| ############################################################################### |
| # Copyright (c) 2000, 2007 IBM Corporation and others. |
| # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials |
| # are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 |
| # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at |
| # http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html |
| # |
| # Contributors: |
| # IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation |
| ############################################################################### |
| CopyTrace_action_label=Copy Trace |
| CopyTraceAction_problem=Problem Copying to Clipboard |
| CopyTraceAction_clipboard_busy=There was a problem when accessing the system clipboard. Retry? |
| |
| CopyFailureList_action_label=Copy Failure List |
| CopyFailureList_problem=Problem Copying Failure List to Clipboard |
| CopyFailureList_clipboard_busy=There was a problem when accessing the system clipboard. Retry? |
| |
| CounterPanel_label_runs=Runs: |
| CounterPanel_label_errors=Errors: |
| CounterPanel_label_failures=Failures: |
| CounterPanel_runcount= {0}/{1} |
| CounterPanel_runcount_ignored= {0}/{1} ({2} ignored) |
| |
| EnableStackFilterAction_action_label=Filter |
| EnableStackFilterAction_action_description=Filter the stack trace |
| EnableStackFilterAction_action_tooltip=Filter Stack Trace |
| |
| ScrollLockAction_action_label=Scroll Lock |
| ScrollLockAction_action_tooltip=Scroll Lock |
| |
| |
| |
| JUnitPreferencePage_description=JUnit settings (changes only apply to new test runs): |
| JUnitPreferencePage_addfilterbutton_label=Add &Filter |
| JUnitPreferencePage_addfilterbutton_tooltip=Type the Name of a New Stack Filter |
| JUnitPreferencePage_addtypebutton_label=Add &Class... |
| JUnitPreferencePage_addtypebutton_tooltip=Choose a Java Type and Add It to Stack Filters |
| JUnitPreferencePage_addpackagebutton_label=Add &Packages... |
| JUnitPreferencePage_addpackagebutton_tooltip=Choose Package(s) to Add to Stack Filters |
| JUnitPreferencePage_removefilterbutton_label=&Remove |
| JUnitPreferencePage_removefilterbutton_tooltip=Remove All Selected Stack Filters |
| JUnitPreferencePage_enableallbutton_label=&Enable All |
| JUnitPreferencePage_enableallbutton_tooltip=Enables All Stack Filters |
| JUnitContainerWizardPage_wizard_description=Select the JUnit version to use in this project. |
| JUnitContainerInitializer_description_junit4=JUnit 4 |
| JUnitContainerInitializer_description_junit3=JUnit 3 |
| JUnitPreferencePage_disableallbutton_label=Disa&ble All |
| JUnitPreferencePage_disableallbutton_tooltip=Disables All Stack Filters |
| JUnitPreferencePage_filter_label=&Stack trace filter patterns: |
| JUnitPreferencePage_invalidstepfilterreturnescape=Invalid stack filter. Press Enter to continue editing or Escape to cancel. |
| JUnitPreferencePage_addtypedialog_title=Add Class to Stack Filters |
| JUnitPreferencePage_addtypedialog_message=&Select a class to filter in the failure stack trace: |
| JUnitPreferencePage_addtypedialog_error_message=Could not open type selection dialog for stack filters. |
| JUnitContainerWizardPage_warning_java5_required=JUnit 4 requires a Java 5 project |
| JUnitPreferencePage_addpackagedialog_title=Add Packages to Stack Filters |
| JUnitPreferencePage_addpackagedialog_message=&Select a package to filter in the failure stack trace: |
| JUnitPreferencePage_enableassertionscheckbox_label=Enable assertions for new &JUnit launch configurations |
| JUnitPreferencePage_enableassertionscheckbox_tooltip=Defaults new JUnit test launch configurations with the VM Argument to enable assertions. |
| JUnitContainerWizardPage_error_version_not_available=The selected JUnit version is not available. |
| |
| OpenEditorAction_action_label=&Go to File |
| OpenEditorAction_error_cannotopen_title=Cannot Open Editor |
| OpenEditorAction_error_cannotopen_message=Test element not found in selected project |
| OpenEditorAction_error_dialog_title=Error |
