* Model extensibility compatibility fix. No public API changed.
diff --git a/core/plugins/org.eclipse.dltk.core/model/org/eclipse/dltk/core/WorkingCopyOwner.java b/core/plugins/org.eclipse.dltk.core/model/org/eclipse/dltk/core/WorkingCopyOwner.java
index e54e21c..20df46f 100644
--- a/core/plugins/org.eclipse.dltk.core/model/org/eclipse/dltk/core/WorkingCopyOwner.java
+++ b/core/plugins/org.eclipse.dltk.core/model/org/eclipse/dltk/core/WorkingCopyOwner.java
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
 import org.eclipse.dltk.internal.core.BufferManager;
 import org.eclipse.dltk.internal.core.DefaultWorkingCopyOwner;
 import org.eclipse.dltk.internal.core.ExternalScriptProject;
-import org.eclipse.dltk.internal.core.ScriptFolder;
+import org.eclipse.dltk.internal.core.ModelElement;
 import org.eclipse.dltk.internal.core.SourceModule;
@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@
 		IProjectFragment fragment = project.getProjectFragment(Path.EMPTY);
 		IScriptFolder parent = fragment
-		SourceModule result = new SourceModule((ScriptFolder) parent, name,
+		SourceModule result = new SourceModule((ModelElement) parent, name,
 		result.becomeWorkingCopy(problemRequestor, monitor);
 		return result;
diff --git a/core/plugins/org.eclipse.dltk.core/model/org/eclipse/dltk/internal/core/AbstractSourceModule.java b/core/plugins/org.eclipse.dltk.core/model/org/eclipse/dltk/internal/core/AbstractSourceModule.java
index cdc7bcb..a73e38a 100644
--- a/core/plugins/org.eclipse.dltk.core/model/org/eclipse/dltk/internal/core/AbstractSourceModule.java
+++ b/core/plugins/org.eclipse.dltk.core/model/org/eclipse/dltk/internal/core/AbstractSourceModule.java
@@ -693,11 +693,7 @@
 			return e.getModelStatus();
 		if (resource != null) {
-			char[][] inclusionPatterns = ((ProjectFragment) root)
-					.fullInclusionPatternChars();
-			char[][] exclusionPatterns = ((ProjectFragment) root)
-					.fullExclusionPatternChars();
-			if (Util.isExcluded(resource, inclusionPatterns, exclusionPatterns))
+			if (Util.isExcluded(resource, root))
 				return new ModelStatus(
 						IModelStatusConstants.ELEMENT_NOT_ON_BUILDPATH, this);
 			if (!resource.isAccessible())
diff --git a/core/plugins/org.eclipse.dltk.core/model/org/eclipse/dltk/internal/core/BuildpathChange.java b/core/plugins/org.eclipse.dltk.core/model/org/eclipse/dltk/internal/core/BuildpathChange.java
index 3250e32..8a7309a 100644
--- a/core/plugins/org.eclipse.dltk.core/model/org/eclipse/dltk/internal/core/BuildpathChange.java
+++ b/core/plugins/org.eclipse.dltk.core/model/org/eclipse/dltk/internal/core/BuildpathChange.java
@@ -257,14 +257,14 @@
 					result |= HAS_LIBRARY_CHANGE;
-				ProjectFragment[] pkgFragmentRoots = null;
+				IProjectFragment[] pkgFragmentRoots = null;
 				if (removedRoots != null) {
-					ProjectFragment oldRoot = (ProjectFragment) removedRoots
+					IProjectFragment oldRoot = (IProjectFragment) removedRoots
 					if (oldRoot != null) { // use old root if any (could be
 						// none
 						// if entry wasn't bound)
-						pkgFragmentRoots = new ProjectFragment[] { oldRoot };
+						pkgFragmentRoots = new IProjectFragment[] { oldRoot };
 				if (pkgFragmentRoots == null) {
@@ -290,9 +290,14 @@
 				// remember timestamp of jars that were removed (in case they
 				// are added as external jar in the same operation)
 				for (int j = 0, length = pkgFragmentRoots.length; j < length; j++) {
-					ProjectFragment root = pkgFragmentRoots[j];
+					IProjectFragment root = pkgFragmentRoots[j];
 					if (root.isArchive() && !root.isExternal()) {
-						Object resource = root.resource;
+						Object resource = null;
+						if (root instanceof ProjectFragment) {
+							resource = ((ProjectFragment) root).resource;
+						} else {
+							resource = root.getResource();
+						}
 						File file = null;
 						if (resource instanceof File) {
 							file = (File) resource;
diff --git a/core/plugins/org.eclipse.dltk.core/model/org/eclipse/dltk/internal/core/CommitWorkingCopyOperation.java b/core/plugins/org.eclipse.dltk.core/model/org/eclipse/dltk/internal/core/CommitWorkingCopyOperation.java
index d647117..b36997f 100644
--- a/core/plugins/org.eclipse.dltk.core/model/org/eclipse/dltk/internal/core/CommitWorkingCopyOperation.java
+++ b/core/plugins/org.eclipse.dltk.core/model/org/eclipse/dltk/internal/core/CommitWorkingCopyOperation.java
@@ -21,12 +21,12 @@
 import org.eclipse.dltk.core.IModelElement;
 import org.eclipse.dltk.core.IModelStatus;
 import org.eclipse.dltk.core.IModelStatusConstants;
+import org.eclipse.dltk.core.IProjectFragment;
 import org.eclipse.dltk.core.ISourceModule;
 import org.eclipse.dltk.core.ModelException;
 import org.eclipse.dltk.internal.core.util.Messages;
 import org.eclipse.dltk.internal.core.util.Util;
  * Commits the contents of a working copy compilation unit to its original
  * element and resource, bringing the script Model up-to-date with the current
@@ -70,32 +70,39 @@
 	protected void executeOperation() throws ModelException {
 		try {
-			beginTask(Messages.workingCopy_commit, 2); 
+			beginTask(Messages.workingCopy_commit, 2);
 			SourceModule workingCopy = getSourceModule();
-			if (ExternalScriptProject.EXTERNAL_PROJECT_NAME.equals(workingCopy.getScriptProject().getElementName())) {
+			if (ExternalScriptProject.EXTERNAL_PROJECT_NAME.equals(workingCopy
+					.getScriptProject().getElementName())) {
 				// case of a working copy without a resource
 				workingCopy.getBuffer().save(this.progressMonitor, this.force);
 			ISourceModule primary = workingCopy.getPrimary();
 			boolean isPrimary = workingCopy.isPrimary();
 			ModelElementDeltaBuilder deltaBuilder = null;
-			ProjectFragment root = (ProjectFragment) workingCopy.getAncestor(IModelElement.PROJECT_FRAGMENT);
+			IProjectFragment root = (IProjectFragment) workingCopy
+					.getAncestor(IModelElement.PROJECT_FRAGMENT);
 			boolean isIncluded = !Util.isExcluded(workingCopy);
-			IFile resource = (IFile)workingCopy.getResource();
-			if (isPrimary || (root.validateOnBuildpath().isOK() && 
-				isIncluded && resource.isAccessible() &&  
-				Util.isValidSourceModule(workingCopy, workingCopy.getResource()))) {
+			IFile resource = (IFile) workingCopy.getResource();
+			if (isPrimary
+					|| (root instanceof ProjectFragment
+							&& ((ProjectFragment) root).validateOnBuildpath()
+									.isOK() && isIncluded
+							&& resource.isAccessible() && Util
+							.isValidSourceModule(workingCopy, workingCopy
+									.getResource()))) {
 				// force opening so that the delta builder can get the old info
 				if (!isPrimary && !primary.isOpen()) {
-				// creates the delta builder (this remembers the content of the cu) if:
+				// creates the delta builder (this remembers the content of the
+				// cu) if:
 				// - it is not excluded
 				// - and it is not a primary or it is a non-consistent primary
 				if (isIncluded && (!isPrimary || !workingCopy.isConsistent())) {
@@ -105,55 +112,63 @@
 				// save the cu
 				IBuffer primaryBuffer = primary.getBuffer();
 				if (!isPrimary) {
-					if (primaryBuffer == null) return;
+					if (primaryBuffer == null)
+						return;
 					char[] primaryContents = primaryBuffer.getCharacters();
 					boolean hasSaved = false;
 					try {
 						IBuffer workingCopyBuffer = workingCopy.getBuffer();
-						if (workingCopyBuffer == null) return;
-						primaryBuffer.setContents(workingCopyBuffer.getCharacters());
+						if (workingCopyBuffer == null)
+							return;
+						primaryBuffer.setContents(workingCopyBuffer
+								.getCharacters());
 						primaryBuffer.save(this.progressMonitor, this.force);
 						hasSaved = true;
 					} finally {
-						if (!hasSaved){
-							// restore original buffer contents since something went wrong
+						if (!hasSaved) {
+							// restore original buffer contents since something
+							// went wrong
 				} else {
-					// for a primary working copy no need to set the content of the buffer again
+					// for a primary working copy no need to set the content of
+					// the buffer again
 					primaryBuffer.save(this.progressMonitor, this.force);
 			} else {
-				// working copy on cu outside buildpath OR resource doesn't exist yet
+				// working copy on cu outside buildpath OR resource doesn't
+				// exist yet
 				String encoding = null;
 				try {
 					encoding = resource.getCharset();
-				}
-				catch (CoreException ce) {
+				} catch (CoreException ce) {
 					// use no encoding
 				String contents = workingCopy.getSource();
-				if (contents == null) return;
+				if (contents == null)
+					return;
 				try {
-					byte[] bytes = encoding == null 
-						? contents.getBytes() 
-						: contents.getBytes(encoding);
-					ByteArrayInputStream stream = new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes);
+					byte[] bytes = encoding == null ? contents.getBytes()
+							: contents.getBytes(encoding);
+					ByteArrayInputStream stream = new ByteArrayInputStream(
+							bytes);
 					if (resource.exists()) {
-						resource.setContents(
-							stream, 
-							this.force ? IResource.FORCE | IResource.KEEP_HISTORY : IResource.KEEP_HISTORY, 
-							null);
+						resource.setContents(stream,
+								this.force ? IResource.FORCE
+										| IResource.KEEP_HISTORY
+										: IResource.KEEP_HISTORY, null);
 					} else {
-						resource.create(stream, this.force, this.progressMonitor);
+						resource.create(stream, this.force,
+								this.progressMonitor);
 				} catch (CoreException e) {
 					throw new ModelException(e);
 				} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
-					throw new ModelException(e, IModelStatusConstants.IO_EXCEPTION);
+					throw new ModelException(e,
+							IModelStatusConstants.IO_EXCEPTION);
@@ -187,9 +202,11 @@
 	protected SourceModule getSourceModule() {
 		return (SourceModule) getElementToProcess();
 	protected ISchedulingRule getSchedulingRule() {
 		IResource resource = getElementToProcess().getResource();
-		if (resource == null) return null;
+		if (resource == null)
+			return null;
 		IWorkspace workspace = resource.getWorkspace();
 		if (resource.exists()) {
 			return workspace.getRuleFactory().modifyRule(resource);
@@ -205,15 +222,16 @@
 	 * operation is not a working copy
 	 * <li>ELEMENT_NOT_PRESENT - the compilation unit the working copy is based
 	 * on no longer exists.
