1. 9620cce fix source directives for all the plugins; remove javac.source/target versions < 1.7; remove plugin.version as this is set in manifest; update copyrights by nickboldt · 7 years ago
  2. a97002e reorganize plugins into modelbase, enablement, connectivity folders by nickboldt · 7 years ago[Renamed from plugins/org.eclipse.datatools.sqltools.sql.ui/build.properties]
  3. cbd0554 NEW - bug 278533: a number of bundles missing about.html files by Brian Fitzpatrick · 15 years ago
  4. ff1fcd3 274705: Can't open SQL Editor by hcao · 15 years ago
  5. 6ea64ca 252005: UI code should be separated from editor.core plugin by hcao · 15 years ago