| OpenEditorAction_error_dialog_message=Cannot open editor |
| OpenEditorAction_message_cannotopen=Cannot open editor |
| |
| OpenTestAction_error_title=Go To Test |
| OpenTestAction_error_methodNoFound=Method ''{0}'' not found. Opening the test class. |
| |
| |
| TestRunnerViewPart_jobName=Update JUnit |
| TestRunnerViewPart_history=&History... |
| TestRunnerViewPart_wrapperJobName=JUnit Starter Job |
| TestRunnerViewPart_stopaction_text=Stop Unit Test |
| TestRunnerViewPart_select_test_run=&Select a test run: |
| TestRunnerViewPart_stopaction_tooltip=Stop Unit Test Run |
| TestRunnerViewPart_show_failures_only=Show Failures Only |
| TestRunnerViewPart_rerunaction_label=Rerun Test |
| TestRunnerViewPart_rerunaction_tooltip=Rerun Test |
| TestRunnerViewPart_hierarchical_layout=Show Tests in &Hierarchy |
| TestRunnerViewPart_rerunfailuresaction_label=Rerun Failures |
| TestRunnerViewPart_rerunfailuresaction_tooltip=Rerun Failures |
| TestRunnerViewPart_rerunFailedFirstLaunchConfigName={0} (Failed Tests first) |
| TestRunnerViewPart_ImportTestRunSessionAction_name=&Import... |
| TestRunnerViewPart_ImportTestRunSessionAction_title=Import Test Run |
| TestRunnerViewPart_ImportTestRunSessionAction_error_title=Import Test Run |
| TestRunnerViewPart_ExportTestRunSessionAction_name=&Export... |
| TestRunnerViewPart_ExportTestRunSessionAction_title=Export Test Run |
| TestRunnerViewPart_ExportTestRunSessionAction_error_title=Export Test Run |
| TestRunnerViewPart_error_cannotrerun=Could not rerun test |
| TestRunnerViewPart_message_terminated=Terminated |
| TestRunnerViewPart_cannotrerun_title=Rerun Test |
| TestRunnerViewPart_cannotrerurn_message=To rerun tests they must be launched under the debugger\nand \'Keep JUnit running\' must be set in the launch configuration. |
| TestRunnerViewPart_clear_history_label=&Clear Terminated |
| TestRunnerViewPart_label_failure=Failure Trace |
| TestRunnerViewPart_message_finish= Finished after {0} seconds |
| TestRunnerViewPart_max_remembered=&Maximum count of remembered test runs: |
| TestRunnerViewPart_message_stopped= Stopped |
| TestRunnerViewPart_message_stopping=Stopping... |
| TestRunnerViewPart_message_started= {0} - {1} |
| TestRunnerViewPart_configName=Rerun {0} |
| TestRunnerViewPart_layout_menu=Layout |
| TestRunnerViewPart_Launching=Launching {0}... |
| TestRunnerViewPart_test_runs=Test Runs |
| TestRunSession_unrootedTests=Unrooted Tests |
| TestRunnerViewPart_toggle_vertical_label=&Vertical View Orientation |
| TestRunnerViewPart_toggle_horizontal_label=&Horizontal View Orientation |
| TestRunnerViewPart_activate_on_failure_only=Activate on &Error/Failure Only |
| TestRunnerViewPart_toggle_automatic_label=&Automatic View Orientation |
| TestRunnerViewPart_terminate_title=Rerun Test |
| TestRunnerViewPart_terminate_message=Terminate currently running tests? |
| TestRunnerViewPart_test_run_history=Test Run History... |
| TestRunnerViewPart_testName_startTime={0} ({1}) |
| |
| # The first parameter is the test name and the second is the JUnit version |
| TestRunnerViewPart_titleToolTip={0} - {1} |
| TestSessionLabelProvider_testName_JUnitVersion={0} [Runner: {1}] |
| |
| TestSessionLabelProvider_testMethodName_className={0} - {1} |
| |
| JUnitLaunchConfigurationDelegate_dialog_title=Problems Launching Unit Tests |
| JUnitLaunchConfigurationDelegate_error_invalidproject=Invalid project specified. |
| JUnitLaunchConfigurationDelegate_error_input_element_deosn_not_exist=The input element of the launch configuration does not exist |
| JUnitLaunchConfigurationDelegate_verifying_attriburtes_description=Verifying launch attributes... |
| JUnitLaunchConfigurationDelegate_create_source_locator_description=Creating source locator... |
| JUnitBaseLaunchConfiguration_error_novmrunner=Internal error: JRE {0} does not specify a VM Runner |
| JUnitBaseLaunchConfiguration_error_notests=No tests found. |
| JUnitLaunchConfigurationDelegate_error_notests_kind=No tests found with test runner ''{0}''. |