-	 * <li>UPDATE_CONFLICT - the original compilation unit has changed since
-	 * the working copy was created and the operation specifies no force
+	 * <li>UPDATE_CONFLICT - the original compilation unit has changed since the
+	 * working copy was created and the operation specifies no force
 	 * <li>READ_ONLY - the original compilation unit is in read-only mode
 	 * </ul>
 	public IModelStatus verify() {
 		SourceModule cu = getSourceModule();
 		if (!cu.isWorkingCopy()) {
-			return new ModelStatus(IModelStatusConstants.INVALID_ELEMENT_TYPES, cu);
+			return new ModelStatus(IModelStatusConstants.INVALID_ELEMENT_TYPES,
+					cu);
 		if (cu.hasResourceChanged() && !this.force) {
 			return new ModelStatus(IModelStatusConstants.UPDATE_CONFLICT);
diff --git a/core/plugins/org.eclipse.dltk.core/model/org/eclipse/dltk/internal/core/CopyResourceElementsOperation.java b/core/plugins/org.eclipse.dltk.core/model/org/eclipse/dltk/internal/core/CopyResourceElementsOperation.java
index ba0033f..bd19933 100644
--- a/core/plugins/org.eclipse.dltk.core/model/org/eclipse/dltk/internal/core/CopyResourceElementsOperation.java
+++ b/core/plugins/org.eclipse.dltk.core/model/org/eclipse/dltk/internal/core/CopyResourceElementsOperation.java
@@ -157,14 +157,12 @@
 	 * fragments, false otherwise
 	private boolean createNeededScriptFolders(IContainer sourceFolder,
-			ProjectFragment root, IPath newFragName, boolean moveFolder)
+			IProjectFragment root, IPath newFragName, boolean moveFolder)
 			throws ModelException {
 		boolean containsReadOnlyScriptFolder = false;
 		IContainer parentFolder = (IContainer) root.getResource();
 		ModelElementDelta projectDelta = null;
 		IPath sideEffectPackageName = new Path(""); //$NON-NLS-1$
-		char[][] inclusionPatterns = root.fullInclusionPatternChars();
-		char[][] exclusionPatterns = root.fullExclusionPatternChars();
 		for (int i = 0; i < newFragName.segmentCount(); i++) {
 			String subFolderName = newFragName.segment(i);
 			sideEffectPackageName = sideEffectPackageName.append(subFolderName);
@@ -185,8 +183,7 @@
 				if (i < newFragName.segmentCount() - 1 // all but the last one
 						// are side effect
 						// packages
-						&& !Util.isExcluded(parentFolder, inclusionPatterns,
-								exclusionPatterns)) {
+						&& !Util.isExcluded(parentFolder, root)) {
 					if (projectDelta == null) {
 						projectDelta = getDeltaFor(root.getScriptProject());
@@ -227,11 +224,11 @@
 	 * this source element and its destination. If the operation is a cross
 	 * project operation
 	 * <ul>
-	 * <li>On a copy, the delta should be rooted in the dest project <li>On a
-	 * move, two deltas are generated
+	 * <li>On a copy, the delta should be rooted in the dest project
+	 * <li>On a move, two deltas are generated
 	 * <ul>
-	 * <li>one rooted in the source project <li>one rooted in the destination
-	 * project
+	 * <li>one rooted in the source project
+	 * <li>one rooted in the destination project
 	 * </ul>
 	 * </ul>
 	 * If the operation is rooted in a single project, the delta is rooted in
@@ -264,7 +261,7 @@
 	 *                if the operation is unable to complete
 	private void processSourceModuleResource(ISourceModule source,
-			ScriptFolder dest) throws ModelException {
+			IScriptFolder dest) throws ModelException {
 		String newCUName = getNewNameFor(source);
 		String destName = (newCUName != null) ? newCUName : source
@@ -288,7 +285,7 @@
 		// or an
 		// IProject
 		IFile destFile = destFolder.getFile(new Path(destName));
-		SourceModule destCU = new SourceModule(dest, destName,
+		SourceModule destCU = new SourceModule((ModelElement) dest, destName,
 		if (sourceResource == null || !destFile.equals(sourceResource)) {
 			try {
@@ -372,7 +369,7 @@
 				String oldName = /* Util.getNameWithoutScriptLikeExtension( */source
 						.getElementName();// );
 				String newName = /* Util.getNameWithoutScriptLikeExtension( */newCUName;// )
-																						// ;
+				// ;
 				prepareDeltas(source.getType(oldName), destCU.getType(newName),
@@ -419,13 +416,13 @@
 		switch (element.getElementType()) {
 		case IModelElement.SOURCE_MODULE:
 			processSourceModuleResource((ISourceModule) element,
-					(ScriptFolder) dest);
+					(IScriptFolder) dest);
 			createdElements.add(((IScriptFolder) dest).getSourceModule(element
 		case IModelElement.SCRIPT_FOLDER:
-			processScriptFolderResource((ScriptFolder) element,
-					(ProjectFragment) dest, getNewNameFor(element));
+			processScriptFolderResource((IScriptFolder) element,
+					(IProjectFragment) dest, getNewNameFor(element));
 			throw new ModelException(new ModelStatus(
@@ -457,12 +454,14 @@
 	 * @exception ScriptModelException
 	 *                if the operation is unable to complete
-	private void processScriptFolderResource(ScriptFolder source,
-			ProjectFragment root, String newName) throws ModelException {
+	private void processScriptFolderResource(IScriptFolder source,
+			IProjectFragment root, String newName) throws ModelException {
 		try {
 			// String[] newFragName = (newName == null) ? source.path.segments()
 			// : Util.getTrimmedSimpleNames(newName);
-			IPath newFragName = (newName == null) ? source.path : new Path(
+			IPath source_path = source.getPath().removeFirstSegments(
+					source.getParent().getPath().segmentCount());
+			IPath newFragName = (newName == null) ? source_path : new Path(
 			IScriptFolder newFrag = root.getScriptFolder(newFragName);
 			IResource[] resources = collectResourcesOfInterest(source);
@@ -580,11 +579,10 @@
 			// Update package statement in compilation unit if needed
 			if (!Util.equalArraysOrNull(new Object[] { newFragName },
-					new Object[] { source.path })) { // if package has been
+					new Object[] { source_path })) { // if package has been
 				// renamed, update the
 				// compilation units
-				char[][] inclusionPatterns = root.fullInclusionPatternChars();
-				char[][] exclusionPatterns = root.fullExclusionPatternChars();
 				for (int i = 0; i < resources.length; i++) {
 					String resourceName = resources[i].getName();
 					IDLTKLanguageToolkit toolkit = DLTKLanguageManager
@@ -596,10 +594,10 @@
 						// we only consider potential compilation units
 						ISourceModule cu = newFrag
-						if (Util.isExcluded(cu.getPath(), inclusionPatterns,
-								exclusionPatterns, false/*
-														 * not a folder
-														 */))
+						if (Util.isExcluded(cu.getPath(), root, false/*
+																	 * not a
+																	 * folder
+																	 */))
 						if (DLTKCore.DEBUG) {
@@ -712,7 +710,8 @@
 	 * Possible failures:
 	 * <ul>
-	 * <li>NO_ELEMENTS_TO_PROCESS - no elements supplied to the operation <li>
+	 * <li>NO_ELEMENTS_TO_PROCESS - no elements supplied to the operation
+	 * <li>
 	 * INDEX_OUT_OF_BOUNDS - the number of renamings supplied to the operation
 	 * does not match the number of elements that were supplied.
 	 * </ul>
diff --git a/core/plugins/org.eclipse.dltk.core/model/org/eclipse/dltk/internal/core/CreateScriptFolderOperation.java b/core/plugins/org.eclipse.dltk.core/model/org/eclipse/dltk/internal/core/CreateScriptFolderOperation.java
index 41257f2..9b1c807 100644
--- a/core/plugins/org.eclipse.dltk.core/model/org/eclipse/dltk/internal/core/CreateScriptFolderOperation.java
+++ b/core/plugins/org.eclipse.dltk.core/model/org/eclipse/dltk/internal/core/CreateScriptFolderOperation.java
@@ -76,13 +76,11 @@
 	protected void executeOperation() throws ModelException {
 		ModelElementDelta delta = null;
-		ProjectFragment root = (ProjectFragment) getParentElement();
+		IProjectFragment root = (IProjectFragment) getParentElement();
 		beginTask(Messages.operation_createScriptFolderProgress, this.pkgName.segmentCount());
 		IContainer parentFolder = (IContainer) root.getResource();
 		IPath sideEffectPackageName = Path.EMPTY;
 		ArrayList results = new ArrayList(this.pkgName.segmentCount());
-		char[][] inclusionPatterns = root.fullInclusionPatternChars();
-		char[][] exclusionPatterns = root.fullExclusionPatternChars();
 		int i;
 		for (i = 0; i < this.pkgName.segmentCount(); i++) {
 			String subFolderName = this.pkgName.segment(i);
@@ -92,7 +90,7 @@
 				createFolder(parentFolder, subFolderName, force);
 				parentFolder = parentFolder.getFolder(new Path(subFolderName));
 				IScriptFolder addedFrag = root.getScriptFolder(sideEffectPackageName);
-				if (!Util.isExcluded(parentFolder, inclusionPatterns, exclusionPatterns)) {
+				if (!Util.isExcluded(parentFolder, root)) {
 					if (delta == null) {
 						delta = newModelElementDelta();
diff --git a/core/plugins/org.eclipse.dltk.core/model/org/eclipse/dltk/internal/core/DeltaProcessor.java b/core/plugins/org.eclipse.dltk.core/model/org/eclipse/dltk/internal/core/DeltaProcessor.java
index e21d1f1..3f0ca68 100644
--- a/core/plugins/org.eclipse.dltk.core/model/org/eclipse/dltk/internal/core/DeltaProcessor.java
+++ b/core/plugins/org.eclipse.dltk.core/model/org/eclipse/dltk/internal/core/DeltaProcessor.java
@@ -734,7 +734,7 @@
 		case IModelElement.SCRIPT_FOLDER:
 			if (rootInfo != null) {
 				if (rootInfo.project.contains(resource)) {
-					ProjectFragment root = (ProjectFragment) rootInfo
+					IProjectFragment root = (IProjectFragment) rootInfo
 					// create package handle
 					IPath pkgPath = path.removeFirstSegments(rootInfo.rootPath
@@ -774,7 +774,7 @@
 				IScriptFolder pkgFragment = null;
 				switch (this.currentElement.getElementType()) {
 				case IModelElement.PROJECT_FRAGMENT:
-					ProjectFragment root = (ProjectFragment) this.currentElement;
+					IProjectFragment root = (IProjectFragment) this.currentElement;
 					IPath rootPath = root.getPath();
 					IPath pkgPath = path.removeLastSegments(1);
 					IPath pkgName = pkgPath.removeFirstSegments(rootPath
@@ -1002,31 +1002,31 @@
 					status = (String) externalArchivesStatus.get(entryPath);
 					if (status != null) {
 						if (status == EXTERNAL_ZIP_ADDED) {
-							ProjectFragment root = (ProjectFragment) scriptProject
+							IProjectFragment root = (IProjectFragment) scriptProject
 							if (VERBOSE) {
 										.println("- External ZIP ADDED, affecting root: " + root.getElementName()); //$NON-NLS-1$
-							this.elementAdded(root, null, null);
+							this.elementAdded((Openable) root, null, null);
 							hasDelta = true;
 						} else if (status == EXTERNAL_ZIP_CHANGED) {
-							ProjectFragment root = (ProjectFragment) scriptProject
+							IProjectFragment root = (IProjectFragment) scriptProject
 							if (VERBOSE) {
 										.println("- External ZIP CHANGED, affecting root: " + root.getElementName()); //$NON-NLS-1$
-							this.contentChanged(root);
+							this.contentChanged((Openable) root);
 							hasDelta = true;
 						} else if (status == EXTERNAL_ZIP_REMOVED) {
-							ProjectFragment root = (ProjectFragment) scriptProject
+							IProjectFragment root = (IProjectFragment) scriptProject
 							if (VERBOSE) {
 										.println("- External ZIP REMOVED, affecting root: " + root.getElementName()); //$NON-NLS-1$
-							this.elementRemoved(root, null, null);
+							this.elementRemoved((Openable) root, null, null);
 							this.state.addBuildpathValidation(scriptProject); // see
 							// https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=
@@ -1712,11 +1712,11 @@
 				((ProjectElementInfo) info).setForeignResources(null);
 				// if a package fragment root is the project, clear it too
 				ScriptProject project = (ScriptProject) element;
-				ProjectFragment projectRoot = (ProjectFragment) project
+				IProjectFragment projectRoot = (IProjectFragment) project
 				if (projectRoot.isOpen()) {
-					((ProjectFragmentInfo) projectRoot.getElementInfo())
-							.setForeignResources(null);
+					((ProjectFragmentInfo) ((Openable) projectRoot)
+							.getElementInfo()).setForeignResources(null);
 			case IModelElement.SCRIPT_FOLDER:
@@ -2774,7 +2774,7 @@
 		case IModelElement.PROJECT_FRAGMENT:
 			if (element instanceof ArchiveProjectFragment
 					|| element instanceof ExternalProjectFragment) {
-				ProjectFragment root = (ProjectFragment) element;
+				IProjectFragment root = (IProjectFragment) element;
 				// index External or zip fragment only once (if the root is
 				// in its declaring
 				// project)
@@ -2783,7 +2783,13 @@
 				char[][] fullInclusionPatternChars = null;
 				char[][] fullExclusionPatternChars = null;
 				try {
-					buildpathEntry = (BuildpathEntry) root.getBuildpathEntry();
+					if (root instanceof ProjectFragment) {
+						buildpathEntry = (BuildpathEntry) ((ProjectFragment) root)
+								.getBuildpathEntry();
+					} else {
+						buildpathEntry = (BuildpathEntry) root
+								.getRawBuildpathEntry();
+					}
 					fullInclusionPatternChars = buildpathEntry
 					fullExclusionPatternChars = buildpathEntry
@@ -2817,7 +2823,7 @@
 			int kind = delta.getKind();
 			if (kind == IResourceDelta.ADDED || kind == IResourceDelta.REMOVED) {
-				ProjectFragment root = (ProjectFragment) element;
+				IProjectFragment root = (IProjectFragment) element;
 				this.updateRootIndex(root, Path.EMPTY, delta);
@@ -2829,7 +2835,7 @@
 			case IResourceDelta.REMOVED:
 				IScriptFolder pkg = null;
 				if (element instanceof IProjectFragment) {
-					ProjectFragment root = (ProjectFragment) element;
+					IProjectFragment root = (IProjectFragment) element;
 					pkg = root.getScriptFolder(Path.EMPTY);
 				} else {
 					pkg = (IScriptFolder) element;
@@ -2965,7 +2971,7 @@
 	 * Updates the index of the given root (assuming it's an addition or a
 	 * removal). This is done recusively, pkg being the current package.
