blob: 10260f9ac5211025af619035f4e7a65bbcc55016 [file] [log] [blame]
# =============================================================================
# CMake package looking for GMP libraries
# =============================================================================
# GMP_FOUND : System has both GMP lib and associated headers
# Note : this package is not designed to be general nor comprehensive :
# it only fits the Symbex project needs
# =============================================================================
# If already in cache, be silent
if (gmp_includedir AND gmpxx_includedir AND lib_gmp_c AND lib_gmp_cxx)
endif ()
find_path (gmp_includedir NAMES gmp.h PATHS ${GMP_INCLUDEDIR})
find_path (gmpxx_includedir NAMES gmpxx.h PATHS ${GMP_INCLUDEDIR})
find_library(lib_gmp_c NAMES gmp libgmp.a PATHS ${GMP_LIBRARYDIR})
find_library(lib_gmp_cxx NAMES gmpxx libgmpxx.a PATHS ${GMP_LIBRARYDIR})
find_package_handle_standard_args (GMP DEFAULT_MSG lib_gmp_c lib_gmp_cxx gmp_includedir gmpxx_includedir)