| JUnitLaunchConfigurationDelegate_error_wrong_input=Can only run types or single method |
| JUnitLaunchConfigurationDelegate_error_junitnotonpath=Cannot find 'junit.framework.TestCase' on project build path. JUnit 3 tests can only be run if JUnit is on the build path. |
| JUnitLaunchConfigurationDelegate_error_junit4notonpath=Cannot find 'org.junit.Test' on project build path. JUnit 4 tests can only be run if JUnit 4 is on the build path. |
| JUnitLaunchConfigurationDelegate_erro_unknowtestrunner=Could not evaluate test runner |
| JUnitLaunchConfigurationTab_error_test_class_not_found=Can not find test class ''{0}'' in project ''{1}'' |
| JUnitLaunchConfigurationDelegate_input_type_does_not_exist=The input type of the launch configuration does not exist |
| JUnitLaunchConfigurationTab_label_oneTest=Run a s&ingle test |
| JUnitLaunchConfigurationTab_label_project=&Project: |
| JUnitClasspathFixProcessor_progress_desc=Adding JUnit library |
| JUnitLaunchConfigurationTab_label_browse=&Browse... |
| JUnitLaunchConfigurationTab_label_test=T&est class: |
| JUnitLaunchConfigurationTab_label_search=&Search... |
| JUnitLaunchConfigurationTab_label_containerTest=Run &all tests in the selected project, package or source folder: |
| JUnitLaunchConfigurationTab_label_keeprunning=&Keep JUnit running after a test run when debugging |
| JUnitLaunchConfigurationTab_testdialog_title=Test Selection |
| JUnitLaunchConfigurationTab_testdialog_message=Choose a test case or test suite: |
| JUnitLaunchConfigurationTab_projectdialog_title=Project Selection |
| JUnitLaunchConfigurationTab_projectdialog_message=Choose a project to constrain the search for main types: |
| JUnitLaunchConfigurationTab_tab_label=Test |
| JUnitMainTab_label_defaultpackage=(default package) |
| JUnitLaunchConfigurationTab_label_method=Test method: |
| JUnitLaunchConfigurationTab_Test_Loader=&Test runner: |
| JUnitLaunchConfigurationTab_folderdialog_title=Folder Selection |
| JUnitLaunchConfigurationTab_folderdialog_message=Choose a Project, Source Folder or Package: |
| JUnitLaunchConfigurationTab_error_projectnotdefined=Project not specified |
| JUnitLaunchConfigurationTab_error_projectnotexists=Project does not exist |
| JUnitLaunchConfigurationTab_error_notJavaProject=Specified project is not a Java project |
| JUnitLaunchConfigurationTab_error_testnotdefined=Test not specified |
| JUnitLaunchConfigurationTab_error_testcasenotonpath=Cannot find class 'junit.framework.TestCase' on project build path. |
| JUnitContainerWizardPage_error_title=JUnit Library |
| JUnitContainerWizardPage_combo_label=&JUnit library version: |
| JUnitLaunchConfigurationTab_error_invalidProjectName=''{0}'' is not a valid project name |
| JUnitContainerWizardPage_wizard_title=JUnit Library |
| JUnitContainerWizardPage_option_junit3=JUnit 3 |
| JUnitContainerWizardPage_option_junit4=JUnit 4 |
| JUnitContainerWizardPage_resolved_label=Current location: |
| JUnitLaunchShortcut_message_launchfailed=Launching of Unit tests unexpectedly failed. Check log for details. |
| JUnitLaunchConfigurationTab_error_noContainer=No project, source folder or package is specified |
| TestSearchEngine_message_searching=Searching for tests and suites... |
| JUnitLaunchShortcut_dialog_title=JUnit Launch |
| JUnitLaunchShortcut_message_notests=No Unit tests found. |
| JUnitLaunchShortcut_dialog_title2=Test Selection |
| JUnitLaunchShortcut_message_selectTestToRun=Select Test to run |
| LaunchConfigChange_configDeleted=Launch configuration ''{0}'', which is affected by this change, was deleted. |
| LaunchConfigSetAttributeChange_name=Update attribute ''{0}'' on launch configuration ''{1}'' |
| LaunchConfigRenameChange_name=Rename launch configuration ''{0}'' to ''{1}'' |
| JUnitLaunchShortcut_message_selectTestToDebug=Select Test to debug |
| JUnitLaunchShortcut_message_selectConfiguration=Select a Test Configuration |
| JUnitLaunchConfigurationDelegate_error_no_socket=No socket available |
| JUnitLaunchShortcut_message_selectDebugConfiguration=Select JUnit configuration to debug |