-	private void updateRootIndex(ProjectFragment root, IPath pkgPath,
+	private void updateRootIndex(IProjectFragment root, IPath pkgPath,
 			IResourceDelta delta) {
 		Openable pkg = (Openable) root.getScriptFolder(pkgPath);
 		this.updateIndex(pkg, delta);
diff --git a/core/plugins/org.eclipse.dltk.core/model/org/eclipse/dltk/internal/core/ElementCache.java b/core/plugins/org.eclipse.dltk.core/model/org/eclipse/dltk/internal/core/ElementCache.java
index f5ef756..73f222c 100644
--- a/core/plugins/org.eclipse.dltk.core/model/org/eclipse/dltk/internal/core/ElementCache.java
+++ b/core/plugins/org.eclipse.dltk.core/model/org/eclipse/dltk/internal/core/ElementCache.java
@@ -12,6 +12,8 @@
 import org.eclipse.core.runtime.ListenerList;
 import org.eclipse.dltk.core.IElementCacheListener;
 import org.eclipse.dltk.core.IModelElement;
+import org.eclipse.dltk.core.IProjectFragment;
+import org.eclipse.dltk.core.IScriptFolder;
 import org.eclipse.dltk.core.ModelException;
 import org.eclipse.dltk.internal.core.util.LRUCache;
@@ -54,8 +56,8 @@
 				// We must close an entire external folder of zip.
 				if (element instanceof ArchiveFolder
 						|| element instanceof ExternalScriptFolder) {
-					ScriptFolder archiveFolder = (ScriptFolder) element;
-					ProjectFragment root = (ProjectFragment) archiveFolder
+					IScriptFolder archiveFolder = (IScriptFolder) element;
+					IProjectFragment root = (IProjectFragment) archiveFolder
 				} else {
diff --git a/core/plugins/org.eclipse.dltk.core/model/org/eclipse/dltk/internal/core/ModelManager.java b/core/plugins/org.eclipse.dltk.core/model/org/eclipse/dltk/internal/core/ModelManager.java
index 1abc0ad..ab1a345 100644
--- a/core/plugins/org.eclipse.dltk.core/model/org/eclipse/dltk/internal/core/ModelManager.java
+++ b/core/plugins/org.eclipse.dltk.core/model/org/eclipse/dltk/internal/core/ModelManager.java
@@ -737,7 +737,7 @@
 						 * given we have a resource child of the root, it cannot
 						 * be a ZIP fragment
-						ProjectFragment root = (ProjectFragment) ((ScriptProject) project)
+						IProjectFragment root = (IProjectFragment) ((ScriptProject) project)
 						if (root == null)
 							return null;
@@ -876,7 +876,7 @@
 					if (validSrcModule) {
 						ISourceModule workingCopy = new SourceModule(
-								(ScriptFolder) primaryWorkingCopy.getParent(),
+								(ModelElement) primaryWorkingCopy.getParent(),
 								primaryWorkingCopy.getElementName(), owner);
 						if (!workingCopyToInfos.containsKey(workingCopy))
 							result[index++] = primaryWorkingCopy;
diff --git a/core/plugins/org.eclipse.dltk.core/model/org/eclipse/dltk/internal/core/NameLookup.java b/core/plugins/org.eclipse.dltk.core/model/org/eclipse/dltk/internal/core/NameLookup.java
index c111b53..3ad3855 100644
--- a/core/plugins/org.eclipse.dltk.core/model/org/eclipse/dltk/internal/core/NameLookup.java
+++ b/core/plugins/org.eclipse.dltk.core/model/org/eclipse/dltk/internal/core/NameLookup.java
@@ -37,109 +37,115 @@
 import org.eclipse.dltk.internal.core.util.Messages;
 import org.eclipse.dltk.internal.core.util.Util;
  * A <code>NameLookup</code> provides name resolution within a Script project.
- * The name lookup facility uses the project's classpath to prioritize the 
- * order in which package fragments are searched when resolving a name.
- *
- * <p>Name lookup only returns a handle when the named element actually
- * exists in the model; otherwise <code>null</code> is returned.
- *
- * <p>There are two logical sets of methods within this interface.  Methods
- * which start with <code>find*</code> are intended to be convenience methods for quickly
- * finding an element within another element; for instance, for finding a class within a
- * package.  The other set of methods all begin with <code>seek*</code>.  These methods
- * do comprehensive searches of the <code>IScriptProject</code> returning hits
- * in real time through an <code>IModelElementRequestor</code>.
- *
+ * The name lookup facility uses the project's classpath to prioritize the order
+ * in which package fragments are searched when resolving a name.
+ * 
+ * <p>
+ * Name lookup only returns a handle when the named element actually exists in
+ * the model; otherwise <code>null</code> is returned.
+ * 
+ * <p>
+ * There are two logical sets of methods within this interface. Methods which
+ * start with <code>find*</code> are intended to be convenience methods for
+ * quickly finding an element within another element; for instance, for finding
+ * a class within a package. The other set of methods all begin with
+ * <code>seek*</code>. These methods do comprehensive searches of the
+ * <code>IScriptProject</code> returning hits in real time through an
+ * <code>IModelElementRequestor</code>.
+ * 
 public class NameLookup {
 	public static class Answer {
 		public IType type;
 		AccessRestriction restriction;
 		Answer(IType type, AccessRestriction restriction) {
 			this.type = type;
 			this.restriction = restriction;
 		public boolean ignoreIfBetter() {
-			return this.restriction != null && this.restriction.ignoreIfBetter();
+			return this.restriction != null
+					&& this.restriction.ignoreIfBetter();
 		 * Returns whether this answer is better than the other awswer.
 		 * (accessible is better than discouraged, which is better than
 		 * non-accessible)
 		public boolean isBetter(Answer otherAnswer) {
-			if (otherAnswer == null) return true;
-			if (this.restriction == null) return true;
-			return otherAnswer.restriction != null 
-				&& this.restriction.getProblemId() < otherAnswer.restriction.getProblemId();
+			if (otherAnswer == null)
+				return true;
+			if (this.restriction == null)
+				return true;
+			return otherAnswer.restriction != null
+					&& this.restriction.getProblemId() < otherAnswer.restriction
+							.getProblemId();
 	 * Accept flag for all kinds of types
 	private static final IType[] NO_TYPES = {};
 	public static final int ACCEPT_ALL = 0;
-	 * The <code>IScriptFolderRoot</code>'s associated
-	 * with the buildpath of this NameLookup facility's
-	 * project.
+	 * The <code>IScriptFolderRoot</code>'s associated with the buildpath of
+	 * this NameLookup facility's project.
 	protected IProjectFragment[] projectFragments;
-	 * Table that maps package names to lists of package fragment roots
-	 * that contain such a package known by this name lookup facility. 
-	 * To allow > 1 package fragment with the same name, values are 
-	 * arrays of package fragment roots ordered as they appear on the 
-	 * buildpath.
-	 * Note if the list is of size 1, then the IScriptFolderRoot object
-	 * replaces the array.
+	 * Table that maps package names to lists of package fragment roots that
+	 * contain such a package known by this name lookup facility. To allow > 1
+	 * package fragment with the same name, values are arrays of package
+	 * fragment roots ordered as they appear on the buildpath. Note if the list
+	 * is of size 1, then the IScriptFolderRoot object replaces the array.
 	protected HashtableOfArrayToObject scriptFolders;
-	 * A set of names (String[]) that are known to be package names.
-	 * Value is not null for known package.
+	 * A set of names (String[]) that are known to be package names. Value is
+	 * not null for known package.
 	protected HashtableOfArrayToObject isPackageCache;
-	 * Reverse map from root path to corresponding resolved CP entry
-	 * (so as to be able to figure inclusion/exclusion rules)
+	 * Reverse map from root path to corresponding resolved CP entry (so as to
+	 * be able to figure inclusion/exclusion rules)
 	protected Map rootToResolvedEntries;
-	 * A map from package handles to a map from type name to an IType or an IType[].
-	 * Allows working copies to take precedence over compilation units.
+	 * A map from package handles to a map from type name to an IType or an
+	 * IType[]. Allows working copies to take precedence over compilation units.
 	protected HashMap typesInWorkingCopies;
 	public long timeSpentInSeekTypesInSourcePackage = 0;
 	public long timeSpentInSeekTypesInBinaryPackage = 0;
-	public NameLookup(
-			IProjectFragment[] ProjectFragments, 
-			HashtableOfArrayToObject ScriptFolders, 
-			HashtableOfArrayToObject isPackage, 
-			ISourceModule[] workingCopies, 
+	public NameLookup(IProjectFragment[] ProjectFragments,
+			HashtableOfArrayToObject ScriptFolders,
+			HashtableOfArrayToObject isPackage, ISourceModule[] workingCopies,
 			Map rootToResolvedEntries) {
 		long start = -1;
 		if (VERBOSE) {
-			Util.verbose(" BUILDING NameLoopkup");  //$NON-NLS-1$
-			Util.verbose(" -> pkg roots size: " + (ProjectFragments == null ? 0 : ProjectFragments.length));  //$NON-NLS-1$
-			Util.verbose(" -> pkgs size: " + (ScriptFolders == null ? 0 : ScriptFolders.size()));  //$NON-NLS-1$
-			Util.verbose(" -> working copy size: " + (workingCopies == null ? 0 : workingCopies.length));  //$NON-NLS-1$
+			Util.verbose(" BUILDING NameLoopkup"); //$NON-NLS-1$
+			Util
+					.verbose(" -> pkg roots size: " + (ProjectFragments == null ? 0 : ProjectFragments.length)); //$NON-NLS-1$
+			Util
+					.verbose(" -> pkgs size: " + (ScriptFolders == null ? 0 : ScriptFolders.size())); //$NON-NLS-1$
+			Util
+					.verbose(" -> working copy size: " + (workingCopies == null ? 0 : workingCopies.length)); //$NON-NLS-1$
 			start = System.currentTimeMillis();
 		this.projectFragments = ProjectFragments;
@@ -149,15 +155,18 @@
 		} else {
 			// clone tables as we're adding packages from working copies
 			try {
-				this.scriptFolders = (HashtableOfArrayToObject) ScriptFolders.clone();
-				this.isPackageCache = (HashtableOfArrayToObject) isPackage.clone();
+				this.scriptFolders = (HashtableOfArrayToObject) ScriptFolders
+						.clone();
+				this.isPackageCache = (HashtableOfArrayToObject) isPackage
+						.clone();
 			} catch (CloneNotSupportedException e1) {
-				// ignore (implementation of HashtableOfArrayToObject supports cloning)
+				// ignore (implementation of HashtableOfArrayToObject supports
+				// cloning)
 			this.typesInWorkingCopies = new HashMap();
 			for (int i = 0, length = workingCopies.length; i < length; i++) {
 				ISourceModule workingCopy = workingCopies[i];
-				ScriptFolder pkg = (ScriptFolder) workingCopy.getParent();
+				IScriptFolder pkg = (IScriptFolder) workingCopy.getParent();
 				HashMap typeMap = (HashMap) this.typesInWorkingCopies.get(pkg);
 				if (typeMap == null) {
 					typeMap = new HashMap();
@@ -177,11 +186,17 @@
 							if (existing == null) {
 								typeMap.put(typeName, type);
 							} else if (existing instanceof IType) {
-								typeMap.put(typeName, new IType[] {(IType) existing, type});
+								typeMap.put(typeName, new IType[] {
+										(IType) existing, type });
 							} else {
 								IType[] existingTypes = (IType[]) existing;
 								int existingTypeLength = existingTypes.length;
-								System.arraycopy(existingTypes, 0, existingTypes = new IType[existingTypeLength+1], 0, existingTypeLength);
+								System
+										.arraycopy(
+												existingTypes,
+												0,
+												existingTypes = new IType[existingTypeLength + 1],
+												0, existingTypeLength);
 								existingTypes[existingTypeLength] = type;
 								typeMap.put(typeName, existingTypes);
@@ -190,20 +205,26 @@
 				} catch (ModelException e) {
 					// working copy doesn't exist -> ignore
 				// add root of package fragment to cache
 				IProjectFragment root = (IProjectFragment) pkg.getParent();
-				String[] pkgName = pkg.path.segments();
+				IPath pkgPath = pkg.getPath().removeFirstSegments(
+						root.getPath().segmentCount());
+				String[] pkgName = pkgPath.segments();
 				Object existing = this.scriptFolders.get(pkgName);
 				if (existing == null) {
 					this.scriptFolders.put(pkgName, root);
-					// cache whether each package and its including packages (see https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=119161)
+					// cache whether each package and its including packages
+					// (see
+					// https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=119161)
 					// are actual packages
 					ProjectElementInfo.addNames(pkgName, this.isPackageCache);
 				} else {
 					if (existing instanceof ProjectFragment) {
 						if (!existing.equals(root))
-							this.scriptFolders.put(pkgName, new IProjectFragment[] {(ProjectFragment) existing, root});
+							this.scriptFolders
+									.put(pkgName, new IProjectFragment[] {
+											(IProjectFragment) existing, root });
 					} else {
 						IProjectFragment[] roots = (IProjectFragment[]) existing;
 						int rootLength = roots.length;
@@ -215,7 +236,12 @@
 						if (containsRoot) {
-							System.arraycopy(roots, 0, roots = new IProjectFragment[rootLength+1], 0, rootLength);
+							System
+									.arraycopy(
+											roots,
+											0,
+											roots = new IProjectFragment[rootLength + 1],
+											0, rootLength);
 							roots[rootLength] = root;
 							this.scriptFolders.put(pkgName, roots);
@@ -223,88 +249,96 @@
 		this.rootToResolvedEntries = rootToResolvedEntries;
-        if (VERBOSE) {
-            Util.verbose(" -> spent: " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start) + "ms");  //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
-        }
+		if (VERBOSE) {
+			Util
+					.verbose(" -> spent: " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start) + "ms"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
+		}
-	 * Returns true if:<ul>
-	 *  <li>the given type is an existing class and the flag's <code>ACCEPT_CLASSES</code>
-	 *      bit is on
-	 *  <li>the given type is an existing interface and the <code>ACCEPT_INTERFACES</code>
-	 *      bit is on
-	 *  <li>neither the <code>ACCEPT_CLASSES</code> or <code>ACCEPT_INTERFACES</code>
-	 *      bit is on
-	 *  </ul>
-	 * Otherwise, false is returned. 
