| <!-- |
| ****************************************************************************** |
| * Copyright (c) 2015 Oracle |
| * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials |
| * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 |
| * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at |
| * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html |
| * |
| * Contributors: |
| * Konstantin Komissarchik - initial implementation and ongoing maintenance |
| ****************************************************************************** |
| --> |
| |
| <project name="sapphire-releng-antlib"> |
| |
| <target name="init-library" unless="init.library.completed"> |
| |
| <property environment="env"/> |
| |
| <dirname property=".base.dir" file="${ant.file.sapphire-releng-antlib}"/> |
| |
| <taskdef resource="net/sf/antcontrib/antlib.xml"> |
| <classpath> |
| <pathelement location="${.base.dir}/../ant-contrib/ant-contrib-1.0b3.jar"/> |
| </classpath> |
| </taskdef> |
| |
| <property name=".src.dir" value="${.base.dir}/src"/> |
| <property name=".classes.dir" value="${.base.dir}/bin"/> |
| <property name=".antlib.jar" value="${.base.dir}/sapphire-releng-antlib.jar"/> |
| |
| <if> |
| <uptodate targetfile="${.antlib.jar}"> |
| <srcfiles dir="${.src.dir}" includes="**/*"/> |
| </uptodate> |
| <then> |
| <echo message="Found an up-to-date version of Sapphire releng Ant library. Skipping build..."/> |
| </then> |
| <else> |
| <echo message="Building Sapphire releng Ant library..."/> |
| <delete dir="${.classes.dir}" quiet="true"/> |
| <mkdir dir="${.classes.dir}"/> |
| <javac debug="true" destdir="${.classes.dir}" source="1.8" target="1.8"> |
| <src path="${.src.dir}"/> |
| </javac> |
| <jar destfile="${.antlib.jar}"> |
| <fileset dir="${.classes.dir}"/> |
| <fileset dir="${.src.dir}" excludes="**/*.java"/> |
| </jar> |
| </else> |
| </if> |
| |
| <taskdef resource="org/eclipse/sapphire/releng/ant/library.xml"> |
| <classpath> |
| <pathelement location="${.antlib.jar}"/> |
| </classpath> |
| </taskdef> |
| |
| <var name="DSTAMP" unset="true"/> |
| |
| <tstamp> |
| <format property="DSTAMP" pattern="yyyyMMddHHmm"/> |
| </tstamp> |
| |
| <if> |
| <os family="windows"/> |
| <then> |
| <if> |
| <os arch="x86"/> |
| <then> |
| <property name="current.platform" value="win32"/> |
| <property name="current.platform.x64" value="false"/> |
| </then> |
| <else> |
| <property name="current.platform" value="win32-x86_64"/> |
| <property name="current.platform.x64" value="true"/> |
| </else> |
| </if> |
| </then> |
| <elseif> |
| <os family="mac"/> |
| <then> |
| <property name="current.platform" value="macosx-cocoa-x86_64"/> |
| </then> |
| </elseif> |
| <elseif> |
| <os family="unix"/> |
| <then> |
| <if> |
| <equals arg1="${os.arch}" arg2="i386"/> |
| <then> |
| <property name="current.platform" value="linux-gtk"/> |
| </then> |
| <else> |
| <property name="current.platform" value="linux-gtk-x86_64"/> |
| </else> |
| </if> |
| </then> |
| </elseif> |
| <else> |
| <fail message="Unable to identify the operating system."/> |
| </else> |
| </if> |
| |
| <property name="init.library.completed" value="true"/> |
| |
| <var name=".base.dir" unset="true"/> |
| <var name=".src.dir" unset="true"/> |
| <var name=".classes.dir" unset="true"/> |
| <var name=".antlib.jar" unset="true"/> |
| |
| </target> |
| |
| |
| <target name="init-jdk" depends="init-library"> |
| <init-jdk version="5"/> |
| <init-jdk version="6"/> |
| <init-jdk version="7"/> |
| <init-jdk version="8"/> |
| </target> |
| |
| |
| <macrodef name="init-jdk"> |
| <attribute name="version"/> |
