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<meta name="abstract" content="Successful delivery of dynamic context-sensitive help requires a close coordination of UI components and UA components. It imposes responsibilities on both Development teams and Documentation teams, and it requires ongoing collaboration among those teams."/>
<meta name="description" content="Successful delivery of dynamic context-sensitive help requires a close coordination of UI components and UA components. It imposes responsibilities on both Development teams and Documentation teams, and it requires ongoing collaboration among those teams."/>
<meta name="DC.Relation" scheme="URI" content="../../../../../projects/dtp/dtp/en/source/c_development_team_responsibilities.html"/>
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<h1 class="topictitle1">Team Responsibilities and Collaboration</h1>
<div><p>Successful delivery of dynamic context-sensitive help requires a close
coordination of UI components and UA components. It imposes responsibilities on
both Development teams and Documentation teams, and it requires ongoing
collaboration among those teams.
<p>Development teams must provide lists of helpKey constants to Documentation
teams, and they must provide information about the UI control associated with
each helpKey constant. Development teams must also provide timely updates to
Documentation teams when any change occurs in the helpKey constants.
<p>Documentation teams must rely on the information provided by Development teams
to locate the UI controls, analyze the help contexts, and create appropriate UA
content in various formats.
<p>Since a context-sensitive help plug-in can contribute helpKey properties files
and context XML files that support several UI plug-ins, Documentation teams must
carefully evaluate the “component level” with which online documentation
plug-ins and their corresponding context-sensitive help plug-ins are associated.
<p>Both Development teams and Documentation teams must rely on the project’s
architectural specifications to determine the appropriate capabilities and
features with which to coordinate UI and UA components.
<p>And finally, both Development teams and Documentation teams must test the
context-sensitive help UI implementation and the context-sensitive help
UA plug-ins.
<ul class="ullinks">
<li class="ulchildlink"><strong><a href="../../../../../projects/dtp/dtp/en/source/c_development_team_responsibilities.html">Development Team Responsibilities</a></strong><br/>
Development teams should provide lists of the helpKey constants in the form of Java source files for the helpKey constants interface classes.</li>
<li class="ulchildlink"><strong><a href="../../../../../projects/dtp/dtp/en/source/c_documentation_team_responsibilities.html">Documentation Team Responsibilities</a></strong><br/>
A documentation team has several responsibilities when delivering context-sensitive help content.</li>