+	 * Returns true if:
+	 * <ul>
+	 * <li>the given type is an existing class and the flag's
+	 * <code>ACCEPT_CLASSES</code> bit is on
+	 * <li>the given type is an existing interface and the
+	 * <code>ACCEPT_INTERFACES</code> bit is on
+	 * <li>neither the <code>ACCEPT_CLASSES</code> or
+	 * <code>ACCEPT_INTERFACES</code> bit is on
+	 * </ul>
+	 * Otherwise, false is returned.
-	protected boolean acceptType(IType type, int acceptFlags, boolean isSourceType) {		
+	protected boolean acceptType(IType type, int acceptFlags,
+			boolean isSourceType) {
 		return true;
-	 * Finds every type in the project whose simple name matches
-	 * the prefix, informing the requestor of each hit. The requestor
-	 * is polled for cancellation at regular intervals.
-	 *
-	 * <p>The <code>partialMatch</code> argument indicates partial matches
-	 * should be considered.
+	 * Finds every type in the project whose simple name matches the prefix,
+	 * informing the requestor of each hit. The requestor is polled for
+	 * cancellation at regular intervals.
+	 * 
+	 * <p>
+	 * The <code>partialMatch</code> argument indicates partial matches should
+	 * be considered.
-	private void findAllTypes(String prefix, boolean partialMatch, int acceptFlags, IModelElementRequestor requestor) {
-		int count= this.projectFragments.length;
-		for (int i= 0; i < count; i++) {
+	private void findAllTypes(String prefix, boolean partialMatch,
+			int acceptFlags, IModelElementRequestor requestor) {
+		int count = this.projectFragments.length;
+		for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
 			if (requestor.isCanceled())
-			IProjectFragment root= this.projectFragments[i];
-			IModelElement[] packages= null;
+			IProjectFragment root = this.projectFragments[i];
+			IModelElement[] packages = null;
 			try {
-				packages= root.getChildren();
+				packages = root.getChildren();
 			} catch (ModelException npe) {
 				continue; // the root is not present, continue;
 			if (packages != null) {
-				for (int j= 0, packageCount= packages.length; j < packageCount; j++) {
+				for (int j = 0, packageCount = packages.length; j < packageCount; j++) {
 					if (requestor.isCanceled())
-					seekTypes(prefix, (IScriptFolder) packages[j], partialMatch, acceptFlags, requestor);
+					seekTypes(prefix, (IScriptFolder) packages[j],
+							partialMatch, acceptFlags, requestor);
-	 * Returns the <code>ISourceModule</code> which defines the type
-	 * named <code>qualifiedTypeName</code>, or <code>null</code> if
-	 * none exists. The domain of the search is bounded by the classpath
-	 * of the <code>IScriptProject</code> this <code>NameLookup</code> was
-	 * obtained from.
+	 * Returns the <code>ISourceModule</code> which defines the type named
+	 * <code>qualifiedTypeName</code>, or <code>null</code> if none exists. The
+	 * domain of the search is bounded by the classpath of the
+	 * <code>IScriptProject</code> this <code>NameLookup</code> was obtained
+	 * from.
 	 * <p>
-	 * The name must be fully qualified (eg "java.lang.Object", "java.util.Hashtable$Entry")
+	 * The name must be fully qualified (eg "java.lang.Object",
+	 * "java.util.Hashtable$Entry")
 	public ISourceModule findSourceModule(String qualifiedTypeName) {
 		String[] pkgName = CharOperation.NO_STRINGS;
 		String cuName = qualifiedTypeName;
-		int index= qualifiedTypeName.lastIndexOf('.');
+		int index = qualifiedTypeName.lastIndexOf('.');
 		if (index != -1) {
-			pkgName= Util.splitOn('.', qualifiedTypeName, 0, index);
-			cuName= qualifiedTypeName.substring(index + 1);
+			pkgName = Util.splitOn('.', qualifiedTypeName, 0, index);
+			cuName = qualifiedTypeName.substring(index + 1);
-		index= cuName.indexOf('$');
+		index = cuName.indexOf('$');
 		if (index != -1) {
-			cuName= cuName.substring(0, index);
+			cuName = cuName.substring(0, index);
 		Object value = this.scriptFolders.get(pkgName);
 		if (value != null) {
 			if (value instanceof ProjectFragment) {
-				return findSourceModule(pkgName, cuName, (ProjectFragment) value);
+				return findSourceModule(pkgName, cuName,
+						(IProjectFragment) value);
 			} else {
 				IProjectFragment[] roots = (IProjectFragment[]) value;
-				for (int i= 0; i < roots.length; i++) {
-					ProjectFragment root= (ProjectFragment) roots[i];
+				for (int i = 0; i < roots.length; i++) {
+					IProjectFragment root = (IProjectFragment) roots[i];
 					ISourceModule cu = findSourceModule(pkgName, cuName, root);
 					if (cu != null)
 						return cu;
@@ -313,16 +347,17 @@
 		return null;
 	private IPath toPath(String pkgName[]) {
 		IPath path = new Path(""); //$NON-NLS-1$
-		for( int i = 0; i < pkgName.length;++i ) {
+		for (int i = 0; i < pkgName.length; ++i) {
 			path = path.append(pkgName[i]);
 		return path;
-	private ISourceModule findSourceModule(String[] pkgName, String cuName, ProjectFragment root) {
+	private ISourceModule findSourceModule(String[] pkgName, String cuName,
+			IProjectFragment root) {
 		if (!root.isArchive()) {
 			IScriptFolder pkg = root.getScriptFolder(toPath(pkgName));
 			try {
@@ -338,32 +373,33 @@
 		return null;
+	}
 	private static boolean equals(String s1, String s2) {
 		return s1 == null ? s2 == null : s1.equals(s2);
-	 * Returns the package fragment whose path matches the given
-	 * (absolute) path, or <code>null</code> if none exist. The domain of
-	 * the search is bounded by the buildpath of the <code>IScriptProject</code>
-	 * this <code>NameLookup</code> was obtained from.
-	 * The path can be:
-	 * 	- internal to the workbench: "/Project/src"
-	 *  - external to the workbench: "c:/jdk/classes.zip/java/lang"
+	 * Returns the package fragment whose path matches the given (absolute)
+	 * path, or <code>null</code> if none exist. The domain of the search is
+	 * bounded by the buildpath of the <code>IScriptProject</code> this
+	 * <code>NameLookup</code> was obtained from. The path can be: - internal to
+	 * the workbench: "/Project/src" - external to the workbench:
+	 * "c:/jdk/classes.zip/java/lang"
 	public IScriptFolder findScriptFolder(IPath path) {
 		if (!path.isAbsolute()) {
-			throw new IllegalArgumentException(Messages.path_mustBeAbsolute); 
+			throw new IllegalArgumentException(Messages.path_mustBeAbsolute);
- * TODO (jerome) this code should rather use the package fragment map to find the candidate package, then
- * check if the respective enclosing root maps to the one on this given IPath.
- */		
-		IResource possibleFragment = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().findMember(path);
+		/*
+		 * TODO (jerome) this code should rather use the package fragment map to
+		 * find the candidate package, then check if the respective enclosing
+		 * root maps to the one on this given IPath.
+		 */
+		IResource possibleFragment = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot()
+				.findMember(path);
 		if (possibleFragment == null) {
-			//external jar
+			// external jar
 			for (int i = 0; i < this.projectFragments.length; i++) {
 				IProjectFragment root = this.projectFragments[i];
 				if (!root.isExternal() || root.isBuiltin()) {
@@ -397,51 +433,56 @@
 				return null;
 			switch (fromFactory.getElementType()) {
-				case IModelElement.SCRIPT_FOLDER:
-					return (IScriptFolder) fromFactory;
-				case IModelElement.SCRIPT_PROJECT:
-					// default package in a default root
-					ScriptProject project = (ScriptProject) fromFactory;
-					try {
-						IBuildpathEntry entry = project.getBuildpathEntryFor(path);
-						if (entry != null) {
-							IProjectFragment root =
-								project.getProjectFragment(project.getResource());
-							Object defaultPkgRoot = this.scriptFolders.get(CharOperation.NO_STRINGS);
-							if (defaultPkgRoot == null) {
-								return null;
-							}
-							if (defaultPkgRoot instanceof ProjectFragment && defaultPkgRoot.equals(root))
-								return  ((ProjectFragment) root).getScriptFolder(Path.EMPTY);
-							else {
-								IProjectFragment[] roots = (IProjectFragment[]) defaultPkgRoot;
-								for (int i = 0; i < roots.length; i++) {
-									if (roots[i].equals(root)) {
-										return  ((ProjectFragment) root).getScriptFolder(Path.EMPTY);
-									}
+			case IModelElement.SCRIPT_FOLDER:
+				return (IScriptFolder) fromFactory;
+			case IModelElement.SCRIPT_PROJECT:
+				// default package in a default root
+				ScriptProject project = (ScriptProject) fromFactory;
+				try {
+					IBuildpathEntry entry = project.getBuildpathEntryFor(path);
+					if (entry != null) {
+						IProjectFragment root = project
+								.getProjectFragment(project.getResource());
+						Object defaultPkgRoot = this.scriptFolders
+								.get(CharOperation.NO_STRINGS);
+						if (defaultPkgRoot == null) {
+							return null;
+						}
+						if (defaultPkgRoot instanceof ProjectFragment
+								&& defaultPkgRoot.equals(root))
+							return ((IProjectFragment) root)
+									.getScriptFolder(Path.EMPTY);
+						else {
+							IProjectFragment[] roots = (IProjectFragment[]) defaultPkgRoot;
+							for (int i = 0; i < roots.length; i++) {
+								if (roots[i].equals(root)) {
+									return ((IProjectFragment) root)
+											.getScriptFolder(Path.EMPTY);
-					} catch (ModelException e) {
-						return null;
+				} catch (ModelException e) {
 					return null;
-				case IModelElement.PROJECT_FRAGMENT:
-					return ((ProjectFragment)fromFactory).getScriptFolder(Path.EMPTY);
+				}
+				return null;
+			case IModelElement.PROJECT_FRAGMENT:
+				return ((IProjectFragment) fromFactory)
+						.getScriptFolder(Path.EMPTY);
 		return null;
-	 * Returns the package fragments whose name matches the given
-	 * (qualified) name, or <code>null</code> if none exist.
-	 *
-	 * The name can be:
-	 *	- empty: ""
-	 *	- qualified: "pack.pack1.pack2"
-	 * @param partialMatch partial name matches qualify when <code>true</code>,
-	 *	only exact name matches qualify when <code>false</code>
+	 * Returns the package fragments whose name matches the given (qualified)
+	 * name, or <code>null</code> if none exist.
+	 * 
+	 * The name can be: - empty: "" - qualified: "pack.pack1.pack2"
+	 * 
+	 * @param partialMatch
+	 *            partial name matches qualify when <code>true</code>, only
+	 *            exact name matches qualify when <code>false</code>
 	public IScriptFolder[] findScriptFolders(String name, boolean partialMatch) {
 		if (partialMatch) {
@@ -451,12 +492,14 @@
 			Object[][] keys = this.scriptFolders.keyTable;
 			for (int i = 0, length = keys.length; i < length; i++) {
 				String[] pkgName = (String[]) keys[i];
-				if (pkgName != null && Util.startsWithIgnoreCase(pkgName, splittedName)) {
+				if (pkgName != null
+						&& Util.startsWithIgnoreCase(pkgName, splittedName)) {
 					Object value = this.scriptFolders.valueTable[i];
 					if (value instanceof ProjectFragment) {
-						IScriptFolder pkg = ((ProjectFragment) value).getScriptFolder(toPath(pkgName));
+						IScriptFolder pkg = ((IProjectFragment) value)
+								.getScriptFolder(toPath(pkgName));
 						if (oneFragment == null) {
-							oneFragment = new IScriptFolder[] {pkg};
+							oneFragment = new IScriptFolder[] { pkg };
 						} else {
 							if (pkgs == null) {
 								pkgs = new ArrayList();
@@ -467,10 +510,11 @@
 					} else {
 						IProjectFragment[] roots = (IProjectFragment[]) value;
 						for (int j = 0, length2 = roots.length; j < length2; j++) {
-							ProjectFragment root = (ProjectFragment) roots[j];
-							IScriptFolder pkg = root.getScriptFolder(toPath(pkgName));
+							IProjectFragment root = (IProjectFragment) roots[j];
+							IScriptFolder pkg = root
+									.getScriptFolder(toPath(pkgName));
 							if (oneFragment == null) {
-								oneFragment = new IScriptFolder[] {pkg};
+								oneFragment = new IScriptFolder[] { pkg };
 							} else {
 								if (pkgs == null) {
 									pkgs = new ArrayList();
@@ -482,7 +526,8 @@
-			if (pkgs == null) return oneFragment;
+			if (pkgs == null)
+				return oneFragment;
 			int resultLength = pkgs.size();
 			IScriptFolder[] result = new IScriptFolder[resultLength];
@@ -493,12 +538,14 @@
 			if (value == null)
 				return null;
 			if (value instanceof ProjectFragment) {
-				return new IScriptFolder[] {((ProjectFragment) value).getScriptFolder(toPath(splittedName))};
+				return new IScriptFolder[] { ((IProjectFragment) value)
+						.getScriptFolder(toPath(splittedName)) };
 			} else {
 				IProjectFragment[] roots = (IProjectFragment[]) value;
 				IScriptFolder[] result = new IScriptFolder[roots.length];
-				for (int i= 0; i < roots.length; i++) {
-					result[i] = ((ProjectFragment) roots[i]).getScriptFolder(toPath(splittedName));
+				for (int i = 0; i < roots.length; i++) {
+					result[i] = ((IProjectFragment) roots[i])
+							.getScriptFolder(toPath(splittedName));
 				return result;
@@ -506,57 +553,56 @@
-	 * Find type considering secondary types but without waiting for indexes.
