbox -after [get-label Name] | set-text Primary
get-tree | select [get-item -path "User/HorizontalLayout" | get-item -path Group]
with [get-editbox -after [get-label Name]] {
set-text Secondary
with [get-tree] {
select "User/Control email" "User/Control dateOfBirth" "User/Control gender" "User/Control lastName" "User/Control firstName"
get-item -path "User/Control dateOfBirth" | drag-start 37 16
get-item -path "User/Control email" | drag-enter 37 4 -detail move
get-item -path "User/Control email" | drag-over 38 17 -detail move
drag-over 88 277 -detail move
drag-over 88 300 -detail move
get-item -path "User/HorizontalLayout/Group Primary" | drag-over 24 8 -detail move
get-item -path "User/Control email" | drag-exit
get-item -path "User/HorizontalLayout/Group Primary" | drag-accept 24 8 -detail move
get-item -path "User/HorizontalLayout/Group Primary" | drop 24 8 -detail move
drag-end -detail move
select "User/Control nationality" "User/Control heigth" "User/Control weight" "User/Control timeOfRegistration" "User/Control active"
get-item -path "User/Control nationality" | drag-start 58 12
get-item -path "User/Control nationality" | drag-enter 58 16 -detail move
get-item -path "User/HorizontalLayout/Group Primary" | drag-over 48 19 -detail move
get-item -path "User/HorizontalLayout/Group Primary/Control firstName" | drag-over 38 19 -detail move
get-item -path "User/HorizontalLayout/Group Primary/Control lastName" | drag-over 39 19 -detail move
drag-over 118 277 -detail move
drag-over 111 300 -detail move
get-item -path "User/HorizontalLayout/Group Primary/Control email" | drag-over 27 21 -detail move
get-item -path "User/HorizontalLayout/Group Secondary" | drag-over 33 9 -detail move
get-item -path "User/Control nationality" | drag-exit
get-item -path "User/HorizontalLayout/Group Secondary" | drag-accept 33 9 -detail move
get-item -path "User/HorizontalLayout/Group Secondary" | drop 33 9 -detail move
drag-end -detail move
select "User/HorizontalLayout"
get-item -path "User/HorizontalLayout" | drag-start 6 10
get-item -path "User/HorizontalLayout" | drag-enter 6 2 -detail move
get-item -path "User/Control tasks" | drag-over 5 10 -detail move
get-item -path "User/HorizontalLayout" | drag-exit
get-item -path "User/Control tasks" | drag-accept 5 10 -detail move
get-item -path "User/Control tasks" | drop 5 10 -detail move
drag-end -detail move
key-type "M1+s"
get-view "EMF Forms Preview" | get-button "Refresh Preview View" | click
with [get-view "EMF Forms Preview"] {
get-group Primary | get-property caption | equals Primary | verify-true
get-group Secondary | get-property caption | equals Secondary | verify-true
get-control Any -after [get-label "View Editor Preview"] -index 11 | get-property "getChildren().length" | equals 2
| verify-true