| <sequential> |
| |
| <if> |
| <not><isset property="env.JDK_@{version}_HOME"/></not> |
| <then> |
| <fail message="Could not locate JDK @{version}. Environment variable JDK_@{version}_HOME not set."/> |
| </then> |
| </if> |
| |
| <var name=".location" unset="true"/> |
| <var name=".prefix" unset="true"/> |
| <var name=".compiler.path" unset="true"/> |
| <var name=".system.classpath" unset="true"/> |
| |
| <propertycopy property=".location" from="env.JDK_@{version}_HOME"/> |
| <property name=".prefix" value="java.@{version}"/> |
| |
| <if> |
| <os family="windows"/> |
| <then> |
| <property name=".compiler.path" value="${.location}/bin/javac.exe"/> |
| </then> |
| <else> |
| <property name=".compiler.path" value="${.location}/bin/javac"/> |
| </else> |
| </if> |
| |
| <pathconvert property=".system.classpath"> |
| <fileset dir="${.location}"> |
| <include name="lib/*.jar"/> |
| <include name="jre/lib/*.jar"/> |
| </fileset> |
| </pathconvert> |
| |
| <property name="${.prefix}.compiler.path" value="${.compiler.path}"/> |
| <property name="${.prefix}.system.classpath" value="${.system.classpath}"/> |
| |
| <echo message="Java @{version} Compiler Path : ${.compiler.path}"/> |
| <echo message="Java @{version} System Classpath : ${.system.classpath}"/> |
| |
| <var name=".location" unset="true"/> |
| <var name=".prefix" unset="true"/> |
| <var name=".compiler.path" unset="true"/> |
| <var name=".system.classpath" unset="true"/> |
| |
| </sequential> |
| </macrodef> |
| |
| |
| <macrodef name="append"> |
| <attribute name="property"/> |
| <attribute name="value"/> |
| <attribute name="separator" default=","/> |
| <sequential> |
| <if> |
| <isset property="@{property}"/> |
| <then> |
| <propertycopy property=".value" from="@{property}" override="true"/> |
| <var name="@{property}" value="${.value}@{separator}@{value}"/> |
| <var name=".value" unset="true"/> |
| </then> |
| <else> |
| <var name="@{property}" value="@{value}"/> |
| </else> |
| </if> |
| </sequential> |
| </macrodef> |
| |
| |
| <macrodef name="prepend"> |
| <attribute name="property"/> |
| <attribute name="value"/> |
| <attribute name="separator" default=","/> |
| <sequential> |
| <if> |
| <isset property="@{property}"/> |
| <then> |
| <propertycopy property=".value" from="@{property}" override="true"/> |
| <var name="@{property}" value="@{value}@{separator}${.value}"/> |
| <var name=".value" unset="true"/> |
| </then> |
| <else> |
| <var name="@{property}" value="@{value}"/> |
| </else> |
| </if> |
| </sequential> |
| </macrodef> |
| |
| |
| <macrodef name="property-from-set"> |
| <attribute name="property"/> |
| <element name="set" implicit="true"/> |
| <sequential> |
| <pathconvert property="@{property}"> |
| <first count="1"> |
| <sort> |
| <set/> |
| <reverse xmlns="antlib:org.apache.tools.ant.types.resources.comparators"> |
| <name/> |
| </reverse> |
| </sort> |
| </first> |
| </pathconvert> |
| </sequential> |
| </macrodef> |
| |
| |
| <macrodef name="expand-all"> |
| <attribute name="source.dir"/> |
| <attribute name="dest.dir" default="@{source.dir}"/> |
| <attribute name="suffix" default="jar"/> |
| <attribute name="includes" default="*.@{suffix}"/> |
| <attribute name="excludes" default=""/> |
| <element name="do" implicit="true" optional="true"/> |
| <sequential> |
| <for param="archive.file"> |
| <path> |
| <fileset dir="@{source.dir}" includes="@{includes}" excludes="@{excludes}"/> |
| </path> |
| <sequential> |
| <basename property="base.name" file="@{archive.file}" suffix="@{suffix}"/> |
| <unzip src="@{archive.file}" dest="@{dest.dir}/${base.name}" overwrite="true"/> |
