| ############################################################################### |
| # Copyright (c) 2005, 2007 IBM Corporation and others. |
| # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials |
| # are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 |
| # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at |
| # http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html |
| # |
| |
| ############################################################################### |
| pluginProvider=Eclipse.org |
| pluginName=Dynamic Languages Toolkit Core UI |
| |
| context.editingScriptSource.name = Editing Script Source |
| context.editingScriptSource.description = Editing Script Source Context |
| |
| ########################################################################## |
| # Marker Support |
| ########################################################################## |
| markerCategory.problem = DLTK Problems |
| markerCategory.buildpath_problem = DLTK Build Path Problems |
| |
| #--- script problem grouping |
| MarkerCategory.name=DLTK Problem Type |
| MarkerCategory.buildpath=Build Path |
| MarkerCategory.fatal=Fatal Errors |
| MarkerCategory.documentation=Documentation |
| MarkerCategory.codestyle=Code Style |
| MarkerCategory.potential=Potential Programming Problems |
| MarkerCategory.deprecation=Deprecation |
| MarkerCategory.generictypes=Type Safety and Raw Types |
| MarkerCategory.unnecessary=Unnecessary Code |
| MarkerCategory.nls=Externalized Strings |
| MarkerCategory.restrictedAPI=Restricted API |
| |
| buildPathPrefName=Build Path |
| |
| ScriptWorkingSetPage.name=Script Working Set |
| OthersWorkingSetWizardPage.name=Other projects |
| |
| ########################################################################## |
| # Filter Support |
| ########################################################################## |
| HideSystemFiles.label= .* resources |
| HideSystemFiles.description= Hides resources with names that start with a '.' |
| |
| HideEmptyPackages.label= Empty packages |
| HideEmptyPackages.description= Hides all empty packages |
| |
| HideNoPackageContainingFolders.label= Folder containing no packages |
| HideNoPackageContainingFolders.description= Hides folders which do not contain any packages |
| |
| HideEmptyInnerPackages.label= Empty parent packages |
| HideEmptyInnerPackages.description= Hides empty packages which do not contain Script files but other sub-folders. E.g. given a package 'org.junit' where 'org' does not contain any Script files, this filter will hide the package 'org' but not the package 'org.junit' |
| |
| HideNonScriptElements.label= Non-Script elements |
| HideNonScriptElements.description= Show only Script elements |
| |
| HideReferencedLibraries.label= Libraries from external |
| HideReferencedLibraries.description= Hides external libraries i.e. those not contained inside the project itself |
| |
| HideContainedLibraries.label=Libraries in project |
| HideContainedLibraries.description= Hides local libraries i.e. those contained inside the project itself |
| |
| HideScriptFiles.label= Script files |
| HideScriptFiles.description= Hides all Script files |
| |
| HideImportDeclaration.label= Import declarations |
| HideImportDeclaration.description= Hides all import declarations |
| |
| HideNonScriptProjects.label= Non-Script projects |
| HideNonScriptProjects.description= Shows only Script projects |
| |
| HideAnnotation.label= Annotations |
| HideAnnotation.description= Hides all annotations |
| |
| HideNonSharedProjects.label= Non-shared projects |
| HideNonSharedProjects.description= Shows only shared projects |
| |
| HideClosedProjects.label= Closed projects |
| HideClosedProjects.description= Hides closed projects |
| |
| HideFields.label= Fields |
| HideFields.description= Hides fields |
| |
| HideLocalTypes.label= Local types |