-	 * It means that secondary types may be not found under certain circumstances...
+	 * Find type considering secondary types but without waiting for indexes. It
+	 * means that secondary types may be not found under certain
+	 * circumstances...
+	 * 
 	 * @see "https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=118789"
-	public Answer findType(String typeName, String packageName, boolean partialMatch, int acceptFlags, boolean checkRestrictions) {
-		return findType(typeName,
-			packageName,
-			partialMatch,
-			acceptFlags,
-			true/* consider secondary types */,
-			false/* do NOT wait for indexes */,
-			checkRestrictions,
-			null);
+	public Answer findType(String typeName, String packageName,
+			boolean partialMatch, int acceptFlags, boolean checkRestrictions) {
+		return findType(typeName, packageName, partialMatch, acceptFlags,
+				true/* consider secondary types */, false/*
+														 * do NOT wait for
+														 * indexes
+														 */, checkRestrictions,
+				null);
-	 * Find type. Considering secondary types and waiting for indexes depends on given corresponding parameters.
+	 * Find type. Considering secondary types and waiting for indexes depends on
+	 * given corresponding parameters.
-	public Answer findType(
-			String typeName, 
-			String packageName, 
-			boolean partialMatch, 
-			int acceptFlags, 
-			boolean considerSecondaryTypes, 
-			boolean waitForIndexes, 
-			boolean checkRestrictions,
-			IProgressMonitor monitor) {
+	public Answer findType(String typeName, String packageName,
+			boolean partialMatch, int acceptFlags,
+			boolean considerSecondaryTypes, boolean waitForIndexes,
+			boolean checkRestrictions, IProgressMonitor monitor) {
 		if (packageName == null || packageName.length() == 0) {
-			packageName= IScriptFolder.DEFAULT_FOLDER_NAME;
-		} else if (typeName.length() > 0 && Character.isLowerCase(typeName.charAt(0))) {
+			packageName = IScriptFolder.DEFAULT_FOLDER_NAME;
+		} else if (typeName.length() > 0
+				&& Character.isLowerCase(typeName.charAt(0))) {
 			// see if this is a known package and not a type
-			if (findScriptFolders(packageName + "." + typeName, false) != null) return null; //$NON-NLS-1$
+			if (findScriptFolders(packageName + "." + typeName, false) != null)return null; //$NON-NLS-1$
 		// Look for concerned package fragments
 		ModelElementRequestor elementRequestor = new ModelElementRequestor();
 		seekScriptFolders(packageName, false, elementRequestor);
-		IScriptFolder[] packages= elementRequestor.getScriptFolders();
+		IScriptFolder[] packages = elementRequestor.getScriptFolders();
 		// Try to find type in package fragments list
 		IType type = null;
-		int length= packages.length;
+		int length = packages.length;
 		HashSet projects = null;
 		IScriptProject scriptProject = null;
 		Answer suggestedAnswer = null;
-		for (int i= 0; i < length; i++) {
+		for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
 			type = findType(typeName, packages[i], partialMatch, acceptFlags);
 			if (type != null) {
 				AccessRestriction accessRestriction = null;
 				if (checkRestrictions) {
-					accessRestriction = getViolatedRestriction(typeName, packageName, type, accessRestriction);
+					accessRestriction = getViolatedRestriction(typeName,
+							packageName, type, accessRestriction);
 				Answer answer = new Answer(type, accessRestriction);
 				if (!answer.ignoreIfBetter()) {
@@ -565,11 +611,10 @@
 				} else if (answer.isBetter(suggestedAnswer))
 					// remember suggestion and keep looking
 					suggestedAnswer = answer;
-			}
-			else if (suggestedAnswer == null && considerSecondaryTypes) {
+			} else if (suggestedAnswer == null && considerSecondaryTypes) {
 				if (scriptProject == null) {
 					scriptProject = packages[i].getScriptProject();
-				} else if (projects == null)  {
+				} else if (projects == null) {
 					if (!scriptProject.equals(packages[i].getScriptProject())) {
 						projects = new HashSet(3);
@@ -583,74 +628,94 @@
 		if (suggestedAnswer != null)
 			// no better answer was found
 			return suggestedAnswer;
 		return type == null ? null : new Answer(type, null);
-	private AccessRestriction getViolatedRestriction(String typeName, String packageName, IType type, AccessRestriction accessRestriction) {
-		ProjectFragment root = (ProjectFragment) type.getAncestor(IModelElement.PROJECT_FRAGMENT);
-		BuildpathEntry entry = (BuildpathEntry) this.rootToResolvedEntries.get(root);
+	private AccessRestriction getViolatedRestriction(String typeName,
+			String packageName, IType type, AccessRestriction accessRestriction) {
+		IProjectFragment root = (IProjectFragment) type
+				.getAncestor(IModelElement.PROJECT_FRAGMENT);
+		BuildpathEntry entry = (BuildpathEntry) this.rootToResolvedEntries
+				.get(root);
 		if (entry != null) { // reverse map always contains resolved CP entry
 			AccessRuleSet accessRuleSet = entry.getAccessRuleSet();
 			if (accessRuleSet != null) {
-				// TODO (philippe) improve char[] <-> String conversions to avoid performing them on the fly
-				char[][] packageChars = CharOperation.splitOn('.', packageName.toCharArray());
+				// TODO (philippe) improve char[] <-> String conversions to
+				// avoid performing them on the fly
+				char[][] packageChars = CharOperation.splitOn('.', packageName
+						.toCharArray());
 				char[] typeChars = typeName.toCharArray();
-				accessRestriction = accessRuleSet.getViolatedRestriction(CharOperation.concatWith(packageChars, typeChars, '/'));
+				accessRestriction = accessRuleSet
+						.getViolatedRestriction(CharOperation.concatWith(
+								packageChars, typeChars, '/'));
 		return accessRestriction;
-	 * Returns the first type in the given package whose name
-	 * matches the given (unqualified) name, or <code>null</code> if none
-	 * exist. Specifying a <code>null</code> package will result in no matches.
-	 * The domain of the search is bounded by the Script project from which 
-	 * this name lookup was obtained.
-	 *
-	 * @param name the name of the type to find
-	 * @param pkg the package to search
-	 * @param partialMatch partial name matches qualify when <code>true</code>,
-	 *	only exact name matches qualify when <code>false</code>
-	 * @param acceptFlags a bit mask describing if classes, interfaces or both classes and interfaces
-	 * 	are desired results. If no flags are specified, all types are returned.
-	 * @param considerSecondaryTypes flag to know whether secondary types has to be considered
-	 * 	during the search
-	 *
+	 * Returns the first type in the given package whose name matches the given
+	 * (unqualified) name, or <code>null</code> if none exist. Specifying a
+	 * <code>null</code> package will result in no matches. The domain of the
+	 * search is bounded by the Script project from which this name lookup was
+	 * obtained.
+	 * 
+	 * @param name
+	 *            the name of the type to find
+	 * @param pkg
+	 *            the package to search
+	 * @param partialMatch
+	 *            partial name matches qualify when <code>true</code>, only
+	 *            exact name matches qualify when <code>false</code>
+	 * @param acceptFlags
+	 *            a bit mask describing if classes, interfaces or both classes
+	 *            and interfaces are desired results. If no flags are specified,
+	 *            all types are returned.
+	 * @param considerSecondaryTypes
+	 *            flag to know whether secondary types has to be considered
+	 *            during the search
+	 * 
 	 * @see #ACCEPT_ENUMS
-	public IType findType(String name, IScriptFolder pkg, boolean partialMatch, int acceptFlags, boolean considerSecondaryTypes) {
-		IType type = findType(name, pkg, partialMatch, acceptFlags);		
+	public IType findType(String name, IScriptFolder pkg, boolean partialMatch,
+			int acceptFlags, boolean considerSecondaryTypes) {
+		IType type = findType(name, pkg, partialMatch, acceptFlags);
 		return type;
-	 * Returns the first type in the given package whose name
-	 * matches the given (unqualified) name, or <code>null</code> if none
-	 * exist. Specifying a <code>null</code> package will result in no matches.
-	 * The domain of the search is bounded by the Script project from which 
-	 * this name lookup was obtained.
-	 * <br>
-	 *	Note that this method does not find secondary types.
-	 * <br>
-	 * @param name the name of the type to find
-	 * @param pkg the package to search
-	 * @param partialMatch partial name matches qualify when <code>true</code>,
-	 *	only exact name matches qualify when <code>false</code>
-	 * @param acceptFlags a bit mask describing if classes, interfaces or both classes and interfaces
-	 * 	are desired results. If no flags are specified, all types are returned.
-	 *
+	 * Returns the first type in the given package whose name matches the given
+	 * (unqualified) name, or <code>null</code> if none exist. Specifying a
+	 * <code>null</code> package will result in no matches. The domain of the
+	 * search is bounded by the Script project from which this name lookup was
+	 * obtained. <br>
+	 * Note that this method does not find secondary types. <br>
+	 * 
+	 * @param name
+	 *            the name of the type to find
+	 * @param pkg
+	 *            the package to search
+	 * @param partialMatch
+	 *            partial name matches qualify when <code>true</code>, only
+	 *            exact name matches qualify when <code>false</code>
+	 * @param acceptFlags
+	 *            a bit mask describing if classes, interfaces or both classes
+	 *            and interfaces are desired results. If no flags are specified,
+	 *            all types are returned.
+	 * 
 	 * @see #ACCEPT_ENUMS
-	public IType findType(String name, IScriptFolder pkg, boolean partialMatch, int acceptFlags) {
-		if (pkg == null) return null;
+	public IType findType(String name, IScriptFolder pkg, boolean partialMatch,
+			int acceptFlags) {
+		if (pkg == null)
+			return null;
 		// Return first found (ignore duplicates).
 		SingleTypeRequestor typeRequestor = new SingleTypeRequestor();
@@ -659,86 +724,110 @@
-	 * Returns the type specified by the qualified name, or <code>null</code>
-	 * if none exist. The domain of
-	 * the search is bounded by the Script project from which this name lookup was obtained.
-	 *
-	 * @param name the name of the type to find
-	 * @param partialMatch partial name matches qualify when <code>true</code>,
-	 *	only exact name matches qualify when <code>false</code>
-	 * @param acceptFlags a bit mask describing if classes, interfaces or both classes and interfaces
-	 * 	are desired results. If no flags are specified, all types are returned.
-	 *
+	 * Returns the type specified by the qualified name, or <code>null</code> if
+	 * none exist. The domain of the search is bounded by the Script project
+	 * from which this name lookup was obtained.
+	 * 
+	 * @param name
+	 *            the name of the type to find
+	 * @param partialMatch
+	 *            partial name matches qualify when <code>true</code>, only
+	 *            exact name matches qualify when <code>false</code>
+	 * @param acceptFlags
+	 *            a bit mask describing if classes, interfaces or both classes
+	 *            and interfaces are desired results. If no flags are specified,
+	 *            all types are returned.
+	 * 
 	 * @see #ACCEPT_ENUMS
 	public IType findType(String name, boolean partialMatch, int acceptFlags) {
-		NameLookup.Answer answer = findType(name, partialMatch, acceptFlags, false/*don't check restrictions*/);
+		NameLookup.Answer answer = findType(name, partialMatch, acceptFlags,
+				false/* don't check restrictions */);
 		return answer == null ? null : answer.type;
-	public Answer findType(String name, boolean partialMatch, int acceptFlags, boolean checkRestrictions) {
-		return findType(name, partialMatch, acceptFlags, true/*consider secondary types*/, true/*wait for indexes*/, checkRestrictions, null);
+	public Answer findType(String name, boolean partialMatch, int acceptFlags,
+			boolean checkRestrictions) {
+		return findType(name, partialMatch, acceptFlags, true/*
+															 * consider
+															 * secondary types
+															 */, true/*
+																	 * wait for
+																	 * indexes
+																	 */,
+				checkRestrictions, null);
-	public Answer findType(String name, boolean partialMatch, int acceptFlags, boolean considerSecondaryTypes, boolean waitForIndexes, boolean checkRestrictions, IProgressMonitor monitor) {
-		int index= name.lastIndexOf('.');
-		String className= null, packageName= null;
+	public Answer findType(String name, boolean partialMatch, int acceptFlags,
+			boolean considerSecondaryTypes, boolean waitForIndexes,
+			boolean checkRestrictions, IProgressMonitor monitor) {
+		int index = name.lastIndexOf('.');
+		String className = null, packageName = null;
 		if (index == -1) {
-			packageName= IScriptFolder.DEFAULT_FOLDER_NAME;
-			className= name;
+			packageName = IScriptFolder.DEFAULT_FOLDER_NAME;
+			className = name;
 		} else {
-			packageName= name.substring(0, index);
-			className= name.substring(index + 1);
+			packageName = name.substring(0, index);
+			className = name.substring(index + 1);
-		return findType(className, packageName, partialMatch, acceptFlags, considerSecondaryTypes, waitForIndexes, checkRestrictions, monitor);
+		return findType(className, packageName, partialMatch, acceptFlags,
+				considerSecondaryTypes, waitForIndexes, checkRestrictions,
+				monitor);
 	private IType getMemberType(IType type, String name, int dot) {
 		while (dot != -1) {
-			int start = dot+1;
+			int start = dot + 1;
 			dot = name.indexOf('.', start);
-			String typeName = name.substring(start, dot == -1 ? name.length() : dot);
+			String typeName = name.substring(start, dot == -1 ? name.length()
+					: dot);
 			type = type.getType(typeName);
 		return type;
 	public boolean isPackage(String[] pkgName) {
 		return this.isPackageCache.get(pkgName) != null;
-	 * Returns true if the given element's name matches the
-	 * specified <code>searchName</code>, otherwise false.
