1. ad3303e bump more things to 1.14.101 to hopefully fix signing/baseline issue in Jenkins by nickboldt · 6 years ago
  2. e38618f run tests via a suite so we can more easily disable the failing ones - tests/org.eclipse.datatools.enablement.oda.xml.tests by nickboldt · 6 years ago
  3. 44f3a9d fix groupId for features by nickboldt · 6 years ago
  4. c92525e refactoring: remove plugins/connectivity/org.eclipse.datatools.connectivity.nl to DEPRECATED folder; add intermediate poms so we can build smaller reactors (eg., just the plugins) by nickboldt · 6 years ago
  5. 712c2f7 move sources from test/ to src/ folder; add missing build.properties file - tests now run (but some fail) in org.eclipse.datatools/tests/org.eclipse.datatools.enablement.oda.xml.tests by nickboldt · 6 years ago
  6. e4e41db add generated poms by nickboldt · 6 years ago