| JUnitLaunchShortcut_message_selectRunConfiguration=Select JUnit configuration to run |
| ShowNextFailureAction_label=Next Failure |
| ShowNextFailureAction_tooltip=Next Failed Test |
| ShowPreviousFailureAction_label=Previous Failure |
| ShowPreviousFailureAction_tooltip=Previous Failed Test |
| |
| GotoReferencedTestAction_dialog_message=Select a method, type, or compilation unit to open tests that refer to them. |
| GotoReferencedTestAction_dialog_title=Search Referring Tests |
| GotoReferencedTestAction_dialog_error_nomethod=Selection is not inside a type or method. |
| GotoReferencedTestAction_dialog_error=Test cannot be found |
| GotoReferencedTestAction_selectdialog_title=Select Test |
| GotoReferencedTestAction_dialog_select_message=Select a test that refers to ''{0}''. |
| |
| TestMethodSelectionDialog_error_title=Select Test |
| TestMethodSelectionDialog_no_tests_title=Go to Test |
| TestMethodSelectionDialog_error_notfound_title=Find Test |
| TestMethodSelectionDialog_error_notfound_message=Could not find test |
| TestMethodSelectionDialog_select_dialog_title=Select Test |
| TestMethodSelectionDialog_dialog_title=Go to Referring Tests |
| TestMethodSelectionDialog_notfound_message=No tests found that reference ''{0}''. |
| TestMethodSelectionDialog_test_not_found=Cannot find ''{0}'' - make sure that JUnit is on the project''s classpath. |
| TestMethodSelectionDialog_testproject=Multiple projects contain ''{0}''. Select one project to be used when searching for tests. |
| |
| Resources_outOfSyncResources= Some resources are out of sync |
| Resources_outOfSync= Resource ''{0}'' is out of sync with file system. |
| Resources_modifiedResources= There are modified resources |
| Resources_fileModified= File ''{0}'' has been modified since the beginning of the operation |
| |
| ExpandAllAction_text=Expand All |
| ExpandAllAction_tooltip=Expand All Nodes |
| |
| JUnitQuickFixProcessor_add_assert_description=Add static import ''org.junit.Assert.{0}'' |
| JUnitQuickFixProcessor_add_assert_info=Adds a static import ''org.junit.Assert.{0}''. |
| JUnit4TestFinder_searching_description=Searching for JUnit 4 tests... |
| |
| JUnitAddLibraryProposal_info=Adds JUnit 3 to the build path. |
| JUnitAddLibraryProposa_junit4_label=Add JUnit 4 to the build path |
| JUnitAddLibraryProposal_junit4_info=Adds JUnit 4 to the build path. |
| JUnitAddLibraryProposal_label=Add JUnit 3 to the build path |
| JUnitAddLibraryProposal_title=Add JUnit Library |
| JUnitAddLibraryProposal_cannotAdd=Cannot add the JUnit library to the build path. |
| |
| CompareResultsAction_label=Compare Result |
| CompareResultsAction_description=Compare the actual and expected test result |
| CompareResultsAction_tooltip=Compare Actual With Expected Test Result |
| |
| CompareResultDialog_title=Result Comparison |
| CompareResultDialog_labelOK=OK |
| CompareResultDialog_expectedLabel=Expected |
| CompareResultDialog_actualLabel=Actual |
| |
| TypeRenameParticipant_name=JUnit Launch configuration participant |
| TypeRenameParticipant_change_name=JUnit Launch configuration update |
| |
| RerunAction_label_rerun=&Rerun |
| RerunAction_label_run=&Run |
| RerunAction_label_debug=&Debug |
| MainLaunchConfigurationTab_detectEngine=Detect |
| MainLaunchConfigurationTab_ErrorEngineNotSelected=Testing engine not selected |
| JUnitContainerWizardPage_error_problem_configuring_container=Problem while configuring the JUnit container. |
| JUnitContainerInitializer_description_initializer_junit3=JUnit 3 |
| JUnitContainerInitializer_description_initializer_junit4=JUnit 4 |
| JUnitContainerInitializer_description_initializer_unresolved=Unresolved JUnit container |
| ClasspathVariableMarkerResolutionGenerator_use_JUnit3=Use the JUnit 3 library |
| ClasspathVariableMarkerResolutionGenerator_use_JUnit3_desc=Changes the classpath variable entry to use the JUnit 3 library |
| |
| InternalError=Internal Error |
| TestingNoEngineConfigured=Testing Engine not configured for this launch configuration |