-	 *
-	 * <p>The <code>partialMatch</code> argument indicates partial matches
-	 * should be considered.
-	 * NOTE: in partialMatch mode, the case will be ignored, and the searchName must already have
-	 *          been lowercased.
+	 * Returns true if the given element's name matches the specified
+	 * <code>searchName</code>, otherwise false.
+	 * 
+	 * <p>
+	 * The <code>partialMatch</code> argument indicates partial matches should
+	 * be considered. NOTE: in partialMatch mode, the case will be ignored, and
+	 * the searchName must already have been lowercased.
-	protected boolean nameMatches(String searchName, IModelElement element, boolean partialMatch) {
+	protected boolean nameMatches(String searchName, IModelElement element,
+			boolean partialMatch) {
 		if (partialMatch) {
-			// partial matches are used in completion mode, thus case insensitive mode
-			return element.getElementName().toLowerCase().startsWith(searchName);
+			// partial matches are used in completion mode, thus case
+			// insensitive mode
+			return element.getElementName().toLowerCase()
+					.startsWith(searchName);
 		} else {
 			return element.getElementName().equals(searchName);
-	 * Returns true if the given cu's name matches the
-	 * specified <code>searchName</code>, otherwise false.
-	 *
-	 * <p>The <code>partialMatch</code> argument indicates partial matches
-	 * should be considered.
-	 * NOTE: in partialMatch mode, the case will be ignored, and the searchName must already have
-	 *          been lowercased.
+	 * Returns true if the given cu's name matches the specified
+	 * <code>searchName</code>, otherwise false.
+	 * 
+	 * <p>
+	 * The <code>partialMatch</code> argument indicates partial matches should
+	 * be considered. NOTE: in partialMatch mode, the case will be ignored, and
+	 * the searchName must already have been lowercased.
-	protected boolean nameMatches(String searchName, ISourceModule cu, boolean partialMatch) {
+	protected boolean nameMatches(String searchName, ISourceModule cu,
+			boolean partialMatch) {
 		if (partialMatch) {
-			// partial matches are used in completion mode, thus case insensitive mode
+			// partial matches are used in completion mode, thus case
+			// insensitive mode
 			return cu.getElementName().toLowerCase().startsWith(searchName);
 		} else {
 			return Util.equalsIgnoreExtension(cu.getElementName(), searchName);
@@ -746,40 +835,44 @@
-	 * Notifies the given requestor of all package fragments with the
-	 * given name. Checks the requestor at regular intervals to see if the
-	 * requestor has canceled. The domain of
-	 * the search is bounded by the <code>IScriptProject</code>
-	 * this <code>NameLookup</code> was obtained from.
-	 *
-	 * @param partialMatch partial name matches qualify when <code>true</code>;
-	 *	only exact name matches qualify when <code>false</code>
+	 * Notifies the given requestor of all package fragments with the given
+	 * name. Checks the requestor at regular intervals to see if the requestor
+	 * has canceled. The domain of the search is bounded by the
+	 * <code>IScriptProject</code> this <code>NameLookup</code> was obtained
+	 * from.
+	 * 
+	 * @param partialMatch
+	 *            partial name matches qualify when <code>true</code>; only
+	 *            exact name matches qualify when <code>false</code>
-	public void seekScriptFolders(String name, boolean partialMatch, IModelElementRequestor requestor) {
-/*		if (VERBOSE) {
-			Util.verbose(" SEEKING PACKAGE FRAGMENTS");  //$NON-NLS-1$
-			Util.verbose(" -> name: " + name);  //$NON-NLS-1$
-			Util.verbose(" -> partial match:" + partialMatch);  //$NON-NLS-1$
-		}
-*/		if (partialMatch) {
+	public void seekScriptFolders(String name, boolean partialMatch,
+			IModelElementRequestor requestor) {
+		/*
+		 * if (VERBOSE) { Util.verbose(" SEEKING PACKAGE FRAGMENTS");
+		 * //$NON-NLS-1$ Util.verbose(" -> name: " + name); //$NON-NLS-1$
+		 * Util.verbose(" -> partial match:" + partialMatch); //$NON-NLS-1$ }
+		 */if (partialMatch) {
 			String[] splittedName = Util.splitOn('.', name, 0, name.length());
 			Object[][] keys = this.scriptFolders.keyTable;
 			for (int i = 0, length = keys.length; i < length; i++) {
 				if (requestor.isCanceled())
 				String[] pkgName = (String[]) keys[i];
-				if (pkgName != null && Util.startsWithIgnoreCase(pkgName, splittedName)) {
+				if (pkgName != null
+						&& Util.startsWithIgnoreCase(pkgName, splittedName)) {
 					Object value = this.scriptFolders.valueTable[i];
 					if (value instanceof ProjectFragment) {
-						ProjectFragment root = (ProjectFragment) value;
-						requestor.acceptScriptFolder(root.getScriptFolder(toPath(pkgName)));				
+						IProjectFragment root = (IProjectFragment) value;
+						requestor.acceptScriptFolder(root
+								.getScriptFolder(toPath(pkgName)));
 					} else {
 						IProjectFragment[] roots = (IProjectFragment[]) value;
 						for (int j = 0, length2 = roots.length; j < length2; j++) {
 							if (requestor.isCanceled())
-							ProjectFragment root = (ProjectFragment) roots[j];
-							requestor.acceptScriptFolder(root.getScriptFolder(toPath(pkgName)));					
+							IProjectFragment root = (IProjectFragment) roots[j];
+							requestor.acceptScriptFolder(root
+									.getScriptFolder(toPath(pkgName)));
@@ -788,15 +881,17 @@
 			String[] splittedName = Util.splitOn('.', name, 0, name.length());
 			Object value = this.scriptFolders.get(splittedName);
 			if (value instanceof ProjectFragment) {
-				requestor.acceptScriptFolder(((ProjectFragment) value).getScriptFolder(toPath(splittedName)));
+				requestor.acceptScriptFolder(((IProjectFragment) value)
+						.getScriptFolder(toPath(splittedName)));
 			} else {
 				IProjectFragment[] roots = (IProjectFragment[]) value;
 				if (roots != null) {
 					for (int i = 0, length = roots.length; i < length; i++) {
 						if (requestor.isCanceled())
-						ProjectFragment root = (ProjectFragment) roots[i];
-						requestor.acceptScriptFolder(root.getScriptFolder(toPath(splittedName)));
+						IProjectFragment root = (IProjectFragment) roots[i];
+						requestor.acceptScriptFolder(root
+								.getScriptFolder(toPath(splittedName)));
@@ -805,61 +900,72 @@
 	 * Notifies the given requestor of all types (classes and interfaces) in the
-	 * given package fragment with the given (unqualified) name.
-	 * Checks the requestor at regular intervals to see if the requestor
-	 * has canceled. If the given package fragment is <code>null</code>, all types in the
-	 * project whose simple name matches the given name are found.
-	 *
-	 * @param name The name to search
-	 * @param pkg The corresponding package fragment
-	 * @param partialMatch partial name matches qualify when <code>true</code>;
-	 *	only exact name matches qualify when <code>false</code>
-	 * @param acceptFlags a bit mask describing if classes, interfaces or both classes and interfaces
-	 * 	are desired results. If no flags are specified, all types are returned.
-	 * @param requestor The requestor that collects the result
-	 *
+	 * given package fragment with the given (unqualified) name. Checks the
+	 * requestor at regular intervals to see if the requestor has canceled. If
+	 * the given package fragment is <code>null</code>, all types in the project
+	 * whose simple name matches the given name are found.
+	 * 
+	 * @param name
+	 *            The name to search
+	 * @param pkg
+	 *            The corresponding package fragment
+	 * @param partialMatch
+	 *            partial name matches qualify when <code>true</code>; only
+	 *            exact name matches qualify when <code>false</code>
+	 * @param acceptFlags
+	 *            a bit mask describing if classes, interfaces or both classes
+	 *            and interfaces are desired results. If no flags are specified,
+	 *            all types are returned.
+	 * @param requestor
+	 *            The requestor that collects the result
+	 * 
 	 * @see #ACCEPT_ENUMS
-	public void seekTypes(String name, IScriptFolder pkg, boolean partialMatch, int acceptFlags, IModelElementRequestor requestor) {
-/*		if (VERBOSE) {
-			Util.verbose(" SEEKING TYPES");  //$NON-NLS-1$
-			Util.verbose(" -> name: " + name);  //$NON-NLS-1$
-			Util.verbose(" -> pkg: " + ((ModelElement) pkg).toStringWithAncestors());  //$NON-NLS-1$
-			Util.verbose(" -> partial match:" + partialMatch);  //$NON-NLS-1$
-		}
-		String matchName= partialMatch ? name.toLowerCase() : name;
+	public void seekTypes(String name, IScriptFolder pkg, boolean partialMatch,
+			int acceptFlags, IModelElementRequestor requestor) {
+		/*
+		 * if (VERBOSE) { Util.verbose(" SEEKING TYPES"); //$NON-NLS-1$
+		 * Util.verbose(" -> name: " + name); //$NON-NLS-1$
+		 * Util.verbose(" -> pkg: " + ((ModelElement)
+		 * pkg).toStringWithAncestors()); //$NON-NLS-1$
+		 * Util.verbose(" -> partial match:" + partialMatch); //$NON-NLS-1$ }
+		 */
+		String matchName = partialMatch ? name.toLowerCase() : name;
 		if (pkg == null) {
 			findAllTypes(matchName, partialMatch, acceptFlags, requestor);
-		IProjectFragment root= (IProjectFragment) pkg.getParent();
+		IProjectFragment root = (IProjectFragment) pkg.getParent();
 		try {
 			// look in working copies first
 			int firstDot = -1;
 			String topLevelTypeName = null;
-			int packageFlavor= root.getKind();
-			if (this.typesInWorkingCopies != null || packageFlavor == IProjectFragment.K_SOURCE) {
+			int packageFlavor = root.getKind();
+			if (this.typesInWorkingCopies != null
+					|| packageFlavor == IProjectFragment.K_SOURCE) {
 				firstDot = matchName.indexOf('.');
 				if (!partialMatch)
-					topLevelTypeName = firstDot == -1 ? matchName : matchName.substring(0, firstDot);
+					topLevelTypeName = firstDot == -1 ? matchName : matchName
+							.substring(0, firstDot);
 			if (this.typesInWorkingCopies != null) {
-				if (seekTypesInWorkingCopies(matchName, pkg, firstDot, partialMatch, topLevelTypeName, acceptFlags, requestor))
+				if (seekTypesInWorkingCopies(matchName, pkg, firstDot,
+						partialMatch, topLevelTypeName, acceptFlags, requestor))
 			// look in model
-			switch (packageFlavor) {				
-				case IProjectFragment.K_SOURCE :
-					seekTypesInSourcePackage(matchName, pkg, firstDot, partialMatch, topLevelTypeName, acceptFlags, requestor);
-					break;
-				default :
-					return;
+			switch (packageFlavor) {
+			case IProjectFragment.K_SOURCE:
+				seekTypesInSourcePackage(matchName, pkg, firstDot,
+						partialMatch, topLevelTypeName, acceptFlags, requestor);
+				break;
+			default:
+				return;
 		} catch (ModelException e) {
@@ -869,15 +975,10 @@
 	 * Performs type search in a source package.
-	protected void seekTypesInSourcePackage(
-			String name, 
-			IScriptFolder pkg, 
-			int firstDot, 
-			boolean partialMatch, 
-			String topLevelTypeName, 
-			int acceptFlags,
-			IModelElementRequestor requestor) {
+	protected void seekTypesInSourcePackage(String name, IScriptFolder pkg,
+			int firstDot, boolean partialMatch, String topLevelTypeName,
+			int acceptFlags, IModelElementRequestor requestor) {
 		long start = -1;
 		if (VERBOSE)
 			start = System.currentTimeMillis();
@@ -891,13 +992,21 @@
 						IModelElement cu = compilationUnits[i];
 						String cuName = cu.getElementName();
 						int lastDot = cuName.lastIndexOf('.');
-						if (lastDot != topLevelTypeName.length() || !topLevelTypeName.regionMatches(0, cuName, 0, lastDot)) 
+						if (lastDot != topLevelTypeName.length()
+								|| !topLevelTypeName.regionMatches(0, cuName,
+										0, lastDot))
-						IType type = ((ISourceModule) cu).getType(topLevelTypeName);
+						IType type = ((ISourceModule) cu)
+								.getType(topLevelTypeName);
 						type = getMemberType(type, name, firstDot);
-						if (acceptType(type, acceptFlags, true/*a source type*/)) { // accept type checks for existence
+						if (acceptType(type, acceptFlags, true/* a source type */)) { // accept
+							// type
+							// checks
+							// for
+							// existence
-							break;  // since an exact match was requested, no other matching type can exist
+							break; // since an exact match was requested, no
+							// other matching type can exist
 				} catch (ModelException e) {
@@ -905,18 +1014,21 @@
 			} else {
 				try {
-					String cuPrefix = firstDot == -1 ? name : name.substring(0, firstDot);
+					String cuPrefix = firstDot == -1 ? name : name.substring(0,
+							firstDot);
 					IModelElement[] compilationUnits = pkg.getChildren();
 					for (int i = 0, length = compilationUnits.length; i < length; i++) {
 						if (requestor.isCanceled())
 						IModelElement cu = compilationUnits[i];
-						if (!cu.getElementName().toLowerCase().startsWith(cuPrefix))
+						if (!cu.getElementName().toLowerCase().startsWith(
+								cuPrefix))
 						try {
 							IType[] types = ((ISourceModule) cu).getTypes();
 							for (int j = 0, typeLength = types.length; j < typeLength; j++)
-								seekTypesInTopLevelType(name, firstDot, types[j], requestor, acceptFlags);
+								seekTypesInTopLevelType(name, firstDot,
+										types[j], requestor, acceptFlags);
 						} catch (ModelException e) {
 							// cu doesn't exist -> ignore
@@ -927,42 +1039,48 @@
 		} finally {
 			if (VERBOSE)
-				this.timeSpentInSeekTypesInSourcePackage += System.currentTimeMillis()-start;
+				this.timeSpentInSeekTypesInSourcePackage += System
+						.currentTimeMillis()
+						- start;
 	 * Notifies the given requestor of all types (classes and interfaces) in the
-	 * given type with the given (possibly qualified) name. Checks
-	 * the requestor at regular intervals to see if the requestor
-	 * has canceled.
