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| <h1 class="topictitle1">Dynamic Context-Sensitive Help</h1> |
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| <div><p>Since 3.1, Eclipse supports dynamic context-sensitive help.</p> |
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| <div class="p"> The two pieces of dynamic context-sensitive help include: |
| <br/><a name="concept_2C86D6580AB44FD38EE0F314ABCE6DEE__ul_8AD3545178F3419F8DCEC3CB2BB8E177"><!-- --></a><ul id="concept_2C86D6580AB44FD38EE0F314ABCE6DEE__ul_8AD3545178F3419F8DCEC3CB2BB8E177"> |
| <li id="concept_2C86D6580AB44FD38EE0F314ABCE6DEE__li_D396E801FC374F57AB43C1DD1D1502B0"><a name="concept_2C86D6580AB44FD38EE0F314ABCE6DEE__li_D396E801FC374F57AB43C1DD1D1502B0"><!-- --></a>An interface class (org.eclipse.help.IContextProvider), and</li> |
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| <li id="concept_2C86D6580AB44FD38EE0F314ABCE6DEE__li_3214765302EC4451A8DEE253D0626A3B"><a name="concept_2C86D6580AB44FD38EE0F314ABCE6DEE__li_3214765302EC4451A8DEE253D0626A3B"><!-- --></a>The Help view (a workbench part)</li> |
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| </ul> |
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| </div> |
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| <div class="p">To provide dynamic context-sensitive help, a UI component must define the |
| associations between its UI controls and help contexts dynamically, by |
| implementing methods of IContextProvider: |
| <br/><a name="concept_2C86D6580AB44FD38EE0F314ABCE6DEE__ul_D0772BF18D3045FD92AE02AEB7598E82"><!-- --></a><ul id="concept_2C86D6580AB44FD38EE0F314ABCE6DEE__ul_D0772BF18D3045FD92AE02AEB7598E82"> |
| <li id="concept_2C86D6580AB44FD38EE0F314ABCE6DEE__li_B3398BEEE76F40FC802AF7C1F194C110"><a name="concept_2C86D6580AB44FD38EE0F314ABCE6DEE__li_B3398BEEE76F40FC802AF7C1F194C110"><!-- --></a>getContext(Object target) — returns a help context (ID) for the given target</li> |
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| <li id="concept_2C86D6580AB44FD38EE0F314ABCE6DEE__li_594BDD3B6EA34AFD9BC5D20996F78425"><a name="concept_2C86D6580AB44FD38EE0F314ABCE6DEE__li_594BDD3B6EA34AFD9BC5D20996F78425"><!-- --></a>getContextChangeMask() — returns the mask created by combining supported |
| change triggers, using the bitwise OR operation</li> |
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| <li id="concept_2C86D6580AB44FD38EE0F314ABCE6DEE__li_517EA1FCD50241FF850A05BAA922F76F"><a name="concept_2C86D6580AB44FD38EE0F314ABCE6DEE__li_517EA1FCD50241FF850A05BAA922F76F"><!-- --></a>getSearchExpression(Object target) — returns a search expression that the help |
| system should use to find more help content related to the current target</li> |
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| </ul> |
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| </div> |
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| <p>The Help view tracks the activation of workbench parts (views and editors), and |
| it checks to see if they adapt to the IContextProvider interface. If they do, |
| the Help view uses the IContextProvider methods (implemented in the UI |
| component) to locate a corresponding IContext object. |
| </p> |
| |
| <p>The IContextProvider.getContextChangeMask method provides a mask that the Help |
| view uses to determine when a context change occurs dynamically (for example, as a |
| result of a user gesture to change the UI focus). |
| </p> |
| |
| <div class="p">When the Help view detects a context change, it updates its context-sensitive |
| help presentation to display: |
| <br/><a name="concept_2C86D6580AB44FD38EE0F314ABCE6DEE__ul_1E715FA0980448D8B32ED4A13894BE5B"><!-- --></a><ul id="concept_2C86D6580AB44FD38EE0F314ABCE6DEE__ul_1E715FA0980448D8B32ED4A13894BE5B"> |
| <li id="concept_2C86D6580AB44FD38EE0F314ABCE6DEE__li_8B94327EA3AF4FDA865D9E1754A721DE"><a name="concept_2C86D6580AB44FD38EE0F314ABCE6DEE__li_8B94327EA3AF4FDA865D9E1754A721DE"><!-- --></a>The content of the IContext object that is associated with the current context |
| (that is, the name and description of the UI control, and a list of related help |
| topics)</li> |
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| <li id="concept_2C86D6580AB44FD38EE0F314ABCE6DEE__li_06847842575447B0A12C196B0DD7AF08"><a name="concept_2C86D6580AB44FD38EE0F314ABCE6DEE__li_06847842575447B0A12C196B0DD7AF08"><!-- --></a>Dynamic Help search results — a list of help topics found using the search |
| expression that was returned by the IContextProvider.getSearchExpression method</li> |
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| </ul> |
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| </div> |
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| <p>The content of an IContext object (and its association with a particular help |
| context ID) is defined by a context XML file, which is usually contributed by a |
| UA component. |
| </p> |
| |
| <p>To register IContext content contributions with the help system, a UA plug-in |
| must declare an extension of org.eclipse.help.contexts, identifying both the |
| context XML file and the UI plug-in for which the IContext content is |
| contributed. |
| </p> |
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| </div> |
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| <div class="familylinks"> |
| <div class="parentlink"><strong>Parent topic:</strong> <a href="../../../../../projects/dtp/dtp/en/source/c_introduction_to_csh.html" title="Context-sensitive help is focused user assistance content, specific to the current application context (that is, the help context), and presented on demand when a platform-specific trigger is activated (for example, F1 on Windows).">Introduction to Context-Sensitive Help</a></div> |
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