blob: fdf29c6e1537370bdf63fd7d439e0a6aa7ffb32c [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2004, 2006 Actuate Corporation.
# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
# are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
# Contributors:
# Actuate Corporation - initial API and implementation
helper_cannotGetNamedResultsAfterExecuteQuery=Cannot get result sets by name after executeQuery() has been called.
helper_cannotSetParamBeforePrepare=Cannot set input parameters before statement has been prepared.
helper_cannotGetParamBeforeExecute=Cannot get output parameters before statement executes.
helper_cannotGetParamMdBeforePrepare=Cannot get parameter metadata before statement has been prepared.
helper_cannotSetSortSpecBeforePrepare=Cannot set the sort specification before the statement has been prepared.
helper_maxConcurrentConnectionsReached=Maximum active concurrent connections reached.
helper_connectionFailed=Unable to open connection.
helper_cannotConstructConnectionFactory=Unable to create the ODA driver's connection factory.
helper_inadequatePermissionsForCompatibility=Cannot provide backwards compatibility due to inadequate permissions.
helper_connectionIsInactive=The established connection to the data source is not active.
helper_maxConcurrentStatementsReached=Maximum active concurrent statements reached for this connection.
helper_prepareFailed=Prepare failed.
helper_cannotGetResultSetMdBeforePrepare=Cannot get result set metadata before statement has been prepared.
helper_cannotExecuteBeforePrepare=Cannot execute the statement before statement has been prepared.
helper_missingDriverInfo=Missing ODA data source id or extension manifest.