| HideLocalTypes.description= Hides local types |
| |
| sourceHover= Source |
| sourceHoverDescription= Shows the source of the selected element. |
| documentationHover= Documentation |
| documentationHoverDescription= Shows the documentation of the selected element. |
| nlsStringHover= Externalized String |
| nlsStringHoverDescription= Shows the externalized string of the selected key. |
| sequentialHover= Combined Hover |
| sequentialHoverDescription= Tries the hovers in the sequence listed in above table, excluding this hover, and uses the one which fits best for the selected element and the current context. |
| annotationHover= Annotation Description |
| annotationHoverDescription= Shows the description of the selected annotation. |
| problemHover= Problem Description |
| problemHoverDescription= Shows the description of the selected problem. |
| |
| scriptCompletionProposalComputer= Script Completion Proposal Computers |
| sacriptCompletionProposalSorters= Script Completion Proposal Sorters |
| |
| ############################# |
| #Content Assistance |
| |
| RelevanceSorter.name=by relevance |
| AlphabeticSorter.name=alphabetically |
| |
| ScriptProposalCategory= Other &Script Proposals |
| ScriptTypesCategory= &Type Proposals |
| DefaultProposalCategory= &Basic Proposals |
| TemplateProposalCategory= Te&mplate Proposals |
| TextProposalCategory= &Word Proposals |
| |
| scriptEditorTextHoversName=Script Editor Text Hovers |
| scriptDocumentSetupParticipant=Script Document Setup Participant |
| |
| SpecificContentAssist.name= Content Assist |
| SpecificContentAssist.desc= A parameterizable command that invokes content assist with a single completion proposal category |
| SpecificContentAssist.param= type |
| |
| |
| #--- commands not assigned to a menu |
| ActionDefinition.foldingCollapseMembers.name= Collapse Members |
| ActionDefinition.foldingCollapseMembers.description= Collapse all members |
| |
| ActionDefinition.foldingCollapseComments.name= Collapse Comments |
| ActionDefinition.foldingCollapseComments.description= Collapse all comments |
| |
| #--- Script explorer |
| ScriptExplorerViewName=Script explorer |
| |
| #--- Call Hierarchy |
| CallHierarchyViewName=Call Hierarchy |
| OpenCallHierarchyAction.label=Open &Call hierarchy |
| |
| |
| |
| ########################################################################## |
| # Coding Action set |
| ########################################################################## |
| CodingActionSet.label= DLTK Coding |
| CodingActionSet.description= Action set containing coding related DLTK actions |
| |
| Refactoring.menu.label= Refac&tor |
| |
| Refactoring.renameAction.label=Re&name... |
| Refactoring.moveAction.label=&Move... |
| Refactoring.modifyParametersAction.label=&Change Method Signature... |
| Refactoring.convertNestedToTopAction.label=Con&vert Member Type to Top Level |
| |
| Refactoring.pushDownAction.label=Push &Down... |
| Refactoring.pullUpAction.label=Pull &Up... |
| Refactoring.extractInterfaceAction.label=&Extract Interface... |
| Refactoring.extractSupertypeAction.label=Extrac&t Superclass... |
| Refactoring.changeTypeAction.label=Generali&ze Declared Type... |
| Refactoring.useSupertypeAction.label=Use Supertype W&here Possible... |
| Refactoring.inferTypeArgumentsAction.label=Infer &Generic Type Arguments... |
| |
| Refactoring.extractMethodAction.label=E&xtract Method... |
| Refactoring.extractTempAction.label=Extract &Local Variable... |
| Refactoring.extractConstantAction.label=Extr&act Constant... |
| |
| Refactoring.introduceIndirectionAction.label=Introduce Indirec&tion... |
| Refactoring.introduceParameterAction.label=Introduce &Parameter... |
| Refactoring.introduceFactoryAction.label=Introduce &Factory... |
| Refactoring.convertLocalToFieldAction.label=Convert Local Varia&ble to Field... |
