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<h1 class="topictitle1">Dialog Implementation Example</h1>
<div><p>Dialogs must set the help context in the createDialogArea method (to provide
context-sensitive help for the dialog itself).
<p>EditDriverDialog (in org.eclipse.datatools.connectivity.internal.ui.dialogs)
implements the createDialogArea method like this:
<pre class="codeblock">
protected Control createDialogArea(Composite parent) {
getShell().setData( HelpUtil.CONTEXT_PROVIDER_KEY, this);
HelpUtil.setHelp( getShell(),
<div class="p">This is similar to the technique in the DataSourceExplorerView, except that
EditDriverDialog uses methods of the class
to associate an instance of the context provider delegate with the dialog.
<br/><a name="concept_2C1E8DCD77A840428662961C62549C81__ul_CF5B754DD3CC4565BE929E9423E0E37B"><!-- --></a><ul id="concept_2C1E8DCD77A840428662961C62549C81__ul_CF5B754DD3CC4565BE929E9423E0E37B">
<li id="concept_2C1E8DCD77A840428662961C62549C81__li_06AD0F61732F4389BF63D4214AD3E6AC"><a name="concept_2C1E8DCD77A840428662961C62549C81__li_06AD0F61732F4389BF63D4214AD3E6AC"><!-- --></a>The first call, <samp class="codeph">getShell().setData()</samp>
tells the help system that the dialog
will use the help-helper’s delegated setHelp method to provide help contexts.</li>
<li id="concept_2C1E8DCD77A840428662961C62549C81__li_689653B16EB8495F9990104BAE8F4AFE"><a name="concept_2C1E8DCD77A840428662961C62549C81__li_689653B16EB8495F9990104BAE8F4AFE"><!-- --></a>The second call, <samp class="codeph">HelpUtil.setHelp()</samp> is a method that wraps the
IWorkbench.setHelp call in a unique listener, so that the help system can find
the correct help context for this control (in this case, the shell for the
<p>To provide more granular help, at a lower level in the dialog, the dialog could
call setHelp, with a unique help context for each control in the dialog.
<p>The string passed to the setHelp method is actually an
abstract helpKey constant, whose property key is mapped to a concrete help
context ID string by the ContextProviderDelegate.
<p>All helpKey constant strings must be declared in an interface class.
<div class="familylinks">
<div class="parentlink"><strong>Parent topic:</strong> <a href="../../../../../projects/dtp/dtp/en/source/c_csh_ui_implementation.html" title="Java code examples of dynamic help context implementation in a view and a dialog, with context abstraction, are from the Eclipse Data Tools Platform (DTP) 1.6 source code.">Context-Sensitive Help UI Implementation</a></div>