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| <meta name="DC.Title" content="Overview of DTP Help-Helper Plug-in"/> |
| <meta name="abstract" content="The Data Tools Platform (DTP) help-helper plug-in is provided in the Eclipse DTP project, since version 1.5 (released June 29, 2007)."/> |
| <meta name="description" content="The Data Tools Platform (DTP) help-helper plug-in is provided in the Eclipse DTP project, since version 1.5 (released June 29, 2007)."/> |
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| <h1 class="topictitle1">Overview of DTP Help-Helper Plug-in</h1> |
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| <div><p>The Data Tools Platform (DTP) help-helper plug-in is provided in the Eclipse DTP project, since version 1.5 |
| (released June 29, 2007).</p> |
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| <div class="p">The DTP help-helper plug-in (org.eclipse.datatools.help) contributes two key |
| enablers for dynamic context-sensitive help: |
| <br/><a name="concept_5DC5CB74635F4CE2B48E456CBBCC5D3C__ul_4B05AE04E5A4412082CB287A3700E49D"><!-- --></a><ul id="concept_5DC5CB74635F4CE2B48E456CBBCC5D3C__ul_4B05AE04E5A4412082CB287A3700E49D"> |
| <li id="concept_5DC5CB74635F4CE2B48E456CBBCC5D3C__li_2D72D902D2714A97924ABC945B116697"><a name="concept_5DC5CB74635F4CE2B48E456CBBCC5D3C__li_2D72D902D2714A97924ABC945B116697"><!-- --></a>A ContextProviderDelegate implementation, whose methods allow the abstraction |
| of help context IDs and context-specific help search expressions from the user |
| interface (UI) code</li> |
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| <li id="concept_5DC5CB74635F4CE2B48E456CBBCC5D3C__li_A3109F571A6C41C59D8D0FE5983B9C5E"><a name="concept_5DC5CB74635F4CE2B48E456CBBCC5D3C__li_A3109F571A6C41C59D8D0FE5983B9C5E"><!-- --></a>An extension point (org.eclipse.datatools.help.helpKeyProperties), which |
| allows other plug-ins to contribute ResourceBundle properties files that define |
| the mapping of abstract helpKey constants (used in the UI code) to externalized |
| help context ID strings and context-specific help search expressions</li> |
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| </ul> |
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| <div><div class="relconcepts"><strong>Related concepts</strong><br/> |
| <div><a href="../../../../../projects/dtp/dtp/en/source/c_introduction_to_csh.html" title="Context-sensitive help is focused user assistance content, specific to the current application context (that is, the help context), and presented on demand when a platform-specific trigger is activated (for example, F1 on Windows).">Introduction to Context-Sensitive Help</a></div> |
| <div><a href="../../../../../projects/dtp/dtp/en/source/c_dtp_help_helper.html" title="The DTP help-helper plug-in (org.eclipse.datatools.help) provides a “help key” extension point (org.eclipse.datatools.help.helpKeyProperties), and supplies a context provider delegate implementation (org.eclipse.datatools.help.ContextProviderDelegate).">DTP Help-Helper</a></div> |
| <div><a href="../../../../../projects/dtp/dtp/en/source/c_csh_ui_implementation.html" title="Java code examples of dynamic help context implementation in a view and a dialog, with context abstraction, are from the Eclipse Data Tools Platform (DTP) 1.6 source code.">Context-Sensitive Help UI Implementation</a></div> |
| <div><a href="../../../../../projects/dtp/dtp/en/source/c_helpkey_properties_files.html" title="A helpKey properties file defines the mapping of helpKey constants (property keys), either to actual help context IDs, or to context-specific help search expressions.">helpKey Properties Files</a></div> |
| <div><a href="../../../../../projects/dtp/dtp/en/source/c_csh_ua_plugins.html" title="Context-sensitive help UA plug-ins handle the mapping of help contexts to context-specific help content and related online documentation topics.">Context-Sensitive Help UA Plug-ins</a></div> |
| <div><a href="../../../../../projects/dtp/dtp/en/source/c_team_responsibilities_and_collaboration.html" title="Successful delivery of dynamic context-sensitive help requires a close coordination of UI components and UA components. It imposes responsibilities on both Development teams and Documentation teams, and it requires ongoing collaboration among those teams.">Team Responsibilities and Collaboration</a></div> |
| <div><a href="../../../../../projects/dtp/dtp/en/source/c_documentation_team_workflow.html" title="Documentation teams should refer to the product’s architectural specifications to define an appropriate architecture (that is, granularity, content partitioning, plug-in naming, and so on) for online documentation plug-ins. With that information, Documentation teams can begin the process to create context-sensitive help plug-ins.">Documentation Team Workflow</a></div> |
| <div><a href="../../../../../projects/dtp/dtp/en/source/c_test_dynamic_context-sensitive_help.html" title="Dynamic context-sensitive help in Eclipse involves complex interactions between several components, so testing it requires a properly configured runtime platform, with both user interface (UI) components and user assistance (UA) components installed.">Test Dynamic Context-Sensitive Help</a></div> |
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