| Refactoring.selfEncapsulateFieldAction.label=Encap&sulate Field... |
| |
| Refactoring.showHistory.label=&History... |
| |
| ########################################################################## |
| # Navigate Menu |
| ########################################################################## |
| |
| GoToTypeAction.label=&Type... |
| |
| GoToPackageAction.label=&Package... |
| |
| OpenAction.label=&Open |
| OpenAction.tooltip=Open an Editor on the Selected Element |
| |
| OpenSuperImplementationAction.label=Open &Super Implementation |
| OpenSuperImplementationAction.tooltip=Opens the Implementation of the Method in a Super Type, when Super Type Exists. |
| |
| OpenTypeHierarchyAction.label=Ope&n Type Hierarchy |
| |
| OpenCallHierarchyAction.label=Open Call H&ierarchy |
| |
| OpenTypeInHierarchyAction.label=Open Type in Hierarch&y... |
| OpenTypeInHierarchyAction.tooltip=Opens a Type in a Type Hierarchy |
| |
| ########################################################################## |
| # Open Action set |
| ########################################################################## |
| OpenActionSet.label= DLTK Open Actions |
| OpenActionSet.description= Action set containing open actions for DLTK |
| |
| ########################################################################## |
| # Source Menu |
| ########################################################################## |
| SourceMenu.label= &Source |
| |
| CommentAction.label= Co&mment |
| |
| UncommentAction.label= &Uncomment |
| |
| ToggleCommentAction.label= Togg&le Comment |
| |
| AddBlockCommentAction.label= Add &Block Comment |
| |
| RemoveBlockCommentAction.label= Remove Bloc&k Comment |
| |
| ShiftRightAction.label= &Shift Right |
| |
| ShiftLeftAction.label= S&hift Left |
| |
| FormatAction.label=&Format |
| |
| FormatElementAction.label= Format Eleme&nt |
| |
| SortMembersAction.label= S&ort Members... |
| |
| AddImportAction.label= A&dd Import |
| |
| OrganizeImportsAction.label= Or&ganize Imports |
| |
| CleanUpAction.label= Clean &Up... |
| |
| CopyQualifiedName.label= Cop&y Qualified Name |
| |
| SurroundWithTemplateAction.label= Surround &With |
| |
| OverrideMethodsAction.label= O&verride/Implement Methods... |
| |
| GenerateGetterSetterAction.label= Gene&rate Getters and Setters... |
| |
| GenerateDelegateMethodsAction.label=Generate Delegate &Methods... |
| |
| AddConstructorFromSuperclassAction.label= Generate &Constructors from Superclass... |
| |
| GenerateConstructorUsingFieldsAction.label= Gener&ate Constructor using Fields... |
| |
| AddScriptDocCommentAction.label= Generate Element Comm&ent |
| |
| GenerateHashCodeEqualsAction.label= Generate &hashCode() and equals()... |
| |
| |
| ExternalizeStringsAction.label= E&xternalize Strings... |
| |
| FindNLSProblems.label= Find Broken Ex&ternalized Strings |
| |
| IndentAction.label= Correct &Indentation |
| |
| #--- Navigate menu |
| ActionDefinition.openType.name= Open Type |
| ActionDefinition.openType.description= Open a type in a DLTK editor |
| |
| ActionDefinition.openTypeInHierarchy.name= Open Type in Hierarchy |
| ActionDefinition.openTypeInHierarchy.description= Open a type in the type hierarchy view |
| |
| ActionDefinition.gotoPackage.name= Go to Package |
| ActionDefinition.gotoPackage.description= Go to Package |
| |
| ActionDefinition.gotoType.name= Go to Type |
| ActionDefinition.gotoType.description= Go to Type |
| |
| ActionDefinition.openEditor.name= Open Declaration |
| ActionDefinition.openEditor.description= Open an editor on the selected element |
| |
| ActionDefinition.openSuperImplementation.name= Open Super Implementation |
| ActionDefinition.openSuperImplementation.description= Open the Implementation in the Super Type |
| |
| ActionDefinition.openExternalScriptdoc.name= Open External doc |
| ActionDefinition.openExternalScriptdoc.description= Open the doc of the selected element in an external browser |