+	 * given type with the given (possibly qualified) name. Checks the requestor
+	 * at regular intervals to see if the requestor has canceled.
-	protected boolean seekTypesInType(String prefix, int firstDot, IType type, IModelElementRequestor requestor, int acceptFlags) {
-		IType[] types= null;
+	protected boolean seekTypesInType(String prefix, int firstDot, IType type,
+			IModelElementRequestor requestor, int acceptFlags) {
+		IType[] types = null;
 		try {
-			types= type.getTypes();
+			types = type.getTypes();
 		} catch (ModelException npe) {
 			return false; // the enclosing type is not present
-		int length= types.length;
-		if (length == 0) return false; 
+		int length = types.length;
+		if (length == 0)
+			return false;
 		String memberPrefix = prefix;
 		boolean isMemberTypePrefix = false;
 		if (firstDot != -1) {
-			memberPrefix= prefix.substring(0, firstDot);
+			memberPrefix = prefix.substring(0, firstDot);
 			isMemberTypePrefix = true;
-		for (int i= 0; i < length; i++) {
+		for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
 			if (requestor.isCanceled())
 				return false;
-			IType memberType= types[i];
-			if (memberType.getElementName().toLowerCase().startsWith(memberPrefix))
+			IType memberType = types[i];
+			if (memberType.getElementName().toLowerCase().startsWith(
+					memberPrefix))
 				if (isMemberTypePrefix) {
-					String subPrefix = prefix.substring(firstDot + 1, prefix.length());
-					return seekTypesInType(subPrefix, subPrefix.indexOf('.'), memberType, requestor, acceptFlags);
+					String subPrefix = prefix.substring(firstDot + 1, prefix
+							.length());
+					return seekTypesInType(subPrefix, subPrefix.indexOf('.'),
+							memberType, requestor, acceptFlags);
 				} else {
-					if (acceptType(memberType, acceptFlags, true/*a source type*/)) {
+					if (acceptType(memberType, acceptFlags, true/* a source type */)) {
 						return true;
@@ -970,52 +1088,54 @@
 		return false;
-	protected boolean seekTypesInTopLevelType(String prefix, int firstDot, IType topLevelType, IModelElementRequestor requestor, int acceptFlags) {
+	protected boolean seekTypesInTopLevelType(String prefix, int firstDot,
+			IType topLevelType, IModelElementRequestor requestor,
+			int acceptFlags) {
 		if (!topLevelType.getElementName().toLowerCase().startsWith(prefix))
 			return false;
 		if (firstDot == -1) {
-			if (acceptType(topLevelType, acceptFlags, true/*a source type*/)) {
+			if (acceptType(topLevelType, acceptFlags, true/* a source type */)) {
 				return true;
 		} else {
-			return seekTypesInType(prefix, firstDot, topLevelType, requestor, acceptFlags);
+			return seekTypesInType(prefix, firstDot, topLevelType, requestor,
+					acceptFlags);
 		return false;
-	 * Seeks the type with the given name in the map of types with precedence (coming from working copies)
-	 * Return whether a type has been found.
+	 * Seeks the type with the given name in the map of types with precedence
+	 * (coming from working copies) Return whether a type has been found.
-	protected boolean seekTypesInWorkingCopies(
-			String name, 
-			IScriptFolder pkg, 
-			int firstDot, 
-			boolean partialMatch, 
-			String topLevelTypeName, 
-			int acceptFlags,
-			IModelElementRequestor requestor) {
+	protected boolean seekTypesInWorkingCopies(String name, IScriptFolder pkg,
+			int firstDot, boolean partialMatch, String topLevelTypeName,
+			int acceptFlags, IModelElementRequestor requestor) {
 		if (!partialMatch) {
-			HashMap typeMap = (HashMap) (this.typesInWorkingCopies == null ? null : this.typesInWorkingCopies.get(pkg));
+			HashMap typeMap = (HashMap) (this.typesInWorkingCopies == null ? null
+					: this.typesInWorkingCopies.get(pkg));
 			if (typeMap != null) {
 				Object object = typeMap.get(topLevelTypeName);
 				if (object instanceof IType) {
 					IType type = getMemberType((IType) object, name, firstDot);
-					if (acceptType(type, acceptFlags, true/*a source type*/)) {
+					if (acceptType(type, acceptFlags, true/* a source type */)) {
 						return true; // don't continue with compilation unit
 				} else if (object instanceof IType[]) {
-					if (object == NO_TYPES) return true; // all types where deleted -> type is hidden
+					if (object == NO_TYPES)
+						return true; // all types where deleted -> type is
+					// hidden
 					IType[] topLevelTypes = (IType[]) object;
 					for (int i = 0, length = topLevelTypes.length; i < length; i++) {
 						if (requestor.isCanceled())
 							return false;
-						IType type = getMemberType(topLevelTypes[i], name, firstDot);
-						if (acceptType(type, acceptFlags, true/*a source type*/)) {
+						IType type = getMemberType(topLevelTypes[i], name,
+								firstDot);
+						if (acceptType(type, acceptFlags, true/* a source type */)) {
 							return true; // return the first one
@@ -1023,7 +1143,8 @@
 		} else {
-			HashMap typeMap = (HashMap) (this.typesInWorkingCopies == null ? null : this.typesInWorkingCopies.get(pkg));
+			HashMap typeMap = (HashMap) (this.typesInWorkingCopies == null ? null
+					: this.typesInWorkingCopies.get(pkg));
 			if (typeMap != null) {
 				Iterator iterator = typeMap.values().iterator();
 				while (iterator.hasNext()) {
@@ -1031,16 +1152,18 @@
 						return false;
 					Object object = iterator.next();
 					if (object instanceof IType) {
-						seekTypesInTopLevelType(name, firstDot, (IType) object, requestor, acceptFlags);
+						seekTypesInTopLevelType(name, firstDot, (IType) object,
+								requestor, acceptFlags);
 					} else if (object instanceof IType[]) {
 						IType[] topLevelTypes = (IType[]) object;
 						for (int i = 0, length = topLevelTypes.length; i < length; i++)
-							seekTypesInTopLevelType(name, firstDot, topLevelTypes[i], requestor, acceptFlags);
+							seekTypesInTopLevelType(name, firstDot,
+									topLevelTypes[i], requestor, acceptFlags);
 		return false;
diff --git a/core/plugins/org.eclipse.dltk.core/model/org/eclipse/dltk/internal/core/ProjectElementInfo.java b/core/plugins/org.eclipse.dltk.core/model/org/eclipse/dltk/internal/core/ProjectElementInfo.java
index fbc1dec..207f830 100644
--- a/core/plugins/org.eclipse.dltk.core/model/org/eclipse/dltk/internal/core/ProjectElementInfo.java
+++ b/core/plugins/org.eclipse.dltk.core/model/org/eclipse/dltk/internal/core/ProjectElementInfo.java
@@ -278,7 +278,7 @@
 					} else {
 						if (existing instanceof ProjectFragment) {
 							fragmentsCache.put(pkgName, new IProjectFragment[] {
-									(ProjectFragment) existing, root });
+									(IProjectFragment) existing, root });
 						} else {
 							IProjectFragment[] entry = (IProjectFragment[]) existing;
 							IProjectFragment[] copy = new IProjectFragment[entry.length + 1];
diff --git a/core/plugins/org.eclipse.dltk.core/model/org/eclipse/dltk/internal/core/ScriptFolder.java b/core/plugins/org.eclipse.dltk.core/model/org/eclipse/dltk/internal/core/ScriptFolder.java
index 402f240..95cf8dc 100644
--- a/core/plugins/org.eclipse.dltk.core/model/org/eclipse/dltk/internal/core/ScriptFolder.java
+++ b/core/plugins/org.eclipse.dltk.core/model/org/eclipse/dltk/internal/core/ScriptFolder.java
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
 	protected final IPath path;
 	private final String elementName;
-	protected ScriptFolder(ProjectFragment parent, IPath path) {
+	protected ScriptFolder(ModelElement parent, IPath path) {
 		this.path = path;
@@ -147,22 +147,11 @@
 		HashSet vChildren = new HashSet();
 		try {
 			IProjectFragment root = getProjectFragment();
-			char[][] inclusionPatterns = null;
-			if (root instanceof ProjectFragment) {
-				inclusionPatterns = ((ProjectFragment) root)
-						.fullInclusionPatternChars();
-			}
-			char[][] exclusionPatterns = null;
-			if (root instanceof ProjectFragment) {
-				exclusionPatterns = ((ProjectFragment) root)
-						.fullExclusionPatternChars();
-			}
 			IResource[] members = ((IContainer) underlyingResource).members();
 			for (int i = 0, max = members.length; i < max; i++) {
 				IResource child = members[i];
 				if (child.getType() != IResource.FOLDER
-						&& !Util.isExcluded(child, inclusionPatterns,
-								exclusionPatterns)) {
+						&& !Util.isExcluded(child, root)) {
 					IModelElement childElement;
 					if (kind == IProjectFragment.K_SOURCE
 							&& Util.isValidSourceModule(this, child)) {
@@ -336,7 +325,7 @@
 			if (getProjectFragment() instanceof ProjectFragment) {
 				return ((ScriptFolderInfo) getElementInfo())
-								(ProjectFragment) getProjectFragment());
+								(IProjectFragment) getProjectFragment());
 			return ModelElementInfo.NO_NON_SCRIPT_RESOURCES;
@@ -368,8 +357,8 @@
 			ModelElement classFile = (ModelElement) getSourceModule(classFileName);
 			return classFile.getHandleFromMemento(memento, owner);
-			return MementoModelElementUtil.getHandleFromMemento(memento,
-					this, owner);
+			return MementoModelElementUtil.getHandleFromMemento(memento, this,
+					owner);
 		return null;
diff --git a/core/plugins/org.eclipse.dltk.core/model/org/eclipse/dltk/internal/core/SearchableEnvironmentRequestor.java b/core/plugins/org.eclipse.dltk.core/model/org/eclipse/dltk/internal/core/SearchableEnvironmentRequestor.java
index 6461b64..75f5b87 100644
--- a/core/plugins/org.eclipse.dltk.core/model/org/eclipse/dltk/internal/core/SearchableEnvironmentRequestor.java
+++ b/core/plugins/org.eclipse.dltk.core/model/org/eclipse/dltk/internal/core/SearchableEnvironmentRequestor.java
@@ -12,9 +12,10 @@
 import org.eclipse.dltk.compiler.CharOperation;
 import org.eclipse.dltk.compiler.env.ISourceModule;
 import org.eclipse.dltk.core.DLTKCore;
-import org.eclipse.dltk.core.IScriptProject;
 import org.eclipse.dltk.core.IModelElement;
+import org.eclipse.dltk.core.IProjectFragment;
 import org.eclipse.dltk.core.IScriptFolder;
+import org.eclipse.dltk.core.IScriptProject;
 import org.eclipse.dltk.core.IType;
 import org.eclipse.dltk.core.ModelException;
 import org.eclipse.dltk.internal.codeassist.ISearchRequestor;
@@ -99,7 +100,7 @@
 			if (this.checkAccessRestrictions
 					&& (!type.getScriptProject().equals(this.project))) {
-				ProjectFragment root = (ProjectFragment) type
+				IProjectFragment root = (IProjectFragment) type
 				BuildpathEntry entry = (BuildpathEntry) this.nameLookup.rootToResolvedEntries
diff --git a/core/plugins/org.eclipse.dltk.core/model/org/eclipse/dltk/internal/core/SetBuildpathOperation.java b/core/plugins/org.eclipse.dltk.core/model/org/eclipse/dltk/internal/core/SetBuildpathOperation.java
index 82410b3..ff7be18 100644
--- a/core/plugins/org.eclipse.dltk.core/model/org/eclipse/dltk/internal/core/SetBuildpathOperation.java
+++ b/core/plugins/org.eclipse.dltk.core/model/org/eclipse/dltk/internal/core/SetBuildpathOperation.java
@@ -223,7 +223,7 @@
 						&& path.isPrefixOf(location) && !path.equals(location)) {
 					IProjectFragment[] roots = this.project
-					ProjectFragment root = (ProjectFragment) roots[0];
+					IProjectFragment root = (IProjectFragment) roots[0];
 					// now the output location becomes a package fragment -
 					// along with any subfolders
 					ArrayList folders = new ArrayList();
diff --git a/core/plugins/org.eclipse.dltk.core/model/org/eclipse/dltk/internal/core/SourceModule.java b/core/plugins/org.eclipse.dltk.core/model/org/eclipse/dltk/internal/core/SourceModule.java
index eed03e1..714c646 100644