| <do/> |
| <var name="base.name" unset="true"/> |
| </sequential> |
| </for> |
| </sequential> |
| </macrodef> |
| |
| |
| <macrodef name="zip-dirs"> |
| <attribute name="source.dir"/> |
| <attribute name="dest.dir" default="@{source.dir}"/> |
| <attribute name="suffix" default="zip"/> |
| <attribute name="includes" default="*"/> |
| <attribute name="excludes" default=""/> |
| <element name="do" optional="true" implicit="true"/> |
| <sequential> |
| <if> |
| <available file="@{source.dir}"/> |
| <then> |
| <for param="dir"> |
| <path> |
| <dirset dir="@{source.dir}" includes="@{includes}" excludes="@{excludes}"/> |
| </path> |
| <sequential> |
| <basename property="dir.name" file="@{dir}"/> |
| <property name="zip.file" value="@{dest.dir}/${dir.name}.@{suffix}"/> |
| <zip destfile="${zip.file}"> |
| <fileset dir="@{dir}"/> |
| </zip> |
| <delete dir="@{dir}"/> |
| <do/> |
| <var name="zip.file" unset="true"/> |
| <var name="dir.name" unset="true"/> |
| </sequential> |
| </for> |
| </then> |
| </if> |
| </sequential> |
| </macrodef> |
| |
| |
| <macrodef name="eclipse"> |
| <attribute name="location"/> |
| <attribute name="application"/> |
| <attribute name="failonerror" default="true"/> |
| <attribute name="resultproperty" default=""/> |
| <element name="args" optional="true" implicit="true"/> |
| <sequential> |
| <java classname="org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main" fork="true" failonerror="@{failonerror}" resultproperty="@{resultproperty}"> |
| <classpath> |
| <fileset dir="@{location}/plugins"> |
| <include name="**/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_*.jar"/> |
| </fileset> |
| </classpath> |
| <jvmarg value="-Xmx1024m"/> |
| <arg line="-application @{application}"/> |
| <args/> |
| </java> |
| </sequential> |
| </macrodef> |
| |
| |
| <macrodef name="p2.publish.FeaturesAndBundles"> |
| <attribute name="location"/> |
| <attribute name="name" default="repository"/> |
| <sequential> |
| <eclipse location="${bootstrap.platform}" application="org.eclipse.equinox.p2.publisher.FeaturesAndBundlesPublisher"> |
| <arg line="-metadataRepository file:@{location}"/> |
| <arg line="-artifactRepository file:@{location}"/> |
| <arg line="-metadataRepositoryName "@{name}""/> |
| <arg line="-artifactRepositoryName "@{name}""/> |
| <arg line="-source @{location}"/> |
| <arg line="-compress"/> |
| <arg line="-publishArtifacts"/> |
| <arg line="-reusePack200Files"/> |
| </eclipse> |
| </sequential> |
| </macrodef> |
| |
| |
| <macrodef name="p2.publish.UpdateSite"> |
| <attribute name="location"/> |
| <attribute name="name" default="repository"/> |
| <sequential> |
| <eclipse location="${bootstrap.platform}" application="org.eclipse.equinox.p2.publisher.UpdateSitePublisher"> |
| <arg line="-metadataRepository file:@{location}"/> |
| <arg line="-artifactRepository file:@{location}"/> |
| <arg line="-metadataRepositoryName "@{name}""/> |
| <arg line="-artifactRepositoryName "@{name}""/> |
| <arg line="-source @{location}"/> |
| <arg line="-compress"/> |
| <arg line="-publishArtifacts"/> |
| <arg line="-reusePack200Files"/> |
| </eclipse> |
| </sequential> |
| </macrodef> |
| |
| |
| <macrodef name="pde-build"> |
| <attribute name="root.dir"/> |
| <attribute name="build.id"/> |
| <attribute name="eclipse"/> |
| <attribute name="feature"/> |
| <attribute name="warnings" default="false"/> |
| <element name="java-args" optional="true" implicit="true"/> |
| <sequential> |
| |
| <clean-pde-build root.dir="@{root.dir}"/> |
| |
| <property-from-set property=".pdeBuildDir"> |