| |
| ActionDefinition.openTypeHierarchy.name= Open Type Hierarchy |
| ActionDefinition.openTypeHierarchy.description= Open a type hierarchy on the selected element |
| |
| ActionDefinition.openCallHierarchy.name= Open Call Hierarchy |
| ActionDefinition.openCallHierarchy.description= Open a call hierarchy on the selected element |
| |
| ActionDefinition.showInPackageView.name= Show in Package Explorer |
| ActionDefinition.showInPackageView.description= Show the selected element in the Package Explorer |
| |
| |
| ActionDefinition.gotoMatchingBracket.name= Go to Matching Bracket |
| ActionDefinition.gotoMatchingBracket.description= Moves the cursor to the matching bracket |
| |
| |
| #--- Edit menu |
| ActionDefinition.show.outline.name= Quick Outline |
| ActionDefinition.show.outline.description= Show the quick outline for the editor input |
| |
| ActionDefinition.open.hierarchy.name= Quick Hierarchy |
| ActionDefinition.open.hierarchy.description= Show the quick hierarchy of the selected element |
| |
| ActionDefinition.open.structure.name= Open Structure |
| ActionDefinition.open.structure.description= Show the structure of the selected element |
| |
| ActionDefinition.gotoNextMember.name= Go to Next Member |
| ActionDefinition.gotoNextMember.description= Move the caret to the next member of the compilation unit |
| |
| ActionDefinition.gotoPreviousMember.name= Go to Previous Member |
| ActionDefinition.gotoPreviousMember.description= Move the caret to the previous member of the compilation unit |
| |
| ActionDefinition.selectEnclosing.name= Select Enclosing Element |
| ActionDefinition.selectEnclosing.description= Expand selection to include enclosing element |
| |
| ActionDefinition.selectNext.name= Select Next Element |
| ActionDefinition.selectNext.description= Expand selection to include next sibling |
| |
| ActionDefinition.selectPrevious.name= Select Previous Element |
| ActionDefinition.selectPrevious.description= Expand selection to include previous sibling |
| |
| ActionDefinition.selectLast.name= Restore Last Selection |
| ActionDefinition.selectLast.description= Restore last selection |
| |
| |
| ActionDefinition.showDocumentation.name= Show Tooltip Description |
| ActionDefinition.showDocumentation.description= Shows the tooltip description for the element at the cursor |
| |
| |
| ActionDefinition.removeOccurrenceAnnotations.name= Remove Occurrence Annotations |
| ActionDefinition.removeOccurrenceAnnotations.description= Removes the occurrence annotations from the current editor |
| |
| |
| #--- Source menu |
| ActionDefinition.sourceQuickMenu.name= Show Source Quick Menu |
| ActionDefinition.sourceQuickMenu.description= Shows the source quick menu |
| |
| ActionDefinition.comment.name= Comment |
| ActionDefinition.comment.description= Turn the selected lines into DLTK comments |
| |
| ActionDefinition.uncomment.name= Uncomment |
| ActionDefinition.uncomment.description= Uncomment the selected DLTK comment lines |
| |
| ActionDefinition.toggleComment.name= Toggle Comment |
| ActionDefinition.toggleComment.description= Toggle comment the selected lines |
| |
| ActionDefinition.addBlockComment.name= Add Block Comment |
| ActionDefinition.addBlockComment.description= Enclose the selection with a block comment |
| |
| ActionDefinition.removeBlockComment.name= Remove Block Comment |
| ActionDefinition.removeBlockComment.description= Remove the block comment enclosing the selection |
| |
| ActionDefinition.format.name= Format |
| ActionDefinition.format.description= Format the selected text |
| |
| ActionDefinition.copyQualifiedName.name= Copy Qualified Name |
| ActionDefinition.copyQualifiedName.description= Copy a fully qualified name to the system clipboard |
| |
| ActionDefinition.quickformat.name= Format Element |
