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<meta name="DC.Title" content="helpKey Properties File Names"/>
<meta name="abstract" content="Names of helpKey properties files are arbitrary (as long as they end with .properties). However, a context-sensitive help plug-in could contribute pairs of helpKey properties files for several UI plug-ins, and the files would need to have unique names, if they were located in the same directory."/>
<meta name="description" content="Names of helpKey properties files are arbitrary (as long as they end with .properties). However, a context-sensitive help plug-in could contribute pairs of helpKey properties files for several UI plug-ins, and the files would need to have unique names, if they were located in the same directory."/>
<meta name="DC.Relation" scheme="URI" content="../../../../../projects/dtp/dtp/en/source/c_helpkey_properties_files.html"/>
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<title>helpKey Properties File Names</title>
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<body id="concept_A4299568D6904478B1A1853173097B75"><a name="concept_A4299568D6904478B1A1853173097B75"><!-- --></a>
<h1 class="topictitle1">helpKey Properties File Names</h1>
<div><p>Names of helpKey properties files are arbitrary (as long as they end with
.properties). However, a context-sensitive help plug-in could contribute pairs
of helpKey properties files for several UI plug-ins, and the files would need to
have unique names, if they were located in the same directory.
<div class="p">As a convention, helpKey properties file names should correspond with the UI
plug-in that they serve. For example:
<br/><a name="concept_A4299568D6904478B1A1853173097B75__ul_2F353D8DCC7D4289B67306A55342BABA"><!-- --></a><ul id="concept_A4299568D6904478B1A1853173097B75__ul_2F353D8DCC7D4289B67306A55342BABA">
<li id="concept_A4299568D6904478B1A1853173097B75__li_BFD679F518D7470E87730FABD98ED4E2"><a name="concept_A4299568D6904478B1A1853173097B75__li_BFD679F518D7470E87730FABD98ED4E2"><!-- --></a></li>
<li id="concept_A4299568D6904478B1A1853173097B75__li_3D87AE642D8D41FCBC2DCFA718D1A55A"><a name="concept_A4299568D6904478B1A1853173097B75__li_3D87AE642D8D41FCBC2DCFA718D1A55A"><!-- --></a></li>
<p>To allow arbitrary names for helpKey properties files, and to abstract the names
of helpKey properties files from UI components, the DTP help-helper provides an
extension point ( That extension
point allows any plug-in to declare helpKey properties file contributions for a
UI plug-in.
<div class="familylinks">
<div class="parentlink"><strong>Parent topic:</strong> <a href="../../../../../projects/dtp/dtp/en/source/c_helpkey_properties_files.html" title="A helpKey properties file defines the mapping of helpKey constants (property keys), either to actual help context IDs, or to context-specific help search expressions.">helpKey Properties Files</a></div>