--- a/core/plugins/org.eclipse.dltk.core/model/org/eclipse/dltk/internal/core/SourceModule.java
+++ b/core/plugins/org.eclipse.dltk.core/model/org/eclipse/dltk/internal/core/SourceModule.java
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
 	// ~ Constructors
-	public SourceModule(ScriptFolder parent, String name, WorkingCopyOwner owner) {
+	public SourceModule(ModelElement parent, String name, WorkingCopyOwner owner) {
 		super(parent, name, owner, false);
 		if (DLTKCore.VERBOSE) {
@@ -228,7 +228,7 @@
 		ModelManager manager = ModelManager.getModelManager();
-		SourceModule workingCopy = new SourceModule((ScriptFolder) getParent(),
+		SourceModule workingCopy = new SourceModule((ModelElement) getParent(),
 				getElementName(), workingCopyOwner);
 		ModelManager.PerWorkingCopyInfo perWorkingCopyInfo = manager
 				.getPerWorkingCopyInfo(workingCopy, false /* don't create */,
@@ -446,7 +446,7 @@
 	 * ()
 	protected ISourceModule getOriginalSourceModule() {
-		return new SourceModule((ScriptFolder) getParent(), getElementName(),
+		return new SourceModule((ModelElement) getParent(), getElementName(),
diff --git a/core/plugins/org.eclipse.dltk.core/model/org/eclipse/dltk/internal/core/hierarchy/TypeHierarchy.java b/core/plugins/org.eclipse.dltk.core/model/org/eclipse/dltk/internal/core/hierarchy/TypeHierarchy.java
index 8cc7fd8..71fbe7b 100644
--- a/core/plugins/org.eclipse.dltk.core/model/org/eclipse/dltk/internal/core/hierarchy/TypeHierarchy.java
+++ b/core/plugins/org.eclipse.dltk.core/model/org/eclipse/dltk/internal/core/hierarchy/TypeHierarchy.java
@@ -12,13 +12,47 @@
 import java.io.IOException;
 import java.io.InputStream;
 import java.io.OutputStream;
-import java.util.*;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.HashSet;
+import java.util.Hashtable;
+import java.util.Iterator;
+import java.util.Map;
+import java.util.Set;
-import org.eclipse.core.runtime.*;
-import org.eclipse.dltk.core.*;
+import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException;
+import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath;
+import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor;
+import org.eclipse.core.runtime.ISafeRunnable;
+import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IStatus;
+import org.eclipse.core.runtime.OperationCanceledException;
+import org.eclipse.core.runtime.SafeRunner;
+import org.eclipse.dltk.core.DLTKCore;
+import org.eclipse.dltk.core.DLTKLanguageManager;
+import org.eclipse.dltk.core.ElementChangedEvent;
+import org.eclipse.dltk.core.IBuildpathEntry;
+import org.eclipse.dltk.core.IElementChangedListener;
+import org.eclipse.dltk.core.IModelElement;
+import org.eclipse.dltk.core.IModelElementDelta;
+import org.eclipse.dltk.core.IModelStatusConstants;
+import org.eclipse.dltk.core.IProjectFragment;
+import org.eclipse.dltk.core.IScriptFolder;
+import org.eclipse.dltk.core.IScriptProject;
+import org.eclipse.dltk.core.ISourceModule;
+import org.eclipse.dltk.core.IType;
+import org.eclipse.dltk.core.ITypeHierarchy;
+import org.eclipse.dltk.core.ITypeHierarchyChangedListener;
+import org.eclipse.dltk.core.ModelException;
+import org.eclipse.dltk.core.WorkingCopyOwner;
 import org.eclipse.dltk.core.search.IDLTKSearchScope;
 import org.eclipse.dltk.core.search.SearchEngine;
-import org.eclipse.dltk.internal.core.*;
+import org.eclipse.dltk.internal.core.ModelElement;
+import org.eclipse.dltk.internal.core.ModelStatus;
+import org.eclipse.dltk.internal.core.Openable;
+import org.eclipse.dltk.internal.core.Region;
+import org.eclipse.dltk.internal.core.ScriptProject;
+import org.eclipse.dltk.internal.core.SourceModule;
+import org.eclipse.dltk.internal.core.TypeVector;
 import org.eclipse.dltk.internal.core.util.Messages;
 import org.eclipse.dltk.internal.core.util.Util;
@@ -724,7 +758,7 @@
 		case IModelElement.PROJECT_FRAGMENT:
 			return isAffectedByPackageFragmentRoot(delta, element);
 		case IModelElement.SCRIPT_FOLDER:
-			return isAffectedByPackageFragment(delta, (ScriptFolder) element);
+			return isAffectedByPackageFragment(delta, (IScriptFolder) element);
 		case IModelElement.SOURCE_MODULE:
 			return isAffectedByOpenable(delta, element);
@@ -833,7 +867,7 @@
 	 * hierarchy
 	private boolean isAffectedByPackageFragment(IModelElementDelta delta,
-			ScriptFolder element) {
+			IScriptFolder element) {
 		switch (delta.getKind()) {
 		case IModelElementDelta.ADDED:
 			// if the package fragment is in the projects being considered, this
@@ -1125,10 +1159,10 @@
 	 * the same name.
 	protected boolean packageRegionContainsSamePackageFragment(
-			ScriptFolder element) {
+			IScriptFolder element) {
 		IModelElement[] pkgs = this.packageRegion.getElements();
 		for (int i = 0; i < pkgs.length; i++) {
-			ScriptFolder pkg = (ScriptFolder) pkgs[i];
+			IScriptFolder pkg = (IScriptFolder) pkgs[i];
 			if (pkg.getElementName().equals(element.getElementName())) {
 				return true;
diff --git a/core/plugins/org.eclipse.dltk.core/model/org/eclipse/dltk/internal/core/util/HandleFactory.java b/core/plugins/org.eclipse.dltk.core/model/org/eclipse/dltk/internal/core/util/HandleFactory.java
index 7e18ecd..2f60754 100644
--- a/core/plugins/org.eclipse.dltk.core/model/org/eclipse/dltk/internal/core/util/HandleFactory.java
+++ b/core/plugins/org.eclipse.dltk.core/model/org/eclipse/dltk/internal/core/util/HandleFactory.java
@@ -35,7 +35,6 @@
 import org.eclipse.dltk.internal.core.Model;
 import org.eclipse.dltk.internal.core.ModelManager;
 import org.eclipse.dltk.internal.core.Openable;
-import org.eclipse.dltk.internal.core.ProjectFragment;
 import org.eclipse.dltk.internal.core.ScriptProject;
@@ -103,7 +102,7 @@
 			IScriptFolder pkgFragment = (IScriptFolder) this.packageHandles
 			if (pkgFragment == null) {
-				pkgFragment = ((ProjectFragment) this.lastPkgFragmentRoot)
+				pkgFragment = ((IProjectFragment) this.lastPkgFragmentRoot)
 				this.packageHandles.put(pkgName, pkgFragment);
diff --git a/core/plugins/org.eclipse.dltk.core/model/org/eclipse/dltk/internal/core/util/Util.java b/core/plugins/org.eclipse.dltk.core/model/org/eclipse/dltk/internal/core/util/Util.java
index 7915f35..2afbce5 100644
--- a/core/plugins/org.eclipse.dltk.core/model/org/eclipse/dltk/internal/core/util/Util.java
+++ b/core/plugins/org.eclipse.dltk.core/model/org/eclipse/dltk/internal/core/util/Util.java
@@ -629,19 +629,15 @@
 		case IModelElement.PROJECT_FRAGMENT:
 			return false;
 		case IModelElement.SCRIPT_FOLDER:
-			ProjectFragment root = (ProjectFragment) element
+			IProjectFragment root = (IProjectFragment) element
 			IResource resource = element.getResource();
-			return resource != null
-					&& isExcluded(resource, root.fullInclusionPatternChars(),
-							root.fullExclusionPatternChars());
+			return resource != null && isExcluded(resource, root);
 		case IModelElement.SOURCE_MODULE:
-			root = (ProjectFragment) element
+			root = (IProjectFragment) element
 			resource = element.getResource();
-			if (resource != null
-					&& isExcluded(resource, root.fullInclusionPatternChars(),
-							root.fullExclusionPatternChars()))
+			if (resource != null && isExcluded(resource, root))
 				return true;
 			return isExcluded(element.getParent());
@@ -682,6 +678,16 @@
 						|| resourceType == IResource.PROJECT);
+	public final static boolean isExcluded(IResource resource,
+			IProjectFragment fragment) {
+		IPath path = resource.getFullPath();
+		// ensure that folders are only excluded if all of their children are
+		// excluded
+		int resourceType = resource.getType();
+		return isExcluded(path, fragment, resourceType == IResource.FOLDER
+				|| resourceType == IResource.PROJECT);
+	}
 	public static boolean isValidSourceModule(IModelElement parent,
 			IResource resource) {
 		IDLTKLanguageToolkit toolkit = DLTKLanguageManager
diff --git a/core/plugins/org.eclipse.dltk.core/search/org/eclipse/dltk/internal/core/search/DLTKSearchScope.java b/core/plugins/org.eclipse.dltk.core/search/org/eclipse/dltk/internal/core/search/DLTKSearchScope.java
index fd4c467..623ce12 100644
--- a/core/plugins/org.eclipse.dltk.core/search/org/eclipse/dltk/internal/core/search/DLTKSearchScope.java
+++ b/core/plugins/org.eclipse.dltk.core/search/org/eclipse/dltk/internal/core/search/DLTKSearchScope.java
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
 import org.eclipse.dltk.core.IModelElement;
 import org.eclipse.dltk.core.IModelElementDelta;
 import org.eclipse.dltk.core.IProjectFragment;
+import org.eclipse.dltk.core.IScriptFolder;
 import org.eclipse.dltk.core.IScriptModel;
 import org.eclipse.dltk.core.IScriptProject;
 import org.eclipse.dltk.core.ModelException;
@@ -37,7 +38,6 @@
 import org.eclipse.dltk.internal.core.Model;
 import org.eclipse.dltk.internal.core.ModelElement;
 import org.eclipse.dltk.internal.core.ModelManager;
-import org.eclipse.dltk.internal.core.ScriptFolder;
 import org.eclipse.dltk.internal.core.ScriptProject;
 import org.eclipse.dltk.internal.core.util.Util;
@@ -302,7 +302,7 @@
 				if (DLTKCore.DEBUG) {
 					System.err.println("TODO: Check. Bug possible..."); //$NON-NLS-1$
-				String relativePath = ((ScriptFolder) element).getPath()
+				String relativePath = ((ModelElement) element).getPath()
 						.toString() + '/';
 				containerPath = root.getPath();
 				containerPathToString = containerPath.toString();
@@ -582,7 +582,9 @@
 				return Path.EMPTY;
 			return element.getPath();
 		case IModelElement.SCRIPT_FOLDER:
-			String relativePath = ((ScriptFolder) element).getRelativePath()
+			String relativePath = ((IScriptFolder) element).getPath()
+					.removeFirstSegments(
+							element.getParent().getPath().segmentCount())
 					.toString() + '/';
 			return getPath(element.getParent(), relativeToRoot).append(
 					new Path(relativePath));
diff --git a/core/plugins/org.eclipse.dltk.core/search/org/eclipse/dltk/internal/core/search/MethodNameMatchRequestorWrapper.java b/core/plugins/org.eclipse.dltk.core/search/org/eclipse/dltk/internal/core/search/MethodNameMatchRequestorWrapper.java
index 5e443ac..8c2c446 100644
--- a/core/plugins/org.eclipse.dltk.core/search/org/eclipse/dltk/internal/core/search/MethodNameMatchRequestorWrapper.java
+++ b/core/plugins/org.eclipse.dltk.core/search/org/eclipse/dltk/internal/core/search/MethodNameMatchRequestorWrapper.java
@@ -20,12 +20,12 @@
 import org.eclipse.dltk.core.ISourceModule;
 import org.eclipse.dltk.core.IType;
 import org.eclipse.dltk.core.ModelException;
+import org.eclipse.dltk.core.ScriptModelUtil;
 import org.eclipse.dltk.core.search.BasicSearchEngine;
 import org.eclipse.dltk.core.search.IDLTKSearchScope;
 import org.eclipse.dltk.core.search.MethodNameMatchRequestor;
 import org.eclipse.dltk.core.search.TypeNameRequestor;
 import org.eclipse.dltk.internal.core.Openable;
-import org.eclipse.dltk.internal.core.ProjectFragment;
 import org.eclipse.dltk.internal.core.util.HandleFactory;
 import org.eclipse.dltk.internal.core.util.HashtableOfArrayToObject;
@@ -146,8 +146,8 @@
 		IScriptFolder pkgFragment = (IScriptFolder) this.packageHandles
 		if (pkgFragment == null) {
-			pkgFragment = ((ProjectFragment) this.lastProjectFragment)
-					.getScriptFolder(pkgName);
+			pkgFragment = ((IProjectFragment) this.lastProjectFragment)
+					.getScriptFolder(ScriptModelUtil.toPath(pkgName));
 			this.packageHandles.put(pkgName, pkgFragment);
 		String simpleName = simpleNames[length];