| ActionDefinition.quickformat.description= Format enclosing text element |
| |
| ActionDefinition.addImport.name= Add Import |
| ActionDefinition.addImport.description= Create import statement on selection |
| |
| ActionDefinition.organizeImports.name= Organize Imports |
| ActionDefinition.organizeImports.description= Evaluate all required imports and replace the current imports |
| |
| ActionDefinition.cleanUp.name= Clean Up |
| ActionDefinition.cleanUp.description= Solve problems and improve code style on selected resources |
| |
| ActionDefinition.sortMembers.name=Sort Members |
| ActionDefinition.sortMembers.description=Sort all members using the member order preference |
| |
| ActionDefinition.delegateMethods.name=Generate Delegate Methods |
| ActionDefinition.delegateMethods.description=Add delegate methods for a type's fields |
| |
| ActionDefinition.getterSetter.name=Generate Getters and Setters |
| ActionDefinition.getterSetter.description=Generate Getter and Setter methods for type's fields |
| |
| ActionDefinition.addScriptdocComment.name=Add Javadoc Comment |
| ActionDefinition.addScriptdocComment.description=Add a Scriptdoc comment stub to the member element |
| |
| ActionDefinition.surroundWith.tryCatch.name= Surround with try/catch Block |
| ActionDefinition.surroundWith.tryCatch.description= Surround the selected text with a try/catch block |
| |
| ActionDefinition.surroundWith.quickMenu.name= Surround With Quick Menu |
| ActionDefinition.surroundWith.quickMenu.description= Shows the Surround With quick menu |
| |
| ActionDefinition.overrideMethods.name= Override/Implement Methods |
| ActionDefinition.overrideMethods.description= Override or implement methods from super types |
| |
| ActionDefinition.generateHashCode.name= Generate hashCode() and equals() |
| ActionDefinition.generateHashCode.description= Generates hashCode() and equals() methods for the type |
| |
| ActionDefinition.addUnimplementedConstructors.name= Generate Constructors from Superclass |
| ActionDefinition.addUnimplementedConstructors.description= Evaluate and add constructors from superclass |
| |
| ActionDefinition.generateConstructorUsingFields.name= Generate Constructor using Fields |
| ActionDefinition.generateConstructorsUsingFields.description= Choose fields to initialize and constructor from superclass to call |
| |
| |
| ActionDefinition.externalizeStrings.name= Externalize Strings |
| ActionDefinition.externalizeStrings.description=Finds all strings that are not externalized and moves them into a separate property file |
| |
| ActionDefinition.findNLSProblems.name= Find Broken Externalized Strings |
| ActionDefinition.findNLSProblems.description=Finds undefined, duplicate and unused externalized string keys in property files |
| |
| ActionDefinition.indent.name= Indent Line |
| ActionDefinition.indent.description=Indents the current line |
| |
| ActionDefinition.corrections.renameInFile.name=Quick Assist - Rename in file |
| ActionDefinition.corrections.renameInFile.description=Invokes quick assist and selects 'Rename in file' |
| |
| ActionDefinition.corrections.assignToLocal.name=Quick Assist - Assign to local variable |
| ActionDefinition.corrections.assignToLocal.description=Invokes quick assist and selects 'Assign to local variable' |
| |
| ActionDefinition.corrections.assignToField.name=Quick Assist - Assign to field |
| ActionDefinition.corrections.assignToField.description=Invokes quick assist and selects 'Assign to field' |
| |
| ActionDefinition.corrections.assignParamToField.name=Quick Assist - Assign parameter to field |
| ActionDefinition.corrections.assignParamToField.description=Invokes quick assist and selects 'Assign parameter to field' |
| |
| ActionDefinition.corrections.addBlock.name=Quick Assist - Replace statement with block |
| ActionDefinition.corrections.addBlock.description=Invokes quick assist and selects 'Replace statement with block' |
| |
| ActionDefinition.corrections.addThrowsDecl.name=Quick Fix - Add throws declaration |
| ActionDefinition.corrections.addThrowsDecl.description=Invokes quick assist and selects 'Add throws declaration' |
| |
| ActionDefinition.corrections.addCast.name=Quick Fix - Add cast |
| ActionDefinition.corrections.addCast.description=Invokes quick assist and selects 'Add cast' |
| |
| ActionDefinition.corrections.addNonNLS.name=Quick Fix - Add non-NLS tag |
| ActionDefinition.corrections.addNonNLS.description=Invokes quick assist and selects 'Add non-NLS tag' |
| |
| ActionDefinition.corrections.qualifyField.name=Quick Fix - Qualify field access |
| ActionDefinition.corrections.qualifyField.description=Invokes quick assist and selects 'Qualify field access' |
| |
| ActionDefinition.corrections.changeToStatic.name=Quick Fix - Change to static access |
| ActionDefinition.corrections.changeToStatic.description=Invokes quick assist and selects 'Change to static access' |
| |
| ActionDefinition.corrections.addImport.name=Quick Fix - Add import |
| ActionDefinition.corrections.addImport.description=Invokes quick assist and selects 'Add import' |
| |
| ActionDefinition.corrections.addSuppressWarnings.name=Quick Fix - Add @SuppressWarnings |
| ActionDefinition.corrections.addSuppressWarnings.description=Invokes quick fix and selects 'Add @SuppressWarnings' |
| |
| ActionDefinition.corrections.splitJoinVariableDeclaration.name=Quick Assist - Split/Join variable declaration |
| ActionDefinition.corrections.splitJoinVariableDeclaration.description=Invokes quick assist and selects 'Split/Join variable declaration' |
| |
| ActionDefinition.corrections.extractLocal.name=Quick Assist - Extract local variable |
| ActionDefinition.corrections.extractLocal.description=Invokes quick assist and selects 'Extract local variable' |
| |
| ActionDefinition.corrections.extractConstant.name=Quick Assist - Extract constant |
| ActionDefinition.corrections.extractConstant.description=Invokes quick assist and selects 'Extract constant' |
| |
| ActionDefinition.corrections.convertLocalToField.name=Quick Assist - Convert local variable to field |
| ActionDefinition.corrections.convertLocalToField.description=Invokes quick assist and selects 'Convert local variable to field' |
| |
| ActionDefinition.corrections.inlineLocal.name=Quick Assist - Inline local variable |
| ActionDefinition.corrections.inlineLocal.description=Invokes quick assist and selects 'Inline local variable' |
| |
| ActionDefinition.corrections.convertAnonymousToLocal.name=Quick Assist - Convert anonymous to local class |
| ActionDefinition.corrections.convertAnonymousToLocal.description=Invokes quick assist and selects 'Convert anonymous to local class' |
| |
| typeHierarchyName=Type Hierarchy |
| typeHierarchy.perspective.description=This perspective is designed to support DLTK script development. It offers a Type Hierarchy and Script-specific navigation actions. |
| |
| OpenTypeInHierarchyAction.label=Open Type in Hierarch&y... |
| OpenTypeInHierarchyAction.tooltip=Opens a Type in a Type Hierarchy |
| |
| DLTKSource=DLTK Source |
| |
| Views.ASTOutline=AST Outline |
| |
| ########################################################################## |
| # Script Search |
| ########################################################################## |
| ScriptSearchPage.label= Script Search |
| openScriptSearchPageAction.label= &Script... |
| |
| # Action sets |
| ScriptSearchActionSet.label= Script Search |
| ScriptSearchActionSet.description= Action set containing search related Script actions |
| |
| # Menus |
| searchMenu.label= Se&arch |
| declarationsSubMenu.label= Dec&larations |
| referencesSubMenu.label= R&eferences |
| occurrencesSubMenu.label= Occurre&nces in File |
| implementorsSubMenu.label= &Implementors |
| readAccessSubMenu.label= &Read Access |
| writeAccessSubMenu.label= &Write Access |
| |
| ReferencesInWorkspace.label= &Workspace |
| DeclarationsInWorkspace.label= &Workspace |
| |
| InWorkspace.label= &Workspace |
| InProject.label= &Project |
| InHierarchy.label= &Hierarchy |
| InWorkingSet.label= Working &Set... |
| |
| CompareWithMenu.label=Comp&are With |
| |
| ReplaceWithMenu.label=Rep&lace With |
| |
| ScriptCompareFromHistoryAction.label= Element from &Local History... |
| ScriptCompareFromHistoryAction.tooltip= Compares the Selected Script Element With One from Local History |
| |
| ScriptCompareAction.label= Other E&lement... |
| ScriptCompareAction.tooltip= Compares the Selected Script Elements with Each Other |
| |
| ScriptReplaceFromHistoryAction.label=Element from &Local History... |
| ScriptReplaceFromHistoryAction.tooltip=Replaces the Selected Script Element With One from Local History |
| |
| ScriptReplaceWithPreviousFromHistoryAction.label=&Previous Element from Local History |
| ScriptReplaceWithPreviousFromHistoryAction.tooltip=Replaces the Selected Script Element With the Previous from Local History |
| |
| ScriptAddElementFromHistoryAction.label=Restore from Local Histor&y... |
| ScriptAddElementFromHistoryAction.tooltip=Restores a Script Element from Local History to the Selected Container |
| |
| Refactoring.menu.label= Refac&tor |
| |
| Refactoring.renameAction.label=Re&name... |
| Refactoring.moveAction.label=&Move... |
| Refactoring.modifyParametersAction.label=&Change Method Signature... |
| Refactoring.convertAnonymousToNestedAction.label=C&onvert Anonymous Class to Nested... |
| Refactoring.convertNestedToTopAction.label=Con&vert Member Type to Top Level |
| |
| Refactoring.pushDownAction.label=Push &Down... |
| Refactoring.pullUpAction.label=Pull &Up... |
| Refactoring.extractInterfaceAction.label=&Extract Interface... |
| Refactoring.extractSupertypeAction.label=Extrac&t Superclass... |
| Refactoring.changeTypeAction.label=Generali&ze Declared Type... |
| Refactoring.useSupertypeAction.label=Use Supertype W&here Possible... |
| Refactoring.inferTypeArgumentsAction.label=Infer &Generic Type Arguments... |
| |
| Refactoring.inlineAction.label=&Inline... |
| Refactoring.extractMethodAction.label=E&xtract Method... |
| Refactoring.extractTempAction.label=Extract &Local Variable... |
| Refactoring.extractConstantAction.label=Extr&act Constant... |
| |
| Refactoring.introduceIndirectionAction.label=Introduce Indirec&tion... |
| Refactoring.introduceParameterAction.label=Introduce &Parameter... |
| Refactoring.introduceFactoryAction.label=Introduce &Factory... |
| Refactoring.convertLocalToFieldAction.label=Convert Local Varia&ble to Field... |
| Refactoring.selfEncapsulateFieldAction.label=Encap&sulate Field... |
| |
| Refactoring.migrateJar.label=Migrate &JAR File... |
| Refactoring.applyScript.label=Appl&y Script... |
| Refactoring.createScript.label=C&reate Script... |
| Refactoring.showHistory.label=&History... |
| |
| NewScriptProject.label= Script Project |
| NewScriptProject.description=Create a Script project |
| |
| NewScriptPackage.label= Package |
| NewScriptPackage.description=Create a Script package |
| |
| NewScriptClass.label= Class |
| NewScriptClass.description=Create a Script class |
| |
| NewScriptInterface.label= Interface |
| NewScriptInterface.description= Create a Script interface |
| |
| NewEnumType.label= Enum |
| NewEnumType.description= Create an enum type |
| |
| NewAnnotationType.label= Annotation |
| NewAnnotationType.description= Create an annotation type |
| |
| NewSourceFolderCreationWizard.label=Source Folder |
| NewSourceFolderCreationWizard.description=Create a Script source folder |
| |
| |
| AddBookmark.label=Add Boo&kmark |
| AddBookmark.tooltip=Add Bookmark... |
| |
| AddTask.label=Add &Task |
| AddTask.tooltip=Add Task... |