| <dirset dir="@{eclipse}/plugins" includes="org.eclipse.pde.build_*"/> |
| </property-from-set> |
| |
| <delete dir="@{root.dir}/build/pde" quiet="true"/> |
| <delete dir="@{root.dir}/build/compilelogs" quiet="true"/> |
| |
| <mkdir dir="@{root.dir}/build/pde"/> |
| |
| <copy |
| file="${.pdeBuildDir}/templates/headless-build/build.properties" |
| todir="@{root.dir}/build/pde/builder" |
| overwrite="true"/> |
| |
| <copy |
| file="${.pdeBuildDir}/templates/headless-build/customTargets.xml" |
| todir="@{root.dir}/build/pde/builder" |
| overwrite="true"/> |
| |
| <if> |
| <and> |
| <istrue value="@{warnings}"/> |
| <istrue value="${warnings}"/> |
| </and> |
| <then> |
| <property name="pde.build.compiler.arg" value=""/> |
| </then> |
| <else> |
| <property name="pde.build.compiler.arg" value="-nowarn"/> |
| </else> |
| </if> |
| |
| <eclipse location="@{eclipse}" application="org.eclipse.ant.core.antRunner"> |
| <arg line="-clean"/> |
| <arg line="-data @{root.dir}/build/pde/workspace"/> |
| <arg line="-configuration @{root.dir}/build/pde/configuration"/> |
| <arg line="-buildfile ${.pdeBuildDir}/scripts/build.xml"/> |
| <arg value="-DtopLevelElementId=@{feature}"/> |
| <arg value="-DarchivePrefix=eclipse"/> |
| <arg value="-DbaseLocation=@{eclipse}"/> |
| <arg value="-DbuildDirectory=@{root.dir}"/> |
| <arg value="-Dbuilder=@{root.dir}/build/pde/builder"/> |
| <arg value="-DcollectingFolder=collecting"/> |
| <arg value="-DbuildId=@{build.id}"/> |
| <arg value="-DbuildType=I"/> |
| <arg value="-DbuildLabel=build"/> |
| <arg value="-DforceContextQualifier=@{build.id}"/> |
| <arg value="-DgenerateFeatureVersionSuffix=false"/> |
| <arg value="-DindividualSourceBundles=true"/> |
| <arg value="-DallowBinaryCycles=true" /> |
| <arg value="-DcompilerArg=${pde.build.compiler.arg}"/> |
| <arg value="-DJ2SE-1.5=${java.5.system.classpath}"/> |
| <arg value="-DJavaSE-1.6=${java.6.system.classpath}"/> |
| <arg value="-DJavaSE-1.7=${java.7.system.classpath}"/> |
| <arg value="-DJavaSE-1.8=${java.8.system.classpath}"/> |
| <arg value="-DjavacFailOnError=true"/> |
| <arg value="-DjavacVerbose=${javacVerbose}"/> |
| <arg value="-DjavacDebugInfo=true"/> |
| <java-args/> |
| </eclipse> |
| |
| <var name="pde.build.compiler.arg" unset="true"/> |
| <var name=".pdeBuildDir" unset="true"/> |
| |
| <delete dir="@{root.dir}/build/pde" quiet="true"/> |
| <delete dir="@{root.dir}/build/compilelogs" quiet="true"/> |
| |
| <clean-pde-build root.dir="@{root.dir}"/> |
| |
| </sequential> |
| </macrodef> |
| |
| |
| <macrodef name="clean-pde-build"> |
| <attribute name="root.dir"/> |
| <sequential> |
| <delete includeEmptyDirs="true" quiet="false" failOnError="false"> |
| <fileset dir="@{root.dir}"> |
| <include name="final*.*"/> |
| <include name="package*.*"/> |
| <include name="assemble*.*"/> |
| </fileset> |
| <fileset dir="@{root.dir}/plugins"> |
| <include name="**/javaCompiler.*.args"/> |
| <include name="*/build.xml"/> |
| <include name="*/@dot/**"/> |
| <include name="*/temp.folder/**"/> |
| <include name="*.source/**"/> |
| <include name="*/src.zip"/> |
| <include name="*/build/**"/> |
| <include name="*/bin/**"/> |
| <include name="*/@dot.log"/> |
| <include name="*/.apt_generated/**"/> |
| <include name="*/.resources/**"/> |
| <include name="org.eclipse.*.source_*/**"/> |
| <exclude name="**/.do-not-delete"/> |
| </fileset> |
| <fileset dir="@{root.dir}/features"> |
| <include name="*/*.log.zip"/> |
| <include name="*/build.xml"/> |
| <include name="*/feature.temp.folder/**"/> |
| </fileset> |
| </delete> |
| </sequential> |
| </macrodef> |
